There is only one class in the morning, and it is lunch time right after the class.

"Ye Chen, now that you have money, shouldn't you treat us to a meal?" Cao Yuanhao rubbed his hands and said slyly.

This remark immediately resonated with Wang Haoxuan and Chen Yu.

"That’s right, you still owe us a meal!"

"I remember it too!"

Ye Chen is naturally not a stingy person, and he is very willing to treat his friends to a meal.

"Okay, since you look so pitiful, your godfather will treat you to a meal today!"

"Tell me, where do you want to eat today? Don't be polite with me."

After hearing this, the three of them thought for a moment and finally came to a unanimous answer:"Let's go to Peacock Pavilion!"

Peacock Pavilion is a restaurant not far from the gate of Jiang University.

The average consumption level there is around 500 yuan.

They would never go there to consume before.

After all, they are all ordinary college students and don't have much money.

Now that Ye Chen has money, they will naturally not be too polite.

Ye Chen thought about it and was about to agree, but Qiana suddenly said:"Why don't we drive a little further and go to Yu Man Lou."

Yu Man Lou, one of the most famous ancient-style restaurants in Jiangcheng, has a consumption level several times or even dozens of times higher than that of Peacock Pavilion.

Almost one meal is equivalent to more than one month's salary for an ordinary worker.

Those who can consume there are basically wealthy upper-class people!

Cao Yuanhao knelt down directly and worshipped Qiana:"Sister Ye is generous! No, Sister Na! You will be my big sister in the future! Please accept my worship!"

"Hey! You are so disrespectful. You should call her stepmother!"

"Thank you, stepmother!"

Wang Haoxuan and Chen Yu also bowed to express their gratitude.

Kiana was also amused by these three guys and giggled:"You're welcome, everyone, get up, I also want to thank you for taking such good care of my Ye Chen."

"How come I feel like I've become a generation shorter for no reason?"Ye Chen was speechless.


Half an hour later, everyone drove to Yumanlou.

As mentioned before, Yumanlou is one of the most famous ancient-style restaurants in Jiangcheng.

The main style here is an ancient style. Not only is the decoration classical and elegant, but even the waitresses who serve the dishes are wearing luxurious Hanfu.

It gives people a feeling of really traveling back to ancient times and being there.

Ye Chen led everyone straight to the private room. Even the so-called private rooms are small open-air pavilions.

Sitting here, you can not only taste the food, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery around you!

"Damn, it’s worth it for me to have a meal here!"

Looking at the Hanfu lady walking by, Cao Yuanhao's eyes were wide open.

""Little Fatty, pay attention to your image, your saliva is almost flowing out." Wang Haoxuan teased. Cao

Yuanhao said disdainfully:"Go away, how can I drool just by looking at a few beauties?"

It's not like I haven't seen beauties before.

Although Kiana is Ye Chen's girlfriend, he can appreciate her beauty every day, and his resistance to the temptation of beauties has already improved by more than one level.

Ye Chen sent the menu to everyone:"You can order whatever you want to eat. As I said, don't be polite with me"

"You help me order, you know what I like to eat anyway."

Qiyana glanced at the menu and returned it to Ye Chen, then stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom first."

""Well, OK."

Ye Chen nodded and watched Kiana leave. After a while, they ordered their meals. Kiana finally finished using the toilet.

Just as she washed her hands and was about to return to the private room, an unexpected person appeared in front of her.

"Eh? Isn't this Miss Kiana? What a coincidence, I actually ran into you here!"

Kiana looked over and said,"Are you... Zhang Zilong?"

Isn't this the basketball club president Zhang Zilong who approached her before? He is still surrounded by a bunch of lackeys as usual.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Miss Kiana to still remember me!"

Seeing Kiana say her name, Zhang Zilong suddenly smiled.

But Kiana couldn't laugh.

Her intuition told her that nothing good would happen if she met this guy here.

She was going to ignore this guy, but Zhang Zilong stopped her.

"As the saying goes, meeting is destiny. I would like to invite Miss Kiana to have lunch with me. I wonder if Miss Kiana can do me the honor?"

If it were an ordinary girl, she would definitely be confused by his gentlemanly elegance and all the branded clothes.

But in Kiana's eyes, she just felt that this guy was so disgusting.

"No thanks, I have my own dinner party here, so I'll excuse myself."

Kiana turned and left without hesitation, leaving Zhang Zilong and his lackeys behind with an ugly look on his face.

"Brother Long, are we just going to give up like this?" One of the lackeys asked in a low voice.

"Give up! Let's go and see who she has a dinner with!"

Zhang Zilong was in a bad mood after being rejected twice.

In addition, he was a bad-tempered and irritable person, so he naturally couldn't give up.

Kiana naturally noticed the little tail following behind her, but she didn't care.

After all, this is a high-end restaurant, and those guys certainly wouldn't dare to do anything out of line.

Of course, if the other party really wanted to find fault, she would not show mercy.

After returning to the private room, Kiana came to sit next to Ye Chen, leaned in his arms, and gave him a look without leaving a trace.

Reminded by Kiana's eyes, Ye Chen quickly discovered Zhang Zilong and him walking towards this side. 's younger brother.

After seeing Ye Chen, Zhang Zilong was not surprised at all.

After all, the fact that they were in a relationship had long been spread in the school.

But he was still very unwilling.

He had good looks and money, but he couldn't understand why he couldn't compare to Ye Chen?

If Kiana liked Ye Chen more for personal reasons, he could still accept it.

But this guy ranked first on the school grass ranking list, and his score was higher than his!

So he was very jealous of Ye Chen.

The internal conflicts in the past were fine, but the girl he liked now was Ye Chen's girlfriend, which he could no longer tolerate.

"Ye Chen, this meal will probably cost you a lot of living expenses, right?"Zhang Zilong said sinisterly.

Ye Chen narrowed his eyes:"What do you want to say?"

"I'll give you fifty thousand, no, a hundred thousand! How about you leave Miss Kiana behind and take your friends away from this table?"

As soon as these words came out, Kiana and the others immediately showed strange looks.

Is this guy the villain in the novel?

He would use such a clumsy, childish and outdated method to snatch women!

Is this guy sure he lives in 2025?

Everyone couldn't help but wonder...

""Oh, you want me to leave Kiana for just 100,000? Are you dreaming?" Ye Chen sneered.

If this wasn't a restaurant, he would have kicked him away.

"I see. Is that too little? How about 500,000?"

"Get lost! You are insulting the relationship between me and Kiana! You have five seconds to get out of my sight, or I will make you unable to take care of yourself!"

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