I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 863 Breaking through the atmosphere

Flying higher, Tang Ye saw other continents except the Shenzhou Continent. The Lanou Continent had already been completely covered in emerald green, with a few yellow spots visible in it. However, the areas that were not covered were exposed. Depressing black.

The Yansha Continent is red and yellow. Even at this distance, you can feel the desolation above and don't know what is happening there. As for the Far North and South and North America, due to Tang Ye's perspective, he can't see Not all, you can only see some places that seem to be shining with dense light, which should be where the survivors live. As for other places, they are either shrouded in a gray-white layer that looks like fog, or they are a patch of red. , don’t know what those are.

The vast ocean is no longer a single blue. The advent of the apocalypse has changed many things, including the ocean. Therefore, there is no longer only blue on the ocean, but also dark purple, dark red, and dark yellow things that grow like spots on the sea. .

At first glance, I had no idea what color it was, and it didn't look bright. On the contrary, it made people feel uncomfortable, just like when a person sees the pattern on a snake, goosebumps appear on his body.

In the past five years since the end of the world, the whole world has completely changed, but Tang Ye didn't pay too much attention to this. He stared at the sky above his head.

Getting closer, sky, here I come! Let me see what you look like with my own eyes!

He accelerated his flight speed, and his ears were filled with the roaring sound of wind, which kept pushing into his ears, as if they were going to burst his eardrums.

The height above the ground was getting higher and higher, and finally, he reached the troposphere. A pressure suddenly penetrated his whole body, and his muscles seemed to be pressed down by something heavy, which stopped Tang Ye's speed.

"Air pressure?"

Tang Ye frowned. He was a little uncomfortable with this sudden pressure. This was completely different from being pressed down by a heavy object. Every cell in his body seemed to be forcibly tied with something. He felt Unparalleled resistance.

But these couldn't stop him. He continued to speed up, and at the same time, the pressure became more and more intense. In the end, the muscles on his forehead were beating wildly and his arms were unable to lift.


He cursed angrily. It was really unpleasant to feel that every cell in his body was filled with fat men weighing several thousand kilograms dancing. He finally understood why those candidates for astronauts needed to be physically qualified. It turned out that they had to endure Pressure from the universe.

For ordinary people, this kind of pressure may make people faint in an instant. Its pressure is not fixed. It is like an intelligent machine that can exert pressure according to your own weight.

And Tang Ye is a seventh-level zombie with powerful strength. At the same time, his body must be strong to carry this power. As a seventh-level zombie, he is already nearly 10,000 times heavier than an ordinary person, and the pressure he has to endure is unparalleled. of.

His body continued to rush upward, and there was nothing but wind in his ears, which made him extremely irritated. Just when Tang Ye couldn't stand the noisy and unconscious sound, suddenly, the violent wind in his ears began to subside, making him extremely irritated. He felt better.

The storm surrounding him also subsided somewhat.

"Where have you been?"

Tang Ye adapted for a while, lowered his head and looked down, but all he saw was a vast expanse of white. The earth's surface had been shrouded in clouds and mist, with only some gaps revealing lush green.

The originally blue sky also began to darken from his ever-increasing perspective.

"Space, here I come!"

Tang Ye roared angrily, and the muscles all over his body bulged. In order to reduce the resistance, the suit on his body was torn directly. The muscles on his back were as ferocious as the tangled mountains, forming a ghost back.

The handsome young man who looked evil and inhuman a second ago suddenly changed his appearance. His face was dark gray, his fangs were exposed, and he looked as ferocious as a demon!

The sound he made when he opened his mouth seemed to be largely offset by something. Only a little bit could be heard, like a whisper, or as if he wanted to shout in a dream but the sound just couldn't come out.

Feeling this situation, Tang Ye knew that he was close to outer space.

Crossing the void with the physical body is something that only characters in online novels and mythological stories can do, but in the real world, he did it!

How unbelievable this is. The arrival of the end of the world has dealt a devastating blow to human civilization, causing everyone to flee in a hurry like a mouse. But God has closed a door and opened a window, which makes everything possible.

Tang Ye broke through the atmosphere and felt a lightness all over his body. He entered a wonderful state. The wind in his ears was no longer heard. What he saw was a colorful and dreamlike universe, and under his feet was the huge earth!

It was very quiet, so quiet that he couldn't hear his own heartbeat. Tang Ye's body turned naturally like this. If it weren't for the earth "next to him", he would hardly be able to tell the difference between up and down.

Tang Ye was not stunned by the wonderful sight of the universe in front of him, because he had no energy at all! He feels very bad now! It's very uncomfortable. The physical body directly enters space. Even seventh-level zombies are very uncomfortable.

After entering space, every cell in his body was beating crazily, as if trying to resist something. His eyes were bulging, almost exposed from the eye sockets, and the exposed upper body muscles were also beating frequently, as if there were Something was crawling beneath his skin.

The huge sense of oppression coming from within his body made him have no intention of watching those sparkling rivers of stars in the universe. He just wanted to leave now.

But when a person is in space, he has nowhere to exert force. It is like being thrown into the air and trying to stabilize your body with force, and then stand on the ground unscathed. It is not so embarrassing, but in this state , all the strength you use is in vain, which is a hundred times more depressing than punching cotton.

Tang Ye kept struggling, like an unlucky guy falling into the water and swinging his body, trying to fly towards the earth.

Wisps of black mist emitted from his body, dragging him towards the earth with tiny electric currents.

"Made, Su Sigui, you tricked me!"

Tang Ye cursed angrily. He almost felt suffocated now. The anti-life substances in his body had lost their regular and meaningless operation, and the energy in his body was also disappearing crazily. If he hadn't deliberately suppressed it, he would now be at the seventh level. The zombie's extremely powerful body may explode!

He had begun to suspect that Su Sigui deliberately said that to him from time to time, so as to arouse his curiosity and run up to take a look. In the end, his opponent died without having to take action himself.

But Tang Ye was just thinking about it, because it was ridiculous to doubt others with such childish ideas.

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