Wendan Island.

This island is in the northwest edge of the Orange Islands, and it is also the place where Xiaozhi set foot when he first entered the Orange Islands.

The islands of the Orange Islands can still rely on dragon sailing, but from the Orange Islands back to the Kanto region, even the high-durability dragons with water storage characteristics cannot withstand long-term sailing.

"Xiaozhi, I forgot to give you the boat ticket at that time haha, now the QR code of the boat ticket has been sent to your illustrated book, remember to check it~"

This is what Dr. Oki told them on the phone in the morning.

"It's not a spaceship, is it?"

Xiaozhi thumped, and quickly asked back.

Attacked by Team Rocket's two spaceship crashes, the three of Xiaozhi have already contracted spaceship phobia.

"Don't worry, it's a luxury cruise ship, the kind that swims in the water. The boarding ground is at the wharf of Wendan Island. The boat departs at 8:00 p.m. Then I will wait for you to come back in Zhenxin Town~"

Dr. Oki smiled and comforted.

Hearing this, several people were determined, so they also returned to this original island from Tangerine Island in the central sea area...


In the afternoon, by the coast beach, the sun was shining brightly, and there were no clouds in the sky.

This is the last day in the southern waters, and without the burden of missions or alliance challenges, the few of them can finally relax completely, and just spend their final vacation on the beach leisurely.

On the beach, Xiaozhi released Chenglong and let him play in the water.

This beach is also the place where Xiaozhi and Chenglong met for the first time.

At that time, Chenglong was so weak that he would even be bullied by a group of miscellaneous fish, but now Chenglong's strength has improved to a good level.

"Chenglong, I went around a circle, but I didn't seem to find your group..."

Xiaozhi's tone was also rare, a little less escaped, quite serious, and even a little apologetic.


Hearing this, Chenglong groaned in a low voice, but the understanding one just turned his head slightly, indicating that it had nothing to do with Xiaozhi.

Then it turned its slender head, its jewel-like eyes, and just quietly looked towards the distance of the sea, but its expression was a bit sad.

Pokémon like Chenglong live in groups and are dependent on the group, especially in the early stages of life. However, it was separated from the group not long after it was born.

Although traveling with Xiaozhi and the others is also very happy, this stalk has always been stuck deep in Chenglong's heart, and it was only released when he was about to leave the Orange Islands.


This made Chenglong utter a whine at the sea.




After a while, Chenglong suddenly looked at the sea in the distance, as if sensing something, he turned his head and honked at Xiaozhi.

"What's wrong?"

Xiaozhi asked inexplicably.

But he could still feel the latter's anxiety to some extent, and without delay, he immediately picked up Pikachu, who was dozing in the sand with his whole body soaked in the sand, and he jumped directly onto Chenglong's back in his red beach shorts.

Chenglong's four limb fins also slid violently, and within a short while, he sprang out of the coastline for tens of meters. The continuous manned voyage in the past few months has also greatly improved his swimming skills.

In less than five minutes, this was already the fringe waters of Wendan Island, and Xiaozhi also saw something strange.

As far as the eye can see, on a line of the ocean 100 meters away, in the front are more than a dozen water beasts covered with brown carapaces, gathered in a group, as if fleeing in a hurry.

This is a group of dragons.

Fifty meters away, there is a figure chasing after him.

He was not riding a speedboat, his body seemed to be floating on the sea, he was wearing a large black pirate hat, and he was holding a sharp knife in his hand. The back is bitten to death.

Fifty meters behind, a medium-sized canvas wooden boat was also chasing.

Nearly ten crew members on the ship were lying on the deck railing, also wielding sharp knives, yelling and cursing loudly, so vulgar.


"Hey hey haha..."

As if to cheer for the man treading water in front, the huge canvas in the center of the boat is also painted with a white penetrating skull head pattern.

This is a pirate ship.

Some crew members even set up cannons, only to hear a "boom", and the shells landed so precisely on the frontmost group of Chenglongs.

The three groups flew past Xiaozhi's eyes, one in front of the other.

"Are pirates illegally poaching Chenglong?!"

Xiaozhi instantly understood the scene in front of him.

In order to find a group for Chenglong, he has also been listening to the news in the waters of the Orange Islands recently. It is said that there is a group of arrogant and domineering pirates hunting precious Pokémon everywhere on the sea, the kind that do all kinds of evil.

"So those are your species...?"

Xiaozhi sensed the anger of Chenglong below him, the kind that was trembling with anger, he didn't hold back immediately, and roared loudly:

"Then let's go, Chenglong!!"

He is not even afraid of the Rockets, so how could he be afraid of pirates on the water.


With a swipe of his limbs, Chenglong quickly chased after the target.


"So the man in the black hat in the middle should be the captain of the pirate, and the king is the first to catch the thief... But the cannon on the main hull behind seems to be more dangerous."

In the process of approaching, Xiaozhi's brain was also thinking rapidly, and he pressed the 110 call for alarm.

At the moment, he doesn't have any Poké Balls in his red pants, and the Pokémon are still resting on the beach of Wendan Island, so he can only outsmart...

Oh, and Pikachu is still there.


"Pikachu, I'll let you deal with the miscellaneous fish on the big boat behind. It's okay and not dangerous. It's just some little pirates..."

Xiaozhi picked up Pikachu and reminded softly:

"Remember, use your best trick to get rid of them at once. If it doesn't work, it can also deter them, so that they don't dare to move easily. At least don't use that cannon. Throwing rats... Well, it is indeed a rat-throwing device."

At critical moments, Pikachu is always trustworthy.

Pikachu: "?"

At this moment, Chenglong was less than 100 meters away from the pirate captain in the middle.

"Come on Pikachu! You can do it!"

Xiaozhi didn't hesitate any longer, he exerted force with his palm, and used his backhand to treat Pikachu as a sandbag, and threw it in the direction of the big pirate ship behind.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

Super high speed, piercing sound bursts, accompanied by Pikachu screaming again and again.


Before he could react, Pikachu was directly thrown by Xiaozhi for a distance of 100 meters, and finally landed precisely on the deck railing at the edge of the pirate ship.

"What the hell!?"


Not only were the pirate crew members taken aback, but Pikachu himself almost fainted from fright, almost falling directly from the handrail.



On this side, Chenglong also spit out a water gun, and the blue water jet bombarded in front of the pirate captain in the middle, forcing the latter to stop chasing and turn his head to look at them.

The gloomy eyes, the shining sharp knife, just stared straight at them.

"The most dangerous ones, of course, have to be handed over to me."

Xiaozhi naturally has no fear, driving Chenglong and facing him head-on.


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