I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1557: No mercy

Jiang Siming is like a hunter lurking, waiting for his favorite prey.

Seeing Jiang Siming squatting, the kite came over after searching.

The lurker changed from one to two.

When the Chinese audience saw this scene, they wanted to laugh and cry.

Don’t, boss, this is my own person, my subordinates are merciful~

They didn't know that Jiang Siming could see everyone's ID, and they thought that Myojin had accidentally ran into OMG.

The patient crouching finally paid off.

Jiang Siming seized a fleeting opportunity and pulled the trigger of 98K!


Xiao Hai of OMG was searching for supplies normally.

Because of a bottle of painkiller next to the window on the second floor, he paused for less than half a second before the gunshots rang outside.

Tearing the glass and headshot him accurately!

"Fucking! Save me, save me." This shot almost scared Little Sea Soul.

The members of OMG never expected to be attacked suddenly, and the attacker was Jiang Siming.

"Oh, this is in the room, I can't make it up."

It's a pity to kite, if it's on the roof, she can make up for it.

Kite thought that Jiang Siming would definitely give up on this wave. After all, the other four people were in Shuicheng, and they couldn't make up if they were defeated.

Not to mention the friendly forces.

But this was beyond Kite's imagination. The moment he defeated Xiaohai, Jiang Siming rushed towards Shuicheng.

"Go and kill."

"Oh..." Kite reacted and hurriedly followed.

She would not ask for extra words, who Jiang Siming was going to hit, she would definitely stay with him to the end.

The two boldly touched the water city.

The action was so fast that the members of OMG didn't find Jiang Siming and Kite sneaking in when they came to defend.

"It's okay, they shouldn't come over, Xiao Hai is very peaceful in the room..."

Before the little lion's voice, he heard a loud noise in the second floor room where Xiaohai fell to the ground!

The whole building was shocked!

Later, Xiaohai's icon darkened in the OMG queue.

"The player [4AM_Ming] used a fragmentation grenade to kill the player [OMG_Xiaohai]"

The other three of OMG were startled, and then became angry.

This Jiang Siming is too ruthless, even if he meets his own people at the beginning of the game.

Obviously it is not easy to make up, but also to break through forcibly to make up Xiaohai.

Even many Chinese audiences think Jiang Siming's wave is too cruel.

Jiang Si knows everyone's thoughts tomorrow morning, this wave of operations will definitely be scolded.

But he was thick-skinned and didn't care.

For this year's goal, he will not let go of any opportunity to take debris.

It is estimated that the fragments were intended to comfort Jiang Siming, and the first head of the game gave Jiang Siming a very good start.

【Tu Huang Bounty Level 1: 999999! +1 omnipotent fragment! 】

[Pirate Bounty Level 1: Map Fragment of Lady Atoka Shipwreck x1 (2/4)]

"Pick up [Fragment Mall] Colorless Fragments*1 (3/5). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Fragment Mall]: After the collection is complete, a shard mall will appear. There will be various redeemable shards, but the conditions are harsh and the number is extremely limited.

Note: This fragment cannot be assembled with universal fragments.

This start, good score!

Jiang Siming hasn't experienced this kind of European-style start for a long time.

Double rewards for King Slaughter Bounty and Pirate Bounty.

The fragment mall that Jiang Siming was looking forward to the most was only two pieces away.

Sure enough, taking a human head is incense!

"Brother Jiang, I will cover you, let's retreat, Xiaohai has already made up for it anyway."

"No, kill them all."

Jiang Siming's appetite is more than just that, but after killing Xiao Hai and seeing such a good thing, it is even more impossible for him to stop there.

"Okay." Kite didn't say much, adjusted the fighting state, ready to fight at any time.

Jiang Siming looked around and smiled just now when he entered the building where Xiaohai died. The lion was on the other side, and another member was hiding in the low building on his right foot.

The three formed a triangular front, and it seemed that Jiang Siming had no choice but to retreat.

After a little consideration, Jiang Siming chose to attack the building!

This bold move surprised all the people at OMG.

Why did Jiang Siming eat gunpowder today? Is it such a big temper?

Kill one and take advantage of it.

"I only heard two steps, they seem to be two people." Little Lion Club reported.

The smile gritted his teeth and said: "They want to fight, then do it."

The three quickly split up and chose to come to an anti-siege.

After Jiang Siming entered the building, the kite just wanted to press it over, but was discovered by the little lion and BT.

The gunfire of the two swept towards the kite unceremoniously.

The kite had no choice but to give up following and avoid a wave of bullets first.

"Brother Jiang, I am stuck by them and can't make it through." Kite said to Jiang Siming hurriedly.

"It's okay, you help me get them outside, and I will kill the people above first."

Jiang Siming didn't panic and rushed to the second floor ‘stubbornly’.

In the wing room on the second floor, with a smile holding the rifle intently, his condition reached the highest level.

Quietly waiting for Jiang Siming's arrival.

Under equal conditions, he admits that he is far from Jiang Siming's opponent.

But if you attack the building, that's not necessarily true.

The people who guard the building can often create anti-kill miracles, and even one-on-two and one-on-three are common things.

The smile on the chair was expressionless and his eyes were extremely focused.

The teammate next to him didn't dare to say a word, for fear of affecting his smile.

At this time, the little lion couldn't get through with his teammates, and could only hope that the smile could achieve a miracle of reversal.

Jiang Siming had already seen the location of the smile.

Switch to the normal mode, with only a smile, he can confidently attack the building.

Now that he knows where everyone is, he has no more worries.

Jiang Siming also acted for a while, shooting a few waves of corner guns and doing a lot of drama.

Finally came to the room where the smile was hiding.

A burst of flashing bullets!

Without suspense, the smile fell to the ground.

The little lion and Xiaohai showed a bitter smile, but they still failed to complete the anti-kill...

As soon as his smile fell, Jiang Siming replaced him.

It's a pity that there are no fragments, but the butcher bounty and pirate bounty have been brushed one more level.

【Tu Huang Bounty Level 2: 1999998! +1 omnipotent fragment! 】

[Pirate Bounty Level 2: Agate Tree x1]

Jiang Siming stared at the little lion again.

There are two more, maybe another one.

In terms of inertia, this kind of world-class finals must have a higher burst rate than the group stage.

OMG, which has reduced its staff by two generals, has already been hit hard.

The little lion and BT immediately wanted to escape.

"Go, go from behind."

Knowing that it was hopeless, OMG decided to retreat.

However, Jiang Siming, the ‘bring the wicked’, has touched the roof from the second floor.

The roofs of Shuicheng were all connected, and he quickly went through the aerial pipe to the roof on the other end.

With this roof, he could see all the movements behind Shuicheng.

The figures of the little lion and BT are already in sight, and the two are quickly running back to Chengshan.

From the perspective of God, OMG fans saw this scene, and their hearts were cold.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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