Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2632: Can't diagnose

   Chapter 2632 Can't Diagnose

  The emperor Xuanzhao Xiaoyuan was coming to see Wei Zhi, and Wei Zhi was resting for two days.

  Han Shangshu and others went to see Wei Zhi together, and happened to meet Zhou Man last year to give Wei Zhi a needle.

  So everyone looked at the screen, oh no, it was to discuss some state affairs.

  Man Bao looked at them inexplicably, then retracted his gaze to continue.

  Han Shangshu said: "Your Majesty still clamored for the imperial conquest today. When will Master Wei go to court?"

  Man Bao drew a long needle from the needle bag, used his finger to determine the acupuncture point on Wei Zhi's back and pierced it down.

  Han Shangshu and the others saw the long needle immersed in Wei Zhi's body, shaking together.

  Wei Zhi didn't respond much, and lay on the couch and said, "Your Majesty also shouted, so you can't be asked by the driver."

  He said: "It's just Goguryeo, just send a general to go, let alone Silla and us."

  Li Shangshu said: "I am waiting for the same thing."

  A few people still did not leave, they continued to watch Wei Zhi get the needle while holding the screen, perseveringly inquired: "Master Zhou, Master Wei's illness does not matter, right?"

   "It doesn't matter," Man Bao said, "This is caused by the heat in the body, combined with overwork. I will get the injection for two days and pay attention to recuperation in the future. It is similar to your majesty's illness."

  Han Shangshu looked at her suspiciously, "That's not what the Lord Zhou said yesterday."

  Man Bao sighed, "Blame me, and Master Wei."

   Wei Zhi lying on his stomach:...

Man Bao found a reason for himself and said: "Master Wei stood and asked me to get my pulse. I couldn't get it right at the moment. Master Han, Your Majesty already scolded me yesterday. Don't mention it again, otherwise Master Tang will come in a few days. I'm going to have a hard time."

  Han Shangshu didn’t know if he believed them, he laughed and agreed: "Easy to say, easy to say."

   Seeing their promise, Man Bao said enthusiastically: "Thank you to the adults for caring about the feelings of colleagues. In this case, it is better for me to show it to you. Maybe if you have a sickness, how many strokes will I give you?"

  Han Shangshu immediately let go of the screen, and after standing straight, he softened his throat and said: "It's not too early, Li Shangshu, should we go to deal with official business?"

   "Yes, your Majesty is not going to host a banquet at night? You have to handle official affairs during the day."

   "I'm going to take care of official duties too, Master Wei rests well."

  Everyone said goodbye.

  The old servant sends people out.

  Man Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and Wei Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

  Man Bao turned the needle on his back and asked, "Master Wei, can they believe such crude excuses?"

  Wei Zhixiao asked, "Is the excuse very rough?"

   "That's natural. I just diagnosed the wrong pulse. I wouldn't say that the heat is a short-lived illness. I always feel that the excuse that your Majesty gave me is not very good."

   "Then you still agree?"

  Man Bao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't have any better excuses, Xiao Yuan is now, maybe I can find a good reason."

  Xiao Yuanzheng was already on his way to the palace, but the people who called him had just set off in the morning, and they hurried over, but called Shang Xiao Yuanzheng, he arrived in the evening.

  The people of Xuanzhao did not say that they were seeing Wei Zhi, but that the emperor was unwell, and Xuanzhao Xiaoyuan was going for consultation.

  The emperor only went to the palace for one day, and Xiao Yuanzheng was so scared that he immediately packed his things and followed the guards to rush to the palace.

  When I was about to leave the capital, I remembered that Zhou Man was in the palace.

   With Zhou Man’s current medical skills, he needed to come to him so anxiously, Xiao Yuan was more worried.

   So, regardless of his old arms and legs, he hurried to the palace with a wave of the whip, so he arrived around Shenshi.

  When he got off the horse, his legs were trembling.

  Hold the medicine box in his arms and ask the two guards to lift their arms to the palace.

Man Bao only finished moxibustion with the emperor at this time. He was very sleepy carrying the medicine box and returned to his yard. He saw Xiao Yuan quickly coming up from the mountain with two guards, and directly passed her to the Longevity Hall. His mouth opened wide in surprise for a while.

  Xiao Yuanzheng also saw her, and immediately shouted: "Stop, stop, and stop first."

  The two guards stopped, he put his feet down and stood still, turning his head to look condescendingly at Zhou Man, who was looking up at him in a daze.

  Xiao Yuan frowned and asked: "Doctor Zhou, why don't you take care of your majesty when he is sick?"

  Man Bao closed his mouth and glanced at her yard with nostalgia, then turned his head and resigned himself to carrying the medicine box upstairs, "Let’s go, let’s meet your Majesty together."

  Xiao Yuan relaxed a lot when she saw her appearance, and it seemed that the emperor was fine.

  He held the medicine box in one hand, and slightly sorted out the messy official robes in the other, and went to see the emperor with her.

  So Wei Zhi, who was recuperating at home, was called by the emperor to play chess. In fact, he sent all the servants and maids to Xiao Yuan to see a doctor.

  Xiao Yuan was carefully feeling the pulse, and then looked at Wei Zhi’s face, and asked some words, and then pondered: "Master Wei is indeed overworked, exhausted, and a little weak..."

  But it’s not going to die soon, right?

  He couldn't help but look at Zhou Man.

  Man Bao looked serious. He didn't know that Xiao Yuan hadn't come up with this short-lived pulse, and he looked at him eagerly, hoping that he could give effective advice.

  Xiao Yuan has been cooperating with her for many years, and she understood it by looking at her, so he said: "The minister needs to discuss with the Zhou emperor."

  This is a serious illness. The emperor expressed his understanding, so he waved his hand to make the two retreat, and he left Wei Zhi to play chess.

  Xiao Yuan was following Zhou Man back to the hospital in the palace. The Royal Grand Doctor Zheng was running around the palace to inquire the sick dignitaries, so he was not there, only Duan Yizhu was on duty here.

  Xiao Yuan was waving his hand to tell Duan Yizhu to retreat, and then asked Zhou Man, "Why do you see that Lord Wei's life is not long before?"

  Man Bao was surprised, "Can't you see?"

  Xiao Yuan was looking at her silently, Man Bao suspected himself first, "Did I have a wrong diagnosis?"

   "Although I'm a little bit exhausted, but it's not so much, right?"

  Man Bao carefully recalled the pulse condition she had touched twice. If it was wrong once, she could touch it twice, so she shook her head, “No, I didn’t diagnose it wrong.”

  She said: "It is indeed a statue of exhaustion and exhaustion. The internal organs are weak. In the long run, he...I am afraid that it will not be many days, but it has not appeared now."

  Man Baodao: "This kind of fatigue rarely has serious signs. Once there is a clear sign, it is time to return to the sky."

  Xiao Yuanzheng himself is an imperial physician, and he understands Zhou Man’s meaning better, "You mean sudden death and Qi Jue?"

  Man Bao nodded.

Wei Zhi's face appeared in Xiao Yuanzheng's mind, and he sighed after a while, "My face is not very good, I will look back again."

  Although he was somewhat convinced by Zhou Man’s judgment, he still wanted to diagnose it by himself.

  If you are not even sure about the condition, this medicine will not be good.

    I still have to go to the hospital today, laughing and crying, see you at 8 in the evening



  (End of this chapter)

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