I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 965: Two hundred sixty nine

Chapter 965 Chapter 269: Refining the corpse

"Little Eighteen is Lao Na's family. He is now dead unexplainedly. Lao Na will be fair to him!"

Guhan stretched out his hand and lifted it lightly, and the wind lifted the young man to the side, "Let's get out of the way, let Lao Na see, who actually ate the bear heart and leopard gall and killed my spy!"

A corpse is not deceiving. To a certain extent, a corpse can convey more information than a living person can.

As for the corpse monk, the corpse is more than just talking. Gu Han waved gently, and the corpse limp against the wall stood up and walked stiffly to his side.

The corpse monk put his hand on the corpse's heavenly spirit cover, and Wu Shiba's brain lit up with green light. The light gushed out from Baihui and spread to the palm of the great monk.

The young man watching this weird and inexplicable scene was frightened, but he closed his mouth tightly to endure curiosity without making a sound.

After a long while, Guhan had sensed all the information in Wu Shiba's body, turned his head and smiled at the young man: "You're pretty cute, aren't you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Even though the voice was shaking, the young man still held his breath: "As long as I can avenge Brother Wu, I am not afraid of anything!"

"What a sweet and righteous little baby."

Gu Han secretly said in his heart, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes: "What is your name and how old is this year?"

"My name is Yan Luoyu and I am eighteen years old this year."

"Eighteen years old? How long have you been practicing martial arts?"

"After joining the Taibao Gang, Brother Wu taught me to build a foundation. This year is already the sixth year!"


Guhan’s eyes lit up again. Martial arts masters like him naturally knew that if a child wanted to create thirty-six images from scratch, it would take four to five years to complete. In the case of young tendons, although it is not too late for a child to learn martial arts at the age of twelve, because the body has already begun to develop, it is not so easy to practice Tao Tu. It takes several times the energy and toughness to build the foundation. It seems that this The younger brother Wu Shiba received might still be an extraordinary talent.

Thinking of this, the dead monk asked Yan Luoyu again: "When did you start to look inside?"

Yan Luoyu thought for a while and said: "If you return to the master, the villain completed the foundation construction in the twelfth lunar month last year, so you can look inside."

Speaking of this, Yan Luoyu's face couldn't help but feel a little gloomy. He once had the dream of being a martial arts wizard, but compared to the story in the story, he would build the foundation for three or two years, and then he would be there after five or six years of cultivation. The mortal heavenly prodigy, he has cultivated for six full years, and he has not even reached the peak of the mortal realm, so naturally he has no delusions.

After all, Monk Keshi is a master of martial arts, and he looks at problems more objectively and transparently than young people. Why is Tianzong wizards always born in the family, because only the resource allocation of the family can let young people walk through the door to martial arts since childhood On the right way.

And the children of the common people, even if they have innate Taoism, can not complete the foundation, in the final analysis, it is because of insufficient nutrition.

Aristocratic youngsters can try to practice Xiantian Dao Tu from the age of four or five, and if the children of the common people practice at this age, they will only hurt their foundation and vitality. Unless they have a good meal, why do they say that they are difficult to come out of? Takako, this is the truth.

At a young age, the difficulty of foundation building has increased geometrically. Like Yan Luoyu, who only started building foundations at the age of twelve, he can finish building foundations in five years, not to mention only half a year of practice, his spiritual power has already Standing in the upper reaches of the mortal realm, everything like this shows that this child's martial arts talent is superb.

The corpse monk who was thinking about getting the information and then left suddenly had other thoughts. After a long time of contemplation, Chaoyan Luoyu said: "Old Na is here to ask you, do you want to continue martial arts practice?"

When Yan Luoyu heard this, he was overjoyed and quickly knelt down and said: "Master is here, disciple Yan Luoyu, willing to follow the master to practice the righteous Fa!"

"Come on slowly." The corpse monk robed gently, lifted Yan Luoyu up with the wind, and said lightly: "Lao Na's method is the two methods of fellow practitioners, Buddha and demons. The method of merging the wish to force the corpse is difficult to understand. , It's very obscure, even Lao Na now doesn't know where he is going, and he has no plans to pass down the mantle, so he can't accept you as a disciple!"

Yan Luoyu, who was held up by the wind, said with a sad expression: "It's a kid who has no blessings."

"However, maybe you can join the blood building and continue martial arts practice."

Gu Han continued: "I believe you have seen Xiao Shishi's wrist blade technique. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the blood building martial arts. As long as you join the blood building, you will surely become a better warrior than Xiao Shishi in the future."

When Yan Luoyu heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Master, where is this blood building and how should I worship the mountain gate?"

"There is no goodwill in vain in the world, so you have to think about it." Gu Han said lightly: "Worshiping into the Blood Tower means that you have to serve the Blood Tower for the rest of your life, become the killer or spy of the Blood Tower, and obey the owner's orders. And as long as you can complete the task, the world's top secret technique, the strongest exercise method, you will get what you want!"

"So, think about it before answering, are you willing to join the blood house?"

Yan Luoyu's expression changed for a while. In fact, in the tavern, he had already heard that Wu Ge had another more secret identity besides the identity of Taibao.

But when he thought of Wu Shiba's magical wrist blade technique, he couldn't forget it for a long time. As long as he closed his eyes, the brilliance of the wrist blade shining in the dark space would appear.

In young people's superficial knowledge of martial arts, this represents the pinnacle of martial arts. As long as you can cultivate such a technique, it will be a life-long killer.

"I have figured it out clearly. I want to worship into the Blood Tower and practice the same techniques as Brother Wu!"

Yan Luoyu replied without hesitation with enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Okay!" Gu Han nodded in relief, and put his hand on Wu Shiba's Tianling cover again.

A burst of black energy gushed from the body of the corpse monk and merged into Wu Shiba's corpse. In Yan Luoyu's incredulous eyes, Wu Shiba opened his closed eyes, revealing two blood-red eyes.

The corpse fell into the body, and Wu Shiba's body quickly became rigid, the teeth became sharp, the nails became dark and slender, and white hair grew out of the whole body.

In just a quarter of an hour, the corpse monk Shang Guhan trained a sixth-rank white zombies with only the corpse of fifty eight. If it is seen by other warriors who practice corpse refining, it will be eye-catching, but a young face Luo Yu still didn't know what kind of magical skill was in front of him at this time.

Sixth-Rank White Zombie is already the pinnacle of the walking corpse, invulnerable and powerful, not to mention that the violent corpse poison is a warrior who can threaten the pinnacle of transmutation.

However, if Baizha takes a further step, it can be transformed into a fifth-grade flying zombies, which is called Feitian Yasha by the people, and it is difficult to defeat the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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