He looked at the smiling face of Kearns on the big ship, and then looked sideways at his destroyed wooden boat.

Weiya felt the full malice of Kearns, and also felt the malice from the world.

But at this moment, she has no way back.

The ship has been destroyed, and now she has only one way to live.

Suppressing the fear in her heart, Weiya stiffened her head and squeezed out a sycophantic smile.

“Yes….. Yes! I always believed that you would be good people. ”

I heard that Weiya still insisted on this statement.

Kearns didn’t respond right away, but the smile on his face remained the same.

No matter who it is, in the face of the current situation, if you want to survive, I am afraid that you will say so.

After looking at Weiya quietly for a while, Kanes smiled and spoke.

“Want to live?”

“Think!” Wei Ya responded without thinking.

Kearns: “Be my crew and I’ll save you.” ”

Listening to the invitation sent by Kearns, Weiya was obviously stunned for a moment, and she couldn’t believe her ears.

But thinking of her current situation, Wei Ya did not hesitate long and agreed.


Heard Weiya agree.

Kearns did not immediately lower the boat ladder for her to climb, but opened the system panel and checked her own power value.

As expected, the original power value of 135 became 136 after Weiya promised to join her!

However, when Kearns looked down at the total number of crew members, he found that the total number of crew members was still only 26.

It didn’t become 27 because of Via’s joining.

“Only the crew members recruited by the system will be counted in the total?”

Thinking so in his heart, Kearns looked at Viya below.

“She’ll leave it to you.”

After giving an order to the surrounding crew, Kearns turned and left the ship.

Dimiugos also glanced at Via below, and followed Karns away from the side of the ship.

The rest of the crew lowered the ladder to allow Weiya to board the boat.

After Wei Ya successfully boarded the ship, one of the crew members said to Wei Ya with a smile on his face: “The captain handed you over to us.” ”

“I’ll tell you about the rules on the ship first, so that you don’t make mistakes.”

“There are not many rules, only one.”

“The captain’s order is everything, you remember it.”

Hearing this, Wei Ya was obviously a little surprised.

But she didn’t dare to say or ask.

“Can you give me something to eat…”

The crew member nodded and smiled: “Of course, the restaurant is on the second floor, I’ll take you there.” ”


On the other hand, Kearns has already begun to plan how to quickly increase his power value.

The way that is currently known and confirmed to increase the power value is to increase the crew.

However, if you recruit one by one, not only will the speed of power value increase be slow, but the process will be relatively troublesome.

And the inclusion of the indigenous peoples of this world is not possible to increase the total number of crews.

This can be confirmed by the fact that after Wei Ya joined, the total number of crew members did not increase.

Without increasing the total number of crews, the Eternal Wind cannot be changed.

At that time, once there are too many natives in the pirate world, and the model of the Eternal Breaking Wind cannot be changed, there will definitely be a situation where the personnel is full.

At that time, you will need to prepare additional ships for them yourself.

This can also be a troublesome thing.

Thinking of this, Kearns looked up at the ceiling.

“It seems that I have to go back to my old business and rob the other members of the pirate group…”

“Well, this time even people brought the boat to grab it.”

This method is currently the simplest and most convenient, and it has increased the value of people’s power.

Grabbed the ship to avoid the problem of overloading the Eternal Wind personnel and needing to re-prepare the ship.

Kill two birds with one stone.


Sailing on the vast sea, Kearns and the others did not encounter anything special for several days.

Except for a few islands, they didn’t even encounter a single ship.

The days of calm and tranquility passed day by day.

Until a naval warship that was cruising at sea appeared.

Kearns and others had half a month of tranquility before it was broken.

“Fire!!” On the warship, an officer in a white naval coat raised his hand and drank.

After receiving the order to open fire, the navies located next to the guns of each ship aimed at a silver-white ship not far away and lit the lead.

“Bang! Bang! Bang…..”

With a volley of naval guns, the fire from the muzzle burst out, and countless shells flew densely like raindrops towards the pirate ship not far away.

“Phew! Shout! Huh…”

“Boom! Boom! Bang…..”


And what they attacked was the Eternal Wind Breaker of Kearns’ “Pale Emperor Pirates”!

Located at the bow of the naval warship, a man and a woman stood on it.

The man had a big cigarette in his mouth, short silver-white hair, and a weapon made of sea lou stone on his back.

And he is also a well-known admiral in the headquarters of the Navy.

Colonel of the Navy headquarters, Smogg!

Next to him, a woman with black hair, glasses, and a long knife tied around her waist was his direct subordinate, Dashki, an ensign of the Navy headquarters.

“Whew~” Smog exhaled a puff of smoke.

Staring at the pirate ship not far away, his brows furrowed slightly, and he muttered a little puzzled.

“Don’t fight back, don’t run, but sail towards us?”

“What are these pirates paying attention to?”



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