"Who are you?" Rocket Raccoon asked, raising his head.

"Su Yue."

"His affairs are a bit complicated. Simply put, the time line in the past has changed. He is someone who has never appeared in our memory. He is very strong and can help us deal with Thanos." Iron Man explained simply.

" Thanos? Isn't Thanos already dead?" War Machine wiped his throat with his hand.

"The Thanos of the past is not our Thanos."

"So we traveled to the past, and then the past Thanos also traveled over? That's impossible, the past Thanos didn't have Pym particles, and he didn't have our coordinates. How could he travel here? Right?" War Machine asked Nebula, who was beside him.

Nebula hummed coldly.

Su Yue took advantage of the situation to look at Nebula, and I have to say that Nebula is one of the most successful villains in whitewashing. In the beginning, she and Gamora were both the adopted daughters of Thanos. She wanted to kill Gamora to prove herself. As a result, after fighting, she gradually began to whitewash. By the time of Avengers 3, Nebula and Iron Man Wandering in space and waiting to die has cultivated friendship, and after coming to Earth, he has been dealing with various situations with the Avengers.

This time, Nebula and War Machine traveled to the time of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1. After knocking out Star-Lord, they got the Power Stone. It's just that Nebula didn't expect that he would be connected to his past self. After all, he was a cyborg. Then the past Thanos knew what happened in the future, and he was going to change his method. Then, Nebula in the past got her equipment and returned here instead of her.

Soon, she will turn on the quantum transmitter to summon Thanos and his army, triggering the final battle of Avengers 4.

Speaking of which, when the Pym particles are limited, the Pym Particles should be exhausted after the nebula from the past replaces the future nebula, so even if the quantum transmitter is turned on, Thanos should not be able to get through, so the biggest possibility It should be that Thanos had already researched the Pym particle before the nebula from the past came back.

This is not impossible. After all, Thanos is shocked by the high level of technology, and should be able to make it soon if he has a certain understanding of Pym particles.

"Can you tell me how Thanos got here?" Iron Man asked Su Yue.

The Infinity Stones have been obtained, and the next most important thing may be to deal with Thanos, if... Thanos really appears.


Still don't say it?

If you don't say anything, Thanos will still appear. Although the result may not be the same, the ending may be a little troublesome.

As long as the nebula in the past is solved, as long as the quantum transmitter is not turned on, Thanos will not be able to find it accurately even with Pym particles. It's just that you won't be able to see the big scene of the final battle. One of the main purposes of Su Yue's coming here is for this big scene, and... If Thanos doesn't know the coordinates and can't come here, he has another Pym particle, the ghost knows what time he will use the Pym particle to travel to, and cause some effects that he does not know.


Su Yue pointed to Nebula: "She will bring Thanos here."


Everyone subconsciously looked at Nebula.

Although Nebula was a little flustered in his heart, he still looked cold on the surface: "Why me?"

"Because you are Nebula from the past, not their partner Nebula. You don't have to be in a hurry to deny it. Although I exposed your identity, I am not going to stop you from bringing Thanos here." Su Yue said with a smile.

Yes, he said Nebula's identity and the method of Thanos coming here, but he didn't plan to stop her from letting Thanos come, or it could be said that he would help her bring Thanos here.

Chapter 0463 Demolition Nebula and Thanos must appear!

You have already exposed my identity, does it make sense to stop me?

You don't stop me, but they stop me!

Although Nebula's strength is not weak, but surrounded by avengers, she has no chance of success at all. Even so, she would not sit still, and immediately turned around and jumped off the platform and ran to the controller, ready to directly turn on the transmitter to send Thanos and his army over.

Everyone was a little skeptical of Su Yue's statement, but now that they saw Nebula's actions, they couldn't care less and hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

After a few rounds, Nebula was controlled by their uniforms.

Her teammates, War Machine, didn't know about Nebula's replacement, but luckily it didn't cause a catastrophe. On the one hand, they were fortunate, and on the other hand, they were worried about the safety of their partner Nebula.

"Now, Thanos won't appear again?" Iron Man asked Su Yue.

Su Yue shook his head: "Yes!"

"Why? Nebula has been controlled, and Thanos can no longer appear through the transmitter." Iron Man puzzled.

Su Yue shrugged: "And me."


Iron Man was stunned, and the others reacted quickly. Some people blocked in front of the controller, and some people spread out to surround Su Yue.

Su Yue naturally saw their little actions, he smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous, I'm not going to get Thanos over now, we can sit down and drink coffee, wait for your mood to stabilize and slowly Say it again."

"Your emotions need to be calm."

Indeed, they do need to be calm.

Going back through time to get the Infinity Stones was a very emotional thing. As soon as I came back, I learned that Natasha had sacrificed. Before they had time to grieve, they knew that Thanos would make a comeback.

Then, the nebula was replaced.

Then, grabbing Nebula, Su Yue said back to let Thanos appear.

Reversal, reversal, reversal... A series of events that caught them off guard and unprepared made their current mood extremely unstable. They really needed proper calm and relaxation before they could think about the problem correctly.

In a large messy living room, Su Yue casually pushed aside the information about the Infinity Stones in front of him, glanced at the Avengers sitting around him and Nebula who was under control, he smiled and took Bruce. Banner took a sip of the coffee that Banner handed him over.

During the time he came to the reception room, Iron Man had already told others about him and Dimension Street. Although they didn't know why there was such a big discrepancy between the past they knew and the real past, they didn't care about Su Yuedao. So deep hostility, but still a little puzzled and alert.

"Natasha...is there a chance to come back?" Although he had calmed down, Hawkeye couldn't wait to ask about Natasha.

After all, Natasha died in front of him.

Su Yue shook his head: "My Natasha knows what your Natasha has done. If it were her, she would have made the same choice, but she didn't have the chance, and I won't let the same thing happen again."

"Speaking of which, the past and the future are supposed to be a straight line or a cycle. I have seen Steve Rogers. I am not referring to my point in time, nor you. To be precise, you were originally the future, you guys. After this incident, you go back to return the gems, and then... don't come back, but live in the past until you have gray hair, until the time when you returned the gems, and then hand over the shield and the title of captain To Falcon."

"This is a cycle, you go back to the past, you wake up from the ice in the past, and then go through a series of things, travel back to the past to return the gems, and you continue to live in his place, and he continues to remain anonymous after returning to the past. life, so repeated..."

"At the beginning of a certain cycle, things develop in different directions, and the cycle is broken. From that node, the past and the future are no longer a straight line, but two completely different parallel worlds, that is, the present. Case."

"Of course, parallel worlds can't make sense, they can only be said to be related and not related. You can still travel to my world, but my world has nothing to do with you, or you are traveling through a point in the past. , but because of me, the past point in time is no longer your past, but your future."

The theory of time and space is very complicated. Su Yue explained it a few words and then stopped. It doesn't matter whether they understand it or not, it doesn't matter whether they understand it or not, it doesn't matter if they know the result anyway.

It's like people know how to turn on and off a light, but they don't necessarily know the principle.

Su Yue's mentality is very correct. For him, the current future is not his future, so for him this is not so much the future, but rather a parallel world with a faster timeline.

The people here, the things here have nothing to do with him, the only thing that matters is the Thanos camp. So he is not sad about Natasha's death in this world, and he doesn't care about other things and identity relationships. He has no experience of contact at all, and is simply a stranger who has nothing to do with him.

There are so many parallel worlds in the Marvel world, Su Yue felt that it was enough to only care about his own world.

Although Su Yue didn't say it clearly, the meaning inside and outside the words is already clear. Natasha in this world will not come back.

This is a very sad result, whether it is Hawkeye, Bruce Banner, Captain and others all bowed their heads and fell silent.

After a long time, Iron Man said, "Didn't you say that your Thanos can't die here? If so, why do you want him to appear? Wouldn't it be more worry-free if he didn't appear?"

"You are relieved, but I may not!" Su Yue pouted: "My world time progress has only arrived at the Battle of New York, I haven't seen Thanos, and Thanos doesn't know me, but he wants to come to you. Thanos is the one not long after my timeline. He already knows the future situation, and if nothing else, he has also researched the Pym particle. If he doesn't send him coordinates to come here, the ghost knows that he will use it. When did the Pym particle travel through? The impact may be worse and more troublesome at that time.”

"Let Thanos come here, I'll deal with him, and then return your nebula to you. By the way, I'm finishing the process with the Infinity Stones, and then bring the Infinity Stones back. This is the easiest and most effective way."

Chapter 0464 Su Yue VS Captain Marvel

Su Yue's attitude is very firm, and the reasons are also very good, but the shadow that Thanos casts on them is too great. For Thanos, although they dare to fight, they already have an indelible impression of the power of Thanos in their hearts, so Let Thanos reappear is indeed a matter of caution, caution, and caution for them.

Their prudence has nothing to do with Su Yue, because no matter whether they agree or not, they cannot change his decision. However, his attitude is not so strong and domineering. To passers-by, strangers or strangers, Su Yue's attitude has always been more friendly.

The premise is that they do not take the initiative to provoke themselves.

Nebula was locked up, and Su Yue also accepted the room they arranged. Although Su Yue will be accompanied by people, he is not restricted from freedom, and no one dares, no one can restrict his freedom.

Su Yue can understand this kind of behavior. After all, there is a powerful stranger in your house. This stranger may bring disaster to the world at any time. In this case, it is normal to arrange someone to follow him!

Su Yue was not sensitive enough to think that he had been insulted or had other negative emotions.

The Stark Building was later converted into the Avengers Building, but the Avengers Building was abandoned during this period. Their new base was changed from the original warehouse base. In the Ant-Man movie, they also came here to steal things and make friends with Falcon. pass.

The environment here is very good, and the facilities are also very complete. Although there are very few working or idle people, it seems a little deserted, but Su Yue didn't come here to see people. It doesn't matter to him whether he is deserted or not.

Silent all night.

There was nothing worth talking about for a night's sleep. The next day, Su Yue saw all the remaining heroes at this point in time.

There are many people.

Iron Man, Captain, Bruce Banner, Hawkeye, War Machine, Thor, Rocket Raccoon, Okoye of Wakanda, and... Carol Danvers just returned from outer space .

Unfortunately, this is not the Carol Danvers I know, and Carol Danvers doesn't know Su Yue either.

Perhaps when he traveled from Su Yue to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the past and future that were originally a straight line have changed. Although he has always tried his best to ensure that the main line develops according to the original trajectory, it only affects his time. Wire.

"You are bringing Thanos here? What if you can't stop Thanos?" Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, came to Su Yue, looked up and down and felt that he didn't seem to be that strong.

Su Yue raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "What do you want?"

"Fight with me, and if you win, I will agree with your decision." Carol Danvers said eagerly.


To be honest, Carol Danvers in front of him should be slightly stronger than his own. After all, others have the advantage of time. After so many years in the universe, regardless of strength and experience, he must be slightly better. But Su Yue still readily accepted her proposal. You can be as strong as you are, and it is not as strong as me anyway.

"Go outside."

Carol Danvers turned and walked out.

In the open space outside, Carol Danvers and Su Yue stood facing each other, while the Avengers stood aside, preparing to take this opportunity to learn more about Su Yue's strength.

Previously, when the Quanzhou quartet played against Su Yue for a short time, they lost very much. It can be said that they did not understand how strong Su Yue was. Su Yue said that there are two people who can defeat Thanos, and one has turned into ashes. Wanda the Scarlet Witch, and the other is Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, so Carol Danvers playing against Su Yue is a good opportunity to probe the strength of Su Yue.

"Are you ready?" Carol Danvers raised her eyebrows and asked Su Yue.

Su Yue opened Jian Jigu's eyes and nodded in a relaxed manner.


Just after Su Yue nodded, Carol Danvers rushed in front of him like a cannonball.

There is no fancy way, just a simple straight punch.


The defensive force field suddenly opened, directly blocking Carol Danvers' powerful punch.

Carol Danvers was slightly stunned, and then her fists slammed out frantically and quickly like a downpour.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Stormy fists continuously and powerfully bombarded the defensive force field with hot and bright energy. The collision of each punch seemed to cause the defensive force field to vibrate slightly, and the sound of the attack was even more like a beating in the heart. People are shocked...

Suddenly, Carol Danvers, who was attacking frantically, saw that Su Yue's fist in the defensive force field actually lit up with hot energy, and this feeling seemed to be exactly the same as himself.


The originally strong and sturdy defensive force field suddenly disappeared, and then a bang was heard, and Su Yue's fist with energy and light slammed directly on Carol Danvers' body.


The huge power made Carol Danvers' expression change, and his body flew backwards involuntarily.

With the speed force activated, Su Yue actually came to the front of Carol Danvers one step ahead and raised his fist again towards her who was flying over.

Carol Danvers reacted very quickly. With her super fighting ability, she would naturally not lose her mobility because of Su Yue's punch. She could fly and stabilize her body in an instant, followed by a surge of energy. She looked up to fly into the air.

"Deceleration force field, open!"

A layer of strange energy field instantly unfolded on Su Yue's body, directly covering Carol Danvers who wanted to fly into the air. At that moment, Carol Danverston, who was flying at an extremely fast speed, felt a deep swamp, and an indescribable feeling of tugging occurred in her whole body, which made her flying speed instantly slow to an extremely exaggerated level. .

If it was said that her speed was fifty times faster, now she is fifty times slower, or even... more!

In the deceleration force field, Su Yue looked at Carol Danvers, who had stopped suddenly, the corner of her mouth was slightly raised, and she reached out and dragged her in front of him, then raised her hand...


The finger flicked lightly on Carol Danvers' forehead.

This skull made Carol Danvers, who was ready to withstand the attack, widen her eyes in surprise, and then Su Yue released her and retracted the deceleration field, as if he came back, I won't bully you.

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