Lu Ming

Page 94

Xia Xianze opened his eyes wide: "What about the function? Can it hold Cummins?!"

"Dream and you can. The function has not changed, it is still a 2.8-meter box."

"Then what kind of upgrade is this?"

Cao Chuan clapped his hands together: "You have become one with me, isn't this considered an upgrade?"

"There must be some progress, right?"

Cao Chuan nodded: "There is progress, of course. From now on, I can have fun with the people."

"How to say?"

"Don't think I don't know what those gangsters are planning." Cao Chuan stared at Lao Xia playfully: "It's not just one or two who want to grab the ring all day long, right?"

Xia Xianze nodded: "There is such a group of retarded people."

"That's the reason why I usually come and go." Cao Chuan laughed: "I'm too lazy to talk to them. I can't hold the hands of these idiots and say that the ring was deliberately chosen for me, so it's useless to others, right?"

Xia Xianze agreed with a serious face: "Even if I say it, there will always be people who don't believe it and are willing to take the risk and give it a try."

"Hey, do you know how hard it took me just now to refrain from putting that thing in the ring and suffocate to death?"

"Why him?"

"Hmph, everyone else is thinking about it, and this guy is the only one who took action before, can I not deal with him?"

"Oh? What do you say?"

"Twice he made excuses to be alone with me."

"Oh, it sure as hell."

"It's all right now." Cao Chuan's face became much happier at this time: "You are the future chief minister and the actual supreme commander of the government, so I will tell you a secret that only the chief minister can know."

When Cao Chuan said this, he stretched out his right hand, and then an M9 pistol, which is common in time travelers, appeared in his palm.

"How do you say that? Martial arts in the world, what's wrong with it?"

The next moment, Cao Chuan grabbed his pistol and shot himself in the temple.

Under Xia Xianze's horrified eyes, the bullet and the gunfire seemed to penetrate into the water waves, and disappeared after being released...

Seeing Lao Xia standing up in fright, Cao Chuan laughed and stretched out his left hand: in the palm of his hand was the hot bullet.

"What is this?" someone asked in surprise.

"One of the upgraded functions of the ring, I can only tell you so much, you don't need to know the rest."

"Okay, okay, with this move, it seems that you don't have to be mysterious anymore in the future."

"you are right."

After Xia Xianze pondered for a while to digest the information, he finally realized what was wrong: "Mr. Cao, you won't meddle in the political situation just because you are invulnerable?"

"Hahaha." Cao Chuan laughed loudly: "Old Xia, I found that you have feelings?"

With a serious expression on his face, His Excellency the Emperor said seriously: "Before, I couldn't argue with those people. I can't take away all the bad guys, right?"

"It's different now, and I want to exercise my legitimate rights."

When His Majesty said this, he lifted his legs on the dragon chair triumphantly: "All your major policies must be reviewed by me, and I have a veto power."

Xia Xianze laughed dryly, and after thinking for a while, he slowly said: "This request is not too much. To be honest, you are so pushy. I don't care about meddling in anything. The question is: what happens next?"

Having said that, he gave the emperor a "you know" look.

The emperor quickly understood: "You mean to wait for me to fart that day?"

"Don't dare." Xia Xianze said that he didn't dare, but he poured out his doubts on the back: "You are invulnerable, maybe you will become a fairy after upgrading your ring in two years? How can you live for hundreds of years? manage?"

Cao Chuan shook his head at this moment: "No, I'm still aging normally. This ring is a parasite. Maybe one day I will find that I am old and yellow, and I will fly away with a 'BIU'."

He thought for a while and continued: "So, when you formulate the inheritance law, you must take all kinds of situations into consideration. There must be a plan for whether the ring will disappear after my death, so that my stupid son will not even become a superficial emperor. I can't even do it."

"I understand, it will be done." Xia Xianze nodded again.

Next, he still couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "To be honest, if you come here every ten days and a half months, do you really have the time to tear up those government affairs with us?"

"Cut." Cao Chuan looked at him contemptuously: "At least I can always give up the ones that I don't like?"

"Huh?" Xia Xianze became interested at this moment: "Tell me, which one do you dislike? The ones that have been decided are all after repeated discussions between the two parties."

"Country names."

"Country names?"

"Yes, it's that bullshit or something second Qin, I feel constipated when I hear it."

"Oh...then I don't know what country name you plan to change based on Mr. Cao's opinion?"

"East Qin is fine, and besides, call me Your Majesty."

"...The old minister obeys the order, Your Majesty."

"You can kneel down now."


"Ha ha!"

Chapter 248 Chemical Factory ([-])

Hong Xu stood in the fantasy-style "Black Stone Hall", trying hard to keep an "embarrassed yet polite" smile on his face.

... The visiting group was looking around in the newly built chemical factory, and Hong Xu, one of the hosts, had to work hard to play his role well.

Generally speaking, someone like him who is not good at dealing with people would not like the scene in front of him, especially when these laymen wandered around in front of him in groups.In fact, if it weren't for the dog's bad temper, he wouldn't have appeared in the 17th century.

But not today, no matter whether he has a good temper or a bad temper, he must do a good job in reception—Emperor Cao is in the visiting team.

The scene that happened in the imperial city a few days ago has already spread to the ears of every traveler who was not present.Although no one dared to discuss the "tomato incident" publicly on the forum, even Hong Xu, who was hiding in the factory building and buried himself in the installation of equipment, had completely figured out the cause and effect afterwards... After all, this matter is too big, and it is related to his own future. Dare to take it seriously.

Looking at Emperor Cao who was swaying freely in the crowd not far away, chatting and laughing happily, and seemed to be intimate with everyone, Hong Xu couldn't help swallowing.After stabilizing his mood, he stepped forward with a lot of smiles and continued to be a tour guide—a temper tantrum is not mentally handicapped, and he can also watch people order food.In front of the emperor whose combat power is MAX and who waved his hands at the slightest disagreement, it is better to be honest...

Hong Xu was a technician in a state-owned chemical factory before crossing over.Because this guy is not very good at being a human being, simply put, he doesn't know how to turn a blind eye and close his eyes, so he offended his superiors.After repeated adjustments, he, a top student in chemistry, was finally kicked to the post of cleaning the reaction tower.

After finally persevering until the old man passed away, Hong Xu soon signed a divorce agreement with his wife who quarreled every day-the house was left to the woman, and the man only took the cash. Fortunately, the two had no children.

Before leaving, Hong Xu finally did what he had always wanted to do: he sent a package to his immediate boss, which contained a sealed vial... and then he quickly ran away.Although the package was sent anonymously, he knew very well that this matter would not stand up to investigation, and that the opening of the bottle would be a serious case of death.

After coming to the 17th century, Hong Xu quickly fell in love with this place - chemical engineering is a high-level zenith star technology, and he and a few colleagues engaged in chemistry have received enough "attention and respect" in Dayuan.

It is necessary to pay attention, because all the big killers that can affect social upgrading are inseparable from chemical industry, such as explosives, pesticides, fertilizers, sulfonamides, and so on.You know, since the 18th century, human beings have entered the steam age when steel ships run all over the ground, but the first set of ammonia synthesis equipment did not appear until the beginning of the 20th century.

In short, once it involves high temperature, high pressure, corrosion, poisonous gas and other chemical routines, many industrial systems that look good will immediately reveal their underpants.

The same is true for the kiln base.


Over the past year since landing, the kiln base has grown from scratch, from simple to complete, and it has cost the industrialists countless efforts.However, this kind of construction route is more about bottoming out in the general direction.

That is to say, during this year, the Industrial Party has actually devoted most of its energy to the completion of the production capacity of basic industrial products such as screws.Except for some essential small-volume high-end industrial equipment (such as lathe motors, chips and lead screws), the import quota of the kiln area is used for the purchase of primary equipment.

However, even so, it is not so easy to establish a small but comprehensive industrial system.

At any rate, the rabbit started with hundreds of factories built with the help of the big brother, but what does the time travel have? The 2.8-meter box comes only once every 6 days. In order to compete for a piece of watermelon-sized space quota, there have been many melees between departments for more than a year-every time the quota allocation meeting at the end of the month opens, Master Miaoshu will prepare Good sutures and a tetanus shot...

Therefore, it is not easy for the Industrial Party - as the largest import quota consumption department, it feels so sour to be bitten by countless hyenas when they get the chance.

Even so, the current industrial system in Chuanzhong is still extremely weak-it was not until 3 months ago that the first boiler system 100% self-produced in the kiln area was finally announced to leave the factory.

Yes, after more than a year of hard work, the industrial party finally normalized the production of old-fashioned cast iron water pipes, atmospheric valves, rivets, tees, etc., which are extremely common in the eyes of later generations.

And with the first set of self-produced boiler leaving the factory, it is the continuous improvement of the "localization rate" of industrial products in the kiln area.Although the various equipment produced by the Industrial Party is a bit silly and thick, the non-core components have basically achieved self-sufficiency, which has to be regarded as a huge achievement.


Now that the bottom plate is stuck, you can consider taking a step forward.No matter from which point of view, the chemical plant is the most urgently needed artifact of the new generation of town houses.

But Lu Xun said: Eggplants are delicious and hard to grow.

It is really an indescribable pain for the chemical factory to import more than 90% of the accessories.Various towers, kettles, furnaces, tanks; various pipeline valve instruments and meters, various compression, separation, crushing machinery, and various chemical glass instruments for detection, measurement, experiment, and reaction...

In fact, apart from the plant itself and some bulky thick glass bottles and bulky bases, the kiln area can't provide anything, and most of the equipment in the chemical plant needs to be imported.

After the situation persisted until June this year, the time travelers still compromised.The thirst for three acids and two alkalis, sulfonamides, and nitrates finally overwhelmed the fear of import quotas—the Heishigou Chemical Plant was finally born in pain.

The reason why it is said to be painful is that there is no turning back when the chemical industry starts.Even if a dedicated acid and alkali resistant valve is missing in a complete set of equipment, the set of equipment can be laid to rest.Therefore, before Hong Xu and the other four chemical workers have shipped all the equipment list made by the four chemical workers to the 17th century, all other material imports can only be suspended to make way for Dad.

For three months, for a full three months, the 12 boxes of goods sent by Emperor Cao were all chemical equipment. Even in August, when the war was raging, the boxes were still being opened here unhurriedly, which made everyone anxious. The people who eat melons wailed again and again.

The dark days finally came to an end with the arrival of September: after three months of intensive installation and commissioning, the Heishigou Chemical Plant will finally enter the trial production stage.

The place name of Heishigou is derived from crossing the public.This valley located in a remote corner of the kiln area was originally nameless. Later, because the walls of the chemical plant were all made of black basalt, it was named this way.

It is an established policy to relocate the entire chemical industry to Heishigou.The location here is relatively secluded and downwind, so it can avoid the collateral damage of various accidents—not afraid of [-], just in case, chemical accidents are usually accompanied by poison cloud and acid rain, so everyone can feel at ease by staying far away.

For this peace of mind, the infrastructure department had to grit their teeth and build a 3-kilometer high-grade road for Heishigou.

This is also unavoidable: some chemical preparations cannot stand being shaken, and the temperature will heat up if it is shaken, and it will make you look good when it heats up.Therefore, although the width of this road is only the specification of a rural road, the road surface is made of high-grade asphalt... History happened inadvertently: the first asphalt road in the country.

The supporting facilities are not only roads, but a wastewater treatment plant between the kiln area and the chemical area is also under construction.


Wastewater plants are a project that has been put on the agenda jointly by multiple departments a long time ago.

Unlike the world where sewage was secretly drained all day long, the time travelers who stayed in the 17th century paid special attention to the environment around them.There is one core issue in the difference between the attitudes of the two worlds towards wastewater treatment plants: interests.

The reason why later generations are polluted everywhere, there is a key point that cannot be bypassed is "competition".Ubiquitous competition has not only brought social progress, but also various extreme behaviors: companies that do not minimize costs will go bankrupt.

Therefore, factories will secretly discharge pollutants with the tacit approval of the local government.The situation is global: Rabbit's chemical plants are doing it, and White's is piped into the Great Lakes, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific Ocean.

Of course, the time-travelers don't need to do this.

At present, all the enterprises in the kiln area are exclusive brands of global monopoly, without any competitive pressure, so the cost of sewage discharge is not considered at all: the industrial products in the kiln area are now sold according to production, and the price is out of the market economy, a bit like The government-guided price of later generations will cost as little as it does, but not as much as it does.

In addition, for these gentlemen, since every plant, tree, and even every inch of land on this plane will be their own in the future, why should they turn the back garden into a garbage dump? …nobody spits on their own floor.

Therefore, with the help of the construction of the chemical plant, the construction of the long-prepared sewage plant was officially started.


The future sewage plant will connect the main base of the kiln area and the chemical sub-base.The factory area not only has the traditional means of sedimentation, filtration, stirring, and evaporation to treat conventional sewage; in addition, a special micro-electrolytic pool will be developed separately to treat the chemical wastewater discharged from the Heishi Factory.

The micro-electrolysis reaction is carried out by means of the fillers in the reactor: iron filings and activated carbon granules.

Both fillers have the basic elements needed for micro-electrolysis reactions: iron and carbon.The low-potential iron and high-potential carbon form a potential difference in the wastewater, and then the conductive wastewater acts as an electrolyte to form countless primary batteries to break up the molecular clusters of pollutants and electrolyze the pollutants.

This is a very advanced way of treating wastewater.

In addition, considering the extremely cheap power supply of a certain faction, it is very likely that the sewage plant in the future will directly install equipment for electrolyzing wastewater—crude, but effective.

Chapter 249 Chemical Factory ([-])

Using low-voltage direct current to directly electrolyze sewage is actually the fastest and most effective way to control pollution.This method not only saves various chemicals used to condense the waste, but also has good effect.

However, this method is very expensive: do you know how much industrial electricity costs? 8 gross 5!In addition, it is also a problem that the precipitate separated after electrolysis is not easy to handle and utilize.

The above shortcomings are not sensitive to the time travelers.

The first is energy.

With the destruction of a large number of pirates along the coast of Fujian, the southern Fujian coal belt represented by Zhang, Quan, Nanping, Longyan and other places will usher in a wave of high-speed development opportunities.

The sporadic coal mining industry in various places, which has already been slowly accelerating, will be bathed in the Holy Light next-small mine owners and local rich people in various places will receive capital injections from their fathers, so that they will be able to recruit people to expand the scale of the industry.

At the same time, the Guerrilla General’s Mansion will also settle down the governments of various prefectures and counties, volunteer troops to help the locals eliminate bandits, dredge waterways, build mining docks, and open up channels for the export of various ores, including coal, in Fujian.

In this way, coupled with the continuous production of oil from Miaosu, the kiln area will be able to use energy more easily in the future, without fear of the massive power consumption of the sewage plant.

In addition, regarding the sediment after electrolysis: In fact, with the weak chemical industry capacity of the kiln area, it is impossible to reuse waste like later generations. These items will eventually be buried no matter how well they are disposed of.

Therefore, the equipment for electrolysis of sewage will be launched sooner or later.This method of sewage treatment that does not require a large amount of chemicals is the most suitable for the current situation. Of course, the premise is that the traversing people must be able to produce enough metal electrodes and cables by themselves... In terms of time, this process will take another wait a minute.


The factory area of ​​Heishigou Chemical Plant has three parts.

The visiting group is inspecting the No. [-] workshop, which covers the largest area.This is a comprehensive workshop, and the main task right now is to produce basic compounds including three acids and two bases.

After integrating some of the simple equipment used to produce acid and alkali in the early days, the current No. [-] workshop is full of towers and tanks, and various pipelines are densely covered, which is no different from those small and medium-sized chemical plants of later generations.

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