Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2604: Yu Cishi

  Chapter 2604 Yu Cishi

  Master Tang took Bai Shan and Ren Yushi to see the situation, only to walk out half a street on horseback, they met Yu Cashi and his group who came back mightily.

  Liang Yushi's face was very dark, but he was forced to say nothing in front of everyone.

  Yu Cishi Yuan has a beard on his back, a beard on his face, and his eyes like a knife. Although he sits quietly on the horse, he is as sharp as a half-out sheathed knife.

  Master Tang stopped his horse, lowered his voice and said Bai Shandao: "Sure enough, his official position is higher than ours, but we are patrolling by order, and there is a censer on the side. There is no need to persuade you. You will follow me in a moment."

  Bai Shan nodded slightly.

   When the two sides met head-on, Master Tang smiled, sitting on the horse and clasping his fists to the opposite person: "But the newcomer Yu Cishi?"

  Yu Cishi also smiled, holding a fist in return, saying: "It's just Yu, but Mr. Tang from the capital?"

  Tang He responded with "yes", so the two sides dismounted to salute, and then returned to the governor's mansion together.

  Master Tang looked back and found that Yu Cishi had brought a lot of people. Except for the people who went to greet him, there were about a hundred people left, all wearing military armor.

  He smiled and nodded with Yu Cishi, and rode back side by side with him.

   Entering the lobby of the Cishi Mansion, Master Tang asked, "When did Master Yu arrive in Qizhou?"

"Last night." Yu Cishi sat on the chair with a golden sword, took off the knife from his waist and set it aside. Then he smiled with Lord Tang, "The gate of the city had fallen down when I went outside the city last night. The officer is not good. Then I asked someone to open it, so I took someone out to sleep in the open."

   "Then why don't you enter the city early today?"

"Today before dawn, I ran into tenant tenants who wanted to enter the city to seek justice. I asked them carefully. They were completely provoked. The official wanted to talk to the people behind the scenes. Who knows that these people are actually wrong. Stubbornly resisted and wanted to hurt the officer. Fortunately, the personal force brought by the officer was able to kill the three thieves in one fell swoop."

  Liang Yushi couldn't hear any more, and he stood up and said: "Yu Cishi, Your Majesty wants to deal with these people with gentleness, but you kill as soon as you take office, and you haven't gone to court. You have not been reviewed by the Criminal Ministry. What is the difference between this and tyranny?"

Yu Cishi said: "The official is self-defense."

  "It’s not up to you whether it’s self-defense or not. When I return to the capital, I will definitely take a copy of you and tell the truth to the princes and your majesty."

   Yu Cishi said: "You are not on the spot. How can you tell the truth?"


"Okay, okay," Tang Master quickly stopped between the two of them. It is really hard to imagine that he would have a day to be a peacemaker. He said: "The top priority is not accountability. I will talk about this later. The most important thing is now. How to deal with these fields to be redeemed, and how to deal with the relationship between the Yamen and these big clans."

Master Tang turned his head to look at Yu Cishi and said, "Master Yu is not an official on the first day, and he has also been a Cishi. When you know how important these local clans are, since you dare to kill, you have already figured out how to deal with it. It is the governor of Qizhou, we have no intention of intervening more."

  Yushi Liang disagrees, "Master Tang——"

  Tang He stretched out his hand to suppress what he was about to say, and said, "Yushi Liang, picking out hundreds of officials is the responsibility of your yushi, not the official."

  Yu Cishi's eyes were slightly bright, and he looked at him with piercing eyes.

Tang Daren said: "This official came to Qizhou on an order to deal with the redemption of the land and the settlement of tenants who are related to the issue. All other matters belong to the local affairs of Qizhou. handle."

Yu Cishi laughed when he heard the words, and stepped forward and grabbed Master Tang’s hand and said: "Master Tang is transparent, just for this, the officer should respect you three bowls, come, let the kitchen prepare wine and vegetables, Today, I will host a banquet in the Provincial Governor's Mansion to entertain Master Tang...and these three adults, I will treat you as a guest."

  Bai Shan four: ...who will pick up the dust for whom, they have been here for ten days.

  Forget it, don’t care, just eat some food together.

  Bai Shan touched his stomach. It was early for the work meal, and he would have stopped eating if he knew it.

  He glanced at Ren Yushi quietly, but Ren Yushi frowned and didn't care about eating.

  Master Tang feels that Yu Cishi’s behavior requires them to change some strategies, mainly because they have to reach a consensus on some things, otherwise it will be difficult to start work in the future.

  Although they have been here for ten days, they have temporarily pacified the tenants who are making trouble, but they have not completely resolved it.

  As long as the land is not completely redeemed and bought back in one day and the cutting procedures are officially completed, then this is not the end.

  Before that, although Lord Tang and the others used both kindness and power, in fact they mostly pacified them. They mainly relied on temptation and persuasion, and supplemented by threats.

  As soon as Yu Cashi came, he directly slashed three people, and almost dropped the strategies they had previously implemented one by one.

  People are justified. Tang He doesn't want to fight with the people in the governor's house when fighting with the local clans outside, so he plans to have a good talk with this Yu governor.

  Through the remarks just now, Yu Cishi also felt that the Tang master was very witty, and he was different from the Yushi who wanted to scold him bloody.

  So also willing to talk to him.

   So the two sides looked at each other and made their own decisions, and the two of them avoided Yushi and got together.

  Well, it was Yu Cishi's excuse for bathing and changing clothes, and Mr. Tang also said that after a day of work, he needed a rest.

  Of course, they are not the only two of them. Master Tang brought Bai Shan, and Yu Cishi also brought his lieutenant.

  The two sides merged smoothly in the main courtyard of the Provincial Government.

Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi were not fools either. When the two went to Master Tang and Bai Shan to discuss the next thing, they found that they were not in the house. They guessed that they were going to see Yu Cishi in private, so they were a little angry, "They are here. What is the meaning? Does Master Tang agree with Yu Cishi's move?"

Ren Yushi was also very angry, "When we were out of Beijing, Master Wei and Master Tang repeatedly told that Qizhou lost a lot of land and many people participated. Therefore, we must be gentle, so as not to cause trouble. Qizhou is not far from the capital. Far away, once it gets messy..."

  Liang Yushi was still a little angry, "The four of us have lived and died together, so did the two of them leave us both?"

  Ren Yushi: That is, they lived and died together.

   Master Tang and Yu Cishi introduced Bai Shan, "This one is the scholar in the middle school in front of your Majesty, Bai Zhishan."

Before Yu Cishi came, he naturally asked about the team that was ordered to leave Beijing this time. He knew that Tang He was the organizer, and Bai Shan was young and junior. Although the official rank was not low, he was more like a person who came to experience and practice merits. He smiled and said, "Master Bai is really young and promising."

  Bai Shan smiled and said: "The lower officials have also heard that Yu Cishi is brave and good at fighting. This is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

  Yu Cishi slightly happily raised his lips, and asked them to sit down and say: "Master Tang has been in Qizhou for a decade, right? How are things going?"

    Liang Yushi and Ren Yushi: After all, it was the wrong payment.

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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