The sit-in crowd lasted until 9:30 the next morning.

Because it wasn't until 9:30 in the morning that a group of prosecutors in suits and leather shoes finally walked out of the Seoul Central Prosecutor's Office, with the same haggard faces. The chief prosecutor was the leader.

At this moment, the police officers responsible for maintaining order also stayed up all night. Even so, not only did they have no way to rest, but before Han Qiangzhi came out, they also transferred many police officers from the local area, and even more than a thousand More than 500 professional soldiers and more than 500 medical staff are on standby.

This thing is just too big.

The news from all over the world, the headlines of this morning's news, are probably all the content of last night's live broadcast.

A little Lin Wei involved a high-status prosecutor, and from this prosecutor, a series of dark stories about prosecutors in the South Korean Peninsula were dug out.

It's like tearing off the fig leaf, nakedly exposing the darkness of South Korea's prosecutorial system in full view.

How does this not make people angry, how does it make people not shocked, how does it not make people... look at jokes?

Many people, even people who don't care about these things at all, took to the streets to demonstrate because of last night's live broadcast.

They feel ashamed and ashamed.

This is absolutely unacceptable to a nation with low self-esteem and sensitivity, sensitivity and arrogance!

They can't imagine what the international community will think of their South Korean peninsula - a place worse than North Korea?

"Severely punish Han Qiangzhi!" "Amend the Overseas Chinese Act!" "Lin Wei was acquitted!"

When the crowd who still couldn't hide their anger shouted at the same time overnight, the chief prosecutor even felt the ground under his feet tremble.

When reporters and media swarmed, the attorney general had to turn up the volume into the microphone.

"We have arrested Han Qiangzhi so far! We will join forces with the investigation and investigation system to investigate Han Qiangzhi strictly, clear up all his past criminal evidence, eradicate his gangsters, and make innocent people innocent!"

The prosecutor's voice did not reach everyone's ears.

But when the first person questioned, soon, the voice gathered into a wave of voices.

"Why don't you let Han Qiangzhi come out and kneel down to apologize!"

"Where is Han Qiangzhi!?"

"Hand over Han Qiangzhi!"

"death penalty!"

When the crowd started to get a little out of control, the prosecutor immediately calmed down and said loudly: "After the investigation of the case is completed, tomorrow at the latest, we will hold a press conference! Let Han Qiangzhi appear in person."

But the messy scene is still somewhat out of control.

Until a super-long convoy suddenly appeared, and the black car struggled to reach the procuratorate after being sorted out. A man in a suit with a solemn and compassionate expression got out of the car.

Someone took a closer look, and it turned out that the then president came to the scene in person!

Amidst the noise, he stepped onto the high platform, facing tens of thousands of people, and speaking into the microphone, he slowly spoke out the speech he had prepared.

After his unequivocal assurance that the whole matter will be made public and the result will be dealt with fairly, the public's anger finally eased for a moment.

After Ang's long speech on democracy, freedom and judicial justice, the Attorney General and the President finally got dry, and persuaded the people to cancel the rally and go home to wait for the news.

After the president delivered his speech, he shook hands with Congressman Lu and whispered a few words in his ear before leaving. The chief prosecutor had no choice but to retreat to the prosecutor's office.

The crowd cheered as if they had won.

Then, Mou Xianmin suddenly appeared.

When the crowd saw that elegant, dignified, noble and beautiful woman appearing on the high platform of the procuratorate, they unanimously lowered their voices.

Facing the camera and facing the endless crowd, Mou Xianmin delivered a speech full of tears.

"In the past time, I lived in a state of anxiety.

I do not know where justice is.

I don't know where the future lies.

When the night covers my world, all I can do is dig out the truth with all my strength and pray to heaven.

God didn't respond to me, but you showed up"

Under the gaze of the media, she shed tears with sincerity, thanking people for their solidarity with this incident.

From time to time, cheers echoed from the crowd.

Until Mou Xianmin spoke to the end, the cheers became persistent.

"Today would never have come if it hadn't been for you, everyone who stood up for us and sent their encouragement!

Thanks! Thank you to every practitioner who is carrying forward the burden of justice! Justice will be served, I believe! Han Qiangzhi will be brought to justice! "

After Mou Xianmin resigned, the organizer of the rally, Mr. Lu, reappeared.

Lu Xuanwu stepped onto the high platform, facing the excited crowd, raised his arms high, and after a concluding speech, he raised his arms and shouted.

"We! Victory!"

"This is not just our victory! This is the victory of millions of people!"

"Celebrate! For democracy on the Korean peninsula! Go home and celebrate with your family!"

When the people in the parade were satisfied with the organization and guidance, they dissolved the rally, but the incident did not end.

The first to be grilled on the fire is the procuratorate.

Their credibility has been severely hit. If they want to recover, they must punish Han Qiangzhi severely. The punishment is beautiful and beyond doubt, so that everyone is satisfied.

The second is the then president.

How could he be in a better mood when such a thing happened when the new term was approaching?

It's nothing to worry about, he also has to spend a whole day dealing with various domestic and foreign media.

To appease the emotions of the people, to the outside world, we must insist that we are actually okay. This is a manifestation of democracy and a ladder of progress on the Korean peninsula.

It was a kind of torture.

But who is proud of this incident?

First of all, of course, is Councilor LO.

After the rally, he didn't show any distress at all, and went directly to the Congress and directly bombarded the prosecution system.

During the rally, he was worried that he would intensify the conflict and cause chaos, so he didn't speak up directly, but when the rally was disbanded, he immediately bared his fangs.

Directly pointing out that the prosecutor's power is too large and unrestricted, the procuratorial department is not strong enough, etc., and called for the introduction of a bill to limit the power of the prosecutor.

Before doing this, this kind of thing was never even thought about, but after experiencing this incident, some people had to start pretending to be deaf and dumb, and use a dragging tactic.

The second beneficiaries are Mou Xianmin and Seoul Daily.

As the "victims" of this incident, they "fear no power" and reported the dark inside story of Han Qiangzhi and led to revenge, which won the love and support of the public.

The most intuitive performance is that the number of subscriptions to the Seoul Daily increased by an astonishing 18% that day!

What is this concept?

You must know that the Seoul Daily is the strength of the top three paper media in Seoul, but it is only showing a downward trend.

After this battle, not only the Seoul Daily was brought back to life, but also with an enviable attitude, it regained the strength to attack the throne of the peninsula's largest paper media.

Or, at least at this moment - he is the number one paper media in South Korea!

And Lin Wei was a blessing in disguise.

The remarks he made publicly at the press conference, such as permanent free, were also regarded as speeches of conscience, and he became a rare "benevolent person" in the Internet industry.

The number of user registrations and online traffic suddenly began to soar, and even those who seldom surfed the Internet at ordinary times paid attention to the software he promoted because of Lin Wei.

What surprised Lin Wei and made NW company completely transformed was the "wonderful performance" of its peers. '

On the day of the rally.

FC, a well-known virtual community on the Korean peninsula, quietly released an announcement.

"Due to operational difficulties and cost issues, we will adopt membership fees"

As the largest virtual community on the Korean peninsula, FC has more than 50% of the virtual community users in South Korea. This move caused an uproar among many netizens.

FC publicly stated that because of the surge in operating costs and other issues, they must have a certain amount of income in order to continue to maintain the operation of the virtual community.

The monthly card model launched requires users to pay a certain membership fee every month in order to use the content of the virtual community.

You know, today's Freechal is the largest SNS+ portal-type virtual community in South Korea, with more than 10 million registered users, and the actual active users are also very scary.

And for the vast majority of users, they need a social media, but if it costs money. Huh?

I paid the Internet fee, and you still need to charge me?

The confusion caused by this move was immediately pushed to the top with the announcement quickly issued by the NW network.

"The webpage cloning function provided by NW Network Company can clone and copy your Freechal community page at any time. We will always follow the requirements of the founder Lin Wei and provide these basic services for free to all dear little foxes forever. Let's use it~"

Little Fox is a fan nickname in the user group of NW's Axu software, and the source is the little fox icon on the software.

As soon as this remark came out, the people in Freechal were a little annoyed, but limited by public opinion, not only could they not publicly condemn NW for doing something wrong, they could only pretend to be grand.

"We respect every user's choice, but we believe that the charges at this time are only to provide better and better services. No company can permanently provide free services without revenue."

Although he didn't say it explicitly, he still hinted that all free gifts have a price behind them, and if NW really plays something for free forever, it will go bankrupt and liquidated sooner or later.

But this move not only did not welcome the support, but became another reason for its disgust.

Who is Lin Wei?

He is a man who has never wavered under Han Qiangzhi's coercion and temptation!

Until now, the technicians in charge of NW operations finally understood why Lin Wei had to ask the programmers to create a webpage cloning function - just click on the website and follow a few simple procedures to copy Freechal's After the webpage is copied to become the homepage of Axu.

A large number of freechal users began to become loyal users of NW.

Not only that, as the portal website created by Lin Wei himself, NW also has a unique advantage in this incident.

That is, on the WeiTalk page, the news update speed is terrific - when the TV media has not broadcast the latest news, Axu is already pushing the headlines on the chat software.

I desperately hope to get the people related to this incident as soon as possible, and even some people take the initiative to register as Axu users just to get the news push at the first time.

And at this moment when some people are happy and some are worried.

There is one person who has to be so busy that he is more disturbed than the president.

That was one of the presidential candidates at that time, Lu Xuanwu's most competitive and only opponent, Representative Li.

As the existence that supported Han Qiangzhi at the beginning, now that Han Qiangzhi's incident has been revealed, the matter has reached the point of no return. All he can do is to try his best to make up for his mistakes.

The first thing Congressman Li did was to hold a press conference to publicly condemn Han Qiangzhi.

"Han Qiangzhi's incident not only made the public feel sad and angry, but also made congressmen like me who were deceived by him become accomplices. I must apologize to the people."

"I strongly urge relevant organizations and departments to investigate Han Qiangzhi as soon as possible and bring the criminals to justice!"

"I urgently hope that the judiciary can convene Lin Wei's second trial as soon as possible, and restore his innocence!"

"Prosecutors on the Korean peninsula should collectively kneel and apologize for this dereliction of duty!"

Even the last sentence came out, one can imagine Mr. Li's fury and anger now.

How could this turn the kid over?

From the judge to the prosecutor are all my people, how the hell can you still lose like this?

At this moment, the only loser who is doomed to end is Han Qiangzhi, who only wants him to die.

He sat blankly in the room of the procuratorate, and kept silent in the face of all the charges.

In order to quell public opinion and public anger as soon as possible, Han Qiangzhi's case was processed at a high speed, just like what happened to Lin Wei. He only stayed in the procuratorate for less than a day, and was escorted to the detention center on the day the rally was cancelled.

And the detention center he was escorted to was not anywhere else, but the one where Lin Wei was locked up before.

Even, it's still the same cell.

Han Qiangzhi was at the mercy of others as if he had lost his soul, speechless.

The expensive suits were taken off, the prosecutor's badge was confiscated, the private mansion was investigated, and the luxury car he was driving was taken away for investigation

The wife who is far away in Australia will also find that the account is frozen quickly, and she will also become the object of extradition.

it's over.

Han Qiangzhi has never felt such a strong sense of frustration and despair. It's not that he doesn't have something to fight to the death, such as some parliamentarians' black materials and criminal evidence, but he has been hinted and reminded to shut up, and Opportunity to come out alive, but whoever said something that shouldn't be said

Sitting in prison is the best result.

He was dressed in a prison uniform in a daze, and was sent into the cell without saying a word. Under the gaze of other prisoners, he sat on the hard bed with a numb expression.

The prison guard just glanced at him indifferently, introduced the basic precautions mechanically, and closed the door.

"Hey buddy, how did you get in here?"

someone asked.

Han Qiangzhi didn't speak, but just looked at the floor with a dull expression.

A strong fat man sat beside him with a smile and put his arms around his neck: "Why don't you talk, buddy?"

"Don't touch me!" Han Qiangzhi suddenly roared.

He violently pushed the fat man away, and said angrily, "You son of a bitch, don't touch me with your dirty hands!"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the cell looked at each other, and then, there was unanimous laughter.

I don't know who started it, but soon everyone laughed.

"Xiba! What are you laughing at?"

Han Qiangzhi glared around with cold eyes.

And the fat man just stood up slowly: "Why are you so rude? Why don't you use honorifics?"

"Xiba, do you know who I am?" Han Qiangzhi's tall figure looked fearless, he stood straight, his eyes were bloodshot: "Do you want to die?"

"Han Qiangzhi Xi, right?" The fat man just confirmed with a smile.

Han Qiangzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then his breathing became heavier.

"That's right"

The fat man grinned grinningly.

"We met for the first time. My name is Huang Yanji. After that, I will ask Prosecutor Han Nim to give me some advice."

Han Qiangzhi's eyes widened slightly: "What are you doing!?"

"Sing a song for the brothers?"

Huang Yanji tilted his head.


"I say. Sing a song! You son of a bitch!"

When the fat man punched him violently, Han Qiangzhi was able to fight back with both fists and kicks, but then, when other prisoners joined in.

He is not Lin Wei.

Lin Wei was just lying on the hospital bed, eating grapes.

Cui Minshu peeled off the grape skins for him briskly, and put them in his mouth again. The cold grapes were sweet and slightly sour, which made Lin Wei squint his eyes from time to time.

On the TV, the spokesperson of the court said to the media.

"We will go through special procedures to restart the second trial of Lin Wei's case as soon as possible, and clear the innocent Mr. Lin Wei. We will immediately start to revoke the indefinite sentence of the first trial against Mr. Lin Wei."

"Congratulations! Ouba!" Cui Minshu looked at the news and finally heaved a sigh of relief. Lin Wei's phone rang again, but Lin Wei just looked at the name and pretended not to see it and put it aside.

He hasn't been acquitted yet, and most people call, just pretend they haven't got the phone yet.

Lin Wei blinked at Cui Minshu, and while eating a grape, he nibbled her finger: "I told you not to worry."

"Ah!" She blushed and withdrew her hand: "Why don't you worry, look at the scars on your body, where do you look like you don't need to worry?"

"Didn't the doctors say that the problem is not serious?" Lin Wei joked with a smile: "It's a pity that you can't exercise vigorously in a short period of time."

What do you mean by looking at me? Cui Minshu's little face was flushed, pretending not to understand: "You deserve it, I let you not pay attention."

"Hahaha." Lin Wei laughed a few times, took the mobile phone, and called the people below one by one.

Not surprisingly, Yin Xuanyou and the others had all been released. He appeased each other's emotions one by one, thanked each other for their dedication, and then directly told them that this year's year-end award would give them a surprise.

The fact that this incident could end in such a way is definitely due to the efforts of the people under Han Qiangzhi's threat and interrogation. If they hadn't resisted the pressure, Lin Wei's incident would have been turbulent.

In addition, there are some other things that Lin Wei plans to wait until after the second trial is over—they are all unfamiliar, and it is not easy to reveal the details of the mobile phone that he has got right now.

But An Yaying was not among them.

Lin Wei took the initiative to send messages, and sent messages of thanks to An Yaying, Shi Dongchu, Mou Yingxiong, and Ding Qing, thanking each other for their help.

Although Ding Qing only came out to cheer for him after the dust settled, it is understandable. If he jumped too much before, it would only cause side effects. Maybe Han Qiangzhi would do it with him.

After that, I also replied a text message to Li Zicheng, thanking him for his hard work in handling things for me in the company these days.

After an hour or so, Lin Wei, who had almost put down his phone, continued to pass the time lazily.

Although the outside world has become extremely busy under his influence, all Lin Wei can do now is to stay in the hospital honestly, and even have to sit in a wheelchair for a while—no way, he can’t be in the hospital just a few days ago. Released on sickness bail, acquitted immediately, right?

Acting plays a full set.

It was not until the evening that Mou Xianmin finally arrived at the hospital belatedly.

Cui Minshu seemed to have discussed it with her. Before she arrived, he took time to leave. Lin Wei was a little curious, but he felt that it was best not to ask—pretending to be confused is a skill.

He asked if he was tortured for a long time by the resentful eyes again?

"Thank you, dear."

Before Mou Xianmin could speak, Lin Wei thanked him first.

She frowned, then just smiled, and sat on the chair beside Lin Wei: "Well, it was really hard."

Afterwards, she leaned down and kissed him forcefully: "But, we succeeded!"

Mou Xianmin smiled like a flower, even though she was too lazy to move a tired finger at the moment, she still couldn't hide her excitement and excitement. She grabbed Lin Wei's hand and told him the inside story and harvest behind today's news.

"Did you know? Councilor Lu said in person that he will attend a speech with you in person after you are acquitted!

The dinner that was originally scheduled to be held recently was also postponed because of you, and it was moved to after the general election. By then, I am afraid it will be a celebration banquet!

And the Seoul Daily, do you know how many percentage points our stock price has risen?

Even my own company started off with a 20% increase in value because of this news."

Rarely, she lost her composure, and kept talking happily, with the smile on her face getting bigger and bigger, but at the end, Mou Xianmin just looked at Lin Wei, and said in a gentle and relaxed tone, "Your second trial , It will also start the day after tomorrow. The justice sent me a private letter, expressing regret for the judgment at that time, and there will be no more surprises in your case."

Lin Wei just looked at her with a smile. Seeing Lin Wei's calm appearance, Mou Xianmin suddenly felt that his agitation seemed a little petty, but after thinking about it, Lin Wei was not normal, right?

You know, this victory is not just as simple as overthrowing Han Qiangzhi.

It also means that Councilor Lu will jump from the original 50% winning rate to 70, 80, or even higher!

It means that the Seoul Daily has returned to the top of the media.

means Lin Wei and her

"Why don't you look happy at all?"

Mou Xianmin asked.

"How can we be unhappy? It's just that we didn't already know that there are only two outcomes. Either we fail and fall into hell, or we win, like now. It's just that I have always had confidence in us. "

Lin Wei smiled, held her hand backwards, and blinked: "I care more about Mr. Lu and the company. Auntie and uncle, you don't think I'm good enough for you now, do you?"

"When are you no longer worthy of me?" She said insincerely - Mou Xianmin could not deny that before, both An Yaying and Mou Yingxiong had more or less contempt for Lin Wei.

But after this incident, all thoughts will be changed.

What Lin Wei gained was not just a simple victory.

Just like what Mou Xianmin said to him just now, the fact that Mr. Lu wanted to speak with him after he was acquitted was not just a marketing campaign.

It is also the performance that Councilor Lu regards Lin Wei as an important member of the faction - Lin Wei will become a celebrity under Councilor Lu, even if he is just a businessman, in the next few years, no one will think about it. One look at him!

You must know that the rise of every chaebol is inseparable from the support and influence of the then president. After Lin Wei's disaster, who would doubt his future growth potential and development momentum?

A few years is enough for him to develop his own foundation, and let him grow from an unknown person to a young dignitary with a lot of background!

Lin Wei looked at Mou Xianmin with a smile, and Mou Xianmin couldn't help showing a smile. She smiled lightly, leaned lightly on his right shoulder in a happy mood, sniffed the smell of ointment on his body, and gently rubbed against his neck Said: "When do you want to marry me?"

"Of course, the sooner the better, but according to your rules, do you have to have an engagement banquet?"

Lin Wei asked.

Mou Xianmin hummed lightly, looking forward to it, and said softly with a sticky voice: "I think, how about leaving the engagement ceremony after the general election? At that time, with the help of Councilor Lu's influence, our engagement ceremony will definitely be Very, very compelling."

"Okay." Naturally, Lin Wei would not refuse, he smiled and said, "Then when we get engaged in December, when will we officially get married?"

"That will be troublesome. My mother has to take me to find the sorceress to get the money for half a day as a backup, and I have to set aside time to choose the wedding dress and see how the wedding ceremony is done. It's a pity, we don't think we have much time. Honeymoon, but you can also consider traveling nearby, or in the short term, for about three to five days.

We also need to see who will be the master of ceremonies for the day and where."

Mou Xianmin spoke enthusiastically, Lin Wei just started, and she began to explain so much to him one after another.

Lin Wei listened patiently, and joked after listening: "It seems that sister Xianmin doesn't worry about it for a day or two, that's fine, I'll just listen to you and save trouble."

"You're lazy." Mou Xianmin seemed to be complaining, but in fact he smiled happily, squinting his eyes on his shoulder, although he didn't dare to lean hard for fear of hurting his wound, but even so, he still felt a little bit of pain. An extremely relaxing mood.

Mou Xianmin, who had been busy for several days and barely slept four hours a day, felt a little sleepy. She turned her head to look at Lin Wei, and asked softly, "I want to lie down for a while."

"Okay, I'll make the bed flat."

Lin Wei sat up and wanted to flatten the tilted bed at this moment, but Mou Xianmin got up first and went to the bedside to take down the button.

"Just lie down. If I bump into you or feel uncomfortable, remember to say so."

As she spoke, she just took off the thick windbreaker outside, kicked off her shoes and lay down next to Lin Wei. Lin Wei divided the two pillows that were originally used as support for her and lay down too. Lin Wei didn't dare to put his hands on his body, but just hugged his right arm.

She closed her eyes and said softly, "You don't know, I've been really exhausted these days, and I have to contact the people from the TV station, and I have to find a way to negotiate with Mr. Lu, persuade them to trust us, and I have to argue with the people in the court for you."

She narrated the trivial things that Lin Wei didn't participate in one by one as if asking for credit, but as she talked, her voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end, she only let out a slight humming sound.

"So... remember to thank me."

"Thanks, dear."

"Well, so, remember to be nice to me."

"Well, I will."


She chuckled, and kissed his side face lightly: "I'll just lie down for a while."

"Go to sleep, it's okay, I'm really not seriously injured, it's okay."


Lin Wei watched Mou Xianmin close his eyes on his face, and let out a steady and peaceful breathing sound in almost ten seconds.

He turned his head and looked at her like this, until his neck was sore, and then he lay flat and looked at the ceiling. In the past few days, he has been eating and sleeping, and anyone who sees him has to say that he is heartless, and he is not sleepy at all.

He lay down and didn't dare to move around, until he estimated that she was fast asleep, then carefully pulled out his arms, covered her with the quilt, and kissed her lips lightly.

Mou Xianmin hummed vaguely in his sleep, as if responding.

Lin Wei smiled, got up and turned off the TV, drew half of the curtains so that the setting sun could not shine on her face, then sat on the chair by herself, picked up the book she had been reading for the past two days on the bedside table, put on the earphones , listening to soothing music, reading books to pass the time.

After reading it for a while, to be honest, I couldn't read it. Instead, I was sleepy. Throwing the book aside, Lin Wei simply looked at Mou Xianmin like this.

Her peaceful sleeping face carried a faint smile. Compared with her dignified and noble state when she was awake, she looked a little cute when she was asleep.

Lin Wei couldn't help stretching out his hand to gently grab her hand, she also held it back in a daze, arched her body and slept soundly.

Suddenly there was a light knock on the door and footsteps, which did not wake Mou Xianmin. What An Yaying came in from outside the ward and saw Lin Wei, who was supposed to be lying on the hospital bed, was sitting on a chair at the moment, and Lin Wei, who was supposed to be in charge of escorting him, was sitting on a chair at the moment. Mou Xianmin lay down and slept soundly.

Looking at the hands they were holding, An Yaying lowered her voice: "Good evening, are you all right?"

Lin Wei also whispered: "It's okay, I just ate and slept for the past two days, let Miss Xianmin have a good rest, I'm not tired."

"Really, don't spoil her too much."

An Yaying could only say so. She looked at Mou Xianmin's sleeping face, and then at Lin Wei who was smiling at the moment. She suddenly understood why Mou Xianmin chose him so persistently. She was deeply moved, but she only spoke softly Said: "It's nothing, I just came to see you, but I didn't expect Xian Min to come here faster than me."

"Thank you, Auntie."

Lin Wei smiled gratefully, but An Yaying shook her head and said, "It's Auntie who should thank you, thank you for helping us get to where we are today."

She whispered solemnly: "When you are done with your work, come to your house for dinner and talk about the two of you?"

"Okay, thank you auntie." Lin Wei smiled brightly, looking extremely happy, but An Yaying just smiled back: "Your uncle also wants to thank you in person, we will be a real family from now on, don't call me auntie."

"Mother-in-law nim~" Lin Wei always changed his words quickly.

Being called that by him, An Yaying smiled with emotion: "You can also call me mom."

"Mom!" Lin Wei didn't hesitate at all.

Anyaying couldn't help laughing, she stretched out her hand and gently touched Lin Wei's head: "Hey, good son-in-law, from now on, you will also be my mother's child."

Lin Wei smiled, and also felt some unspeakable emotion in her heart. After An Yaying talked to him a few more words, she looked at Mou Xianmin, and she took the initiative to leave and said: "That's it, when you are done, Mom will give you a hand. Make it delicious, this time Mom is going to learn Chinese food."

"Thank you mom~" Lin Wei got up to see him off, but An Yaying resolutely told him to sit down, glanced at Mou Xianmin, and said: "Don't work too hard, let her get up after a while, go home at night and have a good rest." gone."

"Well, I know." After Lin Wei finished speaking, he still sent her to the door.

After she left, Lin Wei returned to his seat and saw Mou Xianmin squinting his eyes, saying lazily and sleepily, "Congratulations~"

"Then should I congratulate you too?"

Lin Wei made a joke, and she hummed and laughed, turned her head and grabbed her hand, and fell asleep again, only murmured before going to bed: "Yeah."

In this situation, Lin Wei suddenly thought of the past. The moment when he and Mou Xianmin first developed their relationship was also in a similar ward, where he was sitting and Mou Xianmin was lying down.

He turned his head and saw the daily-changing flowers in the vase on the table in the distance. It occurred to him that there seemed to be no vase on the table the day he first came to this room.

This woman is really

Lin Wei gently stroked her face with his hand.

"I love you."


When the day of Lin Wei's retrial arrives.

In addition to the media, there are also a large number of spontaneously organized civilians in front of the court.

They held up self-made banners, drawing boards, and support signs, and held up the things in their hands on both sides of the road, waiting for Lin Wei to appear.

When the convoy appeared, people shouted and cheered in unison.

"Lin Weixi! We will always support you!"

"We trust you!"


"Han Qiangzhi, this bastard will go to hell!"

Lin Wei has never enjoyed this kind of treatment before. At this moment, he even felt like a traffic superstar——opening the car window, he waved to the window to thank him, but because of this, the cheers and screams of the people were even louder a bit.

The police officers who had to work overtime again could only work hard to control the restless crowd.

They held up their mobile phones to take pictures of Lin Wei. His handsome face was still a little pale, but facing the camera, he just smiled and waved.

He was wearing a hospital gown and looked unspeakably haggard, but his eyes were surprisingly bright. Through the car window, he could be seen sitting in a wheelchair in a special vehicle.

When Lin Wei was pushed out of the car by the police officers, and Mou Xianmin drove to the court from the other direction again by coincidence, the surrounding people had already made a roar like a tsunami.

Some of them chanted Lin Wei's name, some chanted Mou Xianmin's name, and some even chanted nonsense words such as a hundred years together.

But there is no doubt that, without exception, these are words of blessing.

And when Mou Xianmin got out of the car, walked towards Lin Wei, bent down and embraced him affectionately in the wheelchair, it made many people cry on the spot, feeling like seeing the happy ending of an idol drama, and the flashing lights of the media even more It was a clicking sound, and the constantly flashing white light recorded this quite symbolic scene.

The guards in charge of Lin Wei didn't stop Lin Wei at all-humanity enforces the law, long live democracy.

Why do people have to follow the rules for things that the people like to hear and see?

Didn't the court urgently restart the second trial, in a hurry to acquit?

The media handed over the microphone in due course.

"Mr. Lin Wei! May I ask how you feel now?"

Facing the overwhelming crowd of reporters, Lin Wei's expression was vaguely agitated, and he said with a slightly trembling voice: "Thank you for your support! Thank you!

I'm feeling very excited right now, very, very excited. "

He looked a little speechless.

On the contrary, this scene seems to be more sincere. If he comes up and talks freely, it will weaken this feeling.

"Being able to stand upright in front of everyone again, being able to become a son that my father can be proud of and a husband that my fiancée can be proud of, I feel as if I have been brought back to life.

I really appreciate everyone's help. Although the result of the court has not yet come out, no matter what the result is, I can accept it calmly. "

"Not guilty! Not guilty! Not guilty!"

Someone was shouting, the voice was so loud that it interfered with the interview, Lin Wei could only raise his hand with tears in his eyes, which aroused even bigger cheers.

The police officer looked at the time and urged: "Please interview after the trial is over, the agreed time is coming soon."

"We will answer all questions from the media after the trial results come out. Friends from the media, please let Lin Wei participate in the trial first."

Mou Xianmin added in a timely manner.

It was only then that Lin Wei was able to escape from the siege of the media and enter the court. The lawyer team had been waiting for a long time with smiles on their faces.

Entering the court again, this time, everyone was in a different mood.

The judge who appeared this time was different from before. As the presiding judge, he spoke directly after briefly describing the details of the case and the demands of the plaintiff and the defendant.

"In response to the defendant Lin Wei's demand for retrial, among the direct evidence provided by the prosecution, items 2-22, 3-14, and 4-04 are not accepted because the authenticity of the evidence is doubtful!"

As soon as these words came out, there were small cheers in the originally solemn courtroom, and people cheered in the auditorium, and people uttered words such as "Hello!" Great exclamations like that, and the judge just smiled and didn't stop until the sound died down.

The person in charge of the prosecution said with a heavy expression: "We have no other new evidence to submit, and decided to withdraw the case."

It was the first time for the presiding judge to encounter such an easy job.

He looked at the documents, then at the prosecutor's attitude, and then at Lin Wei.

Ever since, only after a few objective statements by Ang Chang, the judge stood up and pronounced the verdict.

"Due to doubts about the authenticity of key evidence, this court has decided to overturn the indefinite verdict of the first instance regarding Lin Wei's murder case with a gun.

Due to insufficient evidence, the court ruled that the defendant Lin Wei was not guilty! "

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