At this time, Weiya was already in a bit of a dilemma.

Retreat, even if it is to starve to death on this vast sea.

Enter, the other party is a pirate, and no one dares to be sure what will happen when you meet them.

But what is certain is that the likelihood of death will be greater.

And a woman herself, meeting these hungry and thirsty men who have been adrift at sea all day, God knows what will happen.

“Or…. Going back and fishing for a look? Maybe we’ll catch a fish in a while?”

A retreat arose in my heart.

Wei Ya looked at the pirate ship in front of her, and then at the endless sea behind her, still hesitating to advance and retreat.

And it is behind her tangled body.

She saw a few people coming out on the deck of the silver-white pirate ship.

They stood by the side of the boat, looking at Via a little further away on the small boat.

“Girl?” Seeing the woman’s appearance, Kearns was slightly surprised.

I recalled it a little in my mind.

In the pirate world, it seems that there are no powerful women who like to ride small boats alone.

Earlier, when I heard the crew report that someone appeared alone in a small boat.

Kearns also thought it might be Mihawk.

After all, in addition to this Hawkeye Mihawk, who is known as the world’s number one swordsman, Kearns could not have imagined that anyone would sail on the great route alone in a small boat.

In the sight of Kearns.

After stopping rowing for a while, Weiya began to row again towards Kearns.

“Do you need to get rid of her?” Dimiugos asked Kearns for instructions.

For him, Via’s appearance was undoubtedly a bug that disturbed their purity.

Solving some annoying bugs for Kanes, Dimiugos is still very happy.

However, after seeing that Weiya was still coming towards her ship.

Kearns just shook his head lightly, and said in a calm voice: “Look at what she wants to do.” ”

Dimiugos didn’t make a sound when he heard this.

Soon after, under the gaze of Karns and others, Weiya also successfully came to a place not far from the Eternal Cloak.

Putting down the oars, Weiya stood up from the boat and shouted at Kearns and the others on the boat.

“So, can you give me something to eat?” I haven’t eaten in days! ”

As she spoke, a flattering smile appeared on Via’s face.

Hearing Via’s request, Kearns couldn’t help but feel a little funny.

Is this girl a brain problem?

Actually came to the bottom of the pirate ship and begged the pirates for food?

With great interest, Kearns lay on the railing, looked at Weiya below and asked aloud: “Do you know what the flag above represents?” ”

Wei Ya scratched her head a little embarrassed, did not respond loudly, but nodded to show that she knew.

Kanes: “Then you still come to us to beg for food, aren’t you afraid that we will kill you?” ”

Once again, a flattering smile appeared on Via’s face.

“How come, although you are pirates, I know that you must be good people.”

Kearns glanced sideways at the middle crew on the side and said lightly.

“Cut her.”

As soon as these words came out, the middle crew member did not have any nonsense and hesitation, and directly pulled out the long knife at his waist.


The blade was unsheathed, and the armed color domineering instantly attached to it.

Below, Wei Ya, who saw this scene, was still a little unclear.

Because of the words “cut her” that Kanes had just said, she did not hear it.

She didn’t understand why the other party drew the sword, let alone what the other party was for.

But soon, she understood that the other party was going to cut her!

And even if she is separated by such a distance, even if the long knife can’t reach her at all, it can cut her!



As the crew’s long knives fell.

The space exploded, and a knife light visible to the naked eye suddenly slashed towards Weiya.


Faced with this sudden scene, Wei Ya was horrified in her heart.

Without having time to think about it, she jumped into the sea on the spot.


And that knife also fell fiercely on the wooden boat at the moment she jumped into the sea.


The wooden ship, which was already small in size, exploded under the threat of the crew.

Countless pieces of ships flew around.

Even the surface of the sea was stirred up by a wave several meters high!



The stirred up cup of seawater fell back on the surface of the sea like raindrops.

The sea also returned to calm afterwards.

Wei Ya also showed her head from the sea in embarrassment.

Seeing Wei Ya appear, the knife-wielding crew raised the knife again.

But just as he was about to swing the knife, Kearns raised his right hand lightly and stopped his next move.

Because if he cuts down this knife, it will really kill Weiya.

The previous sword was calculated by Kearns and tried her strength while warning Via.

However, now it seems that Via’s performance has disappointed Kearns a little.

Kearns looked at Via, his eyes narrowed slightly with a smile, and asked again.

“Now what? We….. Still a good person? ”

Weiya’s whole body trembled like a sieve, and her eyes trembled violently like an earthquake.

She looked at Kearns and his group without making a sound.

But in his eyes, there was fear.

“These guys… Is it the devil?!”

“That guy just now really wanted to kill me, right?!”

“Why?!” I just want something to eat, and they don’t want it!”

“Pirates…. Is it all so cruel?!”



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