Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 350 Scumbag, get out! (1/2)

What is immortality?

For most people, immortality is an irresistible temptation. It is the ultimate temptation and the greatest desire that lures people in front, and it is also the deepest fear that always threatens people in the back.

Some people say——

Why do people want immortality? Because immortality embraces all desires, and immortality is an infinite possibility.

Some people say——

Why do people fear death? Because there is a great terror between life and death.

Some people can go all the way through countless hardships and obstacles for immortality, lead countless groups to take risks, and cause countless groups to be destroyed. They constantly take risks between life and death, and constantly run away to escape from pursuit, all for immortality.

Some people can give up their leisurely life, sit in the mountain wall, and abandon the quality of life, all for immortality.

Some people hacked their wives to death for the sake of immortality.

Immortality is like a curse. Countless people have done extremely crazy, unreasonable, and incomprehensible things for it, and this is just to get a chance to live forever.

Moreover, the more special people are, the more high and mighty they are, the more they desire immortality. Ordinary mortals will not consider immortality. Life itself is a heavy subject worth struggling for a lifetime. Ordinary farmers will not suddenly desire immortality, but Qin Shihuang, who completed the great unification, is extremely eager for immortality, because no matter how great his achievements are, no matter how prominent his status is, no matter how satisfied he is with his current life, death will eventually come and take away everything he has.

For young people, death should still be a very distant thing. Death seems to be far away, so far away that it seems to not exist, so far away that it will never come, so they generally don’t think about death. They think more about how to live better and how to make their lives more enjoyable.

But Li Anjie is not an ordinary person. She has experienced the battlefield with her father. She has seen countless kinds of death. There are soldiers holding their intestines in their hands and waiting for the inevitable death in prayer. This is a death that has been scheduled long ago, but it is coming slowly; there are also lives that are ended by a bullet that suddenly flies in the midst of loud shouts. This is a death that comes suddenly without any warning; there are also deaths that fall from the sky and are shot into the sky by the shells that fall from the sky and scatter on the ground; there are also various kinds of deaths, and lucky people who have passed by death countless times.

So Li Anjie knows very well that death is a very far and very close thing. It is said to be very far because death seems to be extremely far away from us. Although everyone cannot avoid it, it seems to be something that does not need to be considered at all, and it does not need to be worried about for a long time. It is said to be very close because death may come at any time and no one can predict it.

Moreover, for a pure and beautiful girl, there is something far more terrifying than death, that is aging.

If Li Anjie was an ordinary person, living in an ordinary family, then the words of the witch Xishan would be nothing more than a joke told by a salesperson with a brain that is not normal. But she is not an ordinary person. She is an extremely rare thinker and a powerful psychic. At the same time, she has the most prominent background on Reach. She has a father who is powerful, handsome and charming and the master of the planet, and an equally powerful and strict mother. She had an unhappy and lonely childhood. Now, since she arrived at Reach, every day of her life is like living in a fairyland. She has powerful power and an invincible father. She will never forget the dinner with her father by the lake. She now has her own friends and the struggles and efforts of ordinary people. All of this is extremely precious to her.

The great father rescued her from the desperate situation, and she lived a happy life from then on. She hoped from the bottom of her heart that such a happy life could last forever. However, even as a young girl, Li Anjie knew that this was impossible, because she would definitely die, and one day, she would become old and ugly, and her father would still be young and handsome.

An old self and a young father, this is the pain she can't bear. Just imagining such a future makes Li Anjie feel fear from the bottom of her heart.

She hopes that she will always be young and beautiful in her father's eyes, and she hopes to always get her father's love, and this love will never change.

But Li Anjie is not stupid. On the contrary, she is an extremely smart girl. She has three talents, two of which are geniuses of the Eldar. These two beautiful Eldar gave her a basic and unusual education in her childhood. At the same time, she also has a mentor who is a think tank of the Knights Templar. The three mentors, three psychics, all told Li Anjie very clearly about the terror that psychics must be vigilant about throughout their lives, and the natural enemy of all psychics.

All psychics must be vigilant about the terror of the alien space. Those evils have special psychic fluctuations, just like this special woman in front of him.

"You are a demon!"

"Oh, how pathetic. What kind of education is the Li family giving?" The witch Xishan rolled her eyes and said with great regret: "It actually made such a young girl have such terrible vigilance. Li Anjie, you are just a young girl, just like an ordinary girl, chasing stars, watching soap operas, pursuing brand names, studying clothing matching, and doing some things that these girls should do. Why are you the same as the demon hunters of the Church? How did they teach you? Don't they want you to live a happy life?"

"Devil, Xiu must talk nonsense, otherwise I will make you regret having a tongue."

"Okay, I correct what I said. Your father wants you to live a happy life, but according to his plan, you should get the happiness that mortals deserve, and eventually grow old and die. It's a pity that such happiness can't last long."

Li Anjie took a deep breath and wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything, because she knew very well that what the demon said couldn't be more right. Her words were exactly what Li thought.

In Li's prediction, after Li Anjie realized that peaceful life is hard-won, she should enjoy the happiness of being a mortal and then die. Of course, occasionally she doesn't mind helping the government, and then in daily life, as her father said, she will know how to restrain her own strength, know how to enjoy an ordinary and happy life, and be a wise person.

In the end, she died of old age on her sickbed surrounded by her children and grandchildren. This should be the final ending that Li expected Li Anjie to have.

What can I complain about in such a life? Such a stable and happy life with a little passion in the ordinary, what else can I ask for? This is Li's real thought, but unfortunately it is not Li Anjie's real thought.

Does my life have to be like my father's design, and go to a happy track that has been set long ago until I die? If this is a TV series, then it must be an extremely boring TV series, because Li Anjie is now clear about the plot of the next hundred years. Isn't it still an ordinary, boring, happy and peaceful life?

But who is she, Li Anjie? If it were an ordinary person, with such a life, he would certainly be grateful for the gift of the God Emperor, who gave him such a peaceful and happy life in the terrifying universe. Unfortunately, Li Anjie is not an ordinary person. She is a powerful and extraordinary psychic. She once led a victory in a battle on the battlefield. Countless lives were changed because of her words. She was born to be extraordinary!

She was not willing to be like this. She was never an ordinary girl. Before she met her father, she was never afraid when she was kidnapped by cultists. She was never willing to be ordinary, and she was not willing to be trapped in the Reach Star. There was extraordinary blood flowing in her blood. She longed for adventure. She could never bear to die of old age on the hospital bed.

She was not an ordinary person. She should die ordinary like ordinary people. This was what she could not bear the most!

The young girl here has a completely different and irreconcilable contradiction with her father's will. If Li can spend more time with his daughter, he may be able to discover this. After in-depth communication between father and daughter, such irreconcilable contradictions may be able to find a good way to solve, but Li has never lacked time. He sincerely hopes that his daughter will be happy, and then he tries his best to do it, but how can the young people's ideas be exactly the same as his father?

This is not Li Anjie's fault, because Li has forgotten that he has long passed that willful age. He forgot that youth has never been ordinary, and every young person is extraordinary. They all have unlimited futures. Li is just a person who has experienced it. He hopes that his daughter will suffer less and live the happiest days, and then he makes his own choices and decisions.

When Li was around, Li Anjie acted like a good girl. She had never disappointed her father, but now her father is gone, and her father no longer interferes with her private life. How should she choose?

The girl closed her eyes and thought for a while. When she opened her eyes, she had made a decision.

"Get out," the girl said coldly, "despicable demon, get out of my room before I kill you!"

"Of course, this is your choice, I'm just a salesman," Xishan said calmly, "To be honest, father, daughter, mother, a family living together forever, this is such a beautiful thing, just like a fairy tale. For ordinary people, this will always be a fairy tale, but for you, it's just a piece of cake. With just a contract, you can achieve your goal and you can get eternal life!"

"I said, get out!"

"Okay, okay , I'm leaving now, but," Xishan took out a small paper card with her body temperature from her bra, held it with both hands and placed it on Li Anjie's tea table: "This is my business card. If you have any ideas, you can contact me at any time. Any questions are fine, whether it is about psychic power, life, or anything else. I can talk to you about all your questions. Even if you are bored and want to find someone to chat, it's okay. Sincerely, even if the purchase fails, there is still righteousness. Even if the business fails, we can still be friends. And I am quite bored in this world. I will be very happy if someone can chat with me."

"Who wants to be friends with a devil like you? Get out of here!"

"You are so ruthless. You are just like your parents. Okay, okay, don't be so rude. I'll leave now. See you next time. By the way, there is one more thing," Xishan pointed at the TV and said solemnly, "In the end, the heroine of this TV series got an incurable disease and died. The hero decided not to marry for the heroine. What a tragedy. If they could meet me, it would not be such an ending."

Li Anjie was completely angry: "You bitch, you actually spoiled the plot. The devil is really the most evil existence! Stay away from me!!!"

Xishan turned around and ran out of the door decisively.

Li Anjie slammed the door, walked to the tea table with heavy steps, picked up Xishan's business card, tore it into pieces neatly, and threw it into the trash can. After that, Li Anjie lay down on the sofa and continued to watch the TV series, but she couldn't watch it anymore because she already knew the ending.

This bastard and a third-level rotten devil! She ruined her favorite TV series!


Lee returned to the regiment a year and a half after leaving the regiment. When Captain Li suddenly appeared at the gate of the Knights Templar in the Golden Field without any warning, he was greeted not with flowers and praise, but with an awkward silence.

Almost everyone thought that the captain had been hanging out. No matter what the reason, even if he left alone, there should be a message. Even if there was no message, he should have come back on time. As a result, he said he would leave for a year, but he left for a year and a half, and was late for a full six months. During this six months, the brothers of the regiment had already prepared to elect a new captain, but just when everyone had chosen the new captain in their hearts, Captain Li came back suddenly without any warning.

This was really an embarrassing thing. Fortunately, he did not come back after the new captain was elected. If it was another six months later, the embarrassment would probably increase three times.

Li seemed to ignore this embarrassment. After returning to the temporary base of the regiment on the golden plain, he began to perform his duties and devoted himself to the busy work. Roland also freed himself from the nightmare that entangled him. He handed over all the documents on the desk that almost buried him to Li, and then devoted himself to the heavy training.

Li naturally knew what happened in the regiment and the reason for this embarrassment, but as a smart superior, sometimes he must know how to ignore these undercurrents. As the saying goes, there are all kinds of people in a hundred people. Li commanded an interstellar regiment, which now has more than 200 regular interstellar warriors, and the people behind these people are a hundred times this number. Adding the fleet's sailors, the regiment's logistics personnel, the dispatched intelligence personnel, the second-line regiment personnel stationed in the medieval world, and the reserve soldiers, all of these add up to a total of more than 10,000 people in the regiment, and this is only the case when Li is very cautious in recruiting the regiment's personnel.

There is nothing to say about this, it can only be regarded as a normal phenomenon. The United States launched a rocket to the moon, and there were only two people who actually landed on the moon, but behind them there were countless people's hard work.

And Li is the leader of all these people. He not only has to manage the daily training of the soldiers, accept the combat notices from the superiors, select characters, and arrange combat plans. What he has to do is not only to keep the soldiers in a high morale and rush to the battlefield. This is only the simplest and most basic part of all Li's work. He also has to keep the entire regiment in an efficient state, so that the entire logistics system can run perfectly, and provide more help and power for the regiment.

After obtaining the planet Golden Wilderness, the difficulty and workload of this part of the work have undoubtedly increased greatly, which is why Roland will be buried with countless documents.

Golden Wilderness is a devastated planet that has experienced a brutal war. Victoria, the former governor of this planet, perfectly fulfilled her promise. On the day the war stopped, she decisively led her lawyers to sign the documents and threw this devastated planet to the Knights Templar. With a gorgeous turn, the young and beautiful girl returned to the solar system with the perfect posture of a winner and returned to the political world that belonged to her.

But the people on the Golden Wilderness did not die out. After the warriors faded one by one and the legions evacuated one by one, the residents living in this world survived the brutal war, but the surviving people had to immediately face a more cruel problem. Facing the burned fields, what should they do for the next meal? Facing the destroyed villages and houses, where should they live?

No one answered their questions. Victoria had already left, and the defense forces had evacuated this dangerous place with important supplies. After the war, the people on this planet could only find their new masters, the Knights Templar, to solve the crisis they were facing.

This was a complicated and headache-inducing matter. Roland had almost collapsed because of this matter before, but the worst thing was that no matter how complicated the matter was, Li had to try his best to do his best, because the Golden Field was the future of the Knights Templar.

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