Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2444 2448 [Judy’s Dream Castle]

Akai Shuichi flew into the car and slammed the door.

Judy cooperated with him tacitly, stepped on the accelerator hard, and the sports car sped out, passing the buzzing police cars and fire trucks on the road.

"The police here are very efficient." Judy glanced at the increasingly familiar police car through the car window, and sighed in fear, "Fortunately, there are many people in the park, and our colleagues who are looking for bullets are not It’s conspicuous.”

She glanced at Akai Shuichi's face in the rearview mirror, and was startled by the rare murderous look on her colleague's face: "...What happened?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Judy suddenly came back to her senses and silently closed her mouth: What happened, do you still need to ask? ——The flames of the sports car exploding in the distance have not yet been extinguished. She saw this grand scene, James saw it, and the general public also saw it... If she were the protagonist on this stage, her face would probably only be Even uglier than Shuichi Akai.

Thinking of this, Judy laughed dryly and changed the topic. She began to take the initiative to report today's gratifying results: "After the sports car fell from the building, our people heard the noise and broke in, and took down all the men in black who were tied up in the center of the hall - just pry open their mouths , we will definitely get useful clues and bring Uzo to justice!”

Akai Shuichi was silent for a moment, but he was not optimistic about this matter: Judging from what happened just now, Kidd is likely to have something to do with Uzo, or at least be influenced and controlled by Uzo.

And the FBI was able to take down the men in black upstairs so smoothly because Kidd tied them up with fishing lines before jumping off the building... From this point of view, even if those guys really fell into the hands of the FBI, this matter I'm afraid it will be difficult to pose a threat to Uzo.

Akai Shuichi: "..." The other party is hiding, and they are showing up. As long as Uzo's true identity is not revealed, the failures caused by this disadvantage will happen again and again.

But on the other hand, in order to find out the true identity of that person, the FBI keeps repeating this kind of failure... If this continues, things seem to have become an endless loop with no solution.

Akai Shuichi pressed his forehead and decided to reorganize the events of this period from the beginning in order to find a way out of the dead situation in front of him.

Judy did not disturb the silent anti-Uzo fighter. She drove quietly and quickly arrived at a base near the FBI.

When they arrived at the garage, the two of them got out of the car one after another.

At this time, Judy's ears twitched, and she always felt that there seemed to be a clanging sound when Shuichi Akai closed the car door.

She glanced back in confusion, her eyes fell on Akai Shuichi's wrist, and she was suddenly startled: "What's going on!"

Akai Shuichi came to his senses and looked down at the fuse on his wrist that caused tonight's tragedy. His eyebrows jumped: "The enemy's trap."

Judy thought of the sports car that jumped off the building at high speed, and Akai Shuichi who had to fall with the sports car for some reason, and vaguely understood something: "Um...oh."

She dropped the topic and looked carefully at the stubble of the handcuffs: "This mark... was broken by a gun? Didn't it mean that your gun was in Kidd's hand, and he fired the gun tonight?"

This made Judy a little confused for a while. After all, if Shuichi Akai said that the Phantom Thieves were enemies, then there seemed to be no need for him to help Shuichi break the handcuffs, unless...

She felt she understood, and said in surprise: "Did you take the gun back from Kidd's hand?"

Akai Shuichi: "...No."

Judy: "..."

She cleared her throat, changed the subject again, and talked about something else as if nothing had happened: "Anyway, take this thing off first. The situation was critical and you didn't have time to pry it. You can't keep it on now."

As she said that, Judy took out a piece of wire and helped Akai Shuichi pry it up: This thing is worn on the wrist like a prisoner, so it is unlucky - she was not so superstitious before, but since she entered N in the police station a while ago, Now, every time Judy sees the handcuffs, she can't help but feel unlucky. She always feels that one day these things may be handcuffed on her wrists.

Therefore, during this period of time, Judy spent a lot of time honing her already good lock-picking skills and getting used to the tricks with her handcuffs raised.

Akai Shuichi lowered his head and sighed: "No need to waste your efforts, get a chainsaw. I just tried it, these handcuffs can't be pried..."


In Judy's hand, the handcuffs that were originally integrated were easily pried open.


The two looked at each other, then silently looked down at the handcuffs.

An awkward atmosphere flowed nearby.

For a moment, Judy wanted to cuff the handcuffs back and pretend that nothing happened. Unfortunately, at this moment, the door opened and closed, and James walked in.

"Huh?" James looked at the wire and handcuffs in Judy's hand with a surprised look on his face. The exhaustion accumulated for a day made him blurt out without much thinking, "I remember in the surveillance just now, Xiuyi secretly pried it open for a long time without even prying it open. , how come you opened it as soon as it came into your hands? How did you practice lockpicking recently? Send me a tutorial, and I’ll ask Kamel and the others to follow suit.”

Judy: "..." Stop talking! I haven’t figured out what to talk about next! !

Fortunately, at this moment, a ringtone broke the awkward atmosphere - James' cell phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and glanced at the caller ID. His eyelids twitched slightly when he saw "Tokyo Police" in his note.

After picking up the phone and listening to a few words, the elderly FBI superior began to look towards Shuichi Akai. He cleared his throat and said seriously to the person on the other side of the phone: "I'm not sure, I guess not - the guy wearing a knitted hat. There are actually a lot of people. I bumped into two or three while eating today. This matter probably has nothing to do with us. Why don’t you ask someone else? Well, um, please, I’ll let you know when I contact him.”

After he hung up the phone, Judy couldn't help but ask: "The police are here?"

James nodded: "Don't worry, it's not a big problem. I've watched some of the videos taken by passers-by - fortunately, Xiuyi likes to wear black clothes and use a hat and mask to cover his facial features. This kind of dress can be seen in the night It’s difficult to get a clear picture, so the police probably just made a routine inquiry and fooled them.”

Only then did he realize why Shuichi Akai didn't want to report the gun to the police: without getting the gun information, the police could rely on a knitted hat to associate him with him, and if he really reported it at this juncture, If he is prepared to throw away his gun, the police's suspicion of him will definitely increase significantly.

Once this happens, even if Shuichi Akai is the victim, the FBI will have to spend a lot of time dealing with the police, and the men in black they just caught may have to spit them out again - in which case they will get nothing. Got it

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