Lu Ming

Page 95

The visiting team didn't give any stupid instructions except for walking around the factory building.After all, everyone doesn't know much about this aspect. Most people feel dizzy when they see those dense stainless steel pipes.

In addition to various public absorption towers, comprehensive towers, distillation towers, heat exchangers, converters, fluidized fluidized furnaces, waste heat furnaces, etc., special equipment for sulfuric acid production such as sulfur incinerators are also equipped in the factory area.In addition, supporting facilities including reservoirs and workers' dormitories have been built nearby.

After passing through the long No. [-] workshop, the large troops came to No. [-] workshop after entering an airtight door.

Workshop No. [-] is a precision workshop with an area only half of that of Workshop No. [-].The responsibility here is to convert the basic raw materials produced by the former into products.

For example: when the No. [-] workshop produces three acids and two bases, and then uses raw materials such as gas and tar to extract benzene, the No. [-] workshop will use nitric acid and benzene to produce aniline, and then use aniline to produce a big killer Sulfonamide.

So to some extent, No. [-] workshop is not only a chemical workshop, but also a pharmaceutical factory, and also a dye factory—aniline is the core component of many chemical dyes.Under such circumstances, the precision and cleanliness of the instruments in Workshop No. [-] have been improved accordingly.

And when the group of people walked into the second workshop with eye-catching yellow paint lines and plastic floors, a familiar atmosphere rushed over.

"Hey? Isn't this Teacher Bai's drug factory?"

"Yes, yes, it's so familiar. Look at this big soup pot. Teacher Bai always jumps in to wash the pot."

"Look here and here, the set on the table can make coffee, the vacuum one, it's delicious!"


The second workshop, which is very similar to the underground factory in "Breaking Bad", immediately brought back the distant memories of the time travelers.

Hong Xu, who had been working diligently in front of the tour guide, was dumbfounded at this moment: everyone, including Cao Chuan, had dispersed automatically, and everyone began to comment on the equipment he was familiar with.

First, someone exaggeratedly knocked on the huge stainless steel high-pressure reactor, and then imitated the tone in the film and said: "Have you heard that, the sound is the quality, and the cooking chemicals are first-class! It is probably made by Germans."

A group of people nodded in agreement.

However, the face of someone standing next to him is not very good-looking at the moment.Hearing that the layman was full of hustle and bustle, Hong Xu, who had always been full of a sense of sacredness about his work and equipment, was already imagining throwing this stuff into the kettle first, and then starting the stirrer at the bottom of the kettle to stir the meat into meat. Sauce, and then use a pressure of up to several hundred kPa to cook the bitch's bone...

Before he could break free from his fantasy, something even more disgusting happened.

A group of guys around the laboratory table first had a heated discussion about the delicacy of decompression espresso coffee, as if they had drunk it; then the group began to solemnly ask Hong Xu to "take a few catties of blue ice" first, and they Sell ​​it to the Dutch for some quick bucks...

Someone at the side comforted him graciously: "It's okay to have a lower purity, you don't need to be as high as Teacher Bai."

... Hong Xu rolled his eyes helplessly and began to explain: "When Mr. Bai was preparing the 'product', the aluminum powder was poured into bags, methylamine was used casually, and there was already enough hydrofluoric acid to use it. Come to transform people... what do we have?"

When Hong Xu said this, he couldn't help feeling sad: "We don't have farts! I need to prepare a tube of reagents and a bottle of pure water from scratch, and you still want to take drugs? Knock your mother! Get out, get out!" "

... Once some literati with a violent personality start to go crazy, no one will recognize them, even if the emperor is around.

As a result, a group of laymen who used the autoclave as a soup pot were driven out of the workshop by someone who roared... The most important thing was that this guy was waving a brown glass bottle with suspicious liquid in it, so no one dared to talk to him. He cares.Then the visit was disbanded like this anticlimactically, and everyone didn't even go to the third workshop that was in charge of electrolysis...

The area of ​​the third workshop is similar to that of the second workshop. The equipment inside is mainly electrolytic tanks, and other infrastructure such as electroplating tanks, water washing tanks, and pickling tanks are also equipped.

When the kiln area was first built, Hong Xu and the others imported some chemical equipment in order to provide some necessary chemical products for the whole system.However, this import method is unplanned and fragmented. It can only be said that it barely solves the problem of the availability of a small amount of chemical products.

Now when the formal factory is built, those parts can be put back in place.

Chapter 250 Chemical Factory ([-])

The combined equipment includes two sets of electrolyzers from the third workshop.

Electrolyzers are essential for the production of many chemicals.Caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen can be produced by electrolysis of salt water; various chlorates, permanganates and persulfates can be produced by electrolytic oxidation.

In addition, wet electrolysis can refine metal copper, silver, gold and platinum.The electroplating and electropolishing samples in the factory are also realized through aqueous solution electrolysis.

With the three workshops, the traversing crowd can release a lurking gold-absorbing beast: the mirror.

As early as the 16th century before the appearance of the crossover, the Venetians had invented the cylinder method to make plate glass, and at the same time invented the tin amalgam method of using mercury to attach tin foil to the glass to make mirrors... This 2.0 version of the mirror The traditional metal mirror is gradually reduced.

In history, silver nitrate was used to make mirrors, but it was not until 1835 that the German chemist Liebig appeared on the scene.He mixed silver nitrate with a reducing agent to precipitate silver from silver nitrate, and then attached it to glass to make a 3.0 version of the mirror.As for the real electroplated silver mirror, it will take nearly 100 years before the British will invent this technology.

And now that the third workshop has been established, Transit will soon be able to use the electroplating method to manufacture version 4.0 modern mirrors.


After blasting away the troublemaker gang headed by the emperor, Hong Xu, under the admiring eyes of the other three chemical dogs, began to gather workers to assign production tasks.

There are not many workers in the chemical plant.

Although as long as Hong Xu opens his mouth, three to five hundred people can be sent over if they speak, but this kind of routine doesn't work well in chemical plants—where accidents can happen if you turn a wrong valve, the more laymen, the more everyone dies. quick.

Therefore, in the newly opened chemical plant, excluding those who do rough work in the periphery, there are only 32 people who are qualified to be on the production line.

Among these 32 people, 20 are ordinary workers, and then there are 4 time-travelers with 2 apprentices each... No way, it's just so shabby.

Ordinary workers were brutally selected during the previous brutal production.These people belong to natural selection products with meek personality and good obedience—carefree, those who let themselves go are either disabled or dead.

And apprentices are even more precious.

Chemistry is an advanced science. If a person wants to get in touch with the fur of chemistry, he must have at least graduated from elementary school in basic mathematics.

Although the core education department of the crossing force: primary school, it has now expanded to 3 schools.But it has only been more than a year since everyone landed, and a large number of primary school students have not yet graduated.

Although the art class, music class, computer class, English class, morality and life class have been cancelled, but even so, it is impossible for students to graduate in mathematics within one year... Even if there is a student master, it is still a baby at a young age , is reserved for advanced studies, and cannot be used as a technician.

Therefore, the technical talents that Hong Xu and the others needed could only be found among literate teenagers.This requirement is very strict: Ming people who are old and whose knowledge structure has solidified are useless. What Hong Xu and the others need are people who are around sixteen or seventeen years old, who are enthusiastic about learning and can endure hardships in factories.

Through the pre-screening of the workers' study rooms in every community, coupled with another big killer: the lure of high wages, Hong Xu and the others managed to find a group of apprentices before the factory was built.

Before these apprentices came to Dayuan, most of them were clerks and weavers in the Jiangnan area... The tide disaster that occurred near Hangzhou at the end of July this year caused a large number of rural self-cultivators and urban working-class people in the rich areas of Jiangnan to go bankrupt .

And as the area with the highest literacy rate in Ming Dynasty, these refugees who were robbed and transported from the south of the Yangtze River made it possible for the various departments under the crossing group to have a good year.

You know, the same workers, the quality of the weavers from the Jiangnan area is much higher than those mud legs who only know how to farm.

Many of these medieval workers were literate, knew how to cooperate, and could endure boring industrial processes. With casual training, these people could almost seamlessly connect to the various factories under the jurisdiction of the kiln area.

Among the 8 apprentices under Hong Xu and the others, half were from the Zhihu family.

… After convening the workers and apprentices to emphasize the precautions again, following Hong Xu’s order, everyone put on imported orange protective clothing, and then everyone took their positions, started the equipment, ignited the boiler, and started the Heishigou Chemical Plant The first trial production: sulfuric acid.

The production process of sulfuric acid is relatively simple and suitable for practice.Workers first pour the bright yellow sulfur lumps from the Taipei Volcano Group into the feeding port, and these sulfur lumps will be transported into the molten sulfur tank by belts.

The molten sulfur tank quickly heats the sulfur to liquid and sends it to storage tanks.During this process, the whole process will be accompanied by 0.5MPA steam in order to keep the liquid state of sulfur.

After liquid sulfur enters the tank, it will first be pressurized by the refined sulfur pump, then atomized by the sulfur gun, and finally sprayed into the sulfur furnace.

The environment required in the sulfur incinerator is also very harsh: the air must first be filtered, then pressurized by a blower, and concentrated sulfuric acid is absorbed and dried before being sent into the furnace cavity.

Next is a series of absorption and concentration procedures.Sulfur gas will circulate continuously in the absorption tower and nicotinic acid tower. After passing through the circulation tank, circulation pump, spraying, concentration and other processes, what finally enters the storage tank is the finished sulfuric acid with a concentration of more than 98%.

The entire technological process was completed without much disturbance under the operation of four traversing people.After all, Travelers came from the 4st century. Even on this simple sulfuric acid production line, there are still various monitoring, temperature control, and automatic management control terminals, and the operator does not need to go through a lot of trouble.

The finished sulfuric acid ended up in some thick glass jars.This is probably the most high-tech support that the kiln area can give to the chemical plant now, and the only thing left is those thick black reaction tank brackets and carts.

After the whole process was completed, Hong Xu and the others immediately turned into people's teachers, and immediately began to give lectures to the workers in various positions.

Hong Xu has no special requirements for ordinary workers.These semi-literate people don't have the concept of pressure, gas-liquid state, and pH value in their minds. They are actually the same as the workers on the assembly line of later generations. They only need to complete a few fixed actions on their posts... In a word, just listen to the yelling honestly. For them For me, following the rules is the greatest success.

The focus is on those 8 apprentices.

These young people, who were trained as future section chiefs, workshop directors, and factory managers, followed the teacher respectfully, shuttled through the sea of ​​valves and pipelines, and listened to the incomparably detailed on-site lectures.They can ask questions at any time and get answered without tires.

Chapter 251 Sequelae

The so-called Dao produces one, one produces two, and three produces all things.

This sentence is very reasonable.For example, when sulfuric acid is produced in chemical factories, nitric acid can be synthesized from sulfuric acid and saltpeter.

In addition, in the older way, hydrochloric acid is also prepared by reacting sulfuric acid and salt, but it was later changed to the electrolytic salt preparation method.This is the so-called Three Lives and All Things.With the three kinds of acids, the chemical factory can gather all the dragons, and it can produce countless kinds of chemical products.

After the successful trial production of sulfuric acid, the original team first summed up their studies, and then began to prepare nitric acid.

The preparation of nitric acid is the simplest contact method: concentrated sulfuric acid + saltpeter.This method consumes a lot of acid, causes high pollution, and seriously corrodes equipment, so it has long been discontinued in later generations.

But the time-travelers have no choice.As mentioned earlier, the general ammonia synthesis technology in Steel City is not something that Hong Xu and his kittens can play with.

In fact, even with the existing equipment of the chemical plant, the workers cannot fully operate it.Right now, Hong Xu can only lead the same group of people to operate different complete sets of equipment in turn. They can't even do the simple process of producing sulfuric acid and nitric acid at the same time-they don't have enough mature technicians.

The "ancient method" to synthesize nitric acid is very simple in principle, but it also needs to go through many processes in practice.First of all, the saltpeter collected from the stinky saltpeter field contains a lot of impurities, and it is very troublesome to deal with various impurities in the saltpeter.In addition, when sulfuric acid and saltpeter meet in the reaction vessel, a little carelessness will produce violent splash and acid mist, which is likely to cause accidents. Qualified industrial nitric acid is not so easy to obtain.

After the first batch of sulfuric acid was reacted with saltpeter, the trial production of nitric acid was completed.Looking at the 2 tons of finished products being pushed into the warehouse by workers with trolleys, Hong Xu couldn't help shaking his head: Without it, there are too few raw materials.

…… It is built in Nitian District, just north of Chikan New District, and it is being continuously expanded in units of 5 mu.However, this kind of expansion is very limited, and the production must be determined by "dung".

Although an open immigration operation with the permission of the government has been carried out on the other side of the sea, as of today, the total number of people under the control of the crossing forces has just exceeded 15 people-it takes time to transport and digest immigrants.

The feces and urine "produced" by these 15 people, together with some rotten fish and rotten shrimps, are all the raw materials for the nitration pond.And what is the final output of saltpeter?20 tons per month.

Of course, the saltpeter here does not refer to the semi-finished "nitter", but the finished saltpeter after purification, crystallization and purification.

Decomposing spoilage by nitrifying bacteria will go through many processes.Travelers has tried its best to provide the most comfortable conditions for Mr. Bacteria: such as a sunshade, such as a constant temperature of 25 degrees, such as a weak alkaline environment, such as oxygen-enriched, moist large-grained soil, and so on.

Even so, the output of saltpeter is still far behind the consumption.

You know, to fire a cannon, tens to hundreds of grams of black powder will be used. In addition, not only black powder, but also gunpowder factories and mines are waiting for nitric acid to make much-needed nitroglycerin.Also, the kiln base itself needs a lot of nitric acid to manufacture products and upgrade itself.

In the end, the excess saltpeter has to be used to fill the bottomless pit of fertilizer consumption... Whether it is ammonia or urea, they are now scarce products. For the crossing forces that have cultivated more than 2 acres of Susukida, this output is purely a drop in the bucket.

In short, 20 tons of saltpeter per month is far from enough to satisfy a hungry primary industrial society.

The crossing people can only rely on the saltpeter brought in from time to time by the Dutch and Daming.This situation has undoubtedly caused a shortage of nitric acid. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important chemical product at this stage.

After testing the production of nitric acid, Hong Xu immediately ordered the work to end.The next day, the original team tested the hydrochloric acid production line again.The preparation of hydrochloric acid is relatively easy. At least the output of the salt field this year has reached the kiloton level, so there will be no embarrassment of insufficient raw materials.

Electrolysis of saturated salt water will produce hydrogen and chlorine in addition to sodium hydroxide.In the reactor, pass hydrogen and chlorine gas to the burner made of quartz to ignite and burn to generate hydrogen chloride gas and emit a lot of heat.Hydrogen chloride gas is absorbed by water to become hydrochloric acid after cooling.

Due to the relatively powerful imported electrolyzers and reaction equipment, Hong Xu and the others have relatively easily completed the preparation of hydrochloric acid and caustic soda today.

The next step is the process of team proficiency.Hong Xu's requirements are not high: within half a month, everyone can start the three-acid production line at the same time.As for the other equipment, it can only be left idle for the time being... Let's take it step by step, don't you see that there are not enough raw materials now, some products don't have to be practiced if you want to practice.

To some extent, Hong Xu and the others took advantage of the loophole this time.Because according to everyone's tacit understanding all the time, all imported equipment is waiting for people, and there are very few cases of workers waiting for equipment like this in chemical plants.

And Hong Xu and the others took advantage of the strong professionalism of the chemical plant and secretly added some equipment, which led to the strange situation of the equipment and others.

This situation quickly caused dissatisfaction among some people, especially Zou Guoqing and Yao Zhesheng, the chief and deputy managers of the kiln area.


"I kind of understand why that bastard Hong Xu got mad on the day of the tour: it's called a guilty conscience, and I'm afraid people will see his flaws."

Yao Zhesheng held his arms, stood in the general machinery factory where the machines were roaring, looked at the long army of machine tools on both sides of the workshop, and said indignantly.

"This is the legendary old thief. Don't tell me, that guy acted quite like him, and he pretended to be the essence of a nerd." Zou Guoqing was not so angry, but commented on Hong Hong with a smile on his face. Sequential acting.

However, Yao Zhesheng, who has devoted his whole life to the great cause of time-traveling since the time-traveling, couldn't stand Hong Xu's behavior of "deceiving the organization".So when he found out that Zou Guoqing was in a good mood, he couldn't help turning his head and glaring at the old Zou, who had a protruding forehead: "Just let him slide over like this? How many urgently needed equipment are delayed like this!"

Zou Guoqing, who had already been in the cabinet and was in charge of the overall industrial planning of the crossing forces in the big office, showed a forgiving expression of "young man, you have been done too little by middlemen in your life", and then he said with a smile : "They have already installed all the equipment, what can we do, dismantle it?"

Having said that, he patted Yao Zhesheng on the shoulder, and stopped the hot-blooded man's words: "Don't worry, justice will only be late, but it will not be absent... That old boy Hong Xu committed public anger this time, and he is still in Cao Cao's office." The emperor pretended to be coercive, next time he cries!"

Chapter 252 Machinery Factory

In all honesty, Yao Zhesheng didn't want to let Hong Xu's gang of chemical dogs go just like that.However, as Zou Guoqing said, it is already like this, can we still remove those chemical pipelines?

So Yao Zhesheng was a little depressed.He is a mechanical student and is not very proficient in chemical equipment. This time, the bastards took advantage of the loophole.In the end, when he realized that this matter could only be revenged by a gentleman, he could only shake his head helplessly and admit it.

After memorizing the small ledger in his mind, Yao Zhesheng gathered his energy and began to follow Lao Zou to inspect the machinery factory.


The general machinery factory is one of the core departments of the kiln base.All imported and non-imported machine tools of the time-traveling forces are gathered here, and various mechanical products are produced every month.

Like the old state-owned factories of later generations, the general machinery factory set up by Chuanzhong in the kiln area is also complete.

In a large factory with more than 1000 people, in addition to various workshops and warehouses, functional buildings such as administrative buildings, canteens, bathhouses, dormitory buildings, emergency rooms, and cultural classrooms are all indispensable.

Yao Zhesheng walked on the cement-paved factory road, and from time to time, workers wearing blue linen canvas uniforms and rattan helmets, pushing simple slide rails passed by.

The formal workshop content of the machinery factory is also very comprehensive.There are not only one, two, three machining workshops classified according to equipment, but also auxiliary workshops such as heat treatment and forging hammers.

Most of the "self-produced" equipment is in the first workshop, so this is a paradise for apprentices.Like many products of Rabbit in later generations, the so-called "self-produced", in fact, the core parts are still imported.

The most critical screw and stepping motor of the machine tool cannot be produced by Zhuozhong at present.In other words, the quality of those forcibly produced can only be hehe.Fortunately, the size of these two key items is not large, otherwise the machinery factory in the kiln area would not be able to open.

Some of the machine tools in the first workshop are "full self-produced machine tools" used to train apprentices.All kinds of metal scraps are piled up next to these simple machine tools. The whole body is full of self-produced parts, and they have to be ravaged by apprentices every day.

The apprentices are of different ages.In the environment of frenzied immigration like Daguan, everything is in a state of barbaric growth, so there are many middle-aged and elderly apprentices with green scalps and wrinkled faces in any factory.

These people have a variety of occupations.Carpenters, blacksmiths, stonemasons, locksmiths, strippers... In short, all craftsmen who came here from the Ming Dynasty will get a chance to enter the factory for internship and selection.

Traditional craftsmen have never seen all kinds of machinery and equipment, so no one knows which positions they are suitable for before they are apprentices.The apprentices would first rotate through a number of positions, much like interns.After that, work is assigned according to their own interests and abilities shown in their studies.

This is what Yao Zhesheng and the others saw after they entered the first workshop: three generations of apprentices, old, middle-aged and young, were practicing around a few simple lathes, wearing yellow lacquer helmets, and the young indigenous "master" was teaching them.

The rest of the lathes in the first workshop are ordinary goods.These DIY products made by the industrialists are ugly in appearance, complete in variety, including all kinds of boring, milling, planing, and grinding. They lie there like two rows of black bears, making strange barks from time to time.

These two rows of machine tools are the "agricultural machinery responsibility" that the time-traveling force is booming.Almost all machinery that does not require precision parts, including various agricultural machinery and small equipment such as brick machines, is currently produced by these lathes.

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