Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2562: Cut off

   Chapter 2562

  Bai Erlang was picking cherries to eat, and he was taken aback after hearing the words: "Princess Danyang? I seem to know..."

  Everyone turned their heads to look at him, and Zhou Man said, “Princess Danyang gave a gift when you and Mingda got married.”

  Bai Shandao: "Xue Luma has been in the capital for the past two years. You should have seen it in the palace."

  Family banquets or something, the princesses in the capital will usually attend with the clan.

  Bai Erlang scratched his head and said: "I mean, I seem to have seen Princess Danyang in that miscellaneous book room. It is about the princess and the horse."

  Of course, he doesn’t remember Princess Danyang too much. There are too many relatives in the royal family, not to mention the emperor’s sons and daughters, and the sons of the first emperor, but too many.

  Changyu's eyes brightened, and he became excited, "I know, I know about this, is it because Danyang aunt was unwilling to sit with her uncle when she got married?"

  Shirajiro nodded repeatedly, his eyes sparkling, "Yes, it is exactly this. I don't know why it is not in your majesty's daily record, but was stuffed in the miscellaneous book room with just a few sheets of paper."

  They were talking about it when Mingda came over. She couldn't help but smile and asked, "What are you talking about?"

  Bai Erlang: "We are talking about Princess Danyang."

  The Emperor Xian had many daughters, a total of nineteen. Of course, there are not so many still alive.

  But the reason why so many princess Shirajiro knew about this aunt was because she appeared in the miscellaneous book room.

  But there is nothing in the miscellaneous books that Changyu heard in the palace is wonderful, so she lowered her voice and quietly shared her own gossip.

  Because it is not a bad thing, everyone quietly pricked their ears to listen.

"Aunt Danyang is beautiful, literary, and self-satisfied, but my uncle is actually pretty good, but may be worse than other uncles. This is not what I said, but an aunt said," Changyu said: " Although my uncle was born in a military commander's family, he also has merit, but he is still inferior to other uncles."

  Look at their achievements.

  Of course, this is not the most important thing. Changyu thinks that the most important thing is, "Uncle Xue is too honest."

  If she looks more beautiful, she thinks Aunt Danyang won’t care about it.

  Wei Yu couldn't help turning his head to look at her.

  Changyu saw another way: "Don't look at me, you look better than your uncle, and you have a literary talent..."

  Father is Wei Zhi again, otherwise she would not be very happy.

  Wei Yu didn’t know what mood to use. It was a bit sweet anyway. He suppressed the joy in his heart and said quietly, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

  In front of everyone, are you ashamed or ashamed?

Changyu ignored him and continued to whisper to them: "Uncle Xue is too honest. At that time, someone told his father that Uncle Xue was too angry. After hearing that, Aunt Xue was so angry that he was even more reluctant to talk to Uncle Xue. We are at the same table."

Princess    married for a few months and did not share the bed with the horse, and did not want to sit with each other, so all kinds of gossip came out, passed it to the palace, and naturally it passed to the emperor's ears.

  The emperor heard that the younger sister was awkward with her brother-in-law because of such a thing, and couldn't help laughing. After laughing for a while, he simply invited all the brother-in-law and brother-in-law to the palace, and of course, his sisters and sisters.

The emperor took a group of horses to hold his arms. No matter what his skills, the emperor won a group of brother-in-law and brother-in-law, and then deliberately lost to each other when compared with Xue Luma. In front of the crowd, the emperor praised him. Xue Luma.

  The emperor took him while drinking, throwing a pot to take him, and talking with him, making Xue Luma the focus of the crowd.

  Princess Danyang's heart knot disappeared, and when she went back with her husband, she was with Hemeimei's. For more than 20 years, the relationship between the husband and wife has been very good.

Even if Xue Luma had no chance to go on the expedition in recent years, the official position could not be compared with the other couples. The couple also crossed the better. Anyway, they are happy every day, but they crossed the more harmoniously. So this is a good story. The palace is right. Such small talk is not very deterrent.

  Man Bao pondered for a while and asked: "Does Princess Danyang like to eat?"

   "Like it," Chang Yu said, "Is there anyone in this world who doesn't like to eat?"

  Eating is the most important thing in a person’s life.

  Everyone could not say anything against it, because no one in the room could say that they don’t like eating, and even the temperate Wei Yu had to say, “Food is the heaven for the people.”

   Changyu raised her head triumphantly. She and Mingda said, “According to this trend, the shops on your street can be rented out in a short time, and it will be lively.”

  Mingda was not so optimistic, and shook her head and said, “It’s the uncles and aunts who see me hard to help. They may not bring many people. I prefer to rent to business travelers.”

  Because they are serious about doing business, they racked their brains to attract people to come in.

  Man Bao nodded in agreement, “They won’t open it eagerly. I don’t know how long it will take to decorate and attract visitors, but they occupy a good position.”

  Some people wanted to help Mingda, and felt that her shop in the new city was not easy to rent, so they wanted to rent one or two shops, but some people wanted to take advantage of it.

  Since Zhou Man fought against Princess Chen Yushi at the Great Dynasty Meeting, everyone knows that the population of the new city is not very large, and Princess Changyu personally opened a treasure pavilion in order to win over the population for Princess Mingda.

  Many people felt that two princesses endorsed that the business in this new city will not be small in the future, so they also sent someone to rent a house, but after he rented the house, he did not use it for himself, but changed hands and wanted to rent it out.

  When Mingda checked the accounts, she only felt puzzled, thinking that these people rented too many shops.

After Bai Er followed her on a tour, he found that these shops had not yet started to renovate. On the contrary, there were some people who would take them in for business trips here. He was a little angry to see the appearance of the shops, and said: "They are asking for two. Rent it."

   Mingda puzzled, "Then what?"

   "Then our housekeeper may have a problem." He said: "Why don't the business travelers who come to find the shop directly ask our manager to rent the shop, but they want to rent second-hand with these people? Is their rent cheaper than ours?"

  It’s impossible. If it’s cheaper, wouldn’t they have to add money to it? What is the picture?

  Recalling that Mingda had said that the steward wanted to bully Zhou Man last time, Shirajiro was not very happy and said, "Let’s replace him now."

   Baijiro's pillow wind is still very strong, Mingda thought about it seriously, and nodded after a moment: "Okay, just who should I change?"

She didn’t change before because she had no use. Unlike Zhou Man, with so many brothers behind her, she basically worked hard towards one place. There were a lot of brothers and nephews behind her to help. When he got up, Man Bao had more people than her.

Bai Erlang thought for a while and then said, "Remove him and pick someone from the imperial estate. If it doesn't work, we will just order one by one. Anyway, we only care about this imperial estate now. The most important thing is now. How to **** the business travelers who want to rent shops from those people."

  Yes, Bai Erlang wants to grab people directly, but he can't be too obvious, otherwise it will be bad for Mingda's reputation.

  Mingda was also meditating, the couple thought about it all night but did not figure out a good way to come.

  The next day when they entered the palace, they happened to meet Bai Shan and Man Bao who were going to work in the palace. Bai Shan said after hearing the words, “Just give a notice.”

  Man Bao’s eyes brightened and said: “Let people write two big notices, one on the street and one on the end of the street. Business travelers who intend to rent a shop will naturally come to the door without you having to grab them yourself.”

  The eyes of Bai Erlang, who was planning to send someone to intercept Hu, lit up.

   See you at two in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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