Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1523: 周铭恩

"Primary, you are better than I expected! But this world is sealed by the Qingtian people. With a strong interface, the Qingtian can continue to let Tianzun lower the bounds, and if they are willing to pay a greater price, the Emperor can The lower bound, so you still have to prepare well, it is impossible to come to the mysterious sea!"

When the feathers of the goddess fled, the voice of the Lord of the North Ming suddenly sounded in the ears of Ye Chenfeng.

"The mysterious sea!" Ye Chenfeng said in his heart: "Predecessors, are you in the sea of ​​mystery?"

"Remember, the mysterious sea is your last retreat. You can come here to seek refuge when life and death are at stake!" The Lord of Northern Ming did not reveal more information to Ye Chenfeng: "Yes, I have already The spirit of the spirit fish, the power of the unicorn has been raised to the extreme, and I will send them into the extraterrestrial battlefield of the celestial field on the same day. As long as you can fly up to the celestial domain, you will have a day to meet."

When finished, the voice of the Lord of the North Ming disappeared.

It is learned that the spirit fish will fly, and Ye Chenfeng does not leave immediately, but waits patiently outside the sky.

After about a day or so, a terrible energy surged in the sky, and it pierced the seal of the Qingtian.

At the same time, the sky of heaven and the sky also rose up to the terrible energy light column, sent to the ten parties to return to the domain.

"Qingtian, although you let Tianyu be able to lower the bounds, I am waiting for them!"

The eye fish sent to the heavens, and Ye Chenfeng did not stay in the sky for a long time. He summoned the sword wings and disappeared into the ancient Tianxian Mountains.

Although the Lord of the North Ming gave Ye Chenfeng the last retreat, Ye Wuji had left him an important dark chess. With this dark chess, he was enough to deal with the Qingtian people. Threat.

Thunderfield, recall Zhoucheng.

Because of the relationship between Ye Chenfeng, the Lei family took care of the Zhou family, and the marriage between the Zhou family and the Nangong family made the Zhou family suddenly rise, recalling that Zhoucheng was several times larger than the original, attracting a large number of pre-disasters. Come and trust.

"Tianlei Jianzhang!"

A young voice sounded on a bluestone building, and a lot of thunder sounded in the air.

One person is not tall, wearing a black martial arts uniform, a little bit tender on the white face, it seems that only the eleven or two-year-old boy, printed the sky and the sword, will be a burly body, With a face and a beard, the big man who was in the realm of the second king of the beast was shaken down from the battle platform and lost the game.

"It's awesome. This week, Ming Ming is not reminiscent of Zhoucheng's little genius. Not only is he younger to cultivate the realm of the Beastmaster, but he still has so many skills. His future development is absolutely limitless!"

"No way, who makes people get a good job, there are so many parents, it’s hard to think about it!"

Looking at the youth who are bathed in the sun, the extraordinary strength, there are many discussions under the martial arts, many people show the color of envy, and some people show their jealous heart.

"Zhou Mingen, he should be the son of Tianyi and Nangong dumping snow!"

A man wearing a white martial arts uniform, his body is tall and straight, his face is as sharp as a knife, and the man with a hint of glory reveals a faint smile, meditation in his heart.

The white man, who crossed the extremely vast area of ​​the central world, came to Yang Chenfeng, who recalled Zhoucheng.

He wants to see, Zhou Tianyi, they are doing well, seeing the development of Zhoucheng, Zhou Tianyi and Nangong’s outstanding son, Ye Chenfeng completely let go.

And when he came to the Thunderfield, he was ready to go to the dead market, and to control the demon in the dead market by the heart of the back hand that was left by the leaves.

As long as the gods are controlled, even if the Qingtians send the Emperor, they will not pose a threat to him.

"Who else comes to challenge!"

Zhou Mingen holds a sharp sword and looks around the entire battle platform. He said with high morale.

"I will challenge you!"

One man with a spear and a scar on his face, the man in the realm of the fourth level against the Beastmaster jumped to the Wudoutai and fought against Zhou Mingen.

Although Zhou Mingen’s strength is far less than that of a scar man, his weaponry is far better than him, plus his top-level track of cultivation, which greatly compensates for the gap in strength and is a fierce battle with scarred men. Fall into the wind.

The two people are playing faster and faster, and the men’s tide-like offensive constantly inspires the potential of Zhou Mingen, allowing him to play the martial arts to the extreme, and the wonderful test makes the audience under the audience enjoy themselves.

"Not bad, Tianyi’s son’s talent is not enough, and his future achievements may exceed his father!”

Ye Chenfeng also praised Zhou Mingen, but he is still a little young, and he wants to beat the scar man more than three levels.

Sure enough, the two men fought a fragrant time, Zhou Mingen's offensive appeared a bit slow, gradually suppressed by the scar man.

It’s just that Zhou Mingen’s power is not enough. When he loses the game, Ye Chenfeng’s mouth is slightly moving, and he is passing on to Zhou Ming’en and pointing him in the battle.

Zhou Mingen's talent is extremely high. Under the guidance of Ye Chenfeng, he quickly learned the scars of the scar man's attack and launched a counterattack in the passive.


A tear of air rang.

Zhou Mingen seized the flaws of the scar man attack, a sword tore his defense, flew him out of the sword, fell out of the fighting platform, lost the game.

"Hot, win!"

Looking at the **** flow of the chest, the scarred man who fell out of the fighting platform, his face pale and pale, Zhou Mingen showed an excited smile, and quickly looked at the stage, want to know who is pointing him at the crucial time .

"How do we fight for one!" At this time, Ye Chenfeng’s flash of light flashed, like a lightning strike, appeared on the battle platform, watching Zhou Mingen, who consumed quite a lot, and said slowly: But I don't take advantage of you, no matter what method you use, as long as your attack can touch me, even if you win, then I will give you a treasure."


Looking at Ye Chenfeng, who is not angry and self-defeating, Zhou Mingen vaguely guessed that it was him who just pointed out his own, and his eyes were bright.

"Nothing to say!"

Ye Chenfeng has a faint smile.

"Okay, then you are careful!"

Zhou Mingen took a medicinal herb and restored the soul power consumed. He held a long sword and fired a fierce attack on Ye Chenfeng.

"The attack speed is good, but the accuracy is not enough!"

"Strong, you have to combine the strength and the power perfectly in the attack, in order to play the power of the kendo!"

Ye Chenfeng is like a ghost of erratic, evading back and forth on the fighting platform, and while he is dodging, he constantly whispers and points to Zhou Mingen.

Under the guidance of Ye Chenfeng, Zhou Mingen’s understanding of Kendo is getting deeper and deeper, and the power of attack is also increasing.

But the gap between him and Ye Chenfeng is too great, and he has tried his best to make his attack impossible to get into the corner of Ye Chenfeng.

In his body, there was some lack of support. When the attack speed slowed down, Ye Chenfeng suddenly stopped hiding, and extended two arms and caught the sword he had stabbed.

"Yes, you won, this ring is for you, remember to say hello to your parents!"

When finished, Ye Chenfeng flashed, and disappeared in the battlefield like a teleport. He left the memory of Zhoucheng and went directly to the deadland of the minefield.

And Ye Chenfeng left soon, I remember Zhoucheng fell into a shock, but let Zhou Tianyi and his wife both look for Zhoucheng, they could not find Ye Chenfeng, and regret it.

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