Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 349: Dying Alone (1/2)

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Li Anjie asked as he looked away from the TV series a little impatiently, got down from under the sofa, put on his slippers, ran to the door, and opened the door.

This is not the behavior that a girl who lives alone should do. Opening the door for strangers so casually is unsafe in itself. But Li Anjie is not an ordinary person. Since she moved out to live alone, she has never opened the door for strangers. When it comes to people who rob people at doorsteps, Li Anjie hopes that she can meet a few such indifferent villains. If the person coming was a criminal, it is estimated that this girl would be excited about this matter for several days.

In the spare time after dinner, girls will also have interesting topics worth talking about.

Now Li Anjie has temporarily quit her job in the government, and instead started a magazine with several college classmates. Although the money in her new job is not much, it can still support herself.

But for this girl, supporting herself has never been a problem. She is not an ordinary person, but a special "thinker" among psychics who can influence other people's brains. In Li's opinion, his daughter is just like Professor Moreover, Anjie Li lives in a safe place like Reach, so Li Anjie naturally couldn't be more assured of his daughter's safety.

With such ability, Li Anjie can become a millionaire even if he is begging for food on the street.

Under this situation, Li Anjie stopped interfering in Li Anjie's personal life very early. He took Li Anjie to work in the administrative department for a period of time, just to let Li Anjie understand the other side of this peaceful society. Li Anjie had experienced After fighting the war, working in the government for a period of time, and knowing how to control his psychic powers, Li stopped interfering in his daughter's life. He allowed Li Anjie to live the life he liked.

So with the help of several female friends, the girl moved out of her father's house, rented an apartment outside, and began to live alone, living a simple and happy life.

Recently, Li Anjie has a new hobby, which is watching TV series. Those emotional youth idol dramas are Li Anjie's favorite.

"Who are you?"

Standing outside the door is a beautiful and alluring professional woman. This professional woman has just the right amount of light makeup on her face, highlighting her alluring beauty. She was wearing a standard work attire, and her lower body was a suit-style short skirt. However, the skirt seemed a bit too short for a professional woman. Under the short skirt, the woman was exposed wrapped in black stockings. The slender legs among them. This outfit is a bit too revealing and attractive for ordinary professional women, making this woman look like a secret kept by a wealthy man in a large company to solve problems in her private life.

"Hello, would you like to take your time? Let me introduce myself first," the woman, who looked and dressed like the mistress of the big shot, bowed politely and said, "I am salesperson No. 001 of Life Eternal Insurance Company. I am here. I’m going to sell you a new business of our company. Can I come in and let’s sit down and have a chat?”

With that said, the woman turned sideways and slid into the room from Li Anjie's side.

Li Anjie's face suddenly turned ugly. How could this woman do this and get into other people's houses without the owner's permission? Insurance salesmen nowadays are really getting more and more arrogant.

If you were an ordinary person, you might not be able to do anything about this person, especially No. 001, who is a beauty, but Angie Lee is not an ordinary person.

"It's really annoying. He's actually an insurance salesman. I'm watching a TV series. Can you go out? I don't want to hear you talking about insurance now."

"You'd better listen," Salesman No. 001 sat down on the sofa and said calmly, "It won't take up too much of your time, and it will definitely only benefit you, and there will be no harm."

Li Anjie sighed, then took a deep breath, and said word by word, clearly and slowly: "Please go out and leave this building."

This sentence contained spiritual power and a force that could not be disobeyed. No. 001 immediately sat up straight, and then her face became dull in an instant. She walked out of the door honestly and left Anjie Li's room. room, and then there was the sound of coming downstairs.

Li Anjie snorted, closed the door, turned around and lay down on the sofa, and continued watching her TV series.

Salesperson No. 001 of Life Eternal Insurance Company, also known as Witch Xishan, walked out of Li Anjie's room, walked downstairs slowly, and stood under Li Anjie's house for a long time. Then she came back to her senses. She had just stepped forward. After taking two steps, he suddenly turned around, his face turning red instantly!

At this moment, Xishan was so ashamed that she just wanted to find a right angle and hit her head on. She really wanted to just let herself die! It was an unprecedented insult for her to come out so honestly. She first learned that Li Anjie lived alone outside. She was still thankful that such a young girl could understand so many things. ? Isn’t it easy to handle?

But who would have thought that Li Anjie is not an ordinary person. She actually has terrifying psychic abilities and is an extremely rare thinker.

This is somewhat unexpected.

Xishan took out a pack of cigarettes from her bag, stood downstairs from Li Anjie and lit the cigarette in her hand. She puffed out the cigarette one after another. After she calmed down a little, she started to go. think.

This doesn't seem like a bad thing.

Yes, this is not a bad thing. Although thinkers are rare, for Xishan, this is the kind of spiritual power that she needs to be least afraid of. Because witches have always been masters of playing with other people's emotions and controlling other people's moods. They can always influence other people's decisions in various ways, but Li Anjie is different. She can skip all steps and directly control others through her brain, and can do whatever she wants. Xishan trembled as he manipulated other people as dolls. This ability was too terrifying.

What kind of family are they? Li slashed the moon, her mother is a lightning demon hunter, and her daughter has such terrifying psychic potential! Will this family of monsters let others live? Thinking of this, Xishan couldn't help but feel more irritable. She threw down the cigarette butt, crushed it with her high heels, took out another cigarette, lit it and continued to pull it out fiercely, and continued to think.

Wait, think about it from another angle, look at it from a good angle, this is a good thing. Xishan convinced herself that if this little girl named Li Anjie joined the banner of Slaanesh and became a witch, then she would definitely be one of the most terrifying witches.

At least it should be much scarier than myself.

Just before he fell, Anjie Li already had such terrifying power. The thinker himself is not scary. What is scary is the terrifying power possessed by this thinker. The witches themselves are masters of spiritual secrets. They are good at provoking others. Emotions control the rhythm of the conversation. They are full of sweet lies and are best at persuading others. Such witches are also strong in defensive psychological secrets. All witches have extremely strong psychological defense. They look weak on the outside and seem to be easily knocked down, but their hearts are like ice forever, always cold and hard, and will never melt.

Xishan touched her heart. Even now, she still has lingering fears. It's really terrible that she can't control her actions. Even myself, who was so defensive, fell into that little girl's trap. Or a witch? This is really a wild goose life, and in the end, he was pecked and blinded by wild geese.

Even if I just came here through a weakened projection, I shouldn't be like this. It's simply a shame!

If it was a big enough door, if he could come here with strong power, thinking so, Xishan clenched his fists, if so, he would never be insulted by a little girl!

It is not easy for creatures from the chaotic world to come to this world. After returning to the demon world, Xishan and Aylin were assigned a task. The task was very simple, that is, to make Li pay the price.

This is nothing, the great gods in Chaos have always been like this. What they value is not victory. Maybe these gods will be happier if they fail. For them, the game becomes more interesting.

Yes, the gods don't care about victory or defeat, but one thing they care about is that they can continue to maintain their prestige among the galactic creatures. To be precise, whether people are still afraid of them.

For the true gods, this is very important, perhaps the most important thing. Even if he loses, the Chaos Demon cannot just admit defeat like a defeated dog and let the hero be proud of himself.

What, the hero fought against the evil of Chaos and ultimately won. Then live a happy life?

The former is nothing, there is victory and there is failure, it doesn't matter. But for Chaos, there should be no sentence after the word "then". They should make it clear to everyone that fighting against evil will not end well.

Of course, the imperial government will not promote it like this, but the evil of Chaos will tell everyone through facts that heroes are not so easy to be.

If you want to be a hero, you can. Chaos cannot stop people from yearning for heroes, but the creatures in chaos should at least let everyone know what will happen to those who dare to stand up and become heroes!

Evil keeps saying that heroes never end well.

Evil must be scary! If there comes a day when humans will no longer be afraid of the demons in Chaos, then the Chaos Demons will not be far from their demise.

This is just like catching a thief on the street. If you catch a thief on the street and become a hero, you must be careful about the subsequent revenge of these evil people.

Chaos creatures are definitely terrifying creatures that are ten thousand times more evil than thieves.

The devil wants to separate Li's wife and children, and make everyone betray and abandon their relatives! I want to make Li Sheng suffer and die in agony!

So Aylin and Hishan divided their forces into two groups, one leading the "rebellion" and the other leading the "separation". One force attacks Li, and the other attacks Li's family. In short, if the front is not an opponent, then attack him from all aspects and destroy him. This is what demons are good at.

But entering this real universe is not an easy task. Aylin spent a lot of effort. After more than a year, the two of them completed the preparations. With the help of an altar, he got in touch with several secret small gatherings of cultists in this world. Then, with the help of the other party, after a lot of hard work, the two reached their tentacles into the real world. Aylin entered Luo Lang's dream world, this method can only be used when there is a blood relationship, and Xishan used a weakened projection to enter this world to seduce Li Anjie.

Xishan thought that her job would be an easy one and she could handle it easily, but she didn't expect it to be so complicated.

No, it's actually not difficult, Xishan said to herself. The other party is highly capable and not an ordinary person, so things will be simple.

Xishan threw the second cigarette butt to the ground, crushed it with her feet, and walked into the building again.

After a while, the knock on the door rang again.

"Who is it!" Li Anjie opened the door again, "Why is it you? Why are you here again?"

"That shouldn't be the case, should it?"

"Yes," Li Anjie was suddenly startled. Then she narrowed her eyes and looked at the woman in front of her carefully, and then said seriously: "This shouldn't be, I can't see through you."

Now it was Xishan's turn to be surprised, "Can you spy on other people's thoughts?"

"But I can't see yours, which is weird."

Xishan patted her chest and smiled, "It scared me to death. That's right. You can't see my thoughts. This is normal. Then I apologize for being rude before. Can I come in and talk to you for a while?" ?”

"Come in," Li Anjie opened the door, "I'm a little curious about you too."

The second time, Xishan made it to Li Anjie's sofa.

"Want something to drink?"


"I don't have wine here," Li Anjie said, bringing Xishan a glass of Coke, "Then tell me, why would a rare person like you come to me? You are not an ordinary person, so which side are you on? "

"I'm here to talk to you about life insurance on behalf of our company."

"Are you just an insurance salesman?" Li Anjie sneered and continued: "Forget it, if you continue like this, I will ask you to leave."

"No, no, no, I'm not joking," Xishan said seriously, "I'm really here to talk to you about your life."

"What do you mean? Scaring me? Am I going to die? Is this too corny?"

"Of course not, your body is very healthy, but do you know that no matter how healthy your body is, you are just an ordinary person, a mortal." After Xishan sighed, he said slowly: "You, have You are a rare thinker with extraordinary spiritual abilities, but you are just a mortal after all. You may not notice this now. After all, you are only 20, or 19? Yes, you are still young, There is still a lot of youth to squander. These are not important to you, but you should know that youth will always leave, you will gradually grow old, your body will become old, and your smooth skin will fade away. Slowly wrinkle, your beautiful face will gradually disappear, your hair will gradually become yellow, and you will grow old and die, because you are just a mortal." Xishan asked softly and kindly. Said: "Have you ever thought about this?"

Li Anjie was stunned, then frowned and said: "To be honest, of course I know that I will grow old and die, I am just a mortal. It's scary to say, what's the point? Isn't everyone like this? Aren’t all my friends like this?”

"Yes, but," Xishan said softly, "your father and mother are not like this."

Li Anjie was speechless for a long time as if he had been struck by lightning.

Xishan sighed, her face full of sadness, but she sneered secretly in her heart. Although she was a rare thinker, she was just a little girl after all. Then the witch Hishan continued: "Your father was once a standard Alstat monk and a warrior of His Majesty the Holy Emperor. Needless to say, he will always walk among the stars and protect mankind. He Has been immortal since his fall on the battlefield. And your mother, Elizabeth, was a psyker, but unlike a thinker like you, your mother's trait was to control the natural world. The most terrifying and powerful thing is thunder. She is a terrifying and powerful thunder messenger."

"Yes, mother is not immortal, she is just a psyker, a psyker like me."

"No, you are not the same psychic. You are a rare thinker, but your mother is a lightning messenger. All psychics who are close to the elements have a characteristic, that is, once her psychic control reaches a fixed point, she can complete an incredible transformation. For your mother, she can completely elementalize her body and transform into a highly concentrated human-shaped lightning elf during the battle. Her body will be completely composed of lightning, and she can become a part of the terrifying nature. And every time she does this, her body and cells will be reshaped. In other words, your mother can achieve immortality from a certain perspective, and now your mother has entered that place again. When she comes out, she will inevitably reach that terrifying level." Xishan concluded: "In other words, your father is immortal. Your mother is also immortal. They will all live forever, and time will not leave any traces on their bodies. And you will gradually grow old and eventually die alone.

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