Chapter 0465 Rolling like a joke

what is this?

look down on me? Or are you confident that you can win?

Carol Danvers touched his forehead, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile of unknown meaning, and then the energy in his body suddenly exploded, and the bang went straight into the sky.

She admitted that Su Yue was very strong.

Whether it was the previous defensive force field, the lightning-like speed, or the weird deceleration force field just now, she felt very troubled, not to mention that he seemed to have the same power as himself. Carol Danvers knew it wasn't easy for her to win, but she's not one to give up easily and admit defeat!

Captain Marvel!

As the most stubborn woman in Marvel, she is a soldier herself, and later became a soldier for a period of time. In her dictionary, only defeat, not admit defeat!


Carol Danvers, who was floating in the air, rushed down suddenly, followed by a quick swing of both fists.

In an instant, waves of energy hit Su Yue.

If you get close to Suyue, you may have to face the previous deceleration force field, so Carol Danvers is ready to use his advantages to carry out long-range strikes on Suyue in the air!

Very smart and correct tactics.

If Su Yue really couldn't fly and really didn't have the ability to dominate the air, I'm afraid he would really have to be controlled by others and passively defend. However, will Su Yue not think of this? Why did he open his eyes to see Jigu? Learning Carol Danvers' strength, energy, these are secondary, the main thing is to learn her flying ability.

It was the first time I learned when I decelerated the force field, and it was just the second time I learned it.

However... Su Yue did not intend to use this ability to deal with Carol Danvers.

There's no need for that, isn't it just flying, so what if he uses it? Fly free with Carol Danvers, chasing each other through the air? This can't achieve the effect of crushing her, so he looked at the falling Carol Danvers and those energy bombs, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


Psychic power released.

Carol Danvers' expression was stagnant, followed by a swoosh to speed up, and even directly caught up with the energy bullet he released, and then... resisted with his body.

Boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the explosion sounded in mid-air, and the flames scattered like fireworks. Su Yue didn't do anything, just quietly watched Carol Danvers fall down from the explosion, and fell near him with a thud.


The Avengers on the sidelines were a little confused, and some couldn't understand what Carol Danvers was doing? Didn't they use these energy bombs to attack Su Yue? Why did she suddenly accelerate and use her body to resist the energy bullet she shot?

"Psychic ability..." Iron Man glanced at the captain beside him, thinking of the scene where the four of them kneeled inexplicably before.

Not surprisingly, they and Carol Danvers just now must have been controlled by Su Yue by some kind of mind control method.

"Cough cough..." Carol Danvers coughed violently after landing, her eyes a little at a loss.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I doing?

Short-term memories suddenly flooded into his mind. Carol Danvers knew what he had done. He... actually blocked the energy bomb that was going to attack Su Yue? how can that be? How could I do this stupid thing of beating myself up?

No, not me!

Although her memory was correct and her other feelings were correct, Carol Danvers could feel as if someone else was controlling her at that time. And... after the control is over, I clearly tell myself that I am being controlled!

Looking at Su Yue who was standing beside him, smiling condescendingly at him, Carol Danvers was furious!

No doubt, this guy did it on purpose!

What does he want to do?

Is he trying to tell himself that he has countless ways to beat himself?

Carol Danvers, who felt underestimated by others, roared angrily, and suddenly got up and ran towards Su Yue and waved his fist again.


A punch fell, and Su Yue disappeared in front of him.


Carol Danvers felt a strong vibration force behind her directly knocked her out, and then, she felt that the metal on the uniform seemed to be controlled by some force, and she forcibly stopped the body that was flying forward. live.


A somewhat hot white dagger was placed on her neck, and she did not look back.

Su Yue has already come behind her.

Another way to defeat oneself, no... there may be more than one!

Carol Danvers involuntarily had a sense of frustration. This ability was completely restrained, and it was really depressing to feel that she had no power but could not help the other party at all.

"you lose!"

Su Yue said something in a low voice, took back the dagger of light and pulled back slightly to distance himself.

Carol Danvers turned around and looked at Su Yue with a complicated look: "This shouldn't be your true strength, right?"

"I'm confident, not arrogant, and I don't have absolute certainty. I won't put myself in danger." Su Yue shrugged in answer to the question, turned and walked towards the avengers who were watching.

Although the battle between the two was short, it was enough to prove the strength of Su Yue. After all, Carol Danvers was the strongest among them. Even Carol Danvers was easily manipulated by Su Yue. In the palm of your hand, what else can others say?

I can do it too. This logic will not appear to them unless they are blind, unless... they are stupid!

The whole battle process was like Su Yue playing with Carol Danvers. With such strength, it is no wonder that he is confident that he can handle Thanos well.

"Do you have any other opinions?" Su Yue asked them.

Iron Man shook his head and said, "Our opinion probably doesn't matter anymore."

Su Yue chuckled and said, "Don't underestimate yourself. After all, this matter has a lot to do with you. Thanos will come, and so will his army. It will not be just me, although I am the only one. People can do it too.”

"what do you mean?"

"First bring the others back with the Infinity Stones, and then prepare for a decisive battle with Thanos' army. To be honest, whether it's you or those who turned to ashes, don't you want revenge?" Su Yue asked.

The captain said solemnly, "This will cause unnecessary sacrifice."

When the two armies fought, there were bound to be many casualties.

Su Yue shrugged: "This is what you should experience, isn't it? Without me, you will face Thanos the same, sacrifice the same, and even sacrifice more. I have given you time to prepare in advance, even ...and saved a person who is very important to you, what? Still not satisfied?"

Chapter 0466 Young Avengers?

"What are you looking at me for?" Iron Man found that he had glanced at himself when Su Yue said he had saved a person who was very important to you, which made him instantly have a bad premonition. "Don't tell me I'm going to die?"

Su Yue said in disapproval: "Otherwise, what do you think the one in fourteen million is?"

Iron Man said dissatisfied: "So under normal circumstances the only possibility of defeating Thanos is that I will die? No wonder the mage refused to say it, indeed... it doesn't work if you say it."

"Do not!"

Su Yue shook his head with a bit of sigh: "Actually, even if you know the result, you will still do it. If you don't do it, you will lose, Thanos will destroy the earth, and your daughter will have no future, so for you ...there is no way out!"

Iron Man: "I suddenly don't know what to say."

Knowing his death is not something to be happy about, it is not bad that Iron Man can still be so open-minded now.

"I thought you would say stop me from letting Thanos appear." Su Yue smiled and patted Iron Man on the shoulder: "Make the Infinity Gloves and bring everyone back first."

"By the way, you owe me a hand!"

Su Yue glanced at Bruce Banner and walked straight into the base.

"What do you mean?" Bruce Banner didn't respond.

"Maybe... You should have used the Infinity Gloves to bring other people back, right? You all know the power of the Infinity Stone, and there will be certain dangers when using it. In your case, losing an arm should be normal. As for me... I think my death should also be related to the Infinity Stones, other than using the Infinity Stones to solve Thanos, I can't think of any other way for us to clear the scene, and I don't think I will die in any other way."

After Iron Man finished speaking, he clapped his hands: "Okay, let's go get the Infinity Gloves first."

The powerful strength Su Yue showed made them temporarily put aside the issue of Thanos. First, Su Yue really had the ability to deal with Thanos. Second, if Su Yue really wanted Thanos to appear, they couldn't stop them at all, unless they destroyed the quantum. Transmitter.

But this method is actually useless. After all, Su Yue has already demonstrated his strange psychic abilities. He can completely control Iron Man and make a new one. So instead of thinking about it so much, it's better to use the Infinity Stones to bring other people back first.

The Avengers are temporarily divided into two groups. One wave uses Iron Man to make infinite gloves, and the other wave continues to maintain the order of the world, while preparing for the sudden return of nearly 5 billion in advance.

After all, they have been missing for five years, and most of the remaining people in the past five years have accepted and got used to their current life. Life, family, work, and all aspects of the situation may have a great impact and impact due to the sudden return of these five billion people. Naturally, we must find a way to arrange in advance to minimize the impact as much as possible.

As for Su Yue, he was not idle either.

It's rare to come here once, so you can't stay in the Avengers base all the time, right? Although he has no interest in the outside world, his time is eleven or twelve years different from the time here. There must be many interesting people in such a long time, right?


Or the antagonist.

Combined with the subsequent films and TV series of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, let’s not talk about the mainstream ones or those outside the earth, at least something like the Hulk, Hawkeye or something should already exist, right? After all, it all happened after Avengers 4.

She-Hulk Jennifer, a lawyer and cousin of Bruce Banner, accepted his blood after being shot, resulting in a DNA conflict, gained superpowers to become She-Hulk, and joined the Avengers.

Eagle-eyed Su Yue remembers her name as Kate Bishop. She was born in New York. Her father is a publishing giant. She and her mother are both keen on philanthropy, but accidents are sometimes unreasonable. After the disaster, in order to protect himself and prevent other crimes, he began to carry out a series of training, and received training in various fighting and combat skills such as archery, taekwondo, etc.

Later, she joined the Secret Avengers and the Young Avengers, mainly the Young Avengers.

She can be regarded as inheriting the mantle and name of Hawkeye.

By the way, the Young Avengers are basically the second generation. For example, Hawkeye is considered the second generation of Hawkeye. For example, Ant-Man's daughter Casey Lang has also become a transfer girl, inheriting the mantle of Ant-Man.

Another example is the two sons of Scarlet Wanda Wanda, Witchcraft and Speed.

Although they were created by the Scarlet Witch, they are also real. Witchcraft has the ability to manipulate lightning and modify reality like the Scarlet Witch. The speed is the same as that of Witchcraft, and it has the same super speed as Quicksilver.

This is not the end, there are still several members in the Young Avengers. One is the second generation of Vision, which is an updated version made from the remains of Vision, which preserves part of the memory of the predecessor Vision, but the program is unstable, more like a young man.

Patriot, is the grandson of a black captain, according to the setting in the comics, it is not only Steve Rogers who became a super soldier. Before him, he first achieved success with a black soldier, and then the black captain retired. His grandson Wanting to rectify his grandfather's name, he secretly took a potion of strength to pretend that he had super power, and then was injured in a battle. Captain America gave him a blood transfusion. Since then, he has also become a super soldier with super power.

Little Hulk, he is a hybrid of Kree and Skrull. He is a shapeshifter who can change his appearance, and at the same time, he has the ability to heal quickly and has a lot of power. By the way, Little Hulk and Witchcraft are a pair.

Witchcraft and speed will appear in Scarlet Witch's episodes, Hawkeye will appear in Hawkeye's gathering, She-Hulk has her own gathering, and the changing female Casey Lang has already appeared. At this time in Avengers 4, Kathy Long has also grown up, but she has not yet become a transmigration girl.

Closer to home, I finally came to this world once, and there is a high probability that I will not have any intersection with this world, so I will not say whether this world will be pulled into the 'multiverse project' in the future, I must not miss this opportunity now. , must do something.

For example... to meet Ant-Man's daughter Kathy Long first?

Chapter 0467 Eagle Eye: Kate Bishop

Su Yue is still a little interested in Casey Lang. After all, she is the daughter of Ant-Man and will become a superhero girl in the future, but Ant-Man and other Avengers should not let him get close to her, let alone let him take her away.

The most important thing is that Casey Long is the daughter of Ant-Man and his ex-wife, which means that she also has her own timeline in her own world. Since it is difficult to take away Casey Long who has grown up in this world , might as well go back to Kathy Lang, who cultivated her own world since she was a child.

Discarded the idea of ​​contacting or kidnapping Kathy Lang when he grew up, Su Yue began to think about other people.

The Hulk's situation is similar to that of Casey Lang. She already exists in her own world, so she can just look for it when she goes back. The two sons of the Scarlet Witch should not have been born yet. Little Hulk and the patriot Su Yue have no interest, as is the second generation of Vision, so it seems that only Eagle Eye has a clear goal.

Although there are nine out of ten eagle eyes in my own world, and I don't necessarily have to take the eagle eyes away, it is still necessary to understand her situation in advance. Even if I can't take it away, I can pass these materials Go back with the information to fool the female eagle eye of her own world.

Five years ago, Thanos snapped half of the world's population with a snap of his fingers, bringing countless pains and disasters to the world. Five years have passed, and although there are still people who are immersed in grief and unable to extricate themselves, but generally speaking, the world has returned to normal order.

The appearance of New York has basically not changed much. In fact, except for the East, few countries can make a city change drastically in just a few years. Su Yue teleported from the Avengers base and appeared in New York. While searching for Kate Bishop with his psychic abilities, he went to Dimension Street.

Of course, there is no Dimension Street here, some just remain unchanged...

I have to say that without Dimension Street, it is really deserted here. Su Yue walked around, and after a while, he was ready to leave.

"I found it... It seems that it's not far away."

After a large-scale telepathic search, Kate Bishop was quickly found, and Su Yue immediately teleported over.


Su Yue did not deliberately suppress the teleportation effect, so although the teleportation special effects and sound were not loud, as soon as he appeared, the girl sitting on the bench beside him found him.

This is a small park, or a lawn for people to walk and relax. Near the lawn there is a path for people to walk, ride or run, and there are benches for people to rest on the side.

Kate Bishop has been sitting here for a while. Five years ago, countless people disappeared into ashes, including her mother. In the past, her mother often brought her here, so if she missed her mother, she would come and sit here.

" appeared suddenly?" Kate Bishop got up and looked at Su Yue in surprise.

Su Yue nodded calmly: "Yes."

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