Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 638: How can we not close the door when silence is silenced? Please vote for me

In the shadows of the corridor.

Two pairs of eyes stared at Jiang Xia's back.

After seeing Jiang Xia's "That's it!" expression, Ren Zhaojiro and Sakada Yu looked at each other, showing a trace of joy.

——Fortunately, they did not follow the other detectives and chose to stay and monitor Jiang Xia, a famous detective. Otherwise, Jiang Xia might have exposed everything while they were busy following the police looking for clues. In that case, everything will be too late.

The two of them sighed as they followed Jiang Xia away.

——Ren Zhaojiro and Sakada Yu are actors and prop masters who often collaborate.

In addition to their superficial identities, the two are also members of the "art theft group" in the news. On weekdays, they take advantage of their work to mix stolen goods into the crew's props, transport and sell them. This way it has escaped countless scrutiny.

The screenwriter who was killed just now had a background in writing suspense dramas. He usually collected various social cases as inspiration for his writing.

A while ago, the screenwriter accidentally discovered that a reported stolen artwork had appeared in their crew. At first, he thought it was just a similar imitation. However, after a casual check, he found that the "prop" that appeared on the set was missing. Moreover, after looking through the recently shot videos, there was no trace of it in any scene. It was used in the play - it didn't seem to be one of their props, but something else that had slipped in.

After arousing suspicion, the detective soul hidden in the screenwriter's heart awakened. He began to investigate the matter seriously.

But Ren Zhaojiro and Sada Yu were unprepared for this. Not long after, the screenwriter captured a scene of them holding several resale items and happily discussing the prices.

After getting the evidence, the screenwriter hesitated for a moment and did not call the police.

Instead, he was inspired and wrote a script with hidden secrets, intending to use this as a hint to make his acquaintances and resellers realize that the matter was exposed and take the initiative to go to the police to surrender.

——In the script written by the screenwriter, the murderer is none other than "Ah Zhen". The pseudonym "てい" of "Sada" is similar to the ancient writing method of "Butterfly" which is the same as "Miao" of Ren Zhaojiro. In addition, the prototype of Madame Butterfly that appears in the plot also uses homophones to allude to "Ren Zhaojiro".

As the screenwriter wished, the two criminals soon realized that they had been exposed.

But then, things were different from what the screenwriter expected.

——The two did not surrender, but gradually became murderous towards the screenwriter.

The screenwriter felt the murderous intent coming from around him, and after getting entangled, he quickly packed up his package and ran away. This is why he "ran away from the crew."

In the second script just sent, the screenwriter hinted at where he hid the memory card - in the memory card was the evidence of reselling that he had photographed.

At this point, the screenwriter was still thinking about his plan to "make the prisoner surrender." The memory card was left just in case - today, the screenwriter did come to the set to observe. When he saw Jiang Xia accidentally entering the crew, he temporarily added some lines to the second episode that hinted at the location of the memory card. Time was tight and he had no time to think carefully, which resulted in the lines of the Riddler "A-Zhen" being very abrupt. The screenwriter believes that if something happens to him, the evidence left behind may be discovered by Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia also did know the location of the memory card.

After he left the hotel, he quickly returned to Zhifeng University and found the filming location where the crew was when he first met him.

——A historic mansion.

The crew has finished filming the relevant plot here and has already evacuated.

The mansion was not open to visitors, the doors on all sides were locked, and there was no one inside.

The administrator of this university happens to be a mystery enthusiast and collects a lot of newspaper clippings of solved crimes.

Jiang Xia brushed her face and asked him to borrow the key. Then, when the other party asked him expectantly, "Would you like to help?", she decisively refused and left quickly. A qualified high school detective should be a leader until the truth is revealed. The tough-talking Riddler + The Lone Ranger, this is common sense.

The administrator is old and cannot react as well as young people. After sighing after being rejected, Jiang Xia had already left quickly.

The administrator had other jobs. Without the excuse of "the detective asked me for help", he could not miss work without permission and could only watch Jiang Xia leave with regret.

Jiang Xia got the key, opened the door of the mansion, and entered the lobby.

Although the school's foreign-style building is old, the valuable antiques inside have been scattered throughout the collection.

Nowadays, the only items displayed inside are some antique-style modern handicrafts.

Of course the paintings hanging on the walls are all the same.

Jiang Xia entered the hall, glanced around, and quickly landed on the diagonally opposite wall.

There is a landscape painting with a greenish main color, depicting a summer lake - this is exactly what Hattori Heiji mentioned just now, the famous scenic lake at Chiho University.

A little outside the frame, on the wall near the top, there is a hole left after the pipe was removed. The hole is partially covered by decorative flowers.

Jiang Xia walked towards the hole.

He didn't bother to use the puppet clay to pull out the things hidden inside. Instead, after looking up for a while, like a normal person, he honestly moved a stool, raised it up, put his feet close to the hole, and searched carefully. .

It didn't take long for him to find a mini ziplock bag from the cracks in the rocks.

Picking up the bag and shaking off the earth and stones used to cover it, you can see that there is a black memory card in the bag - it is the evidence of the crime of Ren Zhaojiro and Sakada Ou stealing antiques.

Jiang Xia looked at the memory card, curled up the corners of her lips, showed a smile that should be seen after solving a difficult problem, and jumped down from the stool.

Just as he stood firm, he suddenly felt the light behind him dim.

He was startled for a moment, then tilted his head hastily.

An iron rod passed by his hair with a "Woo-" sound, making an astonishing sound of breaking through the air. Unable to hit the target, the iron rod finally hit the wall, smashing down a large piece of wall skin and causing the earth to fall.

Jiang Xia followed the dodge action and took two steps back, with surprise in his eyes - he looked at the people in front of him who were wrapped in hats and masks, as if he didn't know when these two people touched behind him.

At this time, the attack missed, and the tall man in the lead let out an impatient "tsk".

The shorter one couldn't help but panic when he saw Jiang Xia retreating towards the door: "Stop him, don't let him go out!"

The two of them did not expect that Jiang Xia would be lucky enough to avoid this attack from behind.

So the door was not locked.

After all, according to their plan, the two people's script was: knock down Jiang Xia with one stick, beat him to death with another stick, and then take the memory card and run away - in this case, locking the door would only delay their escape.

The plan was quite smooth, but I didn't want to implement it and got stuck on the first step.

...But it’s not a big problem.

This mansion is not small. Just beat Jiang Xia to death before he goes out.


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