Godly System: Evolve From a Kitten

Chapter 406: Wu Zhengkai

Someone had good eyesight and recognized Li Zhen at a distance.

At this time, everyone squeezed forward.

The top five, just like Wen Tianye, only exist on TV. In reality, whoever has seen such a strong, in this era of martial arts, the charm of the strong is not what some little stars can Comparable.

In front of the three words "the strongest", these people in the hospital, regardless of age, immediately turned into crazy fans.

Wu Zhengkai, the director of Yangxin County, was full of astonishment. He was a participant in the first battle in Dongshan City. He had naturally seen Li Zhen's intrepidity. The fourth rank can crush the fifth rank, and it can even be said that he influenced the battle of Dongshan .

He admires Li Zhen very much, but isn't Li Zhen a fourth-rank martial artist? When did it break through the fifth rank?

Not only him, but Li Xiaoman was also a little dazed. Li Zhen was a fourth-rank, she knew it, but she didn't know what happened when she saw Li Zhen flying in the sky.

"What? Let me take a look! Get out!" Cai Xiulian tried her best and finally squeezed in front of everyone. When everyone saw it was her, those who were squeezed away did not dare to speak, and even took the initiative to get away.

Cai Xiulian felt the respect of everyone around her, and she was a little pleased. This was an experience she had never had before.

At the first glance, I saw Li Zhen standing in the void, galloping in. When I first saw it, it was still a small black spot. When I blinked again, Li Zhen had fallen in front of everyone very smartly.

"Wow!" Everyone on the scene suddenly applauded.

Those people who had been persecuted by Feng Tianhai directly knelt down. "Thanks to Master Li| for helping the people to eliminate the harm, and returning Yangxin County to a sunny day."

Wu Zhengkai looked a little embarrassed when he heard the big man around him. He was the director of the relevant department of this county. He had never received such praise.

"Dean Li!" Wu Zhengkai walked to Li Zhen and bowed his hand in a respectful manner.

Although Li Zhen in front of him was very young, no one felt wrong after the scene just now. This was a respect for the strong.

"So it was you!" Li Zhen recognized Wu Zhengkai at a glance. In Dongshan City, Li Zhen rescued this person.

"I haven't thanked Master Li." They were given a password for what happened that day, but they might remember this matter for a lifetime.

That heroic figure that day had been deeply imprinted into their souls.

"Everyone is a colleague, don't be so polite." Li Zhen applauded everyone in the relevant department.

Since these people are following Wu Zhengkai, it proves that these people are Wu Zhengkai's people and are not the people with Qi Haohan.

Even the director respects Li Zhen so much. What a powerful figure this is, he even smiled at them. These people were excited, and some even trembled all over.

"Dean Li, where is Qi Haohan?" With Li Zhen there, Qi Haohan is a fart, and Wu Zhengkai has been suppressed enough by the surname Qi.

Qi Haohan relied on his relationship at the top and didn't put him in the eyes at all, and his orders were against him. He was emptied instantly when he came here.

Now that Master Li is here, God opens his eyes. This **** really provokes Master Li, and Wu Zhengkai can almost wake up from dreaming.

"Qi Haohan colluded with the cult and was killed by me!" Li Zhen said lightly.


The fat nurse hiding behind the crowd immediately slumped on the ground.

Her father is dead?

These people in the hospital were taken aback for a moment, and then cheered collectively.

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