Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 22 Ocean Era? 【New Book Asks For Everything】

Wandu News "The railway reconstruction plan has been implemented, and the main reconstruction areas of the first phase of the railway are: Jingbei, Taiyuan, Chendu, Sala, and the northern Tibetan plateau......."

Wandu News: "The government expects to build more than 10 super-large shelters in the plateau to rescue the affected people..."

"This is?!"

Seeing these two news messages, Li Hao seemed to think of something, and his heart was solemn.

He roughly guessed the intentions under the government's railway reconstruction plan.

Governments may be preventing certain natural disasters that may occur in the future.

The railway reconstruction plan is part of the government's prevention efforts.

The ultimate goal should be to improve the efficiency of material transportation and speed up the construction of super-large shelters in the plateau.

"What natural disaster needs to hide on the plateau?!"

Li Hao thought in his heart, and his heart flashed.

It could be a big tsunami.

But what a tsunami it takes to hide in the highlands.

You must know that Xia Guo is a landlocked country.

Unless it is the kind of super tsunami that engulfed the continent in ancient times, it is difficult to threaten the Xia Kingdom.

"It won't be true, will it!"

If it was a global catastrophe, he would not have believed that Blue Star would have such a large tsunami.

But now....... I really can't say for sure.

After all, the 30-kilometer giant meteorite hit Blue Star.

What else is impossible.

In the next second, all continents were swallowed up by the ocean, returning to the ancient era of the ocean, he believed.

"Forget it! It is useless to think too much. ”

Although he was uneasy in his heart, his guess was only a guess at the moment.

There is no need to scare yourself,

Besides, even if his guess didn't, he couldn't change anything.

The one who should come is still coming.

Now it's good to have a number in mind.

Anyway, as long as he gets enough black technology from the system.

Even if the world enters the ocean era, he can live well.

Thinking of this, Li Hao's confidence in his heart suddenly became a lot.

No longer thinking about it, Li Hao entered a forum to communicate with other netizens and relax.

The way back was very smooth.

There were no more people who stood in the way.

After all, there are still very few people as brain-dead as these gangsters.

About twenty minutes later.

Li Hao returned to his underground shelter.

Let No. 1 take a few clones to unload all the rare metals on the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck and put them in the metal storage warehouse Curry.

Close the double alloy door of the shelter.

Li Hao was ready to take a break.

Today, I changed to the rare metal that was urgently needed in the shelter, but it was too late.

He plans to put the rest of the underground shelter's cold shield until tomorrow.

Cooked a bowl of noodles.

After eating, Li Hao went to the fitness room to exercise, dissipated food, and washed and slept.


In a dark alley.

Li Hao walked inside, feeling the cold of the air, and couldn't help but shiver.

At this moment, two strange bloody people suddenly appeared in front of them.

The fascia, blood vessels, blood and flesh are all exposed to the air, like ghosts.

As if they had discovered him, the two bloody men threw themselves at him with a roar.


Seeing this, Li Hao burst into a foul language, turned around and ran without hesitation.

However, no matter how he ran, he couldn't shake off the bloody man behind him.

The number of blood people is also increasing.

Until there were so many of them that they completely surrounded him, leaving him with nowhere to escape.

Surrounded by countless bloody people in the center, Li Hao's heart was beating wildly and he was drenched in cold sweat.

In the next second, all the bloody people rushed forward and pounced on him.

The smell of blood came over the face.


Li Hao suddenly sat up from the bed and took a big breath to calm his beating heart.

"It turned out to be a dream!"

Coming to his senses, Li Hao scratched his hair.

Picking up the mobile phone on the bedside table at hand, I found that it was already 10 o'clock in the afternoon.

"I slept long enough."

Getting out of bed, Li Hao only felt that his stomach was already growling with hunger.

After washing.

"So how did radiation sickness appear, and why is it so different from normal radiation sickness, not only the symptoms are strange, but also can be transmitted through the blood, just like a virus?"

Li Hao thought while cooking instant noodles.

But no matter how he thinks about it, there is no accurate answer to this question.

He had too little knowledge about radiation in his field of knowledge.

It is obviously impossible to understand such a strange radiation sickness.

After a while, Li Hao also gave up thinking about this for the time being.

Anyway, now this radiation sickness cannot be transmitted to him.

Let's wait until you get the relevant black technology in the future and continue to study this issue.

After eating.

Li Hao also started today's work.

The low-temperature defense alloy plate that makes the cold protection layer was produced yesterday.

With a few clones as coolies, Li Hao spent an afternoon finally completing the last twentieth of the construction of the cold protection layer.

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