Bright Era

Chapter 1759: Dominate the meeting (1)

After busying for a few days in Longshan City and eliminating some of the effects of the Fallen Temple attack, Lin Qi handed in an official document to the church-Lord Thames suddenly disappeared during the Fallen Temple attack the other day. Will verify his whereabouts, let him return to Longshan City to preside over the important work of the church army.

After submitting this document that was destined to cause a huge shock to the church, Lin Qi patted his **** and went to the Dragon Abyss.

In the territory of the flame dragon, a boiling magma lake was tumbling violently in the crater of the Taikoo volcano where the two-star dragon once slept Chi Yan. This magma was burned to blue-white, and it emits high temperature enough to dissolve steel in an instant. According to the strength of the strength and the toughness of the flesh, the young Toshihiko from various ancient tribes were cleansed. He was tightly tied to the stake.

The closest to the magma lake is naturally the young people of the Xiahou family and the Lin family. Their physical bodies are tyrannical, and their physical strength is stronger than steel. So half of their bodies are immersed in high-temperature magma, letting the flowing magma continue to torment their bodies.

Lin Qi stayed in the ground world for several days. When he slowly handled everything and came to the Dragon Abyss, including demi-god pinnacle powerhouses such as Xia Houchu and Lin Crazy, they were all dying. The body below the waist has been burnt red, if not for their strength is really terribly strong, they have been burned.

The young people of all ethnic groups who were **** around the magma lake were also half-dead by the high temperature. The mages of the Fei Snake Yin family, the weakest in physical strength, had terrible cracks in their skin, one by one. Fainting.

When Lin Qi arrived, Chi Yan was ordering a group of giant dragons to roughly grab the heads of these ancient tribesmen and pour a dark juice into their mouths. The raw material of these juices is a kind of ‘ice and snow blackberry’ from the abyss of giants, which is born with extremely strong cold poison, and ordinary people’s internal organs will freeze and die if they eat one.

But here, the ice and snow blackberry juice just helps these ancient Toshihikos who have been banned with all their powers to resist the high temperature attack from the outside. But don't think that this is Chi Yan's kindness, this guy's doing so is really vicious to the extreme.

These young people of various ethnic groups were constantly attacked by high temperature and fire poison outside their bodies, but they were infused with blackberry juice containing extremely strong cold poison. Heat and cold toxins collide with each other in their internal organs and muscles and meridians, like a crystal that is constantly being burned by high temperature and then quickly immersed in ice water. The inside of their bodies is already covered with dark wounds.

Even with the pliable and tough meridians of the Ximen clan, countless cracks are already densely covered at this moment. You know how much damage Chi Yan's vicious methods have caused these Toshihiko of various races! Now that their power is sealed, there is no visible impact for the time being. One day their fighting spirit or magic power is restored, they will find that there are cracks and holes in their bodies everywhere, and their bodies are like a sieve. Keep any bit of strength.

In other words, unless they get a miracle-level heaven and earth spiritual thing to help them repair their bodies, they have been completely abandoned by Chi Yan's wicked methods. This also includes Yin and Yang, the supreme emperor-level figure in the Undead Continent, which has also been destroyed by Chi Yan.

Hearing Lin Qi's footsteps, he had just been filled with ice-snow blackberry juice. The internal organs were frozen into an ice lump, but the flesh and blood meridians were so hot that they looked like yin and yang that was about to ripen. He took a trembling breath and turned to look in the direction Lin Qi was.

"Lin Qi! You harmed the allies like this, and even your own elders, how did you get this hand?" Yin Yang began to speak with difficulty, and when he spoke, a lot of white chill was continuously sprayed from his mouth. Then he was swept up by the heat wave from outside, and the chill suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Lin Qi walked slowly to the front of Yin and Yang. He looked at Yin and Yang up and down, shook his head, and stopped paying attention to him. Instead, he walked in front of Lin Crazy, and slapped Lin Crazy, who was confused, sober. . Lin Crazy isn't awake. Just as Lin Qi slapped the face, Este chanted a spell, and a stream of ice water splashed down his head.

Ji Lingling shivered, Lin Crazy gasped a few loudly, and then yelled at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi slapped it up, Lin Crazy continued to yell, Lin Qi frowned, Chi Yan had already strode over, and the giant scimitar was heavily placed on Lin Crazy's neck. Lin Crazy closed his mouth immediately, but stared at Lin Qi angrily, with thin bloodshot eyes.

"Well, look, it's so good!" Lin Qi pursed his lips weirdly: "How good is this? Everyone talks peacefully, why bother to be so tense? Lin... I seem to remember that they called you. Lin crazy? But you still seem to be more sober, not that crazy person! Okay, what kind of house are you from?"

Looking at Lin Qi with cold eyes, Lin Crazy announced his identity in a dark voice.

"I am the blood of the Lin family of the tiger clan, and you are my cousin-nephew of the next three generations from a generational perspective! Lin Qi, you dare to act against me, you are rebellious and unfilial, you trap me here, You just violated the family..."

Lin Qi banged his elbow on Lin Crazy's stomach, and Lin Crazy howled, a mouthful of blood spurted far away, and could no longer speak a word. After Lin Qi gave Lin Crazy a hard blow, he walked to Xia Houchu who was also awakened by Este with ice water: "Now, we can say something practical. Don't learn from mine. The elders of the last three generations, everyone talked peacefully."

"Why do you bother me? And, it seems that you also include people from all families and races!" Lin Qi put his hands on his chest, looking at Xia Houchu, who had been rendered inhuman by the torture of the past few days,' Hehe' laughed: "Tell me your intentions and what the people behind you think, I can let you go."

Xia Houchu stared at Lin Qi fiercely, and suddenly there was a ‘gululu’ sound in his stomach.

Unlike the clansmen of other races, the clansmen of other races either practice fighting qi or practice magic, and they have a certain amount of energy in their bodies to maintain their physical consumption. And these people of the Xiahou family, they simply refine their bodies, they have to eat a lot of food rich in powerful flesh and blood to supplement their body needs.

Therefore, the members of Xiahou's family are still the family with the largest amount of monsters among the ancient tribes. Only the meat of Warcraft can satisfy their terrifying appetite, and only high-end and super-order Warcraft can allow them to live three meals a day like normal people.

But Xia Houchu has been detained here for several days, and his intestines are already thinning. So when he saw Lin Qi, although he didn't want to lose face in front of Lin Qi, his body had already made the most honest response.

Hearing Xia Houchu's stomach squirming sound, thinking of the characteristics of various ethnic groups that Lin Zhentian and others had told him, Lin Qi suddenly smiled like a devil. There was a flash of thunder on Dragon Cliff, and the thigh of a fire dragon was quickly processed by Dragon Cliff, and then a golden thunder light spurted from Lin Qi’s palm, and Lin Qi already had an extra dragon king fire dragon in his hand. Bloody thighs.

Chi Yan on the side clicked his mouth, sucked the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and kindly lit a bunch of magical bonfires for Lin Qi. Lin Qi smiled and hovered the fire dragon's thigh over the flames, and then a fire blasted into the bonfire. The temperature of the bonfire immediately soared dozens of times.

The flesh and blood of the fire dragon is extremely resistant to fire, but under the heating of Lin Qi's ultra-high temperature flame, the thigh of the fire dragon is still cooked quickly, and then exudes an attractive smell of flesh and blood. . Lin Qi hummed a little tune, and picked up the technique he used to treat the prey of warcraft in the Black Abyss God Prison, and brushed various sauces on this huge dragon leg.

Insanely strong scent came to your face. This dragon's thigh was deliberately modulated by Longya. The meat is extremely tender, and some scented glands that can stimulate the appetite of creatures are deliberately added. After Lin Qi's masterly processing, this taste really makes people crazy.

Xia Houchu and several of his fellow clan eyes widened, their eyes turned green and staring at this huge roasted dragon leg.

Although the Xiahou family stocked a large number of monsters, what they usually eat was ordinary high-level and super-level monsters, and some giant magic fish in the sea. As for the dragons, some of the Xiahou family of the earth travel dragons are well-bred, but they are pure dragons, and they are pure dragons of Primordial blood. They haven't seen them before, so don't talk about eating them.

For those who practice Xiahou's special body-building exercises, any food that contains powerful energy is a strong temptation from the soul to them. Xia Houchu's eyes were green, and his body was trembling violently. A lot of saliva was constantly secreted from his mouth. He stared at the dragon's thigh in embarrassment, and his internal organs all made the same sound-hungry! hungry! ! hungry! ! !

No matter the dragon's leg exuding a strong fragrance was suspended on the flame, Lin Qi put his hands in front of his chest and looked at Xia Houchu slowly.

"Let’s talk, tell me what do you want to do when you come to me? What do the people behind you want to do to me? Say it, and I will let you go! We are all allies, we don’t need to be arrogant. Is it?"

Lin Qi smiled very kindly and brightly.

Etreis appeared quietly beside Lin Qi like a night ghost. She stretched out her little hand and gently pulled Lin Qi's sleeve: "My lord, I can divide their souls and shred their memories. Find out what you want from it." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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