Ten minutes later, several black cars stopped downstairs.

Xuan Yajing walked out of the car and came to the floor where Kiana and Ye Chen were with a group of family guards in suits.

When she saw the blond man nailed to the wall by the Spear of the Sky, she recognized his identity at a glance.

"That's right! It's him! James Joyde! The murderer who assassinated my mother!"

Xuan Yajing's eyes were red with anger, and she wanted to slap this guy to death.

Hearing someone calling his name, James Joyde, who had lost too much blood and fell into a coma, slowly opened his eyes.

When he saw Xuan Yajing in front of him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a cold smile appeared on his pale face.

"Who am I? It turns out I'm the eldest daughter of the Xuan family. I never thought that a cadre of the Blood Sacrifice Society like me would fall into the hands of the tiny Xuan family. Ahem.……"

Xuan Yajing grabbed James Joyde by the collar and said,"Tell me, who is behind this and instructed you to attack my Xuan family?"

"Since you know my name, it means you have some understanding of our blood sacrifice. In this case, why waste your time? Ahem... If you want to kill me, just do it. We will never disclose customer information."

After saying that, James Joyde closed his eyes again, and his already pale face became even paler.

He was about to die.

"If you don't say anything now, we have plenty of ways to make you speak!"

Xuan Yajing snorted coldly, then turned to Kiana and Ye Chen and said,"Can you hand him over to me?"

Kiana nodded,"Of course no problem."


She raised her hand and pointed, and the Spear of the Sky disappeared instantly.

James Joyd, who had lost his fixation, fell off the wall.

Xuan Yajing bowed deeply to the two of them and said,"Thank you again for your help. Our Xuan family will never forget this kindness."

Immediately, she asked her men to carry the man down.

"By the way, are these two your friends? Do you want someone to help you send them to the hospital?"

Qiana looked back at Mu Xiaoying and Yan Tingting lying unconscious on the sofa:"No, they are not injured and will wake up after a night's rest."

"Well, I have something else to do, so I'll go back first. Someone will come to deal with the bodies here soon, so you two don't need to worry."

After watching Xuan Yajing leave, Qiyana and Ye Chen carried Yan Tingting and Mu Xiaoying back to the car respectively.

Then they drove towards the rental house.

After returning home, they put Mu Xiaoying and Yan Tingting on the bed.

Looking at his cousin who was sleeping soundly, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he and Qiyana were here today, otherwise, he didn't dare to think about what would happen to his cousin!

His aunt and mother entrusted his cousin to his care. If anything happened to her, he would have no way to explain to his mother and aunt.

Damn Chen Lihui, when he thought of this guy, invisible anger surged in his heart again.

This guy died too cheaply

"Are you hungry?"Qiana patted Ye Chen's shoulder gently and asked.

All the barbecues bought by the cousin were still in the KTV box. They didn't eat anything at all, and their stomachs were still empty.

"Come to think of it, I am a little hungry."Ye Chen touched his belly which had already begun to protest.

"Please sit for a while. I will cook you a bowl of noodles."


Looking at the graceful figure busy in the kitchen, Ye Chen's emotions gradually calmed down.

After a while, Kiana came to Ye Chen with two bowls of steaming plain noodles.

Because Ye Chen had just experienced a killing, Kiana did not dare to cook meat for him.

But even if it was plain noodles, the taste was not bad at all, and Ye Chen was still very happy to eat it.

After eating and drinking, the two took a bath one after another.

"Where are we going to sleep tonight?"

The only big bed was occupied by my cousin and Yan Tingting, and there was no mat at home. For a moment, Ye Chen didn't know how they were going to rest.

"This is easy to do."

Kiana raised her hand and gently drew a line in front of her with her white index finger.

The space in front of her seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, and a crack appeared.

""Come with me." Kiana stepped into it. Seeing this, Ye Chen immediately followed.

After crossing the space crack, a fantastic space appeared in front of him.

The ruined buildings were floating in the air, there was an abyss that could not be seen under his feet, and a purple moon in the distance.

"Where is this place?" Ye Chen looked around curiously.

"This is a temporary space I created using the power of the Ruler of the Void. Let's sleep here tonight."

As soon as the words fell, a large bed fell from the sky and landed in front of the two of them.

"Sleeping in an imaginary space, I am probably the first person besides you to have this experience, right?"

"You are wrong. Actually, this is the first time I have done this."

Kiana took off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt and lay down directly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen no longer hesitated and jumped to hug Kiana.

"Go to sleep! I have to get up early for class tomorrow!"


The next morning, the gentle sunlight penetrated the clouds and fell on the face of the girl on the bed.

Mu Xiaoying woke up from her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. What came into view was an unfamiliar ceiling.

"This is...hiss! Why does my head hurt so much?"

As soon as Mu Xiaoying sat up, she felt an unbearable pain in her brain. It was as if someone was hitting her head with a hammer.

"You're awake! It's okay, it will be fine in a while, I was like this before."

Yan Tingting came over with a bowl of noodles, looked at Mu Xiaoying who was in pain, and quickly comforted her.

After a while, the pain really disappeared little by little.

Mu Xiaoying breathed a sigh of relief:"Where is this? Why are we here?"

"This is your cousin's house. We seem to have drunk too much and finally lost our memory."

"It was your cousin and his wife who brought us back here."

"Is that so?"

For some reason, Mu Xiaoying always felt like she had forgotten something.

Ahem, she thought about it carefully but couldn't figure out what she had forgotten.

"By the way, where are my cousin and his wife?"

"After breakfast, they went to class."

"Go wash up quickly. I left your breakfast here. You must eat it while it’s hot. Your cousin’s cooking is really good. It’s delicious!"

"Oh? Really? Then I want to try it!"

When Mu Xiaoying came out of the bathroom, she saw Yan Tingting holding a mobile phone with an angry expression on her face.

"What happened? Who offended our Tingting?"

Yan Tingting puffed her cheeks and said,"Who else could it be? Of course it was that bastard Chen Lihui. This guy doesn't even answer my calls now!"

"But forget it, I was planning to break up with him after I got back anyway, and now that he doesn’t answer my calls, we don’t have to bother with him, we’ll just go back by ourselves when the time comes!"

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