I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 864 The familiar black mist

The sound Tang Ye made was swallowed by something. He himself couldn't hear any sound, and the empty universe seemed silent and strange.

I don’t know how long it took for Tang Ye to return to the embrace of Mother Earth, but he was finally noticed by the mother, and her gravity began to pull Tang Ye toward the surface.

Tang Ye breathed a sigh of relief. His abnormal body gradually returned to normal, and the wasted strength also returned. His body began to fall to the ground at a high speed. This feeling of free fall made Tang Ye feel more comfortable than ever before.

He closed his eyes in enjoyment, but just as he closed them, he suddenly opened them again. What did he seem to see just now?

Tang Ye reacted quickly and looked in that direction on the spot. It was a cloud of fog, extremely dark, and it was very obvious among the white clouds, and could be noticed almost at a glance.

"what is that?"

The black mist itself didn't look strange. What was strange was that it gave Tang Ye a feeling of being close at hand but far away.

After coming over for a while, the black mist seemed to notice that Tang Ye was looking at him, and it disappeared little by little in Tang Ye's eyes, and the way it disappeared was beyond what people could understand.

Just like a movie special effect, it slowly fades, becomes transparent, and then disappears, as if it had never appeared.


Tang Ye frowned. He didn't know why. His heart had been beating since he saw this thing. It seemed that the thing was very familiar, but this familiarity was not the sense of familiarity that he had seen the same thing somewhere before. Very different and familiar.

To answer with Tang Ye's own feelings, it is very familiar, but you don't know where you are familiar with it. It is like a dream. It feels like you have had the same dream, but after you wake up, you understand very well that that dream has not been done before. But where does this sense of familiarity come from?

Tang Ye wanted to get close to the black mist, but the time when it disappeared was very clever. Tang Ye knew that he couldn't get close to it, and it might have disappeared before he could get close to it.

"Why is this..." After carefully feeling the familiarity, Tang Ye was filled with doubts.

"Forget it, maybe I'm overthinking it. Anyway, there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts in the apocalypse."

It was just an interlude, and soon Tang Ye didn't take it to heart. He passed through the clouds and stared at the ground, finding the approximate location of the Liantong District, like a sharp arrow falling from the sky.


A few hours later, in the wasteland of Cheng City in Province C, a flaming meteor hit the ground. Countless zombies were blown off their feet by the strong wind. After getting up, they roared in the direction of the meteor hitting the ground. But As soon as they made a sound, their throats seemed to be pinched by invisible hands, and they stopped making sounds after just one syllable.

They can feel that there is a very scary similar person ahead!

"It's already daytime."

Tang Ye looked around, not knowing where he was. He wanted to see what time it was, but during the descent, the watch he was wearing had been torn into parts by the wind resistance caused by the rapid fall and scattered everywhere.

The suit he wore before had completely disappeared, and now Tang Ye was completely naked.

Space is tens of thousands of kilometers away from the ground. Even if the seventh-level zombies fly back and forth at full strength, it will take nearly seven hours. At this time, the eastern hemisphere of the earth has changed from night to day.

After landing successfully, he had already made a pit with a diameter of about twenty meters on the ground. The surrounding zombies had been blown away by the storm. At this time, these zombies reacted. They had never experienced such a scene. Don't worry about it, but after hearing the sound, you will think that there is a living thing here, and then run over happily.

After discovering that they are the same kind, they immediately return to their original state.

Tang Ye shook his body and shook off the gravel from his hair. Then he crawled out of the ruins. A black mist appeared from nowhere and began to wrap around Tang Ye's body. It was a magical transformation. into a simple black dress.

After doing this, Tang Ye began to look for clues in the streets full of zombie plants. He had never been to this place before, and he needed to know where he was now.

He has to go back to the joint district.

After going around in a circle, just when Tang Ye had no clue and wanted to give up, he suddenly saw an old sign hanging on a store. The words on it had been severely worn by the years, and the end of the world was coming. Many things are more likely to be oxidized, and one of those five words is not clear at all.

[Small* battery car, Chengshi main store. 】

Tang Ye didn't care what was written on the store sign. He was more concerned about the four words behind it.

"Chengshi main store? I saw this is Chengshi."

In every city in China, you can always see some store signs with the name of the city where you are located. When you find yourself in an unknown and strange city, it is easy to know where you are now by looking at those stores.

"Cheng City is more than fifty kilometers away from Longyang City, which is not too far."

Tang Ye shook his head. It was too difficult to land accurately in the joint area after falling from space. After all, the earth is so big. It is undoubtedly as difficult as throwing a charger and inserting it directly into the socket.

Sensing the location of Xu Haihai in his mind and determining the direction, Tang Ye walked in that direction. He was very fast, like a gust of wind blowing, and soon left Cheng City.

But just as he came to a street in a small town, he suddenly stopped.

His arrival made the zombies here consciously get out of the way. Those high-level zombies that already had some intelligence were so frightened that they huddled on the ground and did not dare to move.

In front of Tang Ye, his eyes were looking at a sewer opening on the street. Just now, he clearly saw a toy car next to the sewer opening, but soon, a small hand stretched out from the hole in the fender and pulled the toy car out. I took it back.

"Someone lives here?"

Tang Ye became curious, so he walked over and stood above the sewer opening. Suddenly, he suddenly fell down, his head drooped, his white hair hung upside down, and his black pupils and red eyes lay across the fender.

He saw a little girl who was already frightened, looking into his eyes with dull eyes, holding up the toy car in her hand stupidly, and didn't put it down for a long time.

Finally, she reacted, and her instinct made her want to shout to buffer the fear in her heart, but the habit she had developed in the apocalypse made her quickly cover her mouth again.

But this kind of fright was only temporary. Tang Ye suddenly appeared and stood up immediately. Under his feet, separated by a cement board, there was a person there. Zombies were rampant outside. Maybe the little girl had been living here.

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