Bright Era

Chapter 1760: Dominate the meeting (2)

Etrice looked at Xia Houchu expressionlessly, with black flames shining in her ruthless eyes. Her long hair floated, like countless demon tentacles slowly flicking in the air. Xia Houchu's body trembled. He stared at Etras, and then stammered: "Our souls are all protected by an ancestor of the fox clan. You can't get anything useful from our souls. Information."

Lin Qi is silent, the ancestor of the fox family?

If it is a certain elder of the fox clan, then Etreis can still try it. Although Lin Qi does not want to hurt them, but if forced to be helpless, Etreis can still try to get what Lin Qi wants from their soul. answer. But if the ancestor-level characters of the fox tribe applied the secret technique of soul protection to their souls, then Etrex would not be able to get any information from their souls.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lin Qi threw the fragrant roasted dragon leg to the donkey standing aside.

The donkey opened his mouth happily, swallowed the dragon's legs in one bite, and then burped contentedly.

Lin Qi walked slowly in front of Yin and Yang and smiled gently at him: "Then, we can only discuss this issue now."

Yin and Yang laughed and burped coldly, then nodded to Lin Qi: "I think you should try torture. Severe torture, maybe it can make me speak?"

After moving his wrists, Lin Qi tilted his head and pondered the issue seriously, and then stuck his finger on the yin and yang shoulder blade. This finger hit the key point where the yin and yang meridians meet. With the fragile physique of the necromancer of yin and yang, how could it stand against Lin Qi's abnormal body. This finger stabbed down, and the yin and yang half of the body twitched, and the internal organs were even more painful.

"How do you feel?" Lin Qi smiled and looked at Yin and Yang: "Torture, I have several good torturers who have escaped from the church's Black Abyss God Prison, or are you more willing to try the methods from the **** Qin Empire court secret agents?"

The yin and yang were so painful that he convulsed again and again, and his whole body convulsed for a while, and the cold sweat on his forehead oozing out. He waited until the pain in his body gradually disappeared, and then he showed Lin Qi a very weird smile: "It's really painful! But this is also good, it gives me a way of being a living person. Feel. Hey, Necromancer, you know, my body doesn't look like a normal person anymore."

Mr. Mo walked over slowly, he looked at Yin and Yang, and then suggested to Lin Qi: "My lord, I can magnify his pain 10,000 times and make his touch sensitive 10,000 times. In this case, even if it is right. He breathed into his skin and he felt that someone had cut him."

He narrowed his eyes fiercely, and Mr. Mo smiled eagerly: "As a colleague, of course, we are indeed a colleague in pharmacy. As a colleague, I am very interested in asking you to use some of my expertise in pharmacy. A trivial achievement."

Yin and Yang stared at Mr. Mo, and then clicked his mouth: "If I were not conspired by you to confine me here, I can kill you with one finger. Come on? You deserve to say this to me too?"

Glancing at Lin Qi coldly, Yin Yang raised his chin in disdain: "Lin Qi, if you hadn't trapped us on that island with a conspiracy, it would limit most of my power and destroy my sacrifice to the undead. , You can never catch me!"

Lin Qi tilted his mouth. He looked at the young people of all races who were turning his head to look here. He pondered for a moment, and then broke the chain with the evil curse and magic power bound to Yin and Yang. He patted his eyebrows, and completely let go of the curse that had sealed all his magic power.

"So, how about a bet?" Lin Qi smiled brightly: "You and Mr. Mo have a fair duel. If you win, I will release all of you! If you lose, then you will take everything you know Tell me one fifty one ten?"

Yin Yang pursed his lips and laughed, he released powerful magical fluctuations, and then provocatively Mr. Xiang Mo raised his brows: "If he has the courage, I can teach him a lesson, what is the horror of death! "

Mr. Xiang Mo hooked his fingers, Yin and Yang turned his head and glanced at Lin Qi disdainfully: "This is the biggest mistake you have made, Lin Qi! You just wait to release them, you think, your subordinate, Will it be my opponent? You are defeated. Your decision is so stupid that I don't even bother to mock you!"

With a light cough, Lin Qi smiled nonchalantly: "Then, we can start!"

Pulling Etrace’s shoulders, Lin Qi stepped back slowly. While stepping back, he told Mr. Mo: “Don’t kill him, and don’t hurt him too badly. After all, it’s his family. I want to talk about it. Hey, if they weren't my family’s allies, I would have smashed them to feed the mice."

Mr. Mo ‘haha’ smiled, a magic wand gleaming with various colors but more than four feet long appeared in his hand.

This wand is simple in shape, but it is inlaid with hundreds of large and small amplifying magic gems. Each of these magic gems can be described as rare treasures, and each one can make the magician who knows the goods crazy. With this gorgeous magic wand, any apprentice can release the powerful magic of a holy archmage.

"Good thing!" Yin and Yang looked at Mr. Mo arrogantly: "But I must remind you that the strength of a magician can't just rely on a good staff! Introduce myself, I am the Death Skull of the Undead Continent "Yin and Yang, the lord of the realm, I am one of the vice-chairmen of the "Dead Sky Council", the highest authority in the Undead Continent.

Lin Qi raised his brows. He looked at Yin and Yang in surprise. This lifeless old guy actually has such a skill? It's just that, thinking about the Fei She Yin family's young and old are all outrageously strong necromancers, it seems that it is not difficult to launch such a spokesperson in the Undead Continent.

Mr. Mo gave a soft cough, and nodded to Yin and Yang: "I'm just an old servant next to Master Lin Qi, nothing more. Of course, I can say very bluntly. I may be the only one besides Master Lin Qi and Apart from another noble existence, the greatest pharmacist in the world. Compared to my achievements in pharmacy, the other powers I possess are not worth mentioning!"

Yin and Yang sneered a few times, and expressed disdain and contempt for Mr. Mo's words: "I have to tell you that humility is the greatest virtue of a person. You barbarians in the western continent, your greatest weakness lies in your Don’t know how to be humble! You are arrogant, you are hypocritical and ignorant, you think how much you are..."

The Yin Yang who was talking about teaching Mr. Mo suddenly closed his mouth, he looked at Mr. Mo in shock, and then his body slowly softened to the ground.

Mr. Mo calmly put away his wand, and then owed Lin Qi slightly: "As you wish, I have defeated this arrogant, hypocritical, and self-confident Necromancer."

Yin and Yang fell to the ground in embarrassment, screaming hoarsely: "Despicable and shameless fellow, what did you use to trick me?"

Mr. Mo looked at Yin and Yang coldly, venting his ridicule and despise to Yin and Yang word by word: "The great undead lord, the vice-president of the Council of the Dead Sky, you may have forgotten that there is one in undead magic. The wonderful branch is called Undead Poison Magic? I just used a trivial undead toxin I developed and invaded your body."

Yin Yang closed his mouth, he closed his mouth tightly, and the anger in his eyes could almost burn Mr. Mo into two holes.

The people of all ethnic groups who had great hopes for Yin and Yang and expected him to defeat Mr. Mo and rescue them from Lin Qi's clutches were disappointed, and they sighed in disbelief. Nearly a thousand people sighed at the same time, it was as if one heavy slap was hitting Yin and Yang's body, hitting his face red and purple.

As a weakened necromancer, his face reddened with anger, his heart rate is estimated to have reached more than ten times that of normal days, otherwise, how could there be such a wonderful effect?

Lin Qi smiled and walked in front of Yin and Yang and spoke slowly: "Then, according to our agreement just now, you should explain clearly what I want to know. As a great figure in the Undead Continent, in front of so many younger generations, you should Keep your promises!"

Yin and Yang were trembling with anger, he stared at Lin Qi firmly, as if he still couldn't believe that he was defeated by Mr. Mo so easily. He didn't even notice when Mr. Mo released the toxins and when these toxins invaded his body. In short, his body suddenly became weak, his magic power suddenly dissipated, and then he softened to the ground.

As an undead lord who has exquisite research on the magic of the undead system, he was defeated by the poisonous magic of the branch of the undead system. For Yin and Yang, it was destined to be a huge shame that he could not wash away in his life.

Looking at Lin Qi aggrieved, Yin Yang closed his eyes tightly.

"You refuse to keep your promise?" Lin Qi spread out his hands helplessly: "Then, your lover in the Temple of Dawn is called Ildamé Dawn? She is under house arrest in the Magic Tower of Sunset behind the Temple of Dawn. How many personal maids wait on her daily life?"

Yin Yang opened his eyes in amazement. He stared at Lin Qi, hoarsely, and asked with a grimace, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Qi said unhurriedly: "She gave birth to a child for you. Maybe you still keep the news? You and her child are called Alpha Chenxi, and he is now a division of the Knights of the Morning. Long, because he has a trace of divinity, he has been cultivated by the Temple of Dawn, but for hundreds of years, he has already possessed the strength of a high-level demigod." (To be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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