Han Zong: Starting from the Undercover New World

Chapter 137 Live broadcast that changed the world!

In a somewhat dark room.

Han Qiangzhi and his prosecutors gathered together.

It was just over 7:30 in the evening. On weekdays, at this time, most of them had already started to get off work and enjoy life.

But today, everyone just sat in their seats in silence, and the tense atmosphere flowed silently. Han Qiangzhi sat on the sofa, and the red wine glass in his hand was more than half empty.

His immediate boss, the Attorney General, who is now nearing retirement, is also sitting on the couch.

No one spoke, just watched quietly, the theme songs and logos of TV stations and variety shows flashed past on the TV.

Appearing on the screen is a middle-aged male announcer in a suit and leather shoes. As the anchor of the morning and evening news on weekdays, he is the pillar of the TV station. He has hosted important news broadcasts more than once or twice, but this time, unexpectedly It is also difficult to hide some nervousness, sitting upright in front of the camera.

Everyone knows that this program may become the live broadcast with the highest ratings after the millennium.

Even the director of the TV station is in the position of PD writer, behind the camera, standing and watching this live broadcast, even the staff are so nervous, let alone Han Qiangzhi who is at the center of this matter?

When the show officially started, Han Qiangzhi subconsciously took another sip of red wine—it was only when the wine glass touched his lips that he realized that his hands were shaking a little.

The last time Xiba watched the presidential election, I wasn’t so nervous. It was just a live TV broadcast. Those so-called evidences couldn’t do anything at all. It’s just Lin Wei’s lucky bastard.

Han Qiangzhi comforted himself until the TV host finally ended the summary.

".At this moment, we invited one of the protagonists at the center of the incident, Lin Weixi's fiancée, Ms. Mou Xianmin, who is still receiving treatment in the ICU of the hospital, to participate in our live interview today.

Ms. Mou Xianmin is welcome. "

The host got up to greet him, and Mou Xianmin walked slowly from the side of the stage with a hard expression, wearing a plain black long dress, no jewelry, just a black dress, solemn and solemn.

"Xiba bitch, dressed as if going to a funeral." Some prosecutors cursed in a low voice, thinking that someone would join him and ease the tense and cold atmosphere, but when they turned their heads, only a few prosecutors looked unhappy Glaring at him, he hastily shut his mouth.

The Chief Prosecutor stared at Mou Xianmin on the TV with a calm expression on the sofa. He sat down amid the applause, turned his head, and glanced at his assistant prosecutor.

The other party took out his mobile phone, looked at the text message, and then whispered with a nervous expression: "The real-time ratings are .52.1%, and they should still be rising."

"52.1%." The chief prosecutor repeated, looking at Han Qiangzhi with a deep look in his eyes. The other party just took a deep breath, took a sip of red wine, and poured another full glass.

Of course, the one-and-a-half-hour talk show will not just throw out the most important things straight to the theme, and the emotions of the masses must be enhanced to reach their peak.

According to the process, the host first introduced Mou Xianmin's personal information, including which university she graduated from and what her grades were. Even regardless of her status and family background, she was a remarkable, outstanding and successful woman. Then, she started a formal conversation with Mou Xianmin.

"Are Miss Mou and Mr. Lin Wei a fiancée? How did you meet?"

When Mou Xianmin heard the host's question, he just nodded with grief on his face, and then said: "It's two coincidences that brought us together.

It was my birthday when we met for the first time. At that time, we invited his boss, but his boss was busy with work and had no time to attend, so he asked him to attend on his behalf. At the birthday party, we met for the first time.

Because he is young, tall, and handsome, I cannot help but be a little curious. After all, on my birthday, there are not many strangers, and young people like him are even rarer.

But in fact, that's all. After chatting for a few words, we have no intersection. After all, he is just a fledgling executive director who has just made his mark in a newly established company and is much younger than me. "

The host asked aloud at the right time: "Then how did you get together later?"

"He saved my life."

Mou Xianmin took a deep breath, as if the past was unbearable, and said in a low voice: "That day I was going to drive outside to meet friends, but suddenly a van driver who was drunk drove over the car I was driving normally.

The situation was very critical at that time, the car was knocked over directly, I fell on the car, my head was in a mess, and my leg was still stuck in the deformed car.

Fortunately, Lin Wei happened to be taking the neighbor's children out to eat hamburgers at that time. There was a fast food restaurant not far away. He rushed into the car without thinking about his own safety and rescued me.

At that time, the car was smoking, and it might catch fire at any time. Others just watched, and he rushed to me alone.

Since then, he often came to the hospital to visit me, and I fell in love with him. "

The host pretended to be surprised, but in fact all the dialogues and processes have been confirmed in the script.

"Ah? So it was the hero who saved the beauty, and you fell in love with him first? However, why did Lin Wei bring the neighbor's children out for dinner?"

Thinking of the past, Mou Xianmin showed a somewhat complicated gentle smile, and said: "It is true that I liked him first. After all, if he didn't open his mouth, he probably wouldn't have the courage to say that he wants to be with me, right?

Just like what many people think now, he is a Chinese with no background or education. He got what he is today thanks to the appreciation of his boss and his hard work. How dare he say that he likes me so easily? "

The host nodded empathetically, and sighed, "It's really difficult if this is the case."

"As for the neighbor's child, it's actually very pitiful. The other's father abandoned her and her mother early.

The mother raised the child by herself, worked as an employee in Lin Wei's store, and the family lived in a poor place. At that time, Lin Wei even helped to pay for the rent.

After moving to the next door, the two sides often come and go, and the child likes him very much. Once, I couldn't help telling him that other children in school had eaten hamburgers and French fries, showing off to her what it tasted like, and complaining to Lin Wei. .

Lin Wei has always been kind-hearted. After hearing what the child said, he invited her to a fast food restaurant, had a hamburger and French fries, and tasted what it was like. But it was precisely because of this that my life was saved. Only then did we have the opportunity to be together, I think, maybe this is God's kind compensation for him. "

Mou Xianmin's words made the prosecutors in front of the TV laugh almost unanimously.

Everyone knows that Lin Wei is 100% a gangster, kind? Putting this kind of word on him is simply an insult to the word!

This so-called heart-warming story is probably all fabricated - if it is true, it can only show that the little girl's mother must be very beautiful!

But the host showed the same reaction as most of the audience. He widened his eyes slightly, sighed in surprise, and said in a complimenting tone: "I didn't expect Mr. Lin Wei to do such a thing. It seems that , It’s really good and good will be rewarded.”

"Well, I thought so too, I just didn't expect it."

Mou Xianmin suddenly had red eyes, and she said with a sad expression: "Just because I am the daughter of Seoul Daily, and our newspaper reported news related to Prosecutor Han Qiangzhi, let him be involved in such things because of me." .”

"You mean, you think, the whole thing started because Seoul Daily reported the news about Prosecutor Han Qiangzhi?"

The host asked, and Mou Xianmin nodded heavily: "I think so"

The chief prosecutor cursed, turned his head and looked at Han Qiangzhi again. The other party just continued to look at the screen calmly, but the red wine glass in his hand had been tightly squeezed since no one knew when, and he had never taken a sip.

In the program, the host began to sort out the whole matter with Mou Xianmin.

"What I have in my hand is all the cases related to Han Qiangzhi reported by the Seoul Daily before. You mean, since you started reporting the news about Cui Douil and Park Taesu, the other party may have begun to prepare for deliberate revenge?"

The host asked, and Mou Xianmin nodded again: "We all know that Han Qiangzhi and his followers are inseparable, although we only found out the relationship between Cui Doo-il, the leader of the black dog gang that endangered Seoul, and Park Tae-soo. , but without Han Qiangzhi's connivance and permission, how could this happen?

After the incident, Han Qiangzhi directly transferred Park Tae-soo from Seoul to the District Prosecutor’s Office in Gyeonggi-do in order to clear the relationship.”

"That is to say, in fact, you have no direct evidence or clues that Prosecutor Han Qiangzhi participated in collusion with the gang?"

The host pretended to be neutral: "As a news media, we still have to focus on objectivity, if you have no substantive clues"

"I have!"

Mou Xianmin suddenly increased his tone.

The host pretended to be surprised again: "Do you have evidence?"


After Mou Xianmin said this, Han Qiangzhi's face changed slightly, but before he could figure it out, what Mou Xianmin said next made him unable to sit still any longer, and stood up abruptly.

"I not only found evidence related to Han Qiangzhi and the gang, but even found direct evidence after entrusting the prosecutor to conduct a detailed search-I have brought the evidence to the scene, and the prosecutor in charge of investigating Han Qiangzhi also put the evidence in the Now submit it to the investigation department!"

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Han Qiangzhi, even the face of the chief prosecutor beside Han Qiangzhi changed.

Although the prosecutor is tyrannical, it is absolutely impossible for a department to have no means of countermeasures or control. Although it is difficult for the relevant prosecutorial department to restrain and sanction the prosecutor on weekdays, if the evidence is convincing, it is still obtained. Subject to the relevant instructions

In South Korea, there is currently only one inspection department, and that is the Supervision Department of the Grand Prosecutor's Office.

The only one who can command the opponent is the Chief Prosecutor of the Grand Prosecutor's Office, that is, the head of all prosecutors, and the president!

Some prosecutors have begun to observe the surrounding environment nervously, but Han Qiangzhi can still hold his breath.

The reason is simple - if the other party wants to arrest him, he has already been taken away now.

The reason why he is still kept means that the president and the attorney general are still in the wait-and-see stage.

The reason for waiting and watching is because of the consequences of Mou Xianmin's shooting this time, it is not only Han Qiangzhi who is damaged by him, but the entire public security system represented by Han Qiangzhi!

They will wipe Han Qiangzhi's ass as much as possible, reduce the influence of the matter, and even reverse the case - if Han Qiangzhi is arrested, it means that they have indeed made a mistake that cannot be covered up.

It's not a last resort, you can't do this!

Han Qiangzhi comforted himself and took a few sips with a red wine glass.

On the TV, Mou Xianmin has already begun to show the evidence clues he holds.

The chief prosecutor turned his head to look at his assistant prosecutor again. The other party immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. Then, his voice trembled slightly: "Seventy-one percent is already seventy-one percent."

The chief prosecutor let out a long sigh of relief and looked at the screen again.

What Mou Xianmin showed was first a few photos of people who seemed to have nothing to do with Han Qiangzhi.

But when Han Qiangzhi saw the photos of those people, his breathing became much faster.

"What I'm showing you now is the real gang organization, the body of the Seoul Black Dog Gang. With the support of Han Qiangzhi, the actual person in charge and leader of the Black Dog Gang that has been in Mokpo for many years, the leader of the gang."

After introducing the photo, Mou Xianmin paused, and then immediately said: "The reason why I dare to take out the photo so clearly to identify Han Qiangzhi is because the other party has been arrested by the prosecutors before I took out this photo. Many of them have pleaded guilty to the charges.

The specific details of the case cannot be fully disclosed, but the prosecutor who allowed me to announce some details and helped me also gave me more important evidence that can directly point to Han Qiangzhi! That is the bank account of the other party's wife who is now in Australia!

Since 1990, since the end of the war against crime against Mokpo, Han Qiangzhi has personally supported and left behind this gangster cancer!

Through the Black Dog Gang, he collects a huge amount of illegal funds every month. After being laundered in the slaughterhouse in Mokpo, he regularly remits money to the account of Hanjie Bank, and then his wife in Europe takes away the funds!

With the permission of the prosecutor, this is all I can show you, but when the investigation of Han Qiangzhi is over, the prosecutor will disclose all the clues and details of the case that can be disclosed to the public if conditions permit! "

In the live broadcast screen, the transfer information of the bank account is displayed in the form of pictures, and the recipient of the transfer is the name of Han Qiangzhi's wife!

When the transfer records of the minimum amount of tens of millions were exposed, all the people watching in front of the TV fell into shock.

"Just over ten years! The illegal funds transferred from the Black Dog Gang alone are more than tens of billions!"

Although the host knew the process and the photos the other party was going to show in advance, he still couldn't help being a little shocked when he saw the number.

"And this, in fact, is only a part of Han Qiangzhi's illegal bribery! It's just more details, which can only be made public after the prosecutor's investigation is over!"

At this moment, the chief prosecutor in front of the TV had already stood up, heaved a long sigh, turned his head and left.

Han Qiangzhi was taken aback, and got up first, but took a step, but his face sank again, his chest heaved violently, and then he said loudly to the Chief Prosecutor: "My wife did it behind my back! She will admit it, And go to jail and use her husband's identity to make money. It's not impossible for her to do such a thing!"

The chief prosecutor stopped and turned to look at Han Qiangzhi: "Are you sure?"

".I'm sure." Han Qiangzhi took a deep breath, covered his head and sat down again.

The chief prosecutor stopped, thought for a moment, and stayed where he was, but instead of sitting down, he folded his hands in front of him and looked at the TV.

On TV, the host also asked the same question: "Is it possible that Han Qiangzhi's wife did this personally?"

He was not speaking for Han Qiangzhi, but he tried to block Han Qiangzhi's retreat during the live broadcast as much as possible, and at the same time, made the group even more angry.

Mou Xianmin took a deep breath, then, she looked at the host, and said solemnly: "I still have evidence that can prove the relationship between Han Qiangzhi and the Black Dog Gang!

Not only that, I can not only prove that Han Qiangzhi has a direct relationship with the gangsters, I can also prove that Lin Wei is innocent! "

She got up, took out a video tape from her bag, and put it on the table solemnly: "And this evidence is in it!"

The host took it with both hands with a sense of ceremony, and said with a solemn expression: "Can it be broadcast on TV?"


Mou Xianmin said this with tears in his eyes: "At this point, I only hope that Han Qiangzhi's evil deeds will be made public, and Lin Wei will be acquitted as soon as possible. Now I can't even go to the ward to see him. Only through a pane of glass."

She actually shed tears, but without waiting for the host to comfort her, she wiped away her tears and pretended to be strong: "I'm fine, please play the video!"

The host pretended to communicate with the staff, and then handed over the video tape to the staff. Soon, a few seconds later, the TV station seemed to play the video directly, but actually switched to the video stored in the device long ago.

Many people have misunderstood live TV broadcasts—in fact, in this era, live broadcasts are generally delayed by a few minutes, just to avoid accidents.

But it was a full set, and while waiting for the staff to play the video tape, the host continued to ask questions.

"How did you get this evidence? Which prosecutor made it easier for you? Doesn't this cause trouble for you and the prosecutor?"

"All of this is due to the help of Representative Lu Xuanwu - because the Seoul Daily has interviewed him many times, and after encountering this incident, I thought of asking him for help.

And after hearing the whole thing, Councilor Lu Xuanwu was also very angry. It was he who helped me contact my friends who were in the prosecution system and asked them to help me. This gave me some information that can be announced without violating the terms. The evidence was used to accuse Han Qiangzhi. "

"Ah! It turned out that Councilor Lu Xuanwu was helping."

The host suddenly realized, but didn't talk deeply, just mentioned his name.

This is also very particular. If you talk too much, it will easily make people feel deliberate. He stopped abruptly, but it gave the audience a feeling that he didn't want Mr. Lu's name to appear in the live broadcast.

After the staff reminded the videotape to be put away, he turned his head and said, "Please play the videotape."

But when the audience saw the characters in the subsequent video, many people felt very familiar, and Han Qiangzhi's expression changed drastically, and the chief prosecutor who was standing behind him turned his head and walked away.

If he doesn't leave, he doesn't want to get involved when the inspection department comes in.

The prosecutors around Han Qiangzhi fell into a panic. They looked at each other, and everyone knew who the characters in the video were.

Just look at Choi Doo-il in a black suit, sitting in front of the camera, facing the camera with a heavy expression.

"I'm Choi Doo-il, the leader of the Seoul Black Dog Gang, and a wanted criminal who is on the run. But, when you see this video, I should have surrendered myself.

The reason why I sent this video to Ms. Mou Xianmin is because when I saw Han Qiangzhi let the innocent President Lin."

"You son of a bitch! Where's Park Tae-soo!?" Han Qiangzhi kicked over the sofa violently.

When he saw Cui Doo-il, he knew that things were completely out of control.

Yang Dongchu was speechless for a long time, he was stunned to see Cui Douil appearing on the TV, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and called Park Taexiu.

The other party picked it up, but hung up immediately, picked it up again, then hung up again, and finally turned off the phone directly.

Yang Dongchu gave Han Qiangzhi a look, but Han Qiangzhi had no time to watch anything else, but stared at the TV in a daze.

On the TV, Choi Doo-il faced the camera and said with a desolate face: "That's how it happened. I couldn't help it because Han Qiang-sik and Yang Dong-chu treated me and Park Tae-soo like dogs. , left Mokpo and came to Seoul, hoping to get rid of the shadow of Han Qiangzhi

Since Han Qiangzhi and the Mokpo Black Dog Gang can cover the sky with one hand, why can't Taexiu and I do the same?

Just didn't expect it."

Cui Doo-il frankly explained the past experience of the incident, not only admitted the crimes he committed as a gang member, but also explained his relationship with the Mokpo faction and Han Qiangzhi Park Tae-soo.

In the end, he even uttered words that caused countless people to be in an uproar.

"The gunshot wound on Lin Wei's left shoulder that was used as evidence to accuse Lin Wei of participating in the shootout was caused by me.

Lin Wei didn't have time to commit the shooting that night at all, because my people had been watching him since he left Seoul, and when he arrived at Busan Bye-ro, they drove to intercept him and got out of the car to exchange fire.

The reason why he left Seoul at night is that I sent someone to send a threat to the attack notice, telling him that if he didn't show up at night, I would burn his warehouse, so he hurriedly set off from Seoul

In the chaotic battle, my marksmanship was not good, and I only hit his shoulder. After I ran out of bullets, Lin Wei was too good at shooting. After my men were seriously injured and the bullets ran out, I ran away with my men because of fear.

Afterwards, Brother Tae-soo hoped that I would leave the peninsula quickly, because he knew very well that it’s okay if Lin Wei died, but if Lin Wei is not dead, the first person Han Qiangzhi wants to deal with is me.”

Choi Doo-il burst into tears and said, "It's because I didn't listen to the persuasion. I didn't listen to Tae-soo when he advised me not to do these things in Seoul. I finally came to this point. I have no choice and no choice.

Now, Tae-soo is kicked out of Seoul by him, and I can only run away like a lost dog. Once caught by his men, I will die

Now, all I can do is to admit everything that Han Qiangzhi accused me of in court. I hope Ms. Mou and Mr. Lin can forgive my mistakes, but I really have no choice. Brother will be in big trouble."

When a wanted criminal who was wanted by the whole country appeared on the live TV screen and said something like this, the impact was not something that could be explained clearly in a few words.

What made Han Qiangzhi stand still on the spot even more was what Mou Xianmin said afterwards.

"I know that with only one Choi Doo-il, it may not be possible to prove that Han Qiang-sik is the real culprit behind all this, but fortunately, there is someone who can prove all this and can really stand up to identify Han Qiang-sik, after going through all this He repented and reformed.

Finally, under my pleading, I decided to come to the live broadcast and reveal all the truth to the public. "

Mou Xianmin said, and added:

"This one is Han Qiangzhi's direct subordinate, the prosecutor Park Tae-soo who was accused in the news as the umbrella behind Choi Doo-il."

The camera then turned, and a man in a suit with a haggard face appeared at the end of the passage the camera was aiming at. He walked slowly, and before he could speak, he bowed at ninety degrees to the camera, raised his head again, and Is full of tears.

After all, he was also a third-in-command figure under Han Qiangzhi's subordinates. Park Tae-soo cried when he said he would cry, his eyes were red and swollen, and his face was haggard. Generally, fidgeting and looking at the camera.

"Please introduce yourself."

The host said.

But Han Qiangzhi outside the TV had already looked at Yang Dongchu with murderous eyes.

Yang Dongchu was stunned on the spot, looking at Park Tae-soo's face on the TV, he just muttered.

"Crazy. All crazy."

It's over.

It's all over.

Yang Dongchu's mind was blank, and he was leaning on the chair with his feet empty, while Han Qiangzhi just had a cold face, and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "It's okay. These bastards can only prove that I am not strict with my orders." Trying to blame the problem on me. Impossible”

Park Tae-soo on TV is still introducing herself.

He first talked about why he became a prosecutor—before he became a prosecutor, he was a gangster in his class, fighting and playing around all day, he was a well-known gangster leader in school, and even had a certain reputation in the region.

But one day, when he came home, he saw a prosecutor pressing the head of his arrogant father, but his father only dared to beg the other party to forgive him. Since then, Park Tae-soo has had A dream of becoming a prosecutor.

He went from being a bastard at the bottom of the class to becoming a top student in his class in less than a few months, and he even became a well-known student at Seoul National University in the history of the school. .

During college, he also participated in the parade that year. After graduation, he was admitted as a prosecutor

Park Tae-soo looked at the camera and burst into tears: "I used to be a passionate, impartial and just prosecutor, but all of this came to an abrupt end after meeting Han Qiang-sik.

The first person who contacted me was Prosecutor Yang Dongchu. At that time, I was dealing with a case of assaulting a female high school student. That scumbag was a child of a rich family and a teacher. he sent to prison

But Yang Dongchu found me as a senior, and even knelt down to me, begging me to let him live, and let me go to Seoul to meet prosecutor Han Qiangzhi."

In this way, Park Tae-soo told on TV how he was lured by Yang Dongchu to join Han Qiangzhi's camp more than ten years ago. After omitting many unspeakable secrets, he portrayed himself as a man who went astray and was coerced by bad guys. The 'victim' who couldn't stop.

It's not for everyone, but there's no doubt plenty of people will feel sorry for him as he cries about his regrets.

At the end, Park Tae-soo even knelt down facing the TV: "Dad! Sister! I'm sorry! I failed to be a son who makes you proud, and I also failed to become a brother who made my sister proud.

To all citizens, I am deeply sorry! I am ashamed of my identity and oath, and I am sorry for those who trust the prosecutor!

When Han Qiangshik asked me to send Choi Doo-il to assassinate Lin Wei, I was really scared."

He cried, and directly in front of the TV, he admitted that he was himself, personally, following Han Qiangzhi's instructions, and ordered Cui Dousil to rob and kill Lin Wei.

However, Park Tae-soo did not forget to say: "In order to save my friend, in order not to let Han Qiang-sik kill Cui Dou-il, I can only use this method to give him a chance to make up for his mistakes, but I didn't expect that the more mistakes are covered up, the easier it will be. The bigger it is, using the wrong way to cover up a wrong result will only usher in a complete tragedy

Even though I have done so much and violated my conscience, morality, and profession, Han Qiangzhi still threw me out of Seoul after using me, and sent me to Gyeonggi-do, saying that he would let me come back after the limelight passed, but I Know, if I keep silent today, then Lin Wei's today will be my tomorrow."

What Park Tae-soo said, and a series of terrible inside stories hidden in the words, are far more exciting than any TV series and movies.

Not to mention the audience in front of the TV, even the staff on the show site, many of them exclaimed in the process of his telling the story.

The ratings kept getting higher and higher. When the director of the TV station was panting heavily and sitting on a chair covering his chest, the ratings of the TV program had already broken the ratings record of a South Korean TV station in history!


And, it's still rising!

Park Tae-soo's words are really astonishing. He not only exposed the problems behind Lin Wei's case, but also pointed the finger at the core of the prosecutor's power. Doubt - what happened to the Korean Peninsula?

Even the host's palms were sweating. He even wondered if there was a broadcast accident and whether Park Tae-soo should be interrupted, but the chief just nodded at him, his face was flushed, and he could only bite the bullet. Let Park Tae-soo reveal the dark inside story little by little.

After all the things were finished, Park Tae-soo kowtowed heavily to the camera: "I will personally bear all the mistakes I should bear, and confess everything I know to the prosecutor in charge of the case. In court, according to The law bears all the mistakes I should have suffered, and went to jail with Choi Doo-il.

I just hope that Han Qiangzhi can get real punishment! "

The host hurriedly helped him up, and Mou Xianmin wept secretly. For a moment, the host even forgot what to say, which was fatal for the broadcast of the program, but in this situation, it was very contrasting.

Should have been speechless, should have felt silent.

It was Mou Xianmin who reacted the fastest, immediately saved the scene, and broke the silence: "Thank you, Prosecutor Park, you have already represented a lot by standing up.

I believe that not all the prosecutors are as dark and terrifying as Han Qiangzhi, and I believe that those prosecutors who are running on the front line and dedicated behind the scenes will never allow things like Han Qiangzhi to happen again. "

Park Tae-soo nodded with tears in his eyes, but he didn't intend to say any more. He had already said everything he could say on the TV, and if he couldn't say it, he was determined not to say it.

The host reached out to pick up a tissue and passed it to the two of them. At the same time, he took one himself and wiped his sweat secretly.

"Prosecutor Park's speech was deafening, I really didn't expect such a shocking thing to happen in South Korea in 2002.

Ms. Mou, I would like to believe you, but what happened to the fingerprints on the gun that accused Lin Wei of murder? "

The host looked at the time. After Park Tae-soo told everything he knew about Han Qiang-sik, the anger of the audience must have reached its peak.

It's time for Lin Wei to commit the crime, and it's time to put an end to today's live broadcast.

"I have a recording!" Mou Xianmin's eyes were already red from crying, and he was just filled with righteous indignation at the moment, but he said with some distress: "In the recording, it is the whole process of Han Qiangzhi personally fabricating the evidence, and I have handed it over to the staff of the TV station." , please play it."

Ever since, in the silence of the scene, a noisy recording sounded gradually.

In the slightly edited and processed recording, first came the sound of footsteps and the opening of the car door, followed by the sudden sound of struggling and a cold male voice.

"Han Qiangzhi?" Lin Wei's voice sounded muffled.

"Hit!" Han Qiangzhi's voice sounded, followed by several faintly audible muffled sounds.

Although it is only a recording, the audience can hear the sound of physical contact at this moment.

In fact, it was Han Qiangzhi who stuffed the pistol into Lin Wei's hand and left fingerprints at this moment, but it sounded like he was beating Lin Wei.

In particular, Lin Wei's muffled moan as he pulled his injured shoulder, and the blurred sounds of the prosecutors trying to shake his arm, just listening to it from the recording, makes people think about it.

More importantly, what Han Qiangzhi said afterwards.

"Are you curious about what this gun is?" Han Qiangzhi's voice was teasing.

"As expected of Prosecutor Han, the process of fabricating evidence seems so leisurely and full of experience." Lin Wei's calm and hoarse voice sounded from the recording.

"Hey" Han Qiangzhi let out a sneer.

"Did you get injured for what? A gun or a knife? What a pity, if in the detention center a disability is left due to improper protection, I don't know if Mou Xianmin will take a fancy to a disabled person."

Han Qiangzhi's voice was like a poisonous snake, which made every listener feel a little bit of coolness, and what he said afterwards made people even more angry than ever.

"You seem to have misunderstood something. In the peninsula, no matter what congressman you are, or the chaebol, we are the real kings!

pain? It's a pity, no matter how much you hurt, you deserve it, son of a bitch, are you bothering me? Do you really think Seoul can keep you? Xibazi! "

He cursed angrily, and the sound of hammering on Lin Wei's shoulder was even more clearly audible. Accompanied by Lin Wei's dull cry of pain, it made people clench their teeth.

"Very angry, right? But what can you do? I still have a lot of good ways to make you hurt, but they won't leave traces."

"Oh, and your subordinates, it's really good, all of them are very loyal. But are they as tough as you? Can they bear it?

Especially the one named Jin Meizhen, the charm is still there, I feel pity when I see it, even I feel a little moved when I look at it. "

Han Qiangzhi's low voice was a little fuzzy, but he could still hear it clearly: "If she dies, will you feel bad? Or how about I give her face something more?

Accidental burns, falls, there is always a way to make her beautiful face disappear.

Can she accept it? What if you commit suicide? It's a pity, I fell down in the toilet and made a face, and I couldn't accept the fact and then committed suicide and jumped off the building, alas."

"The script is good." Lin Wei's voice squeezed through his teeth was accompanied by the sound of him hitting Han Qiangzhi's hand.

"Let go! Let go!" "Xiba! Don't let go!"

The roar of a group of prosecutors accompanied by the sound of physical contact made people wonder what happened to Lin Wei at this moment?

"Han Qiangzhi, you are meaner than I thought!"

When Lin Wei's accusation sounded, Mou Xianmin, who had already calmed down, let out a low sob again, this time, there was some sincerity in it.

But Park Tae-soo just covered his face and listened to everything, trembling slightly with the voice empathizing with him.

The host had a solemn expression, his hands were crossed, and there was visible anger on his face.

"Ah, Xiba, how can you give a dog a bite?"

"As expected of a guy who can hook up with Seoul."

"However, I just don't know if you can carry it, the story on this pistol."

"The day before yesterday, the police found several dead bodies on the mountain leading to Busan on the outskirts of Seoul, and found traces of gang fights and fierce firefights using guns in the outskirts."

"What about Lin Weixi, now the evidence, together with witnesses, seems to be enough to keep you squatting for many years

I'm curious, can Mou Xianmin really wait for you for so many years? If you are sentenced to a sentence of more than three to five years with solid evidence, will she really not give up on you? "

At this moment, the truth came out.

When the host listened to the recording with a face full of disbelief, the recording was still playing, and then the characters that appeared in Han Qiangzhi's mouth caused an uproar across the country in an instant.

"Perhaps you want to wait until after the election and count on Congressman Noh, whom Seoul counts on, to save you?

A guy like you who only graduated from high school thinks he can change the world if he becomes president."

"You don't really believe in love, do you?"

Just after Han Qiangzhi's mocking words, Lin Wei's voice, which had been silent for a long time, finally rang out.

"Examiner Han blatantly fabricates evidence, but also hopes that I will accompany you to fabricate evidence and hurt the person I like?

not everyone is as shameless as you

I didn't believe in love before, the so-called love should be a luxury

But I believe it now. "

"Whatever method you have, feel free to use it on me - five years, ten years, or a hundred years will do. In the end, justice will come, and evil will pay the price."

Han Qiangzhi's laughter was light and light, but it floated to the hearts of every audience in front of the TV, and ignited a monstrous anger.

"Xiba, this bastard is more like a prosecutor than me"

"I only give you two days and if you don't get the answer I want, get ready to go to court."

The recording finally stopped abruptly.

On the TV station, Mou Xianmin had long been weeping, and the host was speechless. After a long time, he looked at the camera.

"I should have said something at this moment, perhaps to summarize today's program, or perhaps to comfort Ms. Mou, but now, I can't say anything."

"It's just that even Mr. Lin Wei, who is suffering so much, even after entering the detention center, was still relentlessly launched a death attack by Han Qiangzhi, is launching a negligible resistance to Han Qiangzhi."

"Then I shouldn't be silent either."

The host stood up, with tears in his eyes, and clenched his fists angrily: "Han Qiangzhi!"

He angrily questioned the man who wasn't there.

"Are you worthy of your prosecutor's badge!?"

"How do you do it? Xiba!" Han Qiangzhi's eyes were bloodshot, looking at Yang Dongchu in front of him, his eyes seemed to choose someone to devour.

In the room at this time, most of the prosecutors had already left in a hurry, not even walking away, but running away—they had to do everything possible to save themselves, and to do everything possible to distance themselves from Han Qiangzhi.

He is finished, completely finished! Everyone thinks so.

Those who didn't leave simply couldn't leave.

Their relationship with Han Qiangzhi is too close, no matter what, they can't tell the difference.

"I'm sorry!" Yang Dongchu knelt on his knees at the moment, his face was full of panic and uneasiness, and his voice trembled slightly when he spoke: "I'm really sorry!"

"Why!" Han Qiangzhi kicked him to the ground.

"Don't leave his belongings!" He stepped heavily on the kicked Yang Dongchu again.

"Check again!" Han Qiangzhi's eyes widened with anger, his eyes were bloodshot, and the murderous look on his face seemed to swallow Yang Dongchu alive at this moment.

Yang Dongchu didn't dare to speak out, he can only be blamed for this matter, should Han Qiangzhi blame himself for not talking so much with Lin Wei, but should be more cautious and let the people below control this matter as before ?

No one knows why Han Qiangzhi met Lin Wei in person, or because he was simply curious, or because he wanted to observe his opponent up close, but no matter what, now that Mou Xianmin can get the recordings broadcast publicly on TV, it must be Lin Wei The wiretapping device that I personally brought to the car.

The moment Han Qiangzhi listened to the recording, his mind immediately thought of Lin Wei's performance that day - no wonder this gangster was justified in every mouthful, it turned out that Quan Xiba was just acting!

And he, Han Qiangzhi, has become a stupid villain in Lin Wei's reality show in such a stupid way!

Han Qiangzhi was a little creepy, he was too aware of the consequences of that recording being played on the show, which not only meant that things in Lin Wei's case would usher in a reversal, but more importantly, it meant that the hyenas who had been watching him closely No longer hides tusks.

Faced with his exposed wounds, the enemy will only bite crazily until he dies!

How to do it? How can this be covered up?

Han Qiangzhi wasn't even interested in hitting Yang Dongchu anymore—he tried hard to recall every word he said in the car that day, thinking about every possible explanation.

His face was pale, and he felt cold all over his body, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

The chaotic thoughts in his head were spinning rapidly. He pushed Yang Dongchu away and walked towards the maze-like archives of the Strategy Department. He rummaged through the archives frantically, trying to find a big case that could overwhelm Lin Wei's case. Cover up your mistakes and distract the public.

But after tossing and turning, he could only lean on the filing cabinet slumped, his eyes vaguely dull.

what to do?

what to do! ?

His brain was in confusion, and what was worse, a woman suddenly stood at the door and knocked on the door with a smile.

"Hey Yigu, it's really rare for Prosecutor Han to look like this."

An Xiyan looked at him with a half-smile, looked at the mess in the file room, and tsk-tsk: "Who is messing with our Minister Han? If you mess things up, the interns will suffer."

Han Qiangzhi didn't speak, but stared at An Xiyan with a wolf-like gaze, but An Xiyan was not afraid. As a hunter who had hunted down Han Qiangzhi for a long time, An Xiyan was finally able to get his wish.

She unhurriedly picked up a file, glanced at the name and quickly let go: "Oh, how can this kind of case be thrown on the ground casually. Although it can't compare with what Minister Han is doing now."

"Get out!" Han Qiangzhi cursed indifferently.

An Xiyan spread his hands, "Unfortunately, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do—here."

While she was talking, she threw out a document. Han Qiangzhi looked down, only to see the words on the document.

"Order Prosecutor Ahn Hee-yeon to assist the investigation and investigation department in the investigation of Han Qiangzhi's falsification of evidence."

Han Qiangzhi's eyes widened slightly, and the appearance of the seal on it gave him a chill in his heart. Before he could react, An Xiyan said behind him: "Hurry up and help Minister Han pack up, Minister Han, please follow me!" How about I go for a walk?"

Han Qiangzhi stared blankly at the things on the ground.

"Why, you don't even know the president's chapter?"

"Hey Yigu, thank you Minister Han. If it wasn't for you, I don't know when I would be able to meet so many big shots."

"Hey~ What are you still looking at? Take it away! Don't forget the things, give us Minister Han all the points, he won't have a chance to come back in the future"

When the prosecutors came up to grab Han Qiangzhi's arm expressionlessly.

Han Qiangzhi just roared angrily: "Let me go! Let me go!"

"Do you think I'm finished like this!?"

"Let go of me! I want to call! I want to call!! Do you know how many people I know? How dare you do this to me!? What do you think I have to do with the president!?"

An Xiyan turned sideways with a smile to make way for the people below to grab Han Qiangzhi who was struggling desperately and leave, while she took a meaningful look at the things in the archives and let out a chuckle.

"After a while, people will pack up the things and put them back in their original places. No inspection is allowed."

She raised the corners of her mouth, her eyes gleaming: "These are all good treasures."

The prosecutors below agreed one after another.

And An Xiyan hummed a little song like this, and walked out briskly.

She walked to the window and looked at the road outside the procuratorate.

At this moment, the streets were empty because of the live TV broadcast.

Suddenly, many figures appeared.

"Hey Yigu. The cleaners of the procuratorate will be out of luck tomorrow." An Xiyan clicked his tongue and looked at his watch.

"Hurry up, don't want to be stuck eating instant noodles by the national demonstrations that will react in a while, so hurry up and get people!"

An Xiyan is not an exaggeration, but a very prescient prediction.

Just an hour later.

On the streets of the procuratorate, police officers were dispatched one after another to block vehicles and plan routes. A parade so huge that there was no end in sight was growing and spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The leader was a man in his fifties who was wearing a suit and had an ordinary appearance but a good temperament.

At this moment, he was walking at the forefront of the parade, facing the reporters who heard the news, and uttered a deafening roar.

"We want fairness!"

The person who shouted and roared at the front of the line was none other than Congressman Lu Xuanwu who was in full swing!

When Lu Xuanwu led the team towards the procuratorate.

Councilor Li is watching the TV at home.

Gradually, his face became dark.



On the contrary, it was Lin Wei lying in the hospital.

Regardless of Cui Minshu's persuasion, he got up and stood by the window.

At this moment, outside the window, a large crowd suddenly gathered.

They raised their banners high and stood together silently.

Lin Wei saw the words on the banner clearly with the help of the street lights outside the hospital, but for some reason, he fell silent.

'Lin Wei! we support you! '

‘Justice shall prevail! '

He looked at the banner that justice must prevail, and after a while, he drew the curtains.

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