Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2631: No one can replace

   Chapter 2631 No one can replace

  The emperor immediately took back the sad expression, his face became two serious, "It doesn't hurt anymore, it's just that he doesn't feel well on his body, and he feels even more uncomfortable in his heart."

  He said: “As long as I think of Aiqing’s illness, I can’t eat and swallow, and I wish I could take it for myself.”

  It was Wei Zhi who knew in his heart that this was just the emperor’s sweet words, but was still a little touched, so he stopped pretending to have a stomachache before stabbing him.

The emperor    had already swept through Zhou Man, and Man Bao immediately said alertly: "Summer heat will cause a bad appetite, and then it will also affect the intestines and stomach, and abdominal pain is also an occasional symptom."

  The emperor was satisfied. Wei Zhi had decided to let this matter go, and naturally would not hold on to it anymore, so he nodded slightly.

  After eating, the emperor pointed to Wei Zhi and Zhou Man and said, "Zhou Qing and Master Wei go back, and let Master Wei take a good look."

  Man Bao responded, got up and carried the medicine box and said: "Your Majesty, Shen Shi and the right ministers are here to give you medicinal moxibustion."

  Wei Zhi listened for a moment, and after going out with Zhou Man, he asked, "Your Majesty is really sick?"

  Man Bao nodded, "Master Wei, am I one of those people who slander?"

  Wei Zhi didn’t make any conclusions. He glanced back and saw that Bai Shan had also quit. He smiled and said, “I just ate lunch, so go back and rest first.”

  Man Bao thinks the same way, "I will give you a needle in half an hour."

Seeing that she didn't understand what she meant, Wei Zhi was about to explain. Man Bao already said, "Master Wei, the next official is to see a doctor by order. Don't hide your illness from the doctor. Otherwise, not only will I be difficult to explain to your Majesty, but how will you advise you in the future? Where is the emperor?"

  Wei Zhi did not speak any more, and went down the mountain first.

  Man Bao and Bai Shan followed.

  Bai Shan reached out and took the medicine box in Man Bao’s hand, and carried him down side by side with her. The Hall of Longevity and the place where they lived were not very far away. You could turn into the group of courtyards after walking through a mountain road.

  Manbao and Mr. Wei live not far away, and there are two yards in between.

  Lest he repent, Man Bao didn't even go back to his yard, but followed him directly into the place where he lived.

  Wei Zhi looked helpless, so he could only follow their husband and wife.

  He did not bring his family, oh, Wei Yu is his youngest son, but he is here, but he lives in another palace with Princess Changyu.

  The old servant who was serving Wei Zhi saw that the master had brought the guests back, and immediately greeted someone to cook. Wei Zhi stopped him and said, "We are all eating on it, no need to make it. Let's make a pot of tea."

  The old servant responded and bowed to make tea.

   entered the room, Wei Zhi sat on the chairs, asked the two of them to sit down, rolled up their sleeves and asked Zhou Man, "Look now?"

  In fact, I don't need to look at it anymore. Man Bao already knew it in his mind. She came here to discuss the next treatment with Wei Zhi and give him a set of needles.

  But it's rare to see him cooperate so well, so Man Bao didn't mind giving him the pulse again, and it was good to talk about the condition while taking the pulse.

  Man Bao la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la a as to say a lot, but Wei Zhi only said one sentence after pondering, "I only have a two-day holiday."

  Man Bao:……

  She didn’t quite understand, “Why Master Wei doesn’t cherish his body so much? Is it good to be alive?”

  Looking at Zhou Man who was a little confused, Wei Zhi knew that she was not refuting him, but was really curious, so he smiled and said, “It’s good to live, but it depends on how you live.”

  He said: "I can't leave the court for the time being. I live here for a month, but I will live for ten years after I resign."

  Man Bao did not speak.

   closed his hand and said, "You use the decoction first these two days. I will find Xiao Yuan to prepare the honey pill for you. First, take a shot every three days, but you should also pay attention to rest. Don’t be too sad."

  Wei Zhi smiled and nodded.

  Man Bao prescribed the prescription, but did not give it to Wei Zhi. Anyway, the drug was to be caught at the Taiyuan Hospital, so she only showed it to him once.

  Man Bao returned to the Taiyuan Hospital with the prescription, and gave the prescription to Doctor Duan, who asked him to take the prescription and send it to Wei Zhi. Then he and Bai Shan returned to their yard.

  Bai Shan took her hand and shook her, comforting her: "Master Wei is not sad, why are you more sad?"

  "The doctor will always feel sad and angry when he sees the patient so careless about his body."

  Bai Shan said: "You are the patient's doctor, and Mrs. Wei is the doctor of Dajin. You will know why he refuses to recuperate if he saves others by himself."

  Man Bao frowned, "There are not many ministers in the court."

"There are quite a few competent ministers in the court, but there is only one Master Wei." Bai Shan said, "Certainly, now there is only Lord Wei in the court as the prime minister. The chief officials of Zhongshu Province and Shangshu Province are all vacant. If the official is left vacant, there must be a lot of people in the DPRK and China competing for this position."

  Who doesn’t want to be a minister of worship if he is an official in the court?

  Especially civil servants, it is a lifelong pursuit of worship.

  Man Bao said with an eyebrow: "With your majesty, there will always be no confusion, right?"

"It won't be chaotic, but the person who takes over may not have the tacit understanding between Master Wei and His Majesty, and," Bai Shan paused: "Among the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, only Wei who dares to face His Majesty's anger and insists on admonishing. Only one adult."

Regardless of whether the emperor makes a mistake, the minister is impeached. Everyone seems to be upright and honest, but that is because they know that Wei Zhi is there. Even if their impeachment is not right, the emperor cannot do anything to them. Wei Zhi will not allow it. If the emperor blamed the officials, this would make the officials in the DPRK and the central government feel jealous and cut off the way of speaking.

   "If there is no Master Wei, Your Majesty is angry, and they are afraid that they will take advantage of the situation to accept the advice. After one or two times, Your Majesty will only have no fear."

  Bai Shan has been with the emperor for more than a year. Apart from sharing the emperor’s most daily tasks, he sat with the living man and watched the emperor and the ministers discuss matters, taking notes from time to time for the emperor’s inquiries.

  As for the state of the ministers, he may not have the emperor's understanding, but he must have looked more carefully and comprehensively than ordinary ministers.

Moreover, "No one understands his political intentions better than himself," Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "Master Wei must still have a lot of things to do in his heart. Before those things are finished, he won't want to leave. Chaotang."

  Man Bao said: "He won't have that time."

  The operation of the country cannot be changed day and night, nor is it something that can be done in one or two years. With Wei's physical condition, no matter how hard it is, he will not have a good life for several years.

  Bai Shan sighed: “But it’s better than leaving, and Dajin really can’t do without Master Wei at this time.”

The emperor    also said this to the queen, sighing: "Wei Qing only quietly discussed with me some time ago about reforming the salt tax. He wanted to get it done slowly, but he didn't expect him to be seriously ill now."

   "The salt tax must be reformed, and it will not be effective after three to five years. I...cannot do without him."

  The queen asked softly: "Who in the DPRK can replace it?"

  The emperor shook his head, "No one can replace it."

   Those who have Wei's character, do not have his ability, but do not have his character and prestige, so he can't do this.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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