Depressed Fairy

Chapter 181 The star is extinguished in the heart

"The thunder light appeared just now, it seems that a treasure has been born! This trip will definitely not be in vain again!"

In the clouds and mist, a monk wearing a wide robe and long sleeves was walking hurriedly on the clouds, with a wine gourd hanging by his side.

"This time, all the capable monks have gone to Tuo Xuan Mountain. This unworldly treasure must be destined to be a monk..."

Through the clouds and mist, he saw several figures walking quickly in the dense forest, rushing towards where the thunder fell, and he couldn't help but chuckle: "Monk..."


Suddenly, a rainbow fell from the sky!

The sharp sword energy fell like a meteor!

But on the ground, there was also a sword light rushing up!

In this sword light, there are colorful lights and shadows, and the changes of reality and reality seem to be all-encompassing, and it also reveals a strong aura of death!

The next moment, two sword lights collided!

Changhong explodes!

Everything is complicated!

Suddenly, the sword light sputtered, and countless sharp auras struck in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers!

The big-sleeved monk was immediately involved. After exclaiming, he immediately turned his cloud head and flew away!


A ray of sword light passed him by, it was the belated sword boy!

The sword boy watched from a distance as the two sword lights collided, devouring, canceling, and destroying each other, with a look of shock on his face!

"The master started with a sword pointing at the aura, but was actually blocked!"

"Go quickly! Go quickly! Someone is fighting! Both sides are beyond our ability to deal with!"

In the forest, the Crown Prince of the Dragon Palace, Aoling, had a look of horror on his face. He and Prime Minister Gui beside him stopped hurriedly, then turned around and left!


Several invisible sword energy passed around, leaving deep marks on the ground, extending into the distance, killing everything in their path!

"What a terrible sword energy, but the aftermath is so powerful! Once it touches, even the Golden Core cultivator will probably be seriously injured! Who is the person fighting?"

Prime Minister Turtle looked at the sword mark, his words full of fear.

"Taoist Master Xuyanzi! It must be Taoist Master Xuyanzi!" Aolingze said firmly, "As for the other one, of course..."

"I am the swordsman, and I have been ordered to capture you!" The swordsman saw that the sword energy Changhong was blocked. He was not surprised at all, but his eyes showed approval, "Very good, this kind of method is truly worthy of those rumors. , only then are you qualified to anger His Holiness!”

He stood in the air, his long hair flying, and pointed his finger again.

"Use all your strength and let me see what you are capable of. Otherwise, even if you survive, you will be worse off than dead."


The extremely pure sword light burst out from his fingertips!

"Think of the Sword Art."



Ice cold!

The slender sword light is pure and calm, without so many complicated connotations, just like a real sword move!

However, Chen Yuan, who was pointed at by the sword light, felt a little vitality and spirituality from it!

Sword recruitment spirit?

The law has its essence!

"That Venerable from West Whale Island really thinks highly of me. He actually sent a sword cultivator who is at the peak of becoming a god and is about to become a god! It seems that he is really angry with me! However, he is so angry that he probably also found out Something is wrong, so why don’t you come here in person? Is it because you can’t help but feel that I’m not good enough?”

In the blink of an eye, Chen Yuan flew out of the cave, facing the sword light without dodge or dodge. With a flick of his fingertips, the yin and yang energy flew out!

Yin Yang sword energy!

In an instant, the billowing death energy that filled Chen Yuan's body was squeezed out by him, combined with a little spiritual light, and poured into the Yin Yang Qiankun sword energy. He also wrapped some fragments of inner demons with the spirit of the fairy spirit, and entered it together. !

The sword energy soared to the sky.

Yin and Yang flow, the energy of death gradually gives birth to life, and then life and death flow, and the universe evolves!

Therefore, Chen Yuan's sword light was not only impure, but even mixed and mellow. Between the intertwining of black and white, there seemed to be signs of a myriad of phenomena!

The next moment, the pure sword light fell into the black and white sword energy, and it immediately seemed as if it had fallen into muddy water, and it seemed like it was lost in it!

Therefore, before the sword light disappeared, it was entangled by the yin and yang energy, turned to one side, and then twisted and twisted, constantly changing, but no matter how it changed, it could not touch Chen Yuan's body!

Chen Yuan didn't stop, but instead took a step forward. With a sweep of the dream pen in his hand, he set up layers of black and yellow energy to circle and suppress this space!

"Huh? Yes, yes." The swordsman nodded in appreciation, "This is interesting. The previous fake was really off-putting. However, facing me, it is not wise to take the initiative to attack, and you have to surround me? And you The sword moves just now look fierce, but they are actually complicated. Swordsmanship is not like that... huh?"

Suddenly, a warning sign appeared in the sword heart user's heart, and it exploded instantly. Then he saw Chen Yuan, with the sword in his hand pointing towards him.

"Your sword moves are good. If you touch the edge of the Dharma Spirit and practice quietly, you will be able to break through the mysteries of spiritual light and seize spiritual creation in a few years! Why do you come here to wade in muddy waters? And you come to teach me about my sword moves. ? Why not, let me teach you a lesson."


The sword heart moved his eyebrows, and he watched Chen Yuan's sword technique intently, but there was no change at all after this finger, not even a single sword light burst out.



Suddenly, a violent sound came from the side. In the Yin-Yang sword energy that performed all phenomena of Yin and Yang and surrounded the pure sword light, a blur of light and shadow suddenly appeared!

The inner demon combined with the spirit of the fairy, and after Chen Yuan's finger, a visualization shape appeared, awakening a little bit of spirituality accumulated in the Yin and Yang sword energy——

This Yin-Yang Sword Qi was born out of the Misfortune Sword. That sword was shattered in the battle at the Palace of the Void King, and finally took the opportunity to derive the Yin-Shen Spell!

At this moment, Chen Yuan used the inner demon of the fairy spirit to pretend to be the Yin God, awakening a little bit of his original aura, and finally partially reappeared that little magical power of swordsmanship!

Ten Thousand Swords and Stars Deduction Method!

In an instant, the yin and yang exploded, and countless sword energy surged out, like starlight. In the intertwining of death and vitality, it seemed to come to life. Every sword light hides a bit of incomplete sword intention, interpreting the mystery of swordsmanship!

This is a sword technique that completely surpasses the realm of divine transformation!

The ferocious coercion was like a bursting flood, rushing in all directions.

In the sky and in the forest, the monks who were attracted all had chest tightness and shortness of breath, their Qi and blood were surging, and their Qi was in chaos!

The sword stars were like stars in the sky, covering the sword heart user, and the surrounding area was even more dark and yellow. He could not avoid it!

"The real Dharma has Yuanling? The magical power of swordsmanship? Thousands of sword intentions?"

There was a look of intoxication on his face, and a little joy burst out from the horror.

"Okay! If you can experience such mysterious sword moves, even if you die, you will have no regrets!" The indifferent face of the swordsman finally had a smile. He sealed the seal and unsheathed the long sword in his arms, "But I won't surrender without mercy! Let this peerless sword move be my test sword! If you succeed, you will reach the heavens, but if you fail, your body will be different!"


A cold light burst out from the scabbard, like the sun rising, shining in all directions!

The aura of the swordsman is rising steadily, the spiritual thoughts in the body are surging, the true energy is boiling, and the two are gradually getting closer.

But somewhere, a feeling of impending disaster filled his heart.

"Refining the gods into the underworld, knowing the blessings and misfortunes? Am I in danger of dying? Ha!" The sword heart user grasped the long sword and merged the human sword into one. "The sword cuts off this disaster, which is to transcend the tribulation and refine the gods! Today I , want to refine God!”

"The sword of Teru Sheng is unsheathed? The master's sword has been cultivated for thirty-three years in order to cut off the disaster that prevents him from advancing to the level of refining the gods. Is he unsheathed this time because of helplessness, or is he at the point of boiling?"

The sword boy came with the sword under the overwhelming pressure. He closed his eyes tightly and expanded the sword heart. His perception penetrated the obstruction of the black and yellow energy, and he saw the sword heart user drawing his sword and rising!

The sword in the hand of the sword heart user seemed to be made of condensed light. With a turn of the sword technique, it stabbed towards the endless starlight!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

In an instant, dozens of sword lights and stars were shattered!

The name of the sword is Zhaosheng, but it swallows life.

The sword intent among the stars is declining and shattering one after another!

The extreme danger and the firm sword intention caused the sword heart to gradually merge with the true spirit and soul in his body. The Zhaosheng sword in his hand became more and more dazzling, and the brilliant broken stars rushed forward, pointing directly at Chen Yuan. The starlight sword energy along the way unexpectedly Nothing can stop it, and there is even a strange shadow looming in the sword!

"Refining the gods gives rise to mysteries, and supernatural powers are derived! Thank you, fellow Taoist Xuyanzi!"

But there was no strange color on Chen Yuan's face, his eyes were calm, reflecting the stars that were constantly shattering, and a halo of light slowly appeared behind him.

Finally, when Teru Shengjian was approaching the point, he turned the seal on his hand, the hair on his head was crazy, and the fangs in his mouth were exposed.

"Thousands of thoughts about the stars will enter the annihilation method."


In an instant, thousands of stars seemed to be frozen at this moment, and even the Zhaosheng Sword stopped in front of Chen Yuan.

Those shattered sword intentions of the stars were reversed between life and death at this moment.

Countless sword moves, as if dead, continue to decay, turning this area into a dead zone of sword moves and sword intent.

Chen Yuan's natal aura in the cave virtual world is called "the aura of annihilation of the starry tribulation".

There is not only the life of stars, but also the silence of death.

The shape of the dying stars spreads to all things, and the light of the sword gradually dims, and the sword intention in it is also dying.

Jian Xin was startled and looked at Chen Yuan with understanding in his eyes.

"So you..."


Suddenly, the sword boy shouted loudly and unsheathed the sword on his back!

This sword is blood red, as if it has been stained with countless blood!

"The Sword of Dynasty's Luck! Cut off the luck!"

It's late, but fortunately it's not past midnight. My little friend fell down just now and has been making trouble. I have to go and see...

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