Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 639 Victory is in sight

The two of them chased him all the way while swinging the iron rod desperately.

However, the "detective who knew too much" who was very close at hand was lucky enough to escape every time.

As Jiang Xia continued to approach the gate, Ren Zhaojiro and his accomplices' hearts were already in their throats.

Just when they were ruthless and ready to chase him outside to kill him, Jiang Xia tripped and accidentally hit the half-open door.

The door clicked shut as he banged it shut.

The only unlocked door opened inwards.

Now, the detective's escape path was blocked by himself, and he finally stopped in confusion.

Ren Zhaojiro felt happy, he didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

He shouted and waved the iron pipe vigorously. The iron pipe whipped up the wind and hit Jiang Xia's head hard.

Then, with a muffled bang, Jiang Xia raised his hand and held it.

The iron rod that had just smashed a shallow hole in the wall fell into Jiang Xia's hands, and it turned out to be like a plastic rod played by a child, without any impact on him.

This completely inconsistent situation made the two pursuers startled at the same time. Although the weapon of another accomplice was not caught, he was originally thin and timid. Now, holding the half of the iron pipe that had not been swung down, he stopped in surprise.

The next second, the door suddenly clicked.

The two followed the noise and took a closer look. They found that for some reason, Jiang Xia suddenly locked the door.


Jiang Xia calmly took back the puppet clay in his palm.

Then, feeling the murderous aura chasing him all the way, he turned around in a good mood.

Soon, Ren Zhaojiro and Sakada Yu saw him reaching into his arms, as if he wanted to take something, but suddenly thought of something on the way, gave up the action, and turned to use force to pull the iron rod from Ren Zhaojiro's hand. come out.

"..." Ren Zhaojiro's palm was suddenly empty. He felt the friction pain of the stick being forcefully pulled away, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. Without any time to think, he instinctively grabbed the iron rod of his accomplice and swung it again...



Before he could make a move, the iron rod in Jiang Xia's hand swept over smoothly and hit him on his forearm.

The water pipe in Ren Zhaojiro's hand spun and flew out, then fell with a clang. He broke into a cold sweat due to the sharp pain on his forearm and held his arm in pain.

Before he could recover from the stinging pain, his collar suddenly tightened. Immediately afterwards, amid the screams of the timid companions next to him, Ren Zhaojiro's eyes were dazzled and he was thrown to the floor of the mansion.

"Before you do something that cannot be seen in the light, you must close the door first." A calm voice came from above the head - their target of silence sighed softly like a teacher who encountered a stupid student, "This is common sense. "


Zhifeng University, next to Lover's Lake.

Hattori Heiji and a group of police officers followed the prompts in the script and searched for a possible place where the "youkai's nose" might refer. In addition, they also borrowed fishing nets from the school staff and used the stones along the lakeside to catch dead horses as live ones.

But apart from some innocent fish and shrimps on the Internet, nothing else was found.

Hattori Heiji went to the bridge cave to look around, and looked for a few rockery stones with special shapes, but he didn't find them either.

He scratched his hair with a hint of irritation, and while mentally reviewing the parts of the script related to "A-Zhen", he circled around the lake.

As he walked, his pace gradually slowed down and finally stopped completely.

Next to him, Yuan Shan and Ye took a few steps forward and suddenly felt that someone was missing from their side.

She turned around and looked at Hattori Heiji who stopped suddenly: "What's wrong?"

"I always feel..." Hattori Heiji looked at the lake and raised his hand to gesture, "It looks familiar."

"Looks familiar?" Yuan Shan and Ye thought he was referring to the people on the bridge.

She squinted and looked there, and found that it was a beautiful female student. She frowned unhappily: "I don't know her!"

"No, I'm not saying it looks familiar." Hattori Heiji said in fragments based on his intuition, "It's the lake from this angle...huh?!"

He suddenly remembered, punched the palm of his hand, and said slightly excitedly: "I understand, it's the mansion where the movie was filmed just now! There is a painting in it, which depicts the lake from this angle."

In order to fit the style of a foreign mansion, the brushstrokes and colors of that painting tended to be exaggerated. But combined with the rockery, trees and bridges, it can still be seen that its prototype is the Lovers' Lake from this angle.

"In addition, the line of 'Azhen' in the script is 'There are monsters living here in summer, but don't worry, even strong mistakes will also have weaknesses. The weak point of this monster is its nose'——

"Looking from here, you can't see the bridge hole, and there's no other part that looks like a nose. In addition, the season doesn't match. It's late autumn, and the trees are withered and yellow, but the script says 'summer', which means that clue It’s probably not referring to the lake itself, but to the mansion—the main color of the painting in the mansion is green, and that’s where the real clue lies!”

Hattori Heiji was reasoning quickly and was in a good mood because he had solved the puzzle.

Solving mysteries is certainly nothing unusual for a high school detective.

But when he met Jiang Xia, he successfully solved the puzzle on his own, instead of being poured a pot of correct answers by Jiang Xia in the middle of thinking and just when he was reasoning... He could brag about this with Kudo for a week.

"Go and have a look at that mansion." Hattori Heiji quickly ran in the direction of the mansion, and at the same time said to Toyama Kazuha, "Go and call the police."

Yuan Shan and Ye responded and instinctively took out their mobile phones.

Then, I suddenly remembered that there were a bunch of policemen right next to me. Her fingers that had just pressed two "1"s froze.

Then he exited the call interface as if nothing happened and trotted to find the police who were recovering evidence by the lake.

Hattori Heiji was running halfway when he suddenly remembered that the door of the mansion was locked - when he left the haunted house just now, he saw the crew finishing filming. As the crew left with the equipment, school staff locked the door.

So he turned around and went to see the school janitor on the way, hoping to borrow the key to the mansion.

——In the mansion, there are clues left behind by the deceased. If you find it, you should be able to solve the murder case and uncover the bigger case behind it.

However, borrowing the key did not go smoothly.

"The key has been borrowed."

The administrator took a sip of tea happily: "Jiang Xia was here just now - by the way, you know Jiang Xia, the famous high school detective."

As he spoke, he wanted to take out his collection of case clippings to educate this seemingly rash high school student.

But on the way, the administrator suddenly remembered something. He stared at Hattori Heiji for a moment, and suddenly started flipping through the newspaper clippings: "Hey, your color looks familiar. Could you be..."

He raised his head as he spoke, then paused.

——The high school detective from Osaka didn’t even listen to what he said and had already hurried away.

I think no one will notice if I miss an update...

Ahem, second update tomorrow.

I'll try my best to do five updates tomorrow, I'm too busy today (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c)

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