Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 407: Single spark

The director of a relevant department in a county, an absolute figure in power, such people are so respectful to Li Zhen, Li Dunru and Cai Xiulian were immediately honored.

But thinking of the words of their daughter just now, the two of them felt like a dark cloud floating in their hearts. Although the daughter hadn't finished speaking, they seemed to guess what the daughter was going to say next.

The couple looked at each other and Li Dunru left.

"Li Zhen!" Cai Xiulian shouted.

Li Zhen walked over immediately.

"Your uncle is fine too, let's get discharged." Cai Xiulian continued: "Your uncle is going to order the small dishes, and we will go home for dinner."

Now that the backing of the hospital is gone, it will naturally not be so arrogant, and Li Zhen has been discharged from the hospital soon, and he didn't even dare to ask for money.

When he came to Li Xiaoman's house, Li Dunru had already fried all the dishes.

After Cai Xiulian looked at Li Dunru and got a reassuring look, the corners of her mouth bloomed with a smile, and Li Zhen didn't care.

"Li Zhen, have two drinks with your uncle." Cai Xiulian said with a smile.

"Uncle has just been discharged from the hospital, is it inappropriate to drink?" Li Zhen frowned, drinking as soon as he was discharged.

"Well, it's better for you to consider thoroughly, so let's, you drink, your uncle drinks water, you drink some." Cai Xiulian immediately followed Li Zhen's words.

"Mom, what wine to drink, some food, we still have things to tell you." Li Xiaoman wanted to finish what the hospital hadn't finished.

"Let's eat first, I'll tell you something later." Cai Xiulian hurriedly stopped.

When Li Xiaoman thought about it, if she said this, her parents might not have the desire to eat anymore and nodded.

The meal of three of Li Xiaoman's family was very dull, only Li Zhen calmly finished eating and drank the bottle of wine.

But Li Xiaoman was a little abnormal. Before the meal was finished, he said it was very hot and went to take a bath.

Li Zhen frowned, but this matter was Li Xiaoman's business, and he didn't need to take the lead.

"Li Zhen, you can sleep in this room tonight." Cai Xiulian said, pointing to a room.

Li Zhen walked in and saw that it was a study, and there was a bathroom on the side of the study.

At the moment Li Zhen broke through the fifth rank, the system was upgraded again, and the entire screen went black.

A layer of black matter was discharged from his body, and Li Zhen quickly walked into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Li Zhen was refreshed, and Li Zhen collapsed on the bed.

Suddenly, a fire surrounded him.

Li Zhen's whole body was shocked, his eyes had a different color, and he quickly turned his head to look. Then, his throat moved slightly, his throat became dry, and his nose became hot, as if blood was flowing out.


A piece of white flowers!

That kind of white, under the light of the light, almost transparent, with exquisite and translucent facial features, with loose nose wings, breathing heavily.

"This little fairy!" Li Zhen was sure, his nosebleed must have flowed down.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were in this room, I..." Li Zhen wanted to get up and leave as he said, and to be honest, he felt very sad.

But before he finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.

"Madan, is this testing me?" After Li Zhen's previous life, he was not a good man, but he didn't like taking advantage of others. Li Xiaoman was obviously drunk.

Li Zhen regained his energy and wanted to push Li Xiaoman away, but his hands awkwardly touched a place that should not be touched.

This touch, like a spark, completely ignited a fire that could have been extinguished...

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