I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1558: Dingding shares...

Jiang Siming's position completely sees the running little lion and BT.

OMG fans smiled bitterly, it's better to stay.

I'm all right now, I was shot.

"The player [4AM_Ming] used a 98K sniper rifle to kill the player [OMG_LionKK]"

"The player [4AM_Ming] used the automatic rifle AKM to kill the player [OMG_BT]"

Sure enough, as everyone expected.

Fully exposing the back to Jiang Siming is tantamount to sending the head to Jiang Siming's mouth in person.

When the final BT died, the first team to be eliminated in the first game of the final was officially released.

When the other teams saw the reminder in the upper right corner, they all felt cool behind them.

Even 17 and RNG felt a little panicked.

This Myojin seems to be a little emotional today.

Eat up all OMG so quickly...

But this also made foreign audiences admire from the side. Jiang Siming showed no mercy when he met his own team.

This is very fair.

After a while, they didn't think Jiang Siming was too much.

The little lion did not live up to Jiang Siming's expectations, and a golden fragment exploded after his death.

"Pick up [Dingding Company 100% Equity] Golden Fragments*1 (1/6). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."


When Jiang Siming saw this golden shard, he suddenly felt cold behind his back.

It seemed that at that moment, he had been resented by thousands of students and the working party, which made him feel chilled.

Let me explain, this thing is not what I want to pick up, it is given to me by itself...

(Knife readers: Go shit, we don’t listen! The nail dog takes his life!)

In addition to this golden fragment, Jiang Siming also received an interesting pirate bounty.

[Pirate Bounty Level 4: "One Piece" Nami's primary weather stick x1! 】

Unexpectedly, this pirate equipment would still appear, not bad, and it just works.

When I enter the Pirate dungeon next time, I will use this thing for Nami, which saves Usopp from making it.

Good weather is Nami's weapon.

The primary weather bar can release hot and cold bubbles and electric bubbles.

Proper use of these three can summon thunderclouds and release impressive lightning to attack the enemy.

Later, the weather stick went through several evolutions, from the full version to the magic version, and the ability became more and more abnormal.

But this weapon can't be used by ordinary people, only Xueba knows how to use it.

This is the junior weather stick that Jiang Siming took.

But it was enough to make Nami happy.

Thinking of this little thief cat with orange hair, Jiang Siming couldn't help laughing.

Now Nami hasn't developed yet. If two or three years pass, Nami will fully grow up.

The long-opening Nami can really fascinate people. Compared with the first beauty Boya Hancock set by the pirate, that is, the empress, it will definitely not be too much.

Putting his mind away first, Jiang Siming and Kite searched the OMG box.

Nothing special, and weapons do not need to be replaced.

From Shuicheng, Great God and Everlasting had already drove over to meet him.

They wanted to come when they first started fighting, but Jiang Siming finished the fight halfway through.

So they can only come over and become drivers.

"Lao Jiang, or I will follow you and let the kite carry forever."

Great God made up his mind.

No way, it's easiest to pick up people with Jiang Siming, of course he wants to do it.

Otherwise, if he would eat chicken and kill him, it would not be embarrassing for the captain to be able to be.

"Think beautifully, while playing." Jiang Siming crushed Awei's careful thoughts with a single sentence.

"Oh." Great God didn't dare to refute, he could only make a startled hum.

Oh, why can't I be a beauty.

Lao Jiang, a guy who values ​​sex and despise friends is too shameless!

The kite on the side was really afraid of Jiang Siming's promise. After hearing the results, there seemed to be a sweet cool breeze that passed over my heart.

The four set out from Shuicheng, and Weishen and Everlasting drove two cars.

They gave Jiang Siming and the kite one.

Jiang Siming is the driver and leads the way.

Sweeping around the map, the team closest to them was on the highest mountain behind Port N.

It's still G2, a wealthy foreign team.

It is also the e-sports team that loves the whole job.

Because the location of the safety zone brush is on the left of Allengar, the mountain above is also included.

G2 intends to wait for the poison circle to refresh here first, and by the way, the commanding heights can also observe the direction of other teams.

Jiang Siming drove the car over deliberately.

The four of G2 immediately spotted the 4AM team.

"Two cars were found, they should be in pairs."

"For the time being, I don't know which team it is."

"Captain, I'm going to shoot."

"Fool, you fart so far, wait until he gets closer!"

The four players of G2, you say a word to me, you can breathe out fragrance at every turn.

The PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds department of G2 is similar in style to the League of Legends department, and they both love to do things.

I heard that the character of their boss is so funny, so it brings out the ‘corporate culture’ of G2.

Although he loves to work, the strength of G2 is definitely not to be underestimated.

Jiang Siming drove the car to the foot of the mountain just like the okay person, preparing to pass there.

G2 lived up to his expectations and shot at their vehicles!

Four guns fired wild bullets from the top of the mountain.

Jiang Si expected tomorrow morning that the front of the car twisted and blocked the bullet with the roof cover.

Forever and Great God’s car was uncomfortable, and the two ate two bullets each.

Frightened, he turned and ran away.

Fortunately, no one left behind.

"Grass, there is someone on this mountain, I really want to beat him!" Great God bandaged his wound while stopping the car in a safe place.

"OK, the captain has spoken, then beat him!"

Jiang Siming drove straight up the mountain with a smile on his face.

The Great God was dumbfounded and said: "Damn, I'm just talking about it."

If Jiang Siming died in this wave, the kid would definitely tell the coach that he did it by himself after the game.

At that time, the coach has to scold him, this pot Awei does not want to recite.

"It's too late, it's already going up." Jiang Siming returned, and his car had already rushed halfway up the mountain.

"Your uncle, wait, let's come over too." The Great God had no choice but to catch the duck on the shelf.

"No, you are drawing a lottery underground, and it's not easy to pull all four people." Jiang Siming retorted without thinking.

Although Great God felt that this was a routine, he could only listen to Jiang Siming first, and began to point his gun at the mountain looking for prey for the prize.

The G2 team on the mountain side is also a bit blinded.

I just swept you a shuttle, so why should I rush to do us?

Which team is so reckless, take gunpowder!

But G2 is not afraid of things, they love to do things.

Others are riding their faces now, this wave must be just right!

Both teams immediately set their positions.

Jiang Siming and Kite also successfully climbed the mountain, temporarily set the car aside, and fumbled towards the G2 team on the top of the mountain!


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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