System upgrade.

Ye Nan was looking forward to what changes would happen after the system upgrade.

After all, the current system was indeed the most important golden finger for Ye Nan, and he also looked forward to the system playing a greater role.

Because of the opportunity for Ye Nan to enter Yuanyue Academy, the system also upgraded.

About an hour later, the prompt came late.

"The system upgrade is complete, new features appear, the system wizard is dedicated to serving you, welcome host."The female voice of the system has become more humane, it seems that it has changed after the upgrade.

"System Wizard, what additional functions does it have after the upgrade?"Ye Nan asked curiously

"In view of the host's successful triggering of the conditions for entering Yuanyue College, this system is upgraded to trigger the task: Enter Yuanyue College. Task time: within one month. Task reward: Manchu-Han Banquet recipe. Task failure penalty: IQ halved. Do you accept it?"The female voice of the system came.

Ye Nan was speechless when he heard it. What the hell is the system punishment of"halved IQ"?

But this time the system reward is very good, the Manchu-Han Banquet recipe, this is the top Chinese cuisine.

"Can I not accept the mission?" Ye Nan asked

"The host can choose not to accept and face punishment directly"


Ye Nan was dissatisfied:"What a broken system, I'll just chop you up like firewood, believe it or not?" Ye Nan was too tired to complain, and after venting for a while, he chose to accept the system task.

System task successfully accepted

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully accepted the task. Since this system has just been upgraded, we have released a benefit, giving the host a chance to win a super lottery for free. Do you want to use it?"At this time, the system elf said again.

There is actually a benefit?

A super lottery?

Ye Nan's eyes lit up. Finally, there was some good news.

""Lottery." Ye Nan chose without hesitation.

Lottery is undoubtedly a test of one's character.

As soon as Ye Nan finished speaking, he felt that he had entered a virtual space, and a thing similar to a big turntable appeared in front of him.

On the big turntable, various items were written.

Ye Nan saw a lot of good things: for example, rare kitchen utensils’、‘Rare and unique recipes’、‘The chef's experience book and other things

"The lucky wheel draw is about to begin, do you want to execute it immediately?"

""Execute!" Ye Nan said expectantly.

With a rumble, the turntable kept turning, and the pointer kept sliding, turning with the turn of the turntable.

The pointer stopped.

Finally, the pointer stopped directly in an area of the turntable, and the system prompt sounded in his ears.

""Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-level item, the God of Cooking's Knife!" said the female voice of the system. The God of Cooking's Knife?!

This name sounds so domineering. Ye Nan's heart moved, and when he heard the system say that this was an S-level item, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Sure enough, a set of knives soon appeared in front of Ye Nan.

It turned out that the God of Cooking's Knife was not a kitchen knife, but a combination of knives. This set of knives included four knives: a slicing knife, a cooking knife, a bone-cutting knife, and a fruit knife, which looked very professional. Each of these four knives was extremely exquisite, with a dragon shape faintly visible on the handle, and the blade was as smooth as ice, as if it contained an incredible Unbelievable power.

It turns out that there is more than one knife of the God of Cooking.

But think about it, a cooking knife and a bone-cutting knife are definitely different. A bone-cutting knife is bigger and heavier, and is used for cooking bones, while a cooking knife can be used for daily cooking.

This set of kitchen utensils is very professional and is simply a treasure for chefs.

And more importantly, Ye Nan could see at a glance that this set of kitchen utensils was extremely sharp, and was simply more powerful than any kitchen knife he had ever seen.

Ye Nan pulled out a strand of hair and dropped it directly on the blade of the knife. The hair was broken into two pieces and was divided into two sections by the God of Cooking's knife.

""Great, great stuff!" Ye Nan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't let go of the God of Cooking's Knife.

At the same time, Ye Nan also looked up the information of the God of Cooking's Knife through the system.

"The God of Cooking's Knife: The kitchen tools left by the ancient God of Cooking, there are four knives in total, which can cut hair and make cooking to perfection. It is a must-have item to become a God of Cooking."Seeing the information about the God of Cooking's Knife, Ye Nan was even more surprised.

"Friendly reminder, the God of Cooking's Knife is part of the God of Cooking's equipment. In addition to the God of Cooking's Knife, there is also the God of Cooking's Nose.’、‘The Eye of the Kitchen God’、‘Cooking Tongue’、‘The Hands of the Cook’、‘The system said,"Heart of the God of Cooking".

Ye Nan was startled, and then he suddenly realized.

It turned out that in addition to the God of Cooking's Knife, there were five other God of Cooking series items, which together with the God of Cooking's Knife had a total of six abilities.

"With the six abilities of the God of Cooking Knife and the God of Cooking Heart, you will become a unique God of Cooking."The system prompted again.

Ye Nan's eyes lit up in an instant!

As long as you gather these six abilities, you can become a God of Cooking.

So that's how it is. It's really exciting to think about it. This time the system upgrade actually brought him such unexpected benefits.

Ye Nan couldn't help but look forward to the God of Cooking Knife even more. How powerful would the legendary God of Cooking be?

Ye Nan now wanted to use the God of Cooking Knife to cook a dish.

Looking forward to it.

Ye Nan is an out-and-out action man. He was ready to try it immediately, but when he went out, he found that it was completely dark. The hotels in the resort were closed. Ye Nan was also a little tired. He had to go back to his room to rest and try again tomorrow.


2 more~~~~~~Ask for reward

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