After a while, Misako, who finally calmed down while sitting on the sofa, began to narrate what had happened before.

It turned out that the air conditioner at home had a problem recently, so Misako called someone to come and repair it. Unexpectedly

, when the repairman saw that she was the only one at home, he had evil thoughts and wanted to do something bad.

But just as he started to take action, he suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed as if he had seen something terrible.

Misako, who was still frightened, hurriedly picked up the phone to call the police, which led to the scene that Bai Ziyu saw later.

After she finished telling the story, Misako glanced at the spirit tablet not far away with fear:"Hanyu-kun, do you think this could be Yosuke? Kazuhiko had done the same thing before..."

"Don't worry, it's not him!"

Hearing this, Misako murmured softly:"It's not him, it's..."

The next moment, she reacted and looked at Bai Ziyu excitedly:"It's you, Hanyu-kun, it's you, right?!"

"Congratulations, Madam, for your correct answer! From now on, anyone who has evil thoughts towards Madam, if they get within three meters of Madam, will be treated like the previous person."

"From now on, Madam will no longer have to worry about her own safety."

"Hanyu-kun, how on earth did you do it? This is amazing, and how can I thank you enough?"

"Just like last time, cook me another big meal!"

"I have been fascinated by Madam's cooking skills."

Being praised by Bai Ziyu, Misako's cheeks immediately showed a hint of shame:"You are too kind, Hanyu!"

But then her gentle face showed a little resentment:"Etsumi's cooking skills are better than mine"

"Madam, please don't underestimate yourself. Since last time, I have been thinking about the abalone you made."

"But my abalone is not as good as Etsuko's, it's overcooked!"

Hearing this, Misako recalled Etsuko's comments on her dishes last time, and said quietly

"But I like it very much, so can you fulfill my wish, madam?"

"Since Hanyu-kun likes it, Misako will make it right away!"

After that, Misako walked quickly to the kitchen, put on an apron and got busy.

This busy work lasted for more than an hour.

During this period, seeing that the other party was too tired, Bai Ziyu took the initiative to step forward and help.

Finally, with the concerted efforts of the two, a table of delicious meals was successfully served.

But just after tasting a few bites, the annoying doorbell rang again.

I got up and wanted to open the door, but Bai Ziyu's movements were faster.

The door was opened, and the person who came in was Etsukiko.

Seeing Bai Ziyu with a little oil stain on the corners of his mouth, Etsukiko complained with a little dissatisfaction:"Hanyu-kun, you and your sister had a big meal and didn't call me. It's really too much"

"But you never miss out every time, don't you, Yumiko? Come in!"

Bai Ziyu said as he stepped aside to let her in.

Arriving in the living room, Yumiko's sight was first attracted by the plate of abalone.

Without being allowed to leave, she sat down directly, picked up a piece with chopsticks and chewed it carefully.

After a moment, she said lightly:"Sister, your level really hasn't improved at all. You've gone too far again, and you even put too much salt this time!"

"Humph! I didn't ask you to eat it. This is for Jie Yijun. Why do you care?!"

"I'm just telling the truth! Besides, it's not easy for Hanyu to come here, how can I treat him with this kind of thing?"

"Why not try the abalone I made? It's more delicious than yours.~"


This sentence really pissed off Misako, but she had to admit that the other party's cooking skills were indeed better than hers.

Especially when cooking abalone, she always accidentally overcooked it, but the other party could grasp the timing just right.

Perhaps, this is talent!

Ten minutes later, Etsukiko's abalone was freshly baked.

It was moderately salty, soft and chewy, and it was top-notch.

Seeing Bai Ziyu's enjoyable look, Etsukiko gave Misako a provocative look.

Misako had to turn her head aside and sulked alone.

But Bai Ziyu knew how to treat everyone equally.

After tasting Etsukiko's work, he enjoyed the abalone made by Misako.

In this way, Misako's original sullenness was successfully eliminated, and the atmosphere between the three became harmonious again.

The meal lasted until almost noon.

Patting his stomach, Bai Ziyu got up and said goodbye with satisfaction.

Seeing the guests eating so happily, the two chefs, Misako and Etsukiko, couldn't help but smile gently.

When Bai Ziyu disappeared, Etsukiko looked at Misako and said,"Sister, this time we are even, but next time I will never lose to you."

"Humph! What a tie, didn’t you see that Hanyu-kun likes my cooking more?!"

"Why do you like you more? It’s obvious that you like me more!"...

Bai Ziyu, who had no idea that the two chefs had been arguing after he left, was now driving a Lamborghini and strolling around the streets.

Maybe he would be lucky enough to meet a goddess. However, in this dilapidated world of anime, the average appearance is indeed not low, but there are very few who score above 90.

In the end, after being busy for a long time without any results, he had to drive back to the villa to seek some comfort from his beautiful servant and trading partner.

Three days passed like this, and Mitsuko finally returned after three days.

As soon as she came back, she gave Bai Ziyu a big bear hug:"Ah, come on~, you're finally back, I missed you so much after not seeing you for three days~"

Wrapping his arms around the plump waist, Bai Ziyu silently sniffed the rich fragrance coming from the beauty.......

In the middle of the night, the longing that had accumulated in her heart for many days was finally relieved. Mitsuko snuggled in Bai Ziyu's arms and said softly,"By the way, the old man of Shanben Group sent me an invitation to attend his granddaughter's eighteenth birthday. What do you think?"

"Sugimoto Group?"

After hearing Mitsuko mention it, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but have some impressions in his mind.

This seems to be a pharmaceutical company in the neighboring city of Kanagawa. When the original parents were still alive, they seemed to have some business dealings with them.

And their chairman seemed to be called Ichiro Sugimoto, and his granddaughter seemed to be called, Sugimoto Shoko!

Yes, Sugimoto Shoko!

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