Gao Wu: I have infinite energy and blood!

Chapter 195 People from the Ministry of War

Opposite Lin Mo, five figures kept flashing. They exuded a strong aura and rushed towards Lin Mo!


With a loud noise, Lin Mo used the Five Beast Fist. Now after the transformation, the Phoenix Fist showed even more terrifying power. A bloody phoenix waved its wings and rushed to the nine heavens.

The vast power surged towards the nearest strong man.


After a muffled sound, the strong man's entire chest seemed to be dented. He hit the ground directly, stared, and soon lost his breath!

"So strong!"

A voice sounded, it was someone inside Baixiao Gate sighing with emotion.

This was a fourth-grade martial saint, and he was directly punched to death by Lin Mo!

In fact, even Lin Mo was shocked. Is the Phoenix Fist so terrifying? It only took one punch to kill someone!

Without any time to think, Lin Mo activated the two modes of blood-thirsty and bloodthirsty costumes, and rushed towards another fourth-level martial saint without hesitation!

His idea was very simple, that is, with his powerful body, Lin Mo would fight to death another strong man!


Lin Mo's body was directly hit in a circle, and Lin Mo's fists also hit the man's head.

Blood spurted out, and the figure fell directly to the ground, and soon became silent!

Killed another one!

Many people in Baixiao Sect were paying attention to this battle. Seeing another figure fall down, their faces showed solemn expressions.

"The master is so wise!" Someone finally looked at the figure standing quietly in the darkness, with a look of admiration on his face.

It was the leader of Baixiao Sect who had given Lin Mo the news before. After learning Lin Mo's identity, he immediately informed Lin Mo of the danger.

This can be regarded as a good relationship. As for whether Lin Mo can recognize it in the end, they are not sure, but so far, the potential Lin Mo has shown is completely worth the risk they are taking now!

"I mastered the Five Beast Fist at a young age, obtained a heavenly stone in the secret realm, and even killed the Martial Saint with the strength of the Martial King...

If you don't rush to make friends with such a person, is it possible that you really want to become an enemy?

Baigongtang has existed for too long, causing them to lose a more objective understanding of their position! "

The sect leader of Baixiao Sect said calmly: "From now on, no matter how far our Baixiao Sect develops, we must keep one sentence in mind, that is, the basis of development is to match the strength. Without that strength, even if it is forced When it develops to a certain stage, the final result will still be like an attic without a foundation, and it will collapse in any storm! "

"I will obey the order of the sect master!"

A group of people immediately spoke respectfully.

At this moment, a terrifying sword light flashed in the air.

A large amount of blood spattered out, and then Lin Mo was seen falling from the sky covered in blood.

And another figure hit the ground straight.

Lin Mo killed another martial saint with one strike!

In mid-air, the two figures were trembling. Even with their strength, they couldn't last long in the air battle.

But this Lin Mo seemed to have been fighting without any consumption.

The most important thing is that three of them have died, and Lin Mo feels like he will run out of gas at any time, but he has always been able to burst out with terrifying potential!

"This kid... is too scary!"

"Let's just use our strongest trump card, otherwise we both might die too!"

The two martial saints' eyes met, with a look of fear on their faces.

"Dark Blood Fist!"

"Thunder Palm!"

Two voices sounded, and the remaining two martial saints couldn't help but use their strongest methods!

The fists of a figure surged with dark red energy and blood, and finally condensed into two red skeletons, roaring and opening their mouths made of dead bones towards Lin Mo!

Another figure was surrounded by thunder and attacked Lin Mo!

The terrifying thunder was jumping and hitting Lin Mo hard!

Thunder's speed was even faster, and in just a moment, Lin Mo's whole body was wrapped in Thunder!

"The power of thunder is as strong as the sun. If you are wrapped in it, there is only one way to die!" This figure sneered, having full confidence in his thunder palm!

Thunder Breathing Technique!

In the thunder, Lin Mo's voice sounded. He used the Thunder Breathing Technique. The thunder jumped. Lin Mo seemed to be made of thunder and lightning. In the intertwining of thunder and lightning, the two types of thunder and lightning finally merged!

"This is impossible!"

The strong man who used Thunder Palm spoke, with a horrified look on his face.


At this moment, Lin Mo's momentum, wrapped in thunder, actually increased a lot!

He actually absorbed the energy contained in the thunder. In just a few moments, his strength improved a lot!

"When he used Thunder Palm, he used all his strength, so the energy and blood power contained in Thunder Palm was at least five thousand!

Although the transformation ability of the Thunder Breathing Technique is limited, it transformed at least a thousand energy and blood, which was completely absorbed by me!

The most important thing is that the power of this thousand qi and blood is directly added to my body!

So my current strength should have reached the eighth-level Martial King realm! "

In the thunder, Lin Mo used the Five Beast Fist, and the four fist techniques shook the world. His figure flashed through the body of the strong man who used the Thunder Fist!


The physical body of this powerful man actually exploded!

Lin Mo was covered in blood, but there was a sneer on his face.

He looked at the last Martial Saint and remembered that this person was Teacher Sun who had taught him a few classes when he first entered school!

"Teacher Sun, I will send you back to the west!" Lin Mo sneered. After his strength increased, he had strong self-confidence. Facing the fifth-grade Martial Saint, he still had a strong belief and felt that he would win!

Teacher Sun's face changed drastically. In the end, all five martial saints were killed by Lin Mo. Even during the battle, Lin Mo's strength strangely improved a lot!

"This is a freak!" Teacher Sun had this thought in his mind.

Facing the attack that Lin Mo had already launched, he had no idea of ​​fighting back, but turned around and ran away!


This is the only thought in his mind now!

His instinct told him that if he didn't escape now, he would definitely die!

Whoosh whoosh!

At this moment, two more figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Lin Mo's figure trembled and stopped there, looking at the two figures in front of him and frowning slightly.

"Lin Mo, we are from the Ministry of War!"

One of the voices spoke faintly. His body exuded a terrifying aura, and he had at least reached the sixth-grade Martial Saint realm!

Another figure was surrounded by the power of blood. Although it was terrifying, Lin Mo couldn't feel the level of this person!

But one thing is certain, this person is definitely stronger than the person who just spoke!

"The Ministry of War?" Lin Mo looked at the two people in front of him, his voice was extremely hoarse: "The Ministry of War is also here to kill me?"

After the last sentence fell, the power of Qi and blood in his body burst out again!

The two people from the Ministry of War frowned. To be honest, they really didn't expect that Lin Mo could erupt with such terrifying power of blood!

When one of them wanted to explain, he found that Lin Mo had already rushed over!

"Instant killing sword!"

"Destroy life with one strike!"

Lin Mo used his strongest sword and his strongest sword without reservation!

The two strong men from the Ministry of War frowned and raised their fists to resist.

At this time, Teacher Sun fled away from them in embarrassment!

"You are, Xia Houming and Ouyang Xiu!"

Teacher Sun had a look of surprise on his face: "Are you here to save me?!"

The two people from the Ministry of War looked at Teacher Sun in front of them, a look of disgust flashed in their eyes, but neither of them spoke.

"Lin Mo, let him go, our military department will ensure your safety!"

Xia Houming spoke. His strength was slightly weaker than Ouyang Xiu, but he was equally terrifying.

At this moment, he was wearing a green military uniform and had a serious look on his face.

"They want to kill me, but you want me to let him go?" Lin Mo said coldly: "In that case, either you kill me with them, or I kill you and then kill him!"

Facing the two men from the Ministry of War, Lin Mo seemed to be crazy and used his sword skills again!

But this time, he directly used all the energy and blood power around him to condense a sword light that was terrifying to the extreme!

"Cut!" Lin Mo spat out one word, and then slashed the ten-foot-long sword towards Ouyang Xiu and Xia Houming!

Feeling the energy contained in the sword light, the two of them looked surprised, not daring to show any signs of neglect, and at the same time used their means to resist!


Just as the two were resisting, a figure appeared in front of Teacher Sun!

Teacher Sun, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was so scared to death when he saw the figure in front of him!

"Lin Mo!"

He screamed!


The bright sword light flashed past, and Teacher Sun's head flew out directly, and then hit the ground heavily!

Lin Mo gasped and looked at the corpse on the ground, with a sneer on his lips.

At this time, he turned around with the blood-stained sword and looked at the two figures of the Ministry of War: "I will kill them! What can you two do to me?!"

Xia Houming and Ouyang Xiu had solemn expressions on their faces. The sword that Lin Mo slashed earlier was so powerful and terrifying. When they joined forces to resist, they found that the sword light disappeared the moment it touched the two of them!

It turned out that this sword was just to attract their attention, and Lin Mo came to Teacher Sun and killed him with one sword!

"Useless trash!"

"Indeed, the dignified teacher of Huaxia Military University was so frightened by a student. When he attacked just now, if you had even the slightest resistance, you would not have died!"

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Xia Houming and Ouyang Xiu had expressions of disdain on their faces.

"Lin Mo, let me introduce you formally. My name is Ouyang Xiu, and this is Xia Houming. We are both from the Chinese Ministry of War. We graduated from the Huaxia Military University. The old principal taught us in person!

So we can even be considered your senior brothers!

I had no other intention in stopping you before, I just wanted to keep a feeling of incense for the Huaxia Military University.

But now that you have killed the person, then kill him! "

Ouyang Xiu had a slight smile on his face and spoke lightly.

"Kill me?!" Lin Mo raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect the two people to be so loud!

"In that case, can you two tell me what is the purpose of coming to me?" Lin Mo stared at the two people in front of him and said calmly.

"We would like to invite you to join the Ministry of War!" Ouyang Xiu said with a smile.

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