"Hahaha~ After searching for materials for so long, I’m finally going to make a fire?"

"I don't know if I can light a fire.……"

"I think it should be possible. After all, he has a day to explore, so there must be no problem."

"Come on, come on~ Place your bets~ Guess the time~ If you make a fire within half an hour, you will get 1 deduction. If you make a fire between half an hour and 1 hour, you will get 2 deductions. If you make a fire between 1 hour and 2 hours, you will get 3 deductions. If you make a fire over 2 hours, you will get 4 deductions!"

"44444! I'll bet on a bag of spicy strips!"

"4444! I'm betting on a box of fat house happy water!"


Just as the live broadcast room was bustling with activity,

Zhao Lu's rubbing stick suddenly began to smoke!

The smoke grew thicker and thicker, and more and more fine black powder came out of the friction between the stick and the wood.

Then, Zhao Lu picked up the fuse and began to blow evenly and forcefully at the fire.

As he continued to blow, the flames grew stronger and stronger, and finally caught fire completely!


"Holy shit! It’s not even 2 minutes yet! ?"

"I thought I was bronze, but I didn't expect it to be king! I'm impressed!"

"Come on, come on~ Who deducted 4 just now? Hurry up and give me a reward~"

Suddenly, planes and various small gifts flew around in the live broadcast room.


With a flurry of praise and comments in the live broadcast room, Zhao Lu calmly took the pot and came to the beach, filled a pot with sea water, put it on the fire and started making salt.

【Ding! You have mastered the salt making skill!】

【Salt Making (Level 1) (1/100): You now have a basic understanding of salt making! 】

Zhao Lu did not choose any skills this time because he felt that he did not need them for the time being.

In the early stages, it is better to save as many skill points as possible.

After putting the pot away, he picked up the hatchet and walked towards the grove not far away.

Following the path that other contestants had already opened, Zhao Lu quickly shuttled through the woods.

【Ding! You have mastered the Forest Walking skill!】

"Hmm? This skill is useful!"

In the woods, the most dangerous things are often small things, such as crabs, poisonous insects and snakes.

If you just walk blindly, you will be easily attacked.

So, Zhao Lu did not hesitate and directly added all the skill points, instantly maxing out the skill points.

【Forest Walk (Level 5) (--): Quiet as a virgin, fast as a mad rabbit! You can hide your breath and approach your prey quietly, or you can alert the enemy and avoid all dangers!】

"Not bad!"

Zhao Lu was delighted. As his skills were upgraded, his pace also quickened.

Not long after, he found what he was looking for - a tree that was tall enough!

Then, he maxed out his tree climbing skill and started climbing the tree.

【Tree Climbing (Level 3) (--): Even monkeys can't match your speed!】

"Hey~ It's really easy!"

For the first time, Zhao Lu felt that climbing a tree was so easy.

It only took 3 or 4 minutes to climb to the top of the tree.

"This is more than 20 meters, right?

If I didn't have this tree climbing skill, I would never dare to come here.……"


"Oh my god!

This is definitely not Daze! This is a monkey!"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly have some confidence in Brother Daze……"

"Is he climbing a tree to identify the direction?

I just heard it in another live broadcast room. From this point of view, Fa Dai Ge is not a rookie.~"


Zhao Lu didn't know what the viewers in the live broadcast room were thinking.

He had just maxed out his"exploration" skill and was observing the terrain nearby.

"The forest over there is slightly concave...

It seems there is a river over there...

We can go in that direction later." Zhao Lu wrote down the direction and turned around to continue exploring the surroundings.

"Hey? There's a small coconut grove over there?

And it's not far from me!?

There's a small pile of bamboos cut by someone over here?

It seems that the production team is quite humane~"

Not long after, he found a very good place.

""It's gone!"

Zhao Lu memorized the direction excitedly, looked around again, and quickly climbed down from the tree.

He cut some vines and ran towards the bamboo area.

"Fortunately, I have the strengthening potion, otherwise I would not be able to carry these bamboos."

When Zhao Lu returned to the fire with more than a dozen bamboos, the seawater in his pot had begun to boil and evaporated quickly.

The amount of water was also reduced by half.

Zhao Lu calculated the approximate time and began to chop bamboo with a hatchet.

He wanted to make a few bamboo cups.

【Ding! You have mastered the felling skill! 】

Consume skill points and instantly max out the skill.

The next moment, he felt a lot more relaxed.

After chopping these slightly thinner bamboos, he chopped some slightly thicker bamboos, and processed the thick bamboos to make bamboo cup lids.

Soon, he made 5 good bamboo cups.

Then he took two leftover"bamboo cups" to the beach, filled them with some sea water and added it to the pot.

After doing all this, he used a hatchet to chop the bamboo skin and prepared to weave a few large baskets.

【Ding! You have mastered the knitting skill!】

"Having a system is convenient.

And these low-level skills are really good, at least they cost less skill points~"

Zhao Lu was very satisfied, and then she started weaving bamboo baskets.


There are many coconuts in the coconut grove.

And there are no other challengers here.

"It seems that everyone else has gone to grab a suitable place to live?

No one came to grab the coconuts first……"

Zhao Lu came to the coconut grove carrying the large bamboo basket he had just made.

Looking at the piles of coconuts above his head, Zhao Lu did not hesitate. He put down the bamboo basket, untied his belt, supported himself with his feet, and climbed up quickly.

In just a dozen seconds, he came to the top of the coconut tree and began to chop coconuts with a hatchet.

Not long after, a pile of coconuts appeared under the tree.

Considering that the maximum number of coconuts he could take away was not much, there would not be many people who could climb coconut trees, and his time was limited, so he did not use the"dirty trick" of knocking down all the coconuts in the coconut grove.

Zhao Lu's mood became much better after splitting a coconut with a hatchet and drinking the sweet coconut juice.


Zhao Lu was drinking coconut juice while observing his surroundings.

Suddenly, his eyes focused and he saw something unusual!

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