In the evening, after sending the three girls home as usual, Bai Ziyu drove to the villa.

There was no way, Mitsuko went on a business trip to Yokohama recently and would not be back until three days later.

Without the beauty, he was unwilling to go back to that cold home, so he could only come to this golden house to find comfort.

The two adults and one child were undoubtedly the happiest to see Bai Ziyu coming. As soon as he entered the door, Xun, the little radish, opened his arms and ran over happily:"Brother!" He bent down and picked him up, rubbed his smooth face gently with his cheek, and Bai Ziyu smiled lightly and said:"Are you happy at school today?"

"Yeah! Very happy! Today the teacher taught Xun a lot of new knowledge~"

Seeing the little carrot head's expectant look, Bai Ziyu was also very cooperative.

"Oh, what did Xun learn today?"

"Xun learned today..."

On the side, seeing this warm and loving scene, Takufu Chengjiang and Mikami Yuka both had a gentle smile on their lips.

After a while, seeing that Xun was still clinging to Bai Ziyu, Takufu Chengjiang said softly:"Okay, Xun, come down. The master has been busy all day. Don't cause trouble for him anymore.""

"No! No! Xun wants to be with brother, brother, do you hate Xun?"

As she said that, Xun stared at Bai Ziyu with her big watery eyes. She looked like if you dare to say yes, I will cry for you.

What else can Bai Ziyu say about this? What else dare he say?!

He could only smile and shake his head:"How could that be? Brother likes Xun the most!"

Hearing this, the little carrot head's face suddenly turned from sunny to cloudy, and she made a face at Tuo Fu Chengjiang:"Mom, you heard it, brother said he likes Xun."

After that, she pointed her little head at Bai Ziyu again:"Brother, shall we play games?"

"Games? Okay, then what game would Xun like to play? How about hide-and-seek?"

"No! No! Hide and seek is a game for children. Xun is not a child anymore. I want to play the game that my brother and mom often play."

After saying this, Bai Ziyu couldn't help but cough lightly.

That kind of game?!

It's a torture! It's too torture!

Hearing Xun's request, Tuofu Chengjiang's face suddenly froze:"Xun, what are you talking about?!"

"Xun wants to play games with brother? Brother, will you play with Xun?"

Xun, who didn't feel there was anything wrong with what she said, rubbed it gently with her tender and smooth little face.

This time, Tuofu Chengjiang finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted angrily:"Xun, come down, go back to your room!"

"I don't. Mom, you can play with your brother, so why can't Xun? Mom, you are so selfish!"


Seeing that Tuofu Chengjiang was about to get angry, Bai Ziyu suppressed his anger with a look.

Then he looked at the little carrot head with a gentle expression:"Xun! That is a game that only adults can play. Xun is too young now to play it."

"When you grow up, if you still have this idea, brother will play with you again, okay?"

Bai Ziyu said so. Although Xun felt a little disappointed, she still nodded her head gently:"Oh~, okay!"

But then, she stretched out her white and tender little finger:"Let's make a pinky promise. When Xun grows up, brother must play games with Xun.~"

"this..., OK! Pinky promise!"

At this moment, Bai Ziyu felt a strong sense of guilt, as if he was a weird uncle who tricked the girl into looking at the goldfish.

After dinner, Xun was the first to give up and yawned loudly. He was taken back to the room to sleep by Takufu Chengjiang. After he left, Mikami Yuka looked at Bai Ziyu with a little mischief:"I didn't expect that Yuka-kun is still so charming that he can even attract children."

He stood up and sat beside her, gently stretched out his arms to hug her slender waist. Bai Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly:"Of course, otherwise how could I attract Yuka-chan."

Gently nestling in Bai Ziyu's arms, Mikami Yuka murmured softly:"Yuka-kun, we have a deal~"

Hearing this, gently stroking the warm waist, Bai Ziyu slowly leaned to her ear:"That Yuka-chan, are you ready for another deal?"

After saying that, she blew a breath of hot air gently.

In an instant, the girl's whole body strength seemed to be drained away, and she collapsed on her broad chest.

Soon, Tuo Fu Chengjiang, who had been coaxed to sleep, returned to the living room.

Seeing the scene in front of her, her slender and white swan jade neck was suddenly covered with blush.

Then, she crossed her hands on her lower abdomen and slowly stepped forward.

The wind tonight was very noisy, and the moon seemed to be shy and hiding in the clouds.

The next morning, Bai Ziyu slowly woke up at the tender call of the two girls.

Looking at the snow-white ceiling, he was stunned for a long time, and then he got up and ate breakfast one by one.

As for the two girls, they had already eaten before, and now they were busy with their own things.

In front of the villa, looking at Mikami Yuka who had changed her clothes in front of her, Bai Ziyu said with concern:"Yuka-chan, are you really okay? Why don't you rest for a few more days?" With a sweet smile on her face, Mikami Yuka thanked:"Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine now!"

""Okay then!"

Since the girl insisted so much, Bai Ziyu didn't say anything more, and immediately drove her to Shengfeng College.

As for him, he naturally went to see his beautiful wife~

After all, he hadn't seen her for a few days and missed her very much!

Just as he arrived near the Yugong family, he saw a police car parked in front of the door. A middle-aged man with a fat face and a big belly was brought out by two policemen.

The middle-aged man seemed to have seen something terrible, his expression was very ferocious, and he kept muttering: Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!

After the police left, Bai Ziyu stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

"Ding Dong~"

In the living room, Misako, who was about to call her beloved Hanyu, trembled all over when she heard the doorbell.

After a moment, she mustered up the courage to step forward.

Through the peephole, she saw that the person standing outside was the one she had been thinking about. Misako was immediately delighted and hurriedly opened the door.

Then, she threw herself into Bai Ziyu's arms like a young swallow, her body trembling slightly, tears streaming down.

Gently patting the beauty's soft and fragrant back, Bai Ziyu comforted her softly:"Don't be afraid, madam, I'm here!"

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