Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 2561: Speculation

  Chapter 2561 Presumptuous speculation

  County magistrates educate the common people. In addition to supporting local education, the most common behavior is to let the chief clerk tell stories about loyalty, courtesy and faith, and to strengthen the rule of law and so on.

  But teaching arithmetic is something that has never happened before, but both Man Bao and Bai Shan think it is necessary.

  The difficulty of literacy is too great, and most people in the world are illiterate, and you have to have a book to be literate, and you must have a literate person around you.

  But numeracy is different. Manbao thinks that numeracy is the simplest wisdom game in the world. It does not require any materials. You can count by holding your fingers and grabbing a handful of stones on the ground.

  Learn the number first, know the number, and then add and subtract yourself. Adding the same number is multiplication, and subtracting the same number is division. There is no simpler and cheaper way to open up your mind than reading numbers.

  Moreover, numeracy is also very important to life. You can see from today’s final accounts. When she was very young, her mother and sister-in-law began to teach her to count her fingers and toes. At that time, she could only speak.

  Of course, she doesn't remember these things very clearly, just some flashing clips in her mind, but Keke remembers them.

  Man Bao thinks that the people in her fief should also open up their minds, ah, look back to the chiefs for a chat.

After walking through the section of cooperation between the county magistrate Guo and the county magistrate Xun, they arrived at the section funded by Zhou Man, and then they reached the fork in the road. They only looked towards Liyang County and saw that the road was flat and as wide as their road. Nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to the direction of the new city.

  This is Mingda’s imperial village, and she has a place to live here.

  Previously, this imperial house was not specially prepared for the yard where the master lived. After all, this imperial house was not the nearest to the capital, nor was it the largest nearby, and it was really uncharacteristic, so no one in the royal family thought of coming here to live.

  But when the emperor was about to build this row of houses, he took the opportunity to build a house for his daughters in the Zhuangzi, which was specially used by Mingda when he came to inspect the property.

  Otherwise, what should I do, the new city is still a little far away from the capital. If she comes to inspect the industry, where can she rest?

  So this time Mingda and the others went directly to Mingda’s manor.

  After unloading all the luggage, most of the people also put down, and then they took some casuals to the new city.

Now there are more people in the new city than last time. The manager in charge of the shops on this street immediately rushed to ask for peace, and Princess Mingda reported: “There are now nine shops rented out, and six shops are under renovation. But I don’t know what happened. This morning, many people in the capital sent a steward to come over and book small shops. Some people also asked the shops that had been rented out to be vacated for them..."

  Mingda asked curiously, "Who are there?"

  The steward said: "The county mansion came to book two rooms, and the Danyang princess mansion came up to book one..."

   are all relatives of the emperor.

  The steward quietly raised his eyes and glanced at Mingda’s back and said: “The Zhao Guogong also came to book a room, but the grandpa booked one, and the little grandpa booked one himself.”

  After a pause, the steward continued: “The little grandpa said his shop is next to Master Zhou’s shop.”

  Man Bao asked, "By the way, what does my shop sell?"


  You a boss asks everyone what they want to sell?

  Man Bao looked innocent, "I originally wanted to sell ointments, creams, but it was not agreed by Changyu and Lijun. Will we not set up a store in Yongzhou in Zhouji in the future?"

  The steward laughed and said, “The minion asked the lady on Tuesday, and the second lady said that Zhou’s family only has some advantages in medicine and food, so this shop is going to be used for food, and is now planning to open a restaurant.”

  This time the restaurant is very high-end, not like the one in the outer city, because there are a lot of houses nearby for rent to scholars, so Zhou Lijun wanted to be more elegant.

  Man Bao has been busy recently, and Zhou Lijun is also busy, so the two of them can't touch it, naturally, they have never exchanged this matter.

  After all, this shop is full of treasures in one sentence, and Zhou Lijun came from renting, handing over and decorating.

  Unlike Princess Changyu, it’s okay to put how many properties she has under her own name, but Zhou Man obviously can’t, so this shop is leased under the name of Xiang Mingxue.

  He was punished back then. He was not allowed to be an official, and even his children would find it difficult to be an official again. After all, assassinating the royal family is a big crime, and it is not bad for him to not be exiled.

  At this time, the shop is half installed.

  Zhou Lijun smiled and stepped forward to meet them.

  Changyu and Zhou Lijun have been in contact several times. The two are about the same age and have similar temperaments, so they get along well. Before Man Bao spoke, Changyu invited her first, "Go, let's go back to Huangzhuang and rest."

  So Zhou Lijun accompanied them from the end of the street to the street, and from the street to the end of the street, and then they went to Huangzhuang.

  Only then did the steward whisper to Princess Mingda, "The county mansion has taken a fancy to Lord Zhou's current shop..."

   Mingda frowned and asked, "Which county king is it?"

  Guaranteed to file a crime in advance, and then said: "It's the King of Hejian County, but the one who came is a steward."

  "Didn't you say that the shop has been rented out?"

   "At that time, he was in a hurry, so he just circled the drawing to make it easy to leave. When the little one found out, he chased it out, and the person had already returned."

  Mingda glanced at him coldly and said: "Then you come to the door to apologize."

  The steward stunned, he immediately knelt down, and bowed his head in trepidation, "Yes, the slave will come here in person tomorrow."

  Mingda looked at him condescendingly and asked, "What else is there other than this?"

  The steward paused for a while and said, “Princess Danyang said that the princess and the horse will come to Yongzhou in the near future, and I would like to borrow the princess’s house to rest at that time.”

  Princess Mingda's face was slightly dark, and she nodded and said: "Yes."

  The steward knelt on the ground and stared for a long time. Seeing that the princess hadn't ordered, he kowtowed and walked back quietly.

  Mingda looked down and thought, for a long while, she couldn't help but sigh, and she couldn't help but said to the confidant maid: "There are too few people around me."

The court lady laughed and said: "That is because your highness is very demanding. He is not easy to use, so you can adjust it slowly. Your majesty and the empress have given you a lot of manpower, and you have to speak with fewer people. Other princesses will be angry when they hear it. Understand."

  Mingda shook his head and said, "They are not good enough. Let's train a group of young governors."

  She said: "I'll see from Zhou's family. If they can't figure out what I think, then they should know to abide by the rules, and everything will be done according to the rules, then there will be no mistakes, or it is wrong, that is also a small mistake."

"He couldn't figure out what I was thinking, but he insisted on trying to figure it out, and he still had to stand in my palace and think," Mingda sneered. How can people use it?"

  The palace lady stopped talking.

  Mingda never expected that the people carefully selected by her father and mother would have so many problems.

  I don’t know if those people under the father’s hands will have problems.

Mingda was thinking about such a serious issue, and Changyu and the others who were resting on the other side directly divided the two sides and sat down cross-legged. Knowing that the father of Danyang was coming, Changyu rejoiced and said, "Aunt Danyang and his uncle have a relationship. Okay, when she comes, we will ask them to eat delicious food in Yongzhou City."

Happy Lantern Festival

     There is one more chapter, I will fill it up tomorrow, I’m tired tonight, and the efficiency is so slow. It takes two or three hours to write a chapter



  (End of this chapter)

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