Chaos Fiend

Chapter 210: Conquering the Great Lord of the Sea Beasts (1)

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

On the other side, Ye Chen ignored the departure of Sun Guangxin and others. He was already immersed in the madness of killing. The beasts around him were more like cannon fodder, and he even shot one. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

And each of his shots is a combination of mental strength, physical strength, and physical power. Each shot is extremely powerful, and this power is still being improved, because now Ye Chenchun is fighting by instinct, the fusion of the three types of power It is also invisible improvement.

However, his heart is still a little unpleasant, because his body can't bear too much power, and he can't continue to use Tiantianjue. If he has no limit, Ye Chen really thinks he can be unlimited. Use it.

It's a pity now, his power has only broken through to the Purple Seven Stars, and the physical strength has reached the peak of the Purple Five Stars, but there is no way to improve, and the mental strength is still the peak of the Purple Four Stars and has not improved.

Of course, if an outsider sees Ye Chen's time in this moment and breaks through three layers of physical strength and one layer of physical strength, I'm afraid I will be stunned.

And because it ’s not easy to swallow the sky, Ye Chen ’s mind that swallowed down without limit also broke, and the red light in his eyes slowly disappeared with the continuous fighting, which also counted as his own control. 'Fire into the magic', his body shape also returned to normal in battle.

Although Ye Chen walked out of the fire and into the demon, the demon in the chaos beast smiled strangely, but Ye Chen didn't find it.

The three silver sea beast lords did not expect that the sea beasts under their control were so garbage, one by one outraged.

In fact, there is no way. Ye Chen's strength could not be treated in accordance with common sense. Now she has improved so much. Even if the beast lord of the purple peak, Ye Chen can also shoot one.

After killing the Purple Sea Beast Lord, Ye Chen will take out Hai Dan, and at this moment, dozens of Hai Dan were also taken out.

The three silver sea beast lords finally dispatched themselves, a dragon whale, a tiger shark, and finally a giant octopus.

The three big silver sea beast lords opened their mouths, and the dead sea beast corpses were all swallowed by them.

The size of the three big silver sea beast lords has become a little bigger, and it can be seen that although they have reached the silver level, these sea beasts are still a great complement to them.

As for the other surviving sea beasts, they retreated and left here far away.

"Human, you have disrupted our plan, you **** it!" The silver dragon whale collar advocated speaking.

"Oh? What plans do you have?" Ye Chen was weird. Until now, he didn't know why these people and the sea beasts were fighting? And what exactly do these people do?

"Huh, humans often have to annihilate our sea beasts. This time, our sea beasts will teach humans a hard lesson and wipe out all their ships at sea!" The Silver Tiger Shark Lord said at this time.

And the silver giant octopus turned out to be the silver tiger shark, but the sound was extremely sharp, just like the eunuch, "So this time you disrupted our plan and let the group of humans escape, you **** it!"

"Oh, I don't care about your business. Besides, even if humans do not hunt your sea beasts, your sea beasts will still devour each other. And are there still few humans eaten by your sea beasts?" Although Ye Chen has not seen, But the previous tragic situation has also been seen.

"We know that you human beings are eloquent, and don't talk to you too much. You are powerful. If you eat you, we will go one step further!" The silver dragon whale opened its mouth and bite Ye Chen.

"Huh? Dare to let me enter your belly? Then I will make you look good."

Ye Chen did not expect the silver dragon whale to come to swallow him, because the sea beasts can be said to be the strongest place is their stomachs, at least they can melt enemies that are three or four stars stronger than themselves, as long as they swallow the stomach, they are not afraid, but Ye Chen Obviously not an ordinary purple seven star. Similarly, Ye Chen would not miss such a good opportunity and entered the belly of the silver dragon whale! !!

"Huh, what garbage humans haven't been swallowed by me!" The silver dragon whale smugly said.

"Isn't that good for you?" Tiger sharks and giant octopuses were a little unwilling. "The human beings are very powerful. It ’s good for us if you eat them. Is n’t it good for you to swallow them alone?"

"Hey, aren't there two more people? Although they are not as powerful as they were just now, it's not bad. We caught them. It would be better if you were one of them?" Said the dragon whale.

"Okay, that's it! The biggest bargain is for you to pick it up! Your Majesty's Purple Peak Sea Beast must let us eat ten of them all!" Tiger shark and giant octopus said.

"That's it!" The whale agreed.

And Su Yunzhe and early summer obviously did not expect Ye Chen to be eaten by the whale in this way. Ye Chen should not be so weak?

But neither of them had time to think about it. The three silver lords had already rushed towards the two, and their huge size had completely blocked all the routes in which they escaped.

But just when the two were about to fight, the huge body of the dragon whale suddenly writhed on the sea.

They could still faintly hear the voice from the dragon whale's body, "Sky Dragon Gun, Sky Dragon Gun, sweeping in all directions!"

It turned out that after Ye Chen entered the stomach of the dragon whale, it was found that the stomach of the dragon whale was all the body of the sea animal just now, and it had not been completely digested by the dragon whale.

The digestive juice carried a strong corrosive force, and slammed on Ye Chen, making a loud noise, and at the same time corroded the strength of his body.

Of course, if Ye Chen does not resist, he will be digested by the whale.

But how could Ye Chen not resist?

Thinking, Ye Chen no longer hesitated, and launched an attack on the inside of the whale.

The first shot of Ye Chen was just a tentative attack. He used the ice dragon gun to attack the whale. But the stomach wall of the whale did not break.

Yes, in addition to the amazing digestive power of sea beasts, they also have amazing defensive power so that they can swallow a living creature. Even if the living creature wants to resist, it cannot break the stomach wall of the dragon whale.

However, since Ye Chen has already experimented, he will not keep his hands. He will again use the terrestrial lance of the three series. At the same time, he is also paying attention to the degree of integration. Of course, he should also train himself. Shooting the Heaven and Earth Dragon Gun over and over again.

Coupled with his current strength, physical strength and mental strength, it is really terrifying, so I haven't seen any loss in this fight. But the degree of integration is getting higher and higher, and the power is getting stronger and stronger.

The stronger Ye Chen's attacking power, the defensive power of the dragon whale decreased relatively. In this way, finally, the dragon whale's stomach can be punctured, and the dragon whale finally felt the pain, and it was Getting painful.

"Boy, give me a hand!" The dragon whale reluctantly roared. The stomach of the sea beast is actually the place where the sea beast has the strongest defense and the strongest attack, but at this time, it was attacked by Ye Chen like paper. How painful is the dragon whale? Only he knew in his heart.

"Such a good practice target, do you think I will give up?" Ye Chen's laughter rang in the stomach of the dragon whale, and his attack did not stop.

"Then how can you stop the attack?" The dragon whale said in pain.

"Well, I heard that humans can have sea beast mounts, so you can be my mount!" Ye Chen said.

"Impossible! I am the silver sea beast lord within a thousand miles, and I have wisdom. Even if you kill me, I will not be your mount!" The whale angered.

"Really? Since you choose not to surrender, then die! Anyway, your silver Haidan, I can also be of great use, maybe I can improve my level!" Ye Chen continued to attack with a smile, "Heaven and Earth Dragon gun! "

Ye Chen used most of his strength this time. Now his strength should be comparable to the silver three or four star emperor. He directly penetrated the stomach of the dragon whale, and then penetrated the stomach of the dragon whale. It is the thickest part of it, and the stomach wall is punctured, not to mention the stomach? But it was just a hole in the tip of the gun. Ye Chen then took the ice dragon gun back.

"Oh!" The whale screamed in pain, and shouted, "Human, can you get out of me ?!"

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