Gossip King

Chapter 971: The blade came out at the beginning!

As soon as this was said, the others looked at Gao Leng more and more.

"It seems that President Gao has a good project in his hands. No wonder Principal Li is so serious." One of the big men was very curious and opened his mouth.

"Mr. Mu, tell me, what good project did you look at?"

"That is, I said Mr. Gao, don't pay attention to Mr. Mu, he likes to buy at low prices and sell at high prices, black!"


These jokes caused a burst of laughter in the class, and the laughter returned to the laughter. There were thirty people in a class, and Gao Leng was now imprinted on everyone's mind. Principal Li, who was standing on the stage, smiled slightly at him, very pleased.

Principal Li gave Gao Leng the opportunity to show up, but after all, he still needs him to have the ability, otherwise it is just a young man named by Principal Li, and Mu Ge’s words invisibly added points to Gao Leng. The olive branch of the song has been thrown out, and then this President Gao must have projects he likes, and there is at least a 70% chance that the projects that Mu Ge likes will be able to make a lot of money in the next few years. of.

"President Gao, do you have a hook village on hand? Where is the hook village?" a big man asked, taking the Buddhist beads from his wrists and fiddled with them gently: "If the work has not started yet, maybe we can Cooperation and cooperation."

"It's in Wuchuan. The place where Yuzhi Weibo broke the news last time is a good place." Another entrepreneur is obviously more concerned about the current financial news and hastened to say: "Good mountains, beautiful rivers, and beautiful scenery. The bare land is worth a few. Billion."

A few hundred million is not a big sum in front of these top bosses, but it is not a small amount. The land is worth so much, and the investment in the future will be at least several billion.

"Are you really without background?" This is, Wang Bin, who was the world's number one plastic photo frame before, opened his mouth, revealing doubts.

"Well, my father and my mother have both left, and there is a small house at home." Gao sneered and replied. It can arouse Wang Bin's curiosity. This is a success in itself. He saw Wang Bin's look in his eyes turned from doubt. To the approval, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Really good." Wang Bin gave a thumbs up: "Let's talk later."

"It's a great honor." Although Gao Leng's face was calm, he was very happy in his heart. It’s not that he can get anything from Wang Bin for a drink. He is a plastic photo frame. He is not anxious about business with Gao Leng at the moment, nor is it that Wang Bin is very likely to advertise to Xingsheng Magazine. High cold happiness has nothing to do with interests.

People need to look up.

Wang Bin was the person Gao Leng looked up to. Such an empire's top boss could take the initiative to invite him, and he was affirmed in itself.

For Gao Leng, facing his own shortcomings is a kind of courage, and now his blade is showing up at the beginning, it is not sharp enough or courageous enough. At least compared with these big guys.

Murong Yuyan turned her head and took a deep look at Gao Leng. Gao Leng was about to meet her gaze. She quickly shifted her gaze to the notebook, only pursing her lips and smiling slightly. Any woman will admire a capable man, not to mention Yu Yan, who has been familiar with him a long time ago.

"I haven't seen it for many days, you have become so powerful." Murong Yuyan said softly, her face like Feixia: "I heard people say that you made a piece of land, and I thought it was fake. Really made it."

"Yeah." Gao said coldly, without saying more.

He was a little emotional. Yu Guang looked at Murong Yuyan's side face. His skin was as perfect as a porcelain doll. Compared with the fairy air on the TV, Murong Yuyan seemed to be closer to Gao Leng at this time. In the past, even if it was close contact with her, Gao Leng always felt that she was aloof. But this time, there seemed to be no feeling that she was unattainable.

just like……

It was like a junior high school classmate sitting next to him.

I had never thought that one day I would sit next to the goddess Murong Yuyan in my mind, and go to class with her.

"Who is he?" Li Qian, who was sitting next to Murong Yuyan, stopped the pen he had been recording, and asked Murong Yuyan in a low voice without looking at Gao.

"A friend." Murong Yuyan bit her ears and whispered: "The boss of Xingsheng Magazine, last time you said that the carrion case was abominable, and he was the one who shot this case. Other identities...you just heard that too There is a plot of land, oh, yes, the principal just said he is the second master of the Eastern Gang."

"Oh..." Li Qian prolonged her voice, but still didn't look at Gao Leng, just nodded and wrote something in the notebook.

"Do you have to prepare your information for a long time?" Murong Yuyan poked her head and reached out to take Li Qian's notebook and flipped through it. When she flipped it over, she frowned and was very surprised, as if she wanted to say something, she flipped through it again: "How... …how……"

Murong Yuyan’s doubts aroused Gao Leng’s attention. He took a peek and saw that Li Qian’s quilt was filled with information and many paintings. One of them should be Wang Bin’s head, and the others. A few of them are sketches, and the paintings are of several other big guys. Some small characters are written beside the paintings, such as: Mr. Wang is planned to be 1.85 meters tall, with a gloomy personality and a second male; Mr. Li is cheerful and a fourth male.

"Are you not writing romance this time?" Murong Yuyan asked, flipping through it again.

After all, she is in the film and television industry, and she has read a lot of scripts. The things recorded in this book are more male-related materials, so she judged one or two.

"No more." Li Qian shook his head: "Gong Dou is tired of writing. This time I'm writing about male frequency."

Male frequency is a book for boys, while female frequency is a book for girls. Before that, Li Qian had always been good at Gongdou Opera and was a master of female novelists.

"Why are you suddenly transitioning?" Murong Yuyan handed the notebook to Li Qian worriedly: "Can you write it? You are a girl, how can you solve the problem of substitution?"

"Small." Li Qian said confidently: "How about I promise the principal to come to study EMBA? I hate exposure, mainly for inspiration. You said that in the Empire, I want to write a business war novel. Apart from CEIBS, where is the most suitable prototype for commercial warriors?"

Also, to write about business wars, it is right to come to CEIBS. There are materials all over here. If you want high-end people, you can look at the EMBA, talk to the big guys about the inside story, and then joke about the **** deeds they experienced in the early days of business, and real cases will come.

If you want to write about working professionals, then go to the next MBA class, where there are gold collars everywhere.

"Writer Li, the XX you wrote is very popular. I look forward to your next new book." Sitting aside listening to the whispers of the two girls, it was embarrassing that he heard everything clearly, thinking that he just sat next door Say hello. Before this, I also had a hot chat with Murong Yuyan, and Li Qian was her friend again, and she should be able to make friends, so she smiled and said in a low voice, taking out her business card and was about to pass it over.

"Thank you." Unexpectedly, Li Qian just replied politely and pointed to the podium: "Listen to the class."

"Xiao Li." Murong Yuyan naturally felt Li Qian's indifference. She pulled Li Qian's clothes, turned her head to Gao Leng and said with some embarrassment: "Then go to class first."

"Okay, time is up, get out of class is over." The principal said as he was talking.

"get out of class is over, Writer Li, this is my business card." Gao Leng's hand holding the business card is halfway through, just in time for get out of class to end, right? So he passed it directly to Li Qian.

"Okay, thank you." I didn't expect that Li Qian just received his business card, and they all said that they are courteous. This mutual submission of friends is just like shaking hands. You pass it and I accept it. After the business card, I didn't even take my business card.

If you don't have a business card with you, say something.

She stood up directly, nodded at Gao Leng and walked out.


Gao Leng was embarrassed.

"General Manager Gao." In embarrassment, Mu Ge, the chief CEO of OMSAS Investment Company, came over: "Go, go for a drink?"

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