Global Disaster: I Have Countless Black Technologies

Chapter 21 Complete The Transaction! Railroad Reconstruction Work? ! 【New Book Asks For Everything】

Laugh at! ~Laugh at! ~

The tiger, who fell to the ground, began to scratch his skin frantically.

I saw that his hand gently grasped it, and the skin on his body fell off like clothes.

Blood is flying.

The whole picture is like a ghost peeling its skin, and the blood is terrifying to the extreme.

Until he "stripped off" the skin of his whole body and became a bloody person covered in flesh, blood vessels, and internal organs exposed, it was as if he had lost his strength, and he fell heavily to the ground, and his flesh and blood were shattered.

"Aaaaah! Ghost! ”

"What the hell is this?!"

"Gag! It's disgusting. ”


Seeing the terrifying picture of blood flying and flesh and skin separated, several people screamed and were about to be frightened and stupid.

Stay in place and don't dare to move, or your legs are too soft to move.

Let the blood fall on you.

Seeing this shock, Li Hao seemed to think of something and quickly looked towards the other people.

Those who were drenched in blood also seemed to have white spots on their bodies, just like the young man had before.

"Me! This weird radiation sickness can even be transmitted through blood?! ”

Li Hao's heart was shocked, and he suddenly lost the mind to continue to stay and observe.


If you accidentally contract this weird radiation sickness, it will really be the end of the calf.

Calling No. 1, Li Hao immediately turned and left, ignoring the gangsters.

In his eyes, these gangsters infected with this strange radiation sickness are already a group of dead people.

There is no need for him to make a move.

Back to the big van.

No. 1 started the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck and quickly left here.

After completely staying away from the weird radiation sickness, Li Hao immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

About ten minutes later.

He came to a metal factory in the eastern area of the Tianshan Road Industrial Zone.

The metal factory was the same one he had previously purchased to replace the walls of his underground shelter.

The metal factory owner's shelter was built here.

However, the metal factory at this time is very different from the original.

The original factory area was connected to the surrounding factory area, expanding more than ten times, and directly occupying all of this industrial zone.

A fine and sharp iron mesh surrounds the entire factory wall.

The large iron gate at the door is closed, and several security guards in radiation protection suits are vigilantly guarding the door to prevent others from entering.

"This connected factory area should be a refuge made by the owners of these factory areas."

Li Hao thought thoughtfully.

Those factory owners are clearly not fools.

Under the strong alliance.

With the sturdiness and high industrial level of the factory building, the shelter they jointly built is definitely not bad.

Perhaps not even inferior to official shelters.

And the metal factory owner can let those factory owners build shelters around his factory area, which is obviously not simple.

However, the metal factory owner is not simple, and Li Hao does not care.

This has nothing to do with him.

He was just here to buy rare metals.

Taking out his phone, Li Hao began contacting the metal factory owner.

Li Hao: "Boss Yang, I have arrived at the door of your factory and can start trading." ”

Metal factory owner: "So fast?!" Okay, I'll come out right away, 20 tons of titanium, 30 tons of other rare metals are ready, I'll ask the security guard to open the door later, you go directly to the metal warehouse where you came before, I'll wait for you there. ”

Li Hao:“OK! ”

End this communication.

Li Hao waited at the door.

Sure enough.

About a minute later, the big iron gate at the entrance of the factory opened.

Seeing this, Li Hao did not hesitate and let No. 1 drive the nuclear battery heavy-duty truck inside.

Came to the metal warehouse on the factory site.

The door of the metal warehouse also opened, and three people wearing radiation protection suits walked out of it.

"Dude, you're finally here."

The person with sunglasses at the head saw Li Hao, smiled, and strode up.

"Boss Yang, long time no see!"

Li Hao got out of the car and met the opposite side.

After some pleasantries, the two sides did not have ink and began trading directly.

Four clones and two others drive a forklift to transport metal ingots from a metal warehouse to a nuclear battery heavy-duty truck.

After emptying all the ingots in this metal warehouse, 20 tons of titanium and 30 tons of rare metals have all arrived in Li Hao's car.

Subsequently, Li Hao also handed over the 500 kilograms of rice to the metal factory owner as promised.

"Two clear money! Boss Yang, I'll go first. ”

Getting the metal resources he urgently needs, Li Hao's mood is also quite good.

"Brother, why go in such a hurry, do you want to go and sit in my shelter."

Let the other two people take the rice away, Boss Yang said politely.

"Nope! It's not early, and it's too late if you don't go back. ”

Li Hao declined with a smile.

Guarding against others is essential.

Although these two transactions with this Boss Yang were very pleasant, the friendship between them was actually not deep, and there was not much foundation of trust.

"Okay then, I wish you a good journey, dude."

Not caring about Li Hao's polite refusal, Boss Yang said with a smile.

Farewell to both sides.

Li Hao and 4 clone warriors return to the nuclear battery heavy truck.

Start the nuclear battery heavy duty van.

Li Hao and the others soon left the metal factory and walked back towards the road they had come from.

On the way back, it was getting dark.

Bored, Li Hao took out his tablet and began to browse the latest news information.

One of the seemingly inconspicuous pieces of government engineering caught Li Hao's attention.

Penguin News: "The government expects to rebuild the national railways and resume national railway transportation for the transfer of materials and the rescue of personnel..."

"Railway reconstruction?!"

Li Hao frowned.

This is no small matter.

If nothing else, just repairing the railroad damaged by meteorites is a considerable amount of engineering.

Not to mention, after the giant meteorite fell, the Blue Star environment became quite harsh.

This made it several orders of magnitude more difficult to rebuild the railway.

"If it is only for material transfer and personnel assistance, there should be no need to be in such a hurry."

"It's better to clean the road than to clean it directly, it's a little easier."

"There's something wrong with that! The government should have other intentions for doing this! ”

Thinking so, Li Hao continued to query the relevant news.

About ten minutes later, Li Hao locked onto a news item from three days ago.

"Found it!"


PS: The new book begs for everything

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