Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2443 2447 [The boss just wants to retire]

Kidd was cursing, but suddenly there was a chill in his back. He frowned and looked around, finding Akai Shuichi staring straight at the gun in his hand.

"This guy can't get a gun by himself, so he wants to take it from me?" Kidd snorted inwardly, "What a bastard who repays kindness with vengeance. I didn't pull out the gun just to help you break the handcuffs... and he actually wanted to take it from me. You are looking down on me if you steal something from me! Although I am the second generation who has inherited the reputation, I am still an international thief who makes the police fearful!"

He used his hand speed to tie a parachute to Akai Shuichi, raised his hand and pushed the person out, and added a taunt: "You don't even have a gun, how dare you come out to rob?"

As he spoke, he opened his hang glider, and in the flames of the sports car crashing to the ground below, he hugged the cat he had just caught and left like a hero.

However, for some reason, the cat actually kicked him in retaliation, as if it wanted to break away from him and jump to Akai Shuichi.

"Have you been infected by him too?" Kidd brought the cat to his eyes and said seriously, "Don't imitate him, he is a bad person!"

Dark clouds tread on the snow cat: "..."

Akai Shuichi, who was unable to move freely in the air: "..."

The explosion's fire lit up the night and startled people walking in the park.

Everyone looked up and saw a white shadow streaking across the night sky and disappearing into the distance. At the same time, a man in black hanging from a parachute floated down.

Everyone was stunned: "What's going on?"

The person who reacted quickly had already picked up his mobile phone: "Hello? Police, this is Zhi Park, and a sports car suddenly fell from the sky just now... Yes, sports car... ah? I'm awake, I'm not talking nonsense! If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself look!

"There was also a person who fell from the sky with a parachute on his back... Why did someone parachute? I don't know. Maybe someone was racing on a nearby viaduct, and then broke through the railing and fell. What? There is no viaduct near Shiba Park? That's none of my business. What happened? Anyway, a car and a person fell down. If you don’t believe me, I’ll take a picture and show it to you!”

He hung up the phone angrily, picked up the phone, pointed it at the person in the sky and started clicking.

Akai Shuichi: "..."

No matter how powerful the ace is, he can't suddenly take the air walk without preparation. Akai Shuichi hung on the fluttering parachute, looking down at the large crowd of people below who were looking up at him. He was silent for a moment, and could only silently pull up the mask on his face.

While trying to adjust the direction of his parachute, he tried his best to land in a direction with fewer people. He pulled the microphone on his collar and called his colleagues: "My gun is in the hands of Kaitou Kidd. He just handed over the handover between Tokyo Tower and Shiba Park." Click to empty the magazine."

James, who had just arrived nearby, was stunned when he heard this, and a series of questions popped up in his mind: "Kid the Phantom he also a subordinate of that person? Doesn't he only steal things and not kill people? Why is he firing so many guns?"

"..." Akai Shuichi looked at the half handcuffs still hanging on his wrists and didn't want to answer this question. But his professionalism and his boss' questioning forced him to say, "Perhaps it is to let the police pick up the bullet casing left by my gun and further increase suspicion on me, so as to drive a wedge between the two parties and weaken the Tokyo police's view of us." "

James was relieved when he heard that Kidd was shooting empty guns: If the gun brought by the FBI was used by gangsters to kill people, then things would be really bad.

He was afraid and said: "Speaking of your gun, since we can't get it back at all, how about we go to the Tokyo police and report the mistake."

Akai Shuichi looked at the growing crowd below and more and more cameras directed at him. He experienced a headache for the first time in a long time: It was okay not to tell the Tokyo police about the gun, but if he did, the other party would follow " Shuichi Akai's gun" Think about it for a moment... Even if he covered his face, the Tokyo police might guess his identity.

His people are here, and his gun is here. In this case, the gun fired several times at the same position... Even if he reports it now, his impression on the police will probably only be Adding a "liar" to the "gun-toting FBI" further ruins the credibility.

"Try to pick up the bullet casings first." Shuichi Akai is a lone wolf. He rarely needs to rely on his companions, but at this time he realized the value of his companions. If there are more people, at least he can find things faster. "I will predict The bullet casings that arrived may be sent to you. As long as no evidence is left, the police will not know that my gun was fired. We will wait until this matter is over."

James: "...Okay."

In the dark night when I couldn't see my fingers, I was searching for a few scattered bullet casings in the complex terrain of the park... Alas, I always felt that the complaints of other subordinates were getting worse.

James: "..." Also, I have to remind them that they must act as a team to avoid being involved in a murder case if they become alone - if they become a suspect, there is still a chance for the detective to help clear the suspicion, but if they become a victim, Then the matter is irreversible.

After all, based on his limited understanding of Uzo, this might be another set within a set... Damn it, why did he encounter such an opponent? Putting aside the actual lethality of that person, the psychological pressure that makes people always worry about encountering a case is enough to overwhelm some members with poor psychological quality.

"Am I going to have to equip my subordinates with a group of psychiatrists in the future?" James listened to the whispers on the channel and sighed worriedly, "The expenses are going to increase again. Before, I was thinking about the low prices here. Gao, I can travel and enjoy life during my break from work, but now..."

Now I have neither money nor time.

...Even if he tried hard to save a vacation to travel, he still doubted that after arriving at the scenic spot after a long journey, what greeted him was not the wonderful scenery and local delicacies, but a collapsed corpse, and the ensuing... The police came for questioning.

James: "..."

No, we can’t be so pessimistic! Once he catches that person and wipes out the entire organization, he must take a few months off to relax!

FBI members disguised themselves as tourists and sneaked into the park, cursing and groping for bullet casings around the tower.

On the other side, Akai Shuichi finally landed.

He landed in a deserted corner as he wished. After tumbling to the ground, Fbi cut off the sling with his backhand, stuffed the high-tech parachute into his bag, and quickly evacuated before being blocked by onlookers.

"This way!" Judy, who came to meet him, poked his head out of the car and waved to him.

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