Chaos Fiend

Chapter 209: Take the opportunity to leave

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

If you want to do it, Ye Chen's strength has improved, and the red light in his eyes has been rising. The whole person has swelled. What devil are you afraid of?

In the central area, there are about a dozen purple sea beast lords. They are all in the early purple period, and Ye Chen is not strong. This time, Ye Chen shot at a dozen purple sea beast lords at the same time. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

But this time, unlike before, a purple sea beast lord can die over with very little movement. Ye Chen cannot deal with a dozen of them this time. "Virtual magic skills, animal sounds, ice dragon roar!"

Ye Chen, however, was hidden among the sea beasts and suddenly shot. The purple sea beast lords couldn't react at all, and an ice dragon roared through their bodies, fixing all the purple sea beast lords in place.

"The Heaven and Earth Dragon Gun!" After one shot, more than a dozen purple sea beast lords were headshot.

"Swallow the sky!" Under Ye Chen swallowing the sky, the bodies of more than a dozen purple sea beast lords were drawn into the devouring space.

And the sea beast hidden by Ye Chen was also squeezed into the chaotic battlefield under his control.

But this time, a dozen purple sea beast lords died suddenly, and they completely disappeared in a flash, finally attracted the attention of the silver sea beast lord. The purple sea beast lord only had a preliminary consciousness, and the silver sea beast lord's consciousness had already been with humans. No different.

"Roar roar!" There were three silver sea beast lords fighting in the central area, roaring.

The fighting sea beasts retreated from the battle group, and the three silver sea beast lords also retreated.

When humans saw the sea beasts withdraw, they also moved closer to the three giant ships.

There is a clear distinction between humans and sea beasts.

In addition to the sea water that was dyed red, there were also broken ships that were all smashed by sea beasts. Although the materials of these ships were strong, they could not hold a large number of sea beasts.

Even the hulls of the three giant ships are full of potholes.

And Ye Chen's two hits and Ye Chen's fighting several people naturally know.

Sun Guangxin, Bachen and Hai Rongwei all showed complex colors. If Ye Chen didn't take the shot, they might not die, but the people they brought would be dead, which is equivalent to being rescued by Ye Chen. How to deal with the relationship with Ye Chen.

But to say that the most complicated aspect of the cheek is the early summer, that 'Chen Gongzi' actually knows the best sounds of beasts, and he actually knows our best sounds, especially the best sounds. It has nothing to do with our Tian Yinzong, but her teacher Xuan Yin is afraid that she has offended Ye Chen completely. What should I do?

Su Yunzhe's eyes flickered, not knowing what she was thinking.

The three silver sea beast lords among the sea beasts have been communicating, and they are constantly scanning around, trying to see who is secretly shooting!

And human beings will not actively attack sea beasts. In this moment of non-combat, they are in desperation and are resting. Even Hai Rongwei, the city lord of Haicheng, has also started to issue free recovery medicines to allow injured humans to recover quickly.

Humans and sea beasts have fallen into a short stagnation.

As for Ye Chen, who overshadowed more than a dozen purple sea beast lords, he was still hidden in the sea beasts he controlled, and the bodies of a dozen purple sea beast lords were also polite, swallowing the sky directly.

After swallowing, Ye Chen's body swelled at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Dozens of purple sea beast lords, the huge elemental power and flesh essence contained even said that they have reached the peak of the human silver emperor. Where is the current Ye Chen saying swallow it?

But at this time, Ye Chen had already gone a little bit into a demon, all in his mind was to improve his strength, even if his body exploded, he was not afraid!

Absorb, absorb, absorb!

Ascension, ascension, ascension!

And Ye Chen's body soon reached a critical point, he had swelled to a limit, and the body would burst in the next second.

But Ye Chen now relies on his beast-like instincts. At the moment of explosion, he transferred all his energy to the sea beasts he controlled.

The sea beast is now under his control, and one person and one beast can be said to be Ye Chen himself, so it is completely feasible to transfer the absorbed energy into the body of the sea beast he controls.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the sea beasts controlled by Ye Chen were instantly blown apart, and the powerful forces after the explosion blew all the sea beasts into the sky.

As for Ye Chen, the body that had been fattened to the limit could no longer be hidden, revealing that there was a vacuum zone of dozens of meters beside Ye Chen.

And those sea beasts that were blown up into the sea slowly fell into the sea, and the body covered Ye Chen's figure.

But Ye Chen's figure has already been exposed, and now it is blocked again, it has no effect at all!

Especially the three big silver sea beast lords finally found the culprit of Ye Chen, roaring and controlling the sea beasts under his attack on Ye Chen.

In the face of all the sea beasts, Ye Chen is not afraid. It can also be said that he has no other thoughts at all now, as long as his heart becomes stronger, and now he has contained a large amount of strength in his body. Take this opportunity to release it.

Ye Chen took out the ice dragon gun and battled endless sea beasts!

"Dust Chen Xian, let's go!" Seeing that 'Chen Gongzi' actually fought with sea beasts, Hai Rongwei quickly said, 'Let that' Chen Gongzi 'fight with sea beasts, let's go immediately to that island and look for our own Treasures and opportunities. "

"Uncle Hai is right, let's go!" Ku Chen looked at Ye Chen in the battle with the sea beast, and agreed without thinking, "Let 'Dong Chen' drag the sea beast."

"Is it too moral to do this?" Sun Guang news hesitated.

"Dignity? Did he 'Gongzi Chen' tell you about morality in Baibaoxing?" Although he didn't know what Ye Chen had done in Baibaoxing before, which caused Sun Guangxin to chase Ye Chen, it was definitely not a good thing. Road.

"You're right." Sun Guangxin thought about it, and his teacher just didn't let him offend Ye Chen, but he didn't say to help Ye Chen. It is still important to explore the island, especially the island even left the Phoenix Emperor to be stronger Treasure.

"That way, let's leave quickly!" Duchen said.

"Advance towards the island at full speed!" Hai Rongwei, Sun Guangxin, and Dust Chen also ordered!

The rest of the people just had a battle with the sea beast. At this time, the sea beast shifted its target, plus the three leaders ordered to leave. They were relieved. It was better not to fight with the sea beast. As for Ye Chen, hehe, everyone is Selfish, what does Ye Chen's life have to do with them?

But when the fleet started, two people suddenly jumped off the field.

"Early summer? What do you do?" Scar scared, his face and his two little friends were able to survive. Thanks to early summer care, why did early summer jump off the boat again.

"I have something to ask him, can't leave!" ‘Chen Gongzi’ cultivates animal sound tactics. This is one of Tianyinzong ’s skills. In early summer, he would not let Ye Chen die before leaving, and he would not leave.

"But ..." Scarface wanted to say, if you weren't there, there would be no other possibility for the three of them here than to use cannon fodder.

"I'll follow up! You wait for me with the fleet!" Waved in early summer.

Scarface no longer speaks, following the fleet may be cannon fodder, the chance of survival is 50%, but if they go down to follow the early summer and look at endless sea beasts, Scarface feels that there is no 1% chance of survival .

As for the other person who jumped out of the boat, it was Su Yunzhe. The Su family came to explore on their own. Since Ye Chen had rescued them just now, he could not cause Ye Chen to ignore it. Coupled with his decision just now, he is determined to follow Ye Chen, and he will not give up Ye Chen.

There was no objection or agreement between the two people's choices. In short, people have their own aspirations.

Sun Guangxin, Dan Chen and Hai Rongwei controlled the fleet to sail to the island quickly. Without the resistance of the sea beasts, the fleet soon approached the island.

Even the scenes on the island are clearly seen, but as the island gets closer and closer, the sky is filled with heavy fog.

In the fog, there were even no five fingers reaching out, neither of them could see each other around them, and they couldn't even hear each other's voice in the end.

Similarly, as the island gets closer and closer, a personal image disappears out of thin air. If anyone counts, it will be found that all people who disappear are under 30 years old. No matter what their strength, as long as they are under 30 years old, they all disappear. not see.

And over 30 years old, they still can't see or hear anything in the fog. Of course, there is no problem with safety.

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