Depressed Fairy

Chapter 180 The Sword Comes from the Sky

"Brother Jian, your master's cultivation is truly admirable!"

"Yes! If it weren't for Kenshin-senpai to call out that bluff, we, the noble family, would have been deceived by such a clown-like outsider. It would be really shameful! We feel deeply ashamed!"

"I also hope that fellow swordsman Daoist can introduce me to us when the time comes, so I can listen to the teachings under Senior Kenshin's seat."

In the elegant pavilion, the table is full of delicacies, and a group of people sit around the table, changing glasses and drinking wine.

The sword boy was sitting in the main seat. Although he still looked like a young man, his small body did not have any stage fright or disharmony in the wine shop. In addition, the nobles and monks at the table respected him highly and vaguely regarded him as their leader. Instead, the Lord allowed him to set the pace and control the progress of the banquet.

"Of course, my master is already the strongest among His Majesty, and in the future he will even...haha, drink!"

He raised his glass to everyone, then drank it down in one gulp.

Everyone followed suit.

After putting down the wine glasses, the sword boy asked everyone to fill up their glasses with wine.

"Everyone, since you have come to the banquet, you should know my rules. You can also see my teacher if you want to, but the teacher has a distinguished status and is devoted to practice. He does not like to be disturbed by others. Only those who are blood-blooded allies with me , before you can visit!”

"I know! I know! We all know the rules!"

Everyone responded, and after a few breaths, a group of people cut their fingers, dripped blood into the cup, and drank with the sword boy!

There were also monks from aristocratic families present who hesitated slightly, but in the end they bowed their heads and obeyed.

Make an alliance based on blood!

This is the rule of the sword boy.

After defeating "Xuyanzi" with a sword and capturing him alive, the swordsman became a favorite in the eyes of everyone. Even after knowing that he was born in West Whale Island and had a family, the pursuit and pursuit of him continued. Not only did the flattery not subside, but it became even stronger!

That's West Whale Island!

"These dynasty families, in addition to valuing worldly power, also covet immortality and magic. They are greedy and greedy. They want to use their master to climb the big tree of West Whale Island, but they just gave me the opportunity! I am inquiring. At the same time as the traces of the real Xu Yanzi were gathered, he gathered strength."

As soon as the swordsman came out that day, he suppressed the opponent with one sword. Although the "Xuyanzi" was somewhat capable and possessed a magic weapon, the sword boy felt awkward after seeing the information collected by several immortals using their lives. As soon as I thought about it, I realized the problem and guessed that the person who was caught was a fake.

"However, the fake Taoist's technique is so mysterious that he can even imitate and conceal his destiny. In order to take advantage of his plan, he placed it as a bait in the building and let the young man guard it. He also stimulated it with words from time to time. Even if he could not bring out the real person, he used it as a bait. If you fish them out, you might be able to get some information."

Putting down the wine glass, feeling the power of luck gathering from everyone, he sneered secretly, and at the same time silently used mystical skills to guide the luck to a "sword" in his heart!

The sword of luck!

"Master always said that I was distracted by other people's concerns and that I was not pure enough in the way of swordsmanship. However, Master needed my help because he was too pure. That's why the Lord's hidden life was secretly entrusted to me this time! Besides, the way of swordsmanship is not pure enough. It is never just a sword in my hand, but also a dynasty sword! The sword of the world that I have cultivated with the dynasty destiny of this mortal family will make Master look at me with admiration sooner or later!"


While he was thinking, there was a sudden tremor of spiritual energy in the air around him!


With a thought in his heart, the sword boy swayed and reached the window. He opened the window and took a look from a distance. He immediately saw layers of spiritual power fluctuations and the thunder falling straight down from the sky!

"Overcoming the tribulation? No, it's more like the birth of a treasure!"

Suddenly, he remembered the fluctuation of spiritual energy outside the city that he had noticed seven days ago!

At that time, he thought it was information related to Xuyanzi, but then Xuyanzi appeared in the city and was easily defeated and captured by his teacher! I wanted to look for it afterwards, but I couldn't find any trace.

"Could it be..."

Sudden! His expression changed, and without caring about the people around him, he jumped out of the window, harnessed the light of his sword, and headed straight to the north of the city!


In the pavilion, the sword boy saw the swordsman standing up and about to leave. He immediately stepped forward and handed over his hands: "Master, continue to rest. Disciple will go to investigate first."

The swordsman shook his head: "I'll go check it out personally."

The sword boy said: "Master, my disciple sent out news that you were going to Tuoxuan Mountain, and he excused people from the city to visit you and stayed away for the time being. At the same time, he pushed those people to come and have a look at the fake Taoist. Just to ruin this person's reputation and force him to show up! If you make a move, all your waiting will be in vain."


The sword boy said: "Yes, this person has prepared a substitute in advance, which shows that he has a deep mind and many calculations! We are waiting to grab the fake one, but he doesn't show up. There may be a plan behind it, so we have to wait and see what happens! So, I don't care, I just wait for the other party to make a move." As he spoke, he looked confident.

"Changes have occurred!" The swordsman walked around his disciple, the sword light surging from his body, covering his whole body, "How can you ignore the enemy when you know his whereabouts?" As soon as he finished speaking, the man was like a sword, piercing the air!

Seeing the sword light disappearing in the distance, the sword boy sighed.

"It's precisely because of Master's temperament that I have to think more and prepare more."

He touched his chest with a calm expression, then made a seal with his hand and rose up with the sword!

"Xu Yanzi, you are indeed a good opponent in terms of layout and planning. You have laid out everything and calculated everything! But it's a pity that I have both preparations and backup!"


Thunder falls to the ground!

Lightning jumped on the ground, turning into electric snakes, penetrating deep into the ground!

One after another, lightning finally gathered in the spirit cave!

Whoosh whoosh——

The heat waves and cold breaths alternated, and the spiritual energy quickly dried up!

Crack, crack, crack——

In a series of broken sounds, the furnace that Chen Yuan had refined after his rebirth was full of cracks.

In front of the furnace, thirteen sacrificial vessels had been broken!

Behind the furnace was Chen Yuan's slightly pale and thin body. He seemed to have just recovered from a serious illness, but his eyes were particularly bright, flashing with unspeakable ferocity, and his fangs were exposed in his mouth, but the white hair on his body had disappeared, leaving only a few patterns filled with ancient breath, like tattoos.

The rich death aura was seeping out from the pores all over his body.

"The essence of my mysterious body has transformed into a corpse king. Although I have used special methods to bypass the shackles and condense my life, in order to refine my external incarnation, I have extracted all kinds of power except the essential power and put them into the furnace! I almost couldn't suppress the changes in my body!" Strictly speaking, Chen Yuan is not a human, but a corpse, and in a broad sense, a demon. "However, once the bow is shot, there is no turning back, not to mention that even the furnace has been lost! It's time to harvest!" He exhaled a long breath, pinched the seal with his hands, and stared at the furnace. The lightning that penetrated from the outside world jumped around him, and finally gathered into the furnace with a finger of the seal! Boom! The next moment, the furnace exploded! The fragments were instantly vaporized! In an instant, the rich mist filled the four directions and filled the entire spirit cave. A vague figure loomed in the depths of the clouds, with spiritual light, Xuanhuang, a broken finger hidden in the chest, a golden elixir in the abdomen, and a thick death aura constantly pouring out! These dead airs no longer had the aura of immortal spirits, but were the most concentrated and pure dead air, surging violently as if being expelled!

The dead air was originally just scattered aimlessly, but suddenly it seemed to have found a target and rushed towards Chen Yuan's real body!


In a flash, Chen Yuan's Xuan body foundation that was depleted by the extraction of immortal spirits was mostly made up!

But the essence of the corpse king also showed signs of complete recovery in this process!

The idea of ​​tyranny grew in Chen Yuan's heart.

"This won't do..."

He changed his mind and was about to expel the excess dead air, leaving only the part that he could control, but suddenly he had an idea and slapped the brocade bag!

Suddenly, a corpse and a living soul flew out.

The remnant soul appeared, groggy, looking around, and said: "Master? Where is this? Master, you look..."

"We'll talk about the details later, I'll give you a chance first!" Chen Yuan said, pressing the soul directly into the corpse, and then raised his finger, and the extra dead air roared out, filling the corpse!

The corpse immediately trembled, fangs appeared in its mouth, hair grew on its head, and white hair on its body surged!

"You're still talking about my appearance, aren't you uglier than me?"

This living soul and corpse are naturally Wang Fuyin.

His soul and body were separated at the Ascension Platform. Although Chen Yuan arrived in time, Canxia Zhenren's means were ruthless and still killed his physical body. Therefore, even if the living soul and body were still intact, they could not be resurrected, but they could also be carried in the brocade bag and brought to the Gou Chen Realm by Chen Yuan.

"Since you call me Master, it's just right for you to inherit my legacy."

Looking at Wang Fuyin, who was shrouded in death and fell into a deep sleep, Chen Yuan whispered, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked up and squinted his eyes. After a few breaths, he turned his head to look at the vague figure in the depths of the clouds.

"After all, the fire is still a little short. The incarnation magic weapon is not yet mature and cannot be used for the time being. This refining calamity has to be done by my original body. Fortunately, although this incarnation cannot be used directly, there are many scraps during the refining process. If left alone, they will dissipate. It's just right to use it to overcome the calamity! Besides, the incarnation is right next to it, and it is convenient to borrow power..."

After the thought fell, he swept his long sleeves!

Buzz buzz buzz——

Suddenly, in the depths of the clouds, spiritual light, white jade fragments, fairy spirit, Xuanhuang residual energy and other trivial things turned into his sleeves. He suddenly opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing all the death energy that was still surging into his stomach, and then he didn't stop for a moment, and pointed his finger into a sword and slashed upwards!

The sword energy was cold!


The sword energy broke through the layers of mud and sand and soared into the sky!

But the next moment, this sword energy was shattered by another sword energy!

The sword heart came from the air, the sword light enveloped his body, and he came straight to kill!

The spiritual light of the heavenly Gang and the earthly evil, the sword energy of the nine heavens!

"Break through the sand and ride the wind to get out of the cave, and the ambition is to kill the flying dragon!"

Chen Yuan's robe fluttered, facing the surging sword rainbow, he also pointed out with one finger!

In an instant, the mixed power in his body, under the guidance of the spiritual light, condensed into a stream and roared out!

"The art of the sword light of the mixed primordial energy!"

The second update will be around 11:30...

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