He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 513: Pikachu Falls Again

On a pirate ship, the edge of the deck rail.


Pikachu lowered his body into a four-legged animal state, with fierce eyes, a threatening voice from his mouth, and a few lightning bolts bursting from his cheeks.

For a moment, a pirate group of more than a dozen people on a ship was overwhelmed by the smaller Pikachu and dared not move.

"What are you afraid of, it's an electric mouse!"

"That's right, electric mice are used to catch sharks in our hometown!"

The pirate soldiers glanced at each other, cheered each other up, and finally ignited their fighting spirit, and pushed the soldier standing at the front up.


Seeing this, the little soldier couldn't back down anymore, so he mustered up his courage, held a sharp knife in his hand, and forced towards Pikachu, as if he was going to give the latter a knife.

At the critical moment, Pikachu's mind suddenly recalled the instructions left by Xiaozhi before he left.

"Use your best trick to kill them all at once!"

It also took some courage immediately, raised its front limbs, and even raised a small paw high.

"Puff puff puff..."

In less than a while, a venom bomb had condensed out of thin air above the claw, and the surface was still glowing with penetrating venom bubbles.



Without even thinking about it, Pikachu threw the poisonous bubble out of his hand with a backhand, and hit the pushed soldier's face directly.

The venom exploded, causing the little soldier to scream and struggle while clutching his head in pain. The venom seemed to have the effect of corroding the skin, and the penetrating sound of "Zi Zi Zi" sounded.


After a while, the little soldier fell to the ground, his face turned purple and swollen like a pig's head, unconscious.


This scene made the remaining dozen or so pirate soldiers gasp, with fearful expressions on their faces.

Yellow skin, turned out to be a poisonous rat...? !

They are old pirates, they rarely go to the mainland, and they are not familiar with Pikachu, a terrestrial egg-type Pokémon.

And Pikachu, who fell back to the edge of the handrail, saw that this group of humans was temporarily shocked by him, and gradually became more courageous, ready to strike while the iron was hot.

"It doesn't matter if it can't be solved, then deter them so that they don't dare to manipulate that dangerous cannon."

Pikachu recalled Xiaozhi's second instruction in his mind, his small eyes rolled, and he was ready to launch the intimidating trick.


Pikachu's face worked hard, trying to put on a threatening facial expression.

To intimidate, it is natural to use a ferocious expression.

In fact, it rarely shows any vicious and threatening expressions at ordinary times. They are all harmless to humans and animals, but it doesn't know how to do it, which doesn't mean it can't do it...

Just steal it and you're done!

In Pikachu's mind, a Pokémon with the same bright yellow body, sharp claws, and a threatening and sinister expression on his face has emerged.

The wicked meow!


It remembers that it will lick its paws when it is scary, and Gogou's scarlet tongue licks the sharp claws, which can increase the insidious value by 10.


Pikachu also subconsciously licked his paw.

Just after licking, Pikachu suddenly froze and raised his head.

Hey, why is it a bit astringent, and the tongue has become numb...?


Pikachu shuddered suddenly, and began to look at his paws in a panic.

At this moment, the highly poisonous claws have just been released, and the purple venom on them has not completely dissipated...

Then, a strong sense of dizziness in his mind also came to his heart, making his eyes gradually lose their light...


Pikachu just fell on the edge of the armrest with a bang, and it was so easy that even half of his head was dyed purple.

It accidentally licked its poisonous claw.

It can release poison, but it is not resistant to poison...




Next to it, a dozen pirate soldiers were completely shocked by Pikachu.

One operation was as fierce as a tiger, and then he died suddenly?

"I think this poisonous rat is deceiving us, so it's better not to get close."

"You understand."

But the pirate soldiers didn't dare to approach, they just let Pikachu be poisoned and fell there, and even looked over Pikachu's body, looking at the captain in the distance.

It seems that someone has approached, with obvious offensive intentions.

"It doesn't matter, we're just here to see how the captain fights and we're done, come on, captain..."

"Don't add it yet. If he wins, we will refuel. If he loses, we will just drive the boat away. Don't have too much sense of presence."

"As the saying goes, captains do it in turns, this year to my house."

"Indeed, princes and generals have kindness?"

Dozens of pirate soldiers immediately chose to sit on the tiger and watch the battle, and quietly became the melon-eating crowd.



the other side.

On the surface of the sea, Xiaozhi has successfully stopped the boss of this group.

The latter also had a violent temper, and immediately gave up chasing the Chenglong group, allowing the latter to flee, and then turned his gaze to Xiaozhi.

The captain was wearing a wide pirate hat. He was in his thirties and forties, with a strong and rough build, and a sinister face with several penetrating scars.

There are also two bundles of slender black beards growing on both sides of the nose and cheeks, with the ends raised up like a pair of horns.

There is no movement, but the sense of oppression is full!

But Xiaozhi didn't look at him, and the sense of oppression didn't lose its effect.


"Hey, why did that ship suddenly quiet down?"

Out of the corner of Xiaozhi's eyes, Xiaozhi was looking at the location of the pirate ship tens of meters away. The latter did not continue sailing at the moment, but stopped moving.

"As expected of Pikachu, always so trustworthy!"

Xiaozhi naturally thought it was his general Pikachu, who single-handedly intimidated the entire ship.

"That's fine, then my target is only you, Blackbeard!"

Only then did Xiaozhi look at the captain, and even called out the captain's name directly.

Captain Blackbeard, the old pirate leader, has murdered and set fire, burned, killed and looted for many years. He is a popular person on the reward order, but he has not been arrested for so many years.

As a messenger of justice, Xiaozhi will naturally not let the latter go.

"Little Zhi, how dare you meddle in our pirate business?"

Blackbeard's expression was displeased, and his momentum was raised to the extreme. Then he swung the sharp knife in his hand, as if he was about to attack.

"Huh huh huh..."

His body suddenly rose out of thin air, directly rising three or four meters above the sea surface, just looking down at Xiaozhi from a high position, and the water flowed down from both sides.

And there was nothing else under his feet, it turned out to be a Pokémon.

The huge and slender body is covered with a thick and hard dark blue carapace, and the body is segmented in circles.

It has a mouth full of bold ideas, a hideous head, and three spikes standing on top of its head.

"Didi. Gyarados, a small ferocious Pokémon, has a bad temper. After evolution, his power becomes stronger, but he also loses the possibility of becoming a god."

Xiaozhi's illustration book reminded in time.

"Gyarados... This is the first time I've seen a real one..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out, with a strange look on his face.

I've seen this kind of Pokémon on TV a few times, but it's the first time I've met face to face.

Just like the huge body of a big rock snake, but the appearance of the tyrannosaurus is much more ferocious and domineering, which made Xiaozhi swallow his saliva, even Chenglong under him couldn't help but take half a step back.

The tyrannosaurus intimidation was successfully launched, and Chenglong's physical attack dropped by one level.

Seeing this, Blackbeard just held up the sharp knife and laughed wildly:

"Let my strongest Kaido come and personally send you kid to hell!!"


The tyrannosaurus named "Kaido" under his crotch also let out bursts of roars in coordination with it, and its power is extraordinary.

That's right, even pirates fight with Pokémon, not with knives.

Those were barbarians, not pirates.

The sharp knife in the hand is an ornament.

The kind that provides the deterrence +10 attribute.

But since it was a Pokémon battle, Xiaozhi became more confident and shouted without showing any weakness.

"Ready to fight, ride the dragon!"

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