Zhao Lu did not hesitate and directly added all his 621 skill points to the fire-making skill.

However, he found that he only needed 600 points to max out the skill.

The next moment, a lot of knowledge and skills about fire-making appeared in his mind.

【Drilling wood to make fire (Level 3) (--): When it comes to drilling wood to make fire, I, Suiren, would like to call you the best!】


Zhao Lu was too weak to complain. With the knowledge she had just acquired, she began to look for a fire starter and a suitable wooden board and stick.


Zhao Lu's live broadcast room was very lively at the moment.

Because of his"uniqueness", he attracted countless people's discussion.

"Daze brother is really amazing!

He didn't go to find water source, nor build shelter, but he actually made fire here by drilling wood!

I suddenly want to see him being bitten by insects, scared by wild animals, and drenched by rain at night.~"

"I admire you! You are the only one who is alone and not in a team!"

"Are we here to have a free seafood feast? This is terrible. I might as well go home and have a seafood buffet!

Chicken*400! My brother sponsored the buffet ticket!"

"Brother, you are wrong. In my opinion, he can't even light a fire. At most, he can eat a seafood sashimi and then go home with diarrhea!"

"Seafood buffet? Don't be ridiculous. At this time, he could only find a few small crabs at most. Don't even think about anything else!"

"But no matter what, I have a feeling he will be the first one to go home!"

"Agreed! I also think he will be the first one to be eliminated!"

"Zhao Lu can only last until the day after tomorrow at most!

If he lasts beyond the day after tomorrow, I will eat shit live!"



Mango TV is also broadcasting the status of the contestants of"Desert Island Survival" live at this moment

"Welcome to the first episode of Desert Island Survival!

I am Cao Bin.

Now, let me introduce the guests of this episode to you!"

After Cao Bin said this, the camera turned to the guest seats.

"Professor Li Wei is a famous Chinese expert on plants and animals, an associate professor at Huaqing University, and a talking encyclopedia!"

"The former military king, now a professor at the National University of Defense Technology, Colonel Liu Deli!"

"Mr. Xiao Lin, a wilderness survival expert, internet celebrity, and well-known big V, once survived alone in the wild for half a year!"

"Famous singer, Liu Yu!"

"Famous actress, Wei Ling!"

After Cao Bin finished introducing, he sat down opposite several guests. To their side was a large screen.

"Teacher Xiao Lin, you are a wilderness survival expert. Is there anything we should pay attention to when surviving in the wilderness?"

"The beginning is always the hardest part, and this saying is most vividly reflected in wilderness survival.

The hardest part of wilderness survival is getting started.

At the beginning, you must find a suitable water source, a suitable place to live, build a solid shelter, find food, and ensure that you don't get sick."

"So, Teacher Xiao Lin, is there any order of priority for these points?"

"Of course there is. The first thing to pay attention to is to find a water source, then find a suitable place to live near the water source and build a shelter.

This is the first step to survive in the wilderness.

Because it rains at any time here, if there is no shelter, it will be easy to get sick.

Once you get sick in the wilderness, it means the end of the game."

"Thank you Mr. Xiao Lin for your answer.

Now, let's take a look at the performance of the contestants!"

After the host Cao Bin said this, the camera switched to the big screen in the live broadcast room.

"Let's start with the top ten on the popularity list.

Since they are so popular, they must be people with something.

Maybe someone has already made some progress."

As soon as Cao Bin finished speaking, a man squatting on the ground and trying to make fire by drilling wood appeared on the big screen.

It was Zhao Lu, who had just started to explore the method of drilling wood to make fire.

"Uh... this player……"

Cao Bin was stunned, and felt his face burning. He was hit in the face right after blowing. This is too painful! ?

"This contestant seems to be Zhao Lu who was in a daze at the beginning!

He is now trying to make fire by drilling wood together.

What do you think of this... Teacher Xiao Lin?"

"This is really a waste of effort!

Not to mention whether he can successfully make a fire, just the problem that the fire can't take away anything is simply a waste of time!

At the beginning, time is very precious, and he actually wasted it here. It really is... too little experience!"

"So what will be the consequences of him wasting time here?"

"Finding water sources, suitable places to live and building shelters are time-consuming tasks. If he is still wasting time, he might not be able to build a shelter.

This means that he might have to sleep in the wilderness for several days.

Because all the contestants in this event logged in at one place. There are limited suitable places to live near this coast. If you can't occupy the territory in the first time, then there are only two ways.

One is to compete or fight with other contestants, and the other is to continue to go inside and find other places.

He is just one person, and the other participants are basically in a team, so it is difficult for him to grab a shelter.

Then he can only continue to go inside and find other places.

Although short-term camping is risky and has a high incidence of disease, it is still acceptable.

However, sleeping in the wilderness for a long time is really dangerous!"

"So, he might be the first contestant to be eliminated?"


"What do other teachers think?"

"Although I don't know much about surviving on a desert island, I feel that what Mr. Xiao Lin said is very right"

"I also think this will be the first one to be eliminated"


During the live broadcast, when several experts were discussing Zhao Lu,

Zhao Lu finally found all the materials and started to make fire by drilling wood.

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