White Crane Fist evolves into Phoenix Fist!

Lin Mo looked at the prompt in his mind, was stunned for a moment, and then showed an ecstatic look on his face.

Needless to say, the gap between White Crane and Phoenix is ​​huge. Now the fist has evolved into Phoenix Fist!

"If I hadn't subdued the Golden Dragon, even if I had mastered the Dragon Fist, the Five Beast Fist would only be imperfect in the end!

Now that the Golden Dragon has been subdued, the White Crane Fist has undergone a transformation, and the Five Beast Fist has reached the most perfect state..."

Lin Mo took a look at the current grade of the Five Beast Fist, and immediately showed an ecstatic look.

"Heaven Grade! It is indeed a Heaven Grade martial art!" Lin Mo showed an ecstatic look on his face.

After the White Crane Fist transformed, the Five Beast Fist completed the advancement and became a Heaven Grade martial art!

Even if it is only the first grade of Heaven Grade, it is a completely earth-shaking transformation from Earth Grade to Heaven Grade!



At this moment, in Lin Mo's mind, a golden dragon and a phoenix covered with golden flames soared into the sky, intertwined in the air, and flew towards Lin Mo at the same time!


Lin Mo roared and opened his eyes, and the golden dragon and the phoenix disappeared.

"How could it be?" Lin Mo asked in his heart.

"The dragon soul awakened the phoenix power in the white crane, and the white crane fist transformed." The voice of the golden dragon appeared in Lin Mo's mind, explaining everything that had just happened.

Lin Mo nodded, which was similar to the information he got in his dream.

Feeling the extra information in his mind, Lin Mo closed his eyes and quickly browsed through it.

There is a huge difference between the white crane fist and the phoenix fist, but the two fists do not change much at the most basic level, so Lin Mo reached the entry-level speed very quickly, and after only one or two hours, he reached the entry-level proficiency.

"The Dragon Fist is much more difficult than I thought, and each of the Five Beast Fists has a hidden special function. I don't know the hidden function of the Dragon Fist yet!

After the White Crane Fist changes to the Phoenix Fist, I don't know what the hidden function is!"

Lin Mo stood up and looked at the canyon in front of him, feeling fortunate.

Each martial art seals a terrifying beast. If Lin Mo is greedy and opens too many martial arts at once, the final consequence will be being swallowed by the monster!

"It is the greatest luck to be able to get the Dragon Fist. Let's leave the rest to others!" Lin Mo turned and left with a smile on his face.

Just after Lin Mo left, the canyon trembled twice and finally collapsed!

Returning to the original position, Lin Mo left the abyss from the entrance.

"Young man, you actually came out from below!" Just after coming out of the wellhead, a voice sounded.

Lin Mo looked and saw that it was the old man from before.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior. I finally found what I wanted!" Lin Mo hurried forward and saluted respectfully.

If it weren't for the old man, Lin Mo might have to take a lot of detours.

"You... actually got martial arts?!" The old man looked Lin Mo up and down and spoke in shock.

Lin Mo nodded: "I'm lucky!"

"Just lucky?" The old man closed his eyes slightly, and slowly opened them after a while: "Good boy, not bad! Not bad!"

After leaving this sentence, the old man stepped forward and patted Lin Mo's shoulder, then left again with his hands behind his back.

Lin Mo looked at the old man's back as he left, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

The old man had become much more mysterious in his eyes at this moment.

Shaking his head, Lin Mo turned and walked in other directions.

Just after Lin Mo left, the old man who had walked a distance suddenly looked back in the direction where Lin Mo left: "Hehe, interesting young man, we will meet again!"

The voice was Huaxia, and the old man's figure slowly disappeared.

After Lin Mo left here, he did not leave Gujing City. He had other things to do.

Gujing City is very close to the capital, so there are many forces gathered here. Although many forces are very different from the capital, there is one force that is above all the forces and has its own characteristics.

Bai Xiaomen!

Bai Xiaomen has made itself a channel for information circulation by relying on the unique geographical advantages of Gujing City.

In Bai Xiaomen, as long as you have enough money, you can buy any information you want!

Since Lin Mo used the Wrath of Apophis, whether he is willing or not, finding the whereabouts of this sword has become something he must do in the future!

Bai Xiaomen and Baigongtang are in two opposite directions of Gujing City.

Lin Mo stood at the entrance of Bai Xiaomen, looking at the door in front of him, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face: "This Bai Xiaomen is not like Baigongtang, interested in me, and then wants to attack me!"

Lin Mo slowly clenched his fist, and a golden dragon mark flashed between his eyebrows.

"I hope you don't seek death..." Lin Mo slowly walked into Bai Xiaomen.

The entire Baixiao Gate is different from Baigong Hall. There are not many people here. Occasionally, someone leaves here in a hurry. Some people are even covered in black robes, as if they don't want others to see their appearance.

After Lin Mo entered Baixiao Gate, twelve doors appeared in front of him. He chose an open door and walked in.

"What news do you want to know?"

After entering the door, a voice sounded in Lin Mo's ears.

"I want to know news about Apophis' Wrath!"

Lin Mo directly asked what he wanted to ask.

He didn't have much money on him, all of it was collected from the people he killed.

After a rough look, I saw that it was only around 10 million, which might not be enough to pay for information.

Silence, after a long silence, a voice sounded again.

"The Wrath of Apophis..." The voice seemed to come from the long past, traveling through time and space to the present: "Apophis is the name of a certain Western god in ancient times. According to legend, he only died. Within the East China Sea of ​​China!

We have no news here about what the Wrath of Apophis is!

If the customer wants to get relevant information, he can pay a deposit of 10 million, and we will reply to you within a month!

Of course, if you don’t get the news you want by then, 10% of the deposit will be refunded! "

The voice spoke, but at the end, Lin Mo suddenly lost his composure.

"You didn't get the news I wanted, why did you only refund 10% of the deposit?" Lin Mo couldn't help but ask.

"What the customers don't know is that supporting the operation of a huge intelligence network requires huge funds. In many cases, although the information you want is not obtained, the funds have already been spent!

Therefore, the deposit cannot be fully refunded!

Of course, guests can also choose to do their own research! No deposit required!

The news about Apophis that I gave you earlier should be considered as a free gift! "

The voice sounded, and then fell silent.

Lin Mo stood there. After a long time, he nodded and said, "I am willing to pay the deposit, and I will come again in a month!"

After paying 10 million, Lin Mo got a light golden card.

Looking at the card in his hand, Lin Mo smiled lightly and put the card away.

According to the agreement, he needs to come back here again after a month to see if he can get the answer!

"As a guest who has paid a deposit, we can give you three messages related to you for free!

Article 1: The people from Baigongtang have already set their sights on you. As long as you leave Baixiao Gate, they will look for opportunities to attack you!

Article 2: After you left the Huaxia Military University, someone wanted to take action against you!

Article 3: People from the West are coming soon, and they will take advantage of the martial arts exchange meeting to attack you! "

As soon as the three messages came out, Lin Mo suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Because these three pieces of news were indeed related to him, but from beginning to end, Lin Mo did not reveal his identity to them, so how did they know his identity?

Lin Mo walked out of the portal, turned around and glanced at the twelve portals in front of him, with a solemn look on his face.

There is no doubt that Baixiaomen already knew his identity, but Baixiaomen did not take action against him. Instead, they gave him three important pieces of information.

In fact, with three pieces of news, Lin Mo felt that spending ten million dollars was not unfair at all!

"There are people from Baigong Hall guarding outside Baixiao Gate... Should I go out or not!" Lin Mo had a solemn look on his face, and finally sneered and walked out!

The spiritual power spread out, and in the abyss, Lin Mo's energy and blood power had reached the seventh-level Martial King realm after absorbing the golden dragon's shadow.

At the same time, his mental power also reached a leap, reaching a value of more than 7,000!

The mental power of this value can be called extremely terrifying. Even many seventh-grade martial saints do not have such terrifying mental power!

Therefore, at this moment, after Lin Mo used his mental perception, his mental power instantly covered a distance of at least 500 meters around him!

"Sure enough!" A sneer appeared on Lin Mo's lips. Within a range of 500 meters, he sensed the presence of the enemy.

Lin Mo walked towards the place outside Gujing City as if nothing had happened. After leaving Gujing City, Lin Mo felt that the hostile atmosphere was increasing!

"I didn't expect people from the Huaxia Military University to be involved?"

Lin Mo felt a few familiar scents inside, and they turned out to be some teachers from the Huaxia Military University!

After leaving Gujing City for about a few kilometers, Lin Mo slowly stood on the spot and looked around: "Everyone has been following me for so long, why don't we all come out to meet each other?"

The voice fell, and not far away, two figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

On the clothes on their chests were embroidered with gold thread the three characters "Baigongtang"!

There is no doubt that these two people are from Baigongtang.

"Baigongtang arranged for two fourth-grade martial saints to kill me? Are you looking down on me a little too much!

Compared with this, I still appreciate my alma mater, but what disappoints me is that the teachers from my alma mater still dare not show their faces...

When did the Chinese military in Dalian lose the courage to dare to act? "

When Lin Mo's voice fell, the air in front of him trembled a little, and three more figures appeared in front of Lin Mo.

Looking at the five figures in front of him, the smile on Lin Mo's face grew stronger!

"Three fifth-grade Martial Saints, two fourth-grade Martial Saints... Do you want me to become famous in one battle?!"

Lin Mo laughed ferociously and rushed towards the few people!

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