Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1522: The sacred bow of Qinglan

"This, what level of sanctification is this?"

Yuguang saw Ye Chenfeng's display of the world's star prints, a scene of the death of Emperor Xuan Tianzun, and Mo Yutian's heart set off a big wave.

He has a feeling that the light printing grade that Ye Chenfeng has just printed has probably surpassed the best of the holy skill and reached the level of true spirit.

Although Mo Yutian is a good talent, he was cultivated by the Qingtian people and cultivated to the six-star Tianzun realm, but he did not break through the realm of the Emperor. He never imagined practicing the true spirits in his life, so he saw Ye Chenfeng suspected from the sky. He got the real spirit, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

On the occasion of his distraction, the konjac screamed, holding a million-thousand-thick dragon knife, and slammed him with the momentum of the sky.


The dragon-shaped knives filled with hundreds of millions of pounds of strength and strong magic are smashed on the star-shaped sword of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sword. A few meters, the entire arm has a serious feeling of numbness.

"The blood of Hongmeng burns!"

In the case of Moyu Tianzun’s hard-forward konjac attack, Ye Chenfeng quickly burned a powerful bloodline, summoning the sacred sword of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sword, close to the ink feather Tianzun.

"The three-footed sword!"

Under the flight of the feathers, Tian Zun attacked him. Ye Chenfeng raised the golden power of the whole body to the extreme, summoned the three spiritual road maps, and displayed the strongest trick he has ever mastered. Yu Tianzun.

A sword is thrown out, and the three spiritual levels and golden powers burst out instantly. The terrible doctrine merges with the silver sword spirit, turning into a three-footed sword that has evolved into the vast avenue, tearing the space. I went to the ink feather Tianzun.


Mu Yu Tianzun did not expect that Ye Chenfeng, who was in the realm of the second star, could display such powerful moves. The left hand quickly evolved the heaven and earth avenue, and the force of the rolling sky came together to form a space vortex. , hard regrets the three-foot sword.


The three-footed sword of the sky trembled fiercely as it traversed the space vortex in front of Moyu Tianzun. The terrible power of the mind constantly swayed the space vortex, bringing some trouble to the ink feather Tianzun.

In the case of Moyu Tianzun relying on absolute strength, when the sturdy three-footed sword was used to break the leaves of the morning wind, the konjac was holding a dragon-shaped sword, rolling the void and falling down, avoiding the blame. Avoiding the ink feather Tianzun, the amazing power of the moment broke out directly from the air to the ground, and the ground broke out a deep pit.


Mu Yu Tian Zun can be sent to the lower hand by the Qingtian people, which shows that the Qingtian people attach importance to him and affirm his strength, but he never imagined that he would be injured in the lower bounds. He felt a shame and humiliation, summoned the three best holy treasures, suspended above the head, ready to kill.

"Magic, take the holy bow!"

When the angry Mo Yu Tian Zun summoned the three best holy treasures, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Chinese character, the true spirit of the holy treasure, and gave it to the konjac.

"The Holy Spirit!"

Feeling the devastating scent of the sacred bow of the Qing dynasty, Mo Yu Tian Zun’s eyes widened, and there was a strong uneasiness in his heart.

The strength of his original is inseparable from the konjac. If the konjac holds a real holy treasure, then he is really dangerous.


With the sacred bow of the Qing dynasty, the konjac sent a fierce squeak, and he poured the magic of the whole body into the holy bow of the Qing dynasty, and opened the holy bow a little.

When the sacred bow was opened by the konjac, the two scorpions on the bow seemed to be alive, and the open mouth was swallowed, and the power of the heavens and the earth was swallowed, turning into a light like the essence. Arrow, locked the face of the slight change of the ink feather Tianzun.

"You don't want to kill me? Why don't you come over!"

Looking at the dignified face, I dare not approach the Mo Yu Tian Zun, Ye Chenfeng reveals a cold smile, shouting loudly.

"Primary, you really think that mastering a true spiritual device, you can control the overall situation, offended my Qingtian, you will die!" Mo Yutianzun said ugly face.

Mu Yu Tian Zun’s tone is tough, but the threat of Qinglan’s holy bow is too great for him to approach easily.

"Hey, you just got the domineering, how can this be open-mouthed, isn't your Qingtian people such an embroidered pillow that can't be used?" Ye Chenfeng said rudely.

"The Terran Kid, the horror of my Qingtian is not something you can imagine. I advise you to choose to surrender, otherwise you will not be able to escape!" said Mo Yutian Zun's face.

"Hey, did you kick your head?" Ye Chenfeng sighed softly and sneered: "How else can you say such stupid things."


"Forget it, I will give you a chance, kneel down and give me three heads, maybe I am in a good mood, I can leave you a whole body!" Ye Chenfeng red fruit taunts him.

It was ruthlessly humiliated by a junior, which made Mo Yutian arrogant, and his heart burned with anger. He couldn’t control himself and thought about killing Ye Chenfeng’s plan.


A piercing sound broke out, and Mo Yutian, who was angered and attacked, moved and attacked Ye Chenfeng at an alarming speed.

At the moment of the attack of Moyu Tianzun, the konjac shot the light and arrow that swayed the power of the heavens and the earth, and the extreme smashed shot to the ink feather Tianzun.

The sacred bow of the Qing Dynasty is the sacred instrument of the Chinese spirit. The speed of the light arrow that is shot is unimaginable, so that the ink feather Tianzun has a feeling of being unable to dodge.

But Yu Mo Tian Zun practiced in Tianyu for hundreds of thousands of years, and also holds a lot of powerful life-saving cards.

The formation of the three-faced tortoise shell floated out of his body, and quickly condensed into a round of ancient formations, forcibly delaying the attack speed of the blue-and-white arrows.

Catch the opportunity between the moments, Mo Yutian once again soared the speed, and launched a blow to Ye Chenfeng, trying to kill him and win everything on him.

"Laughter, he is laughing at me!"

When Mo Yutianzun shot the best saint-pointed star sword, he unexpectedly discovered that Ye Chenfeng not only showed no panic, but instead smiled at him.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng’s strange disappearance disappeared in front of his eyes, and the killing of the star sword was defeated.

At the time of the death of Mo Yutian, the konjac forcibly opened the holy bow and shot the second arrow.

At the same time, the second arrow shot, the first blue-eyed light arrow shot through the ancient array, at the same time shot to the ink feather Tianzun, so that he can not dodge, can only rely on the card to defend.


The defensive cards of Suyu Tianzun’s continuous summons were shot by two blue-eyed light arrows. The three best holy treasures that he guarded in front of him were also shattered by the green light arrows.

In the critical moment, the amulet with the ancient lines appeared in the body of Mo Yutian, and turned into an ancient shield, which was difficult to resist the attack of two green arrows.

"The Terran Kid, the deity will let you live for a few more days, and cherish the rest of the time!"

Teaching to the horrible light of the blue-and-white arrows, Mo Yutian, who lost his life-saving character, left a swearword, and some of the wolverines escaped from the sky and disappeared into the ancient Tianxian Mountains.

ps: Everyone adds WeChat public number ylty83, accumulating over 1000, continue to add more!

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