Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2605: mutual benefit

   Chapter 2605 Mutual Benefit

  Tang He glanced at the aftermath of Bai Shan and said: "The notice has been posted, and I have seen the county magistrates, temporarily pacifying the tenants who caused trouble, but in fact we only have contact with half of the fields and tenants..."

Tang He summarized the work during this period of time and said: "There are more than 18 hectares of land that has been redeemed. Oh, this part is not counted as the ten hectares of the Zheng family. The rest is because the tenants are still emotional. Some were unstable, so I couldn't make the trip."

   Yu Cishi frowned, "Master Tang can't help it?"

Master Tang said with a smile: "There are still some excuses they gave are just to maintain stability. Therefore, as long as we appease the tenants and they don’t make trouble, these people will have no excuses to procrastinate. If they procrastinate any more, the court will There is an excuse to take them directly."

  He said: "Now we have soothed a lot of tenant farmers, and we are sure of the 23 hectares involved, but we have never signed a redemption contract and waited for Yu Cishi to take office."

   Yu Cishi: "Waiting for me?"

  He looked at Master Tang with some doubts, “Isn’t this redemption directly funded by the Ministry of Households? Master Tang is an inspection official again. Should this matter be directly in charge?”

  "Yes, but firstly, this is Qizhou after all, and it will be Yu Cishi who will govern this land in the future; secondly..."

  Tang He turned his head to look at Bai Shan who was sitting on the side, and said helplessly: "It's all to my junior, he is young and knows nothing, and is too soft-hearted. I didn't look at it and made promises that I shouldn't make."

Yu Cishi frowned slightly and looked at Bai Shan. He saw that his face was fair and handsome. He was sitting upright like a bamboo, but his temperament was gentle and gentle. He looked like a family son, so he raised his eyebrows, not smiling. Said: "Master Tang should know that I just killed three people? Those three are all local gentry in Qizhou. I will be here in the future, so I can't let people bully me. If I give in to them , Master Tang doesn't have to speak."

   "Yu Cishi misunderstood," Tang He said quickly: "He is not making a promise with those gentry."

He glanced at Bai Shan again, and Bai Shan lowered his head in shame. He then sighed heavily and said: "He was appeasing the tenants when he saw them in ragged clothes, and he was panicking. I couldn't help making a promise with them."

  Tang He turned his head and said, "I'm not happy to apologize to Yu Cishi."

  Bai Shan hurriedly got up and bowed to Yu Cishi, and said with shame, "The officials are causing trouble to the adults."

  Yu Cishi heard that it was not the gentry and local clans, but the tenant farmers, so he stepped on his footstool and asked relaxedly: "Oh? What promises did he give?"

Tang Daren said: "My younger brother promised that these tenant farmers will still rent these land to them after redemption, and that they can sign the tenancy agreement for next year at the moment, and the rent will never exceed 40%. ."

   Yu Cishi twitched his mouth and asked, "This promise you will not do with every tenant in the village, right?"

   "No, no," Mr. Tang hurriedly said, "I did it with a village, that is, the village of Da'an Village. He also only came back today, and the promise was made today."

  He explained: “Yu Cishi didn’t know that Da’an Village is the largest of the villages we have visited in the past few days, with 167 households and a total of 978 people.”

   Yu Cishi was surprised, “With so many people, nearly two li, they will soon be able to form a township.”

  Tang He shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, there is no village around it. This village was not formed naturally, but was relocated and grouped a few years ago to facilitate the cultivation of these fields. Therefore, it cannot become a township.”

  Shili is a township. Generally, villages are small. Like Qili Village, it does not have one li. It still forms one li with a part of the residents of Dali Village. The li is from Dali Village.

  Like a village more than one mile, it is a big village.

  For example, in Dali Village, there is not only a big bazaar, but also Taoist temples, doctors, butcher stalls, and people who specialize in buying and selling food.

  The villagers in their area never go to Baimaguan Town to buy and sell things. If it is convenient, they go to Dali Village. If there are rich and varied plans, then they go to the county seat.

  Because it is about the same distance to the county seat and Baimaguan town, even closer than the town.

  At that time, Bai Shan knew that when he saw a geographical location like Da'an Village, he knew that it was a place specially chosen by interested people, in order to keep them isolated from the world and avoid contact with others.

In general, such large villages are also richer than other villages, but Da'an Village is so poor that you can't smell the oily smell. From the elderly to the children, the clothes they wear are patchy and patchy. Some young adults are tired of patches. , I wore a short gown directly, because there was only one in Da'an Village, and they couldn't do anything except farming.

Tang He was a local official, and he naturally saw the key at a glance, so he couldn't help but hint to remind Yu Cishilai at this moment, and smiled: "My schoolboy is young, and he's a bit stupid in his studies. Seeing that they can’t eat enough and don’t have enough clothing, even though we comforted them that the land will still be cultivated by them in the future, we are still anxious. We did not hold back for a while and made such a promise in public, and even stupidly posted our name. I handed it over."

  Yu Cishi looked at Bai Shan seriously, and smiled after a moment: "Master Bai is kind and kind, but it is understandable."

  Tang He sighed: "But these fields are public fields in Qizhou after all. I will only be responsible for redemption. How can I set a tenancy lease on my behalf, so I have to ask Yu Cishi."

  Yu Cishi smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say, so let's go, how about going to the countryside with Master Tang tomorrow?"

  He smiled and said, “As long as Mr. Tang doesn’t dislike me getting in the way, we can go to the countryside to deal with the matter together, so that it is fast and convenient, and can comfort people the fastest, how about it?”

  Master Tang smiled, "Tang can't ask for it."

   "So we're set to go to the countryside together tomorrow."

   "Okay, tomorrow Tang will be waiting in the governor's mansion, and go to the countryside together." Tang He glanced at the lieutenant behind Yu Cishi, got up and smiled: "Since it's settled, I won't bother Yu Cishi to freshen up."

  Yu Cishi also got up to send him off, and sent people to the door and said: "Master Tang can relax in the backyard. Wait a moment, and come and invite Master Tang to a banquet when I change my clothes."

  Tang He smiled and nodded, and left with Bai Shan.

When he left the main courtyard, the smile on Tang He's face faded, but Bai Shan's eyes were full of smiles. "Brother Tang Xue, this new governor is a wonderful person. There are rough but fine points. It seems that he is so It is very sure to control the situation with a hands-on killing."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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