I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 964: Two hundred sixty eight

Chapter 964 Chapter 268: Breakthrough

Speaking of it, Tang Luo himself can only be blamed for this. After opening the top five gods of the indestructible battle body, he gained the supernatural power of Yin and Yang.

This supernatural power capable of fusing the physical body with the spiritual power made Tang Luo almost forget the matter of the incarnation of the incarnation, and he thought about the physical body, and when the peak of the fierce realm was about to prepare the incarnation of the incarnation, he immediately caught him blind.

Yin-Yang grind is a supernatural power that can help the spiritual body incarnate, but as a supernatural power, yin-yang grind itself also needs spiritual power.

Ordinary release and recovery, imprisonment and shattering a soul are all easy to say, but to polish the body, its energy consumption is dozens of hundreds of times that of strangling a spirit.

Like his tyrannical body, Yin Yang Nian needs to continue to output the spiritual power after the second qualitative change if he wants to fight.

Simply put, it is to first inject 10,000 spiritual power to activate the magical powers, and then continue to "add oil" to ensure that the magical powers continue. With his physical strength at this time, Tang Luo calculated a small account, and finally came to the conclusion that he simply bears Can't afford such a loss of spiritual power.

Things are very clear at this point. Although there is the supernatural power of yin and yang crushing, this is exactly the same as none, or that this skill will not be of much use in a short time.

And because of the specificity of his body, he was particularly afraid of breaking through the fierce realm. His body skipped the step of incarnation of the spiritual body and directly reached the king realm.

If this is the case, then he can really be called the weakest king realm, let alone fighting against a Saint King-level powerhouse, even fighting an ordinary king realm would have trouble.

Therefore, there are only two paths before him. If he reaches the critical point of the king's realm and has not found another way to incarnate the spiritual body, he can only use Yin and Yang to crush his body, and it will consume a little spiritual energy. It is better than no way out.

Of course, the best thing is that he can find a new method of incarnation of the spirit, so that he won't have to waste his spiritual power on such meaningless things.


Lianguan City, Qingshui Street

Just as Tang Luo expected, the movement of the Lotus Tavern could not hide the residents on the same street. As soon as Tang Luo left, news of the destruction of the Thirteen Taibao spread all over the streets.

How cruel the weak people usually swallow, they took out their shovel and shovel to surround the lotus tavern.

But the young man who grew up in a brothel has long lost the innocence of pinning his life on fluke. He carried Wu Shiba's body on his back and slipped away quietly through the back door.

After pulling out such a large space, he finally had room to escape, and his destination was also very clear, which was the west gate of Lianguan City.

After more than eighteen years of careful teaching, the young man is no longer the appearance of malnutrition when he first saw him. The life of drinking and eating big meat makes him strong like a bull.

If he didn't carry a corpse on his back, he might be able to escape out of the city, but there is no such thing in life.

Facing a group of people in Lianguan with red eyes, the young man just tied the body of Wu Shiba to his back, clenched the long knife in his hand, and moved forward.

One husband is desperate, and the meaning of fighting against the enemy is that courage determines the victory or defeat of the battle when the difference in individual strength is not large.

To some extent, it’s not that no one can stop this young man. It’s just that no one wants to be the dead person. Even if only one person stands in front of him, when the young man’s long knife is cut off, he can rush forward regardless of life and death. The surrounded young people naturally have a dead end.

But no one was prepared for this, so a funny scene appeared on the long street. It was obvious that a group of people surrounded the young people, but the young people carried a knife and ran, and under the push, this force turned the back. All the people who followed made a somersault, it looked like a young man had chopped down dozens of people.

In this way, the young man broke through the encirclement incredible, carrying the corpse and drove away.

In one breath, he ran to the ruined Xiaolin Temple outside Lianguan City. The young man put down the body of Wu Shiba and threw it into the long knife in his hand, and then sat down against the wall and gasped for breath.

The stab wound on his chest seemed to be in his eyes, which had stopped bleeding and scabs long ago, but it broke apart again in the strenuous activity that just broke through.

The young man who has been injured all the year knows that if he does not deal with it, he will lose blood and follow in the footsteps of Brother Wu.

As he carefully unwrapped his clothes and was preparing to bandage the wound, he suddenly heard the noise outside the temple gate, and when he turned around in surprise, he lifted the long knife with his toe. When facing the temple door, the long knife was already in front of him.

And the young man could see clearly, the sound was a tall man wearing a bamboo hat, wearing a brown robe and stepping on six-hole lohan shoes. It seemed that he should be a monk wandering here.

"Fortunately, it's not chasing soldiers."

The young man sighed in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged, and the sword was not put down. Instead, he sternly asked at the person who came: "Who are you and why are you here."

The great monk walked into the temple, stood still three feet away from the young man, took off the bamboo hat from his head, revealing a blue-black face: "Old Na Guhan, come to Lianguan to find an old knowledge."

"Looking for old knowledge?" The young man was full of doubts: "Since it's looking for old knowledge, the great monk came to ruin the temple, not far to the east is Lianguan City!"

"No need." Gu Han grinned, showing white teeth, and said with a chuckle: "Old Na has found it."

Monk Corpse said as he cast his eyes on the corpse of Wu Shiba next to the young man.

"I am dead today, and I won't let you move his hair!"

The young man shouted in anger, lifted the knife and slashed at Gu Han's forehead, but the great monk did not dodge or avoid, letting the knife fall.

He only heard the sound of "dang", the young man felt that he had cut a piece of pig iron, his entire right arm was numb, but he still held a long knife.

The great monk was not annoyed when he was slashed. He just pulled the long knife away from his forehead lightly and said with a smile: "If Xiao Shi is known to Quanxia, ​​he must be very happy to know that there are brothers who are willing to fight for him after death."

"Clang Clang"

Hearing Guhan's words, the young man threw the knife away and turned to his knees. He couldn't cry: "Master, Brother Wu was forced to death by others, you have to be the master for him!"

The entire Lianguan only knows that the Taibao’s name is Wu Ge, and even the other brothers don’t know Wu Ge’s real name. Only young people know it, because once, Wu Shiba mentioned to him that his surname was Wu Shishi. , Eighteen at home.

If one day something unexpected happened to him, and someone came to Lianguan City to look for Eighteen, he would let him lead someone to a place.

At that time, the young man only thought that the boss was talking nonsense, but when he heard what the great monk said, the young man knew that the great monk was the one the boss was waiting for!

(End of this chapter)

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